Yang Wenxuan and Yang Yong's faces were a little bitter.

Before this, Lin Feng was just talking about the mistakes of the officials, they were not very afraid, after all, this was a means on the table, as long as they handled it well enough, they were not afraid that Lin Feng would be able to grasp the handle.

And today, this head-to-head confrontation between Lin Feng and King Ning gave them a deep wake-up call.

If this kind of thing happens to you, wouldn't it be a loss of face, where to put this old face?

Take one thing with another.

Instead of letting King Ning reap the benefits of the fisherman, it is better to take a step back and open the sky.

The news spread quickly.

Not long after, the little emperor and Xia Siyao also knew the news.

"Okay, Xiao Linzi is doing well!" Although

the little emperor is a little young and does not have a pro-government, he has children's instinctive likes and dislikes.

Lin Feng was the closest person to him, and although King Ning was the emperor's uncle, the little emperor didn't have a good impression at all.

always with a domineering look, and often run to the queen mother's side.

It wasn't until Lin Feng served as the head of the inner court, the commander of the East Factory, and replaced the palace maids and eunuchs that this situation was changed.

Hearing that Lin Feng took Dongchang's fanzi and killed King Ning and returned, the little emperor laughed happily.

Xia Siyao on the side, raised his eyebrows and pondered.

Lin Feng feels more arrogant, in fact, she knows that this man's arrogance is only on the surface, on the contrary, his mind is very delicate, and he has his own reason for doing things to people.

Perhaps, in the eyes of many courtiers, Lin Feng relied on her favor to act so unscrupulously, Xia Siyao himself knew that between the two of them, Lin Feng had always been the leader.

, the queen mother, is just his superficial backing.

Thinking about it, my heart gradually settled down.

Early the next morning.

Lin Feng left the East Factory.

Settled in the celebrant eunuch, it is natural to completely control the celebrant in his hands, and Lin Feng can't allow this kind of thing to be ineffective.

At this time, Dongchang had already handed over the information of all the eunuchs to Lin Feng.

Kill what should be killed, catch what should be caught.

Except for a small part of the original team, Lin Feng replaced all the celebrants with his own people.

This was followed by a meeting between the inner court and the outer court.

The so-called meeting is actually the excerpts from all departments of the Beijing Division, as well as from various places, and after the approval of the cabinet, they all need to be approved by him, the eunuch who is the master of ceremonies.

If he approves it, the cabinet's approval can be effective, and if he doesn't approve it, these folds will be sent back.

Normally, such a meeting should be presided over by the empress dowager of the auxiliary government, but Xia Siyao did not show up and handed it over to him to deal with it with full authority.

In the main hall, Lin Feng sat there, sipping fragrant tea.

Yang Wenxuan, the first assistant of the cabinet, sat opposite him, and he was also leisurely.

"The old man also heard about yesterday's incident, and my father-in-law is really brave, but if something like this happens in the Jingshi, it will eventually affect the face of the imperial court, and it will inevitably be seen as a joke..."Yang Wenxuan put down the tea bowl and said with a smile.

Lin Feng smiled lightly.

This old fox, is this trying something?"

Lord Yang said wrongly. "

Thunder, rain and dew, all are Jun's grace, we become courtiers, and we should be Your Majesty and share worries for the Queen Mother.

"If someone disobeys the good and plots against the law, he should teach him a good lesson, and how can he ignore the traitor because of the influence."

"The court officials are clean and clear, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, this is the best face of the court." "

What does Lord Yang think?"

Lin Feng's faint smile shocked Yang Wenxuan's heart.

He had a plan in his heart, but he couldn't help but test Lin Feng's attitude, but he didn't expect to hear such words.

Moreover, Lin Feng's words clearly had the meaning of beating.

As for who to knock.

Yang Wenxuan knew it.

He was the first assistant of the cabinet and the head of a hundred officials, and he was beaten in front of a hairy boy, and Yang Wenxuan was secretly a little unhappy in his heart.

But thinking of Lin Feng's madness, the unhappiness was still forcefully pressed.

If you are not afraid of the hard, you are afraid of the horizontal.

Lin Feng is obviously this kind of person.

At this time, the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Labor all moved over a lot of twists and turns.

Then, the two Shangshu began to report the folds, Lin Feng just listened, and did not speak in a hurry, but also picked up the folds classified in front of him and resisted.

Seeing this action, the two Shangshu, as well as Yang Wenxuan and Yang Yong, were all stunned for a moment.

Lin Feng's origin, they are very clear, they entered the palace when they were very young, they never read at all, and later after being favored by the little emperor, they became the little emperor's companion, in fact, he was a little eunuch with no power and no power.

It wasn't until he was named the commander of the East Factory and controlled this part that made hundreds of officials smell that he really entered their field of vision.

Lin Feng's actions may be intimidating.

But the literati are high in their bones, and in this regard, they don't look down on Lin Feng.

Politics is different from anything else.

Lin Feng may have wonderful ideas for disaster relief, but political affairs cannot be solved by whimsy, and it is more necessary to understand the reality and fit the reality.

Perhaps, this guy is pretending to be deep and pretending.

Yang Wenxuan thought to himself.

But is that really the case?

These folds seem to be dense, but in fact they can't help him at all.

The key thing is that there are two major intelligence organizations behind him, Dongchang and Jinyiwei, and many things are well known, how can Yang Wenxuan's little tricks be hidden from him.

With just a brief glance, a few official appointments, and a few places where money was needed, Lin Feng could see the clues.

Lin Feng beckoned to the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Works, and the two of them were puzzled for a moment, but they still walked over.

The official Shangshu leaned over, looked in the direction that Lin Feng pointed, and saw the name of the person Lin Feng pointed to, and sighed in his heart.

Lin Feng ignored him and looked at the Ministry of Industry Shangshu again, and as Lin Feng's fingers moved, the Ministry of Industry Shangshu was also stunned.

They had already thought about these twists and turns, and if they didn't know them well, it would be impossible to see the problem.

"These can't be done, the two adults should go back and think about it!" Lin Feng didn't continue to say more, and said with a smile.

At this time, Yang Wenxuan also put down the tea bowl and looked at Lin Feng, always feeling incredible.

How could this be possible?

This meeting lasted more than an hour.

Lin Feng has always been kind and pleasant, but the faint smile that has been hanging on his face has made the two Shangshu frightened, for fear that Lin Feng will suddenly go crazy and a big hat will be buttoned up.

Fortunately, what they feared did not happen.

After approving some folds and sending back some folds, Lin Feng got up and prepared to leave.

As soon as he left the temple gate, a voice came from behind him.

"Grandpa Lin stays!" the

corners of Lin Feng's mouth curled slightly, revealing a smile.

That's what you want, otherwise, your efforts will be in vain.

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