"Why did the Jinyi guards come? And they brought so many people. The audience watching the excitement from a distance, hearing the rumbling sound of horses' hooves, first followed the sound and looked over, and some people couldn't help but have a doubt.

"Don't you even know this, this Lin Feng not only controls the East Factory, but Jinyiwei is also under his jurisdiction. Someone said from the side.

"In this way, Jin Yiwei also came to help Lin Feng, these people are crazy, offending King Ning like this, they can still have good fruits to eat. The man muttered.

Lin Feng was decisive in killing the court, which made the officials secretive.

But in the court, in this Jingshi, after all, the prestige accumulated by King Ning is heavier.

Just as everyone was speculating, the four of them, the Blue Dragon, the White Tiger, the Vermilion Bird, and Xuanwu turned over and dismounted, and hurriedly ran towards Lin Feng.

"It's too late for my subordinates, and I hope that the factory will forgive my sins. Qinglong knelt on one knee and bowed.

"It's okay, get up!" Lin Feng smiled.

King Ning was caught off guard, he didn't let people inform Jinyiwei, in such a short time, Qinglong rushed over with Jinyiwei, obviously getting up as soon as he got the news.

The arrival of Qinglong and the others was the last straw that overwhelmed King Ning.

He knows the strength of the four masters of Jinyiwei, if Qinglong and others join in again, I am afraid that all these generals he raised will have to be explained here.

By that time, the jokes didn't stop there.

"Go back!" King

Ning's face was solemn, he gritted his teeth, and said heavily, and then left angrily.

As for those generals, they glanced at Lin Feng's side vigilantly, supported each other, and left in embarrassment.

Seeing this, Qin Zhong and the others put away their long knives and retreated behind Lin Feng one after another.

A farce, and just like that, the dust settled.

The audience in the distance looked at King Ning who retreated in embarrassment, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

This is King Ning! The

real powerful prince has great power in his hands, but his son was beaten, and he came to the door, but instead of doing anything to Lin Feng, he finally retreated in disgrace.

Who would have believed it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

When I looked at the East Factory again, everyone's hearts were filled with deep awe.

Whoever you mess with in the future must not mess with this overseer of the East Factory.

And at this time.

Lin Feng had already returned to the East Factory with Qinglong and the others, and sat there.

"Gonggong, King Ning has suffered such a big loss and lost face, so he will definitely not give up. Qinglong said vigilantly.

"It's okay, I'd like to see how he's prepared. Lin Feng smiled noncommittally.

King Ning took the position of a celebrant eunuch and tried to pull the cabinet into the water, so that he could sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, how could Lin Feng do what he wanted.

I'm not afraid of him making a move, I'm afraid that he will peep secretly, which is what makes people unguardable.

"By the way, how is the hussar camp over there?"

When he left the Jingshi, Lin Feng asked Qinglong to check the hussar camp, and then he remembered it and asked.

"I was about to return to the factory officer!"

"After some investigation in the hussar battalion, in addition to Shi Hu, the commander of the hussar battalion, the two deputy commanders were also rampant and domineering, abusing their power for personal gain..."

"As for the generals and officers below, there are also many problems, deducting food and salary, and embezzlement and corruption, which has caused the officers and soldiers at the bottom to complain, but because of the great power of the upper ranks, they have to give in.

"Once an officer and soldier wanted to denounce it, but he was beaten to death by Shi Husheng, and no one dared to be presumptuous, so he could only endure it.

Lin Feng's brows furrowed when he heard this.

The hussar battalion is the elite battalion in the Beijing army, and I didn't expect it to be rotten to such an extent.

How can such an army defend the country.

However, on the other hand, he was secretly happy in his heart.

If you are not afraid of problems, you are afraid that there will be no problems.

If King Ning runs the hussar battalion in an orderly manner, and the soldiers are united and loyal, he wants to intervene, but he is afraid that there will be no chance, and the festering of corruption just gives him an opportunity.

"It is of great use to sort out the problems of the hussar battalion and the charges of those generals. "

Don't worry, the subordinates have already asked people to sort out and verify, and they can send it to the factory tomorrow to ensure that every sentence is true, in addition, the subordinates have also explained the two hussar battalion chiefs, if necessary, they can come forward to testify." "

Well done. Lin

Feng is very satisfied, such a subordinate is undoubtedly very worry-free.

The stimulus for King Ning today is too great.

He had to make preparations with both hands to weaken the military power in King Ning's hands, which was crucial.

After Qinglong and the others left, Lin Feng got up and walked towards the backyard, since he brought the two women back to Jingshi, it was not good to have been in Dongchang, Lin Feng considered buying a mansion and giving him a home in Jingshi.

As soon as she walked in, Qin Mengyao greeted her.

Seeing the little woman's worried face, a warm current flowed through Lin Feng's heart, stretched out his arms, and hugged Qin Mengyao in his arms.


At that moment, behind there, there was a cold snort.

"You.. What are you doing, let go. Hearing her sister's voice, Qin Mengyao's face suddenly turned red, and she quickly broke free from Lin Feng's arms.

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This is said to be bringing back a beautiful woman, but whether you can see it or not, the key is to affect yourself to eat the little woman in front of you.

Otherwise, such a beautiful moment should be taught and thanked.

However, he was not discouraged.

He looked forward to conquering all of these sisters, and then it would be the real blessing of Qi people.

Subsequently, when Lin Feng said his intention to buy a mansion and let the two daughters move over, Qin Mengyao's face was full of excitement and nodded again and again.

Qin Mengxue also nodded and agreed.

There are some cold fans in the East Factory, and the two sisters are here, although no one dares to be disrespectful, but they are really boring.

Just when Lin Feng was chatting with the two women, the conflict in front of the Dongchang Gate, like the wind, spread in the Jingshi.


Shoufu Prefecture.

Yang Wenxuan, the first assistant to the cabinet, and Yang Yong, the second assistant to the cabinet, sat in the lobby.

As soon as he got to the court, Yang Wenxuan asked Yang Yong to go to the mansion to chat, and Yang Yong also knew that because Lin Feng sat in the court and was in charge of the eunuch, he came over together.

After a while, the two still did not agree on a result.

If they collide with Lin Feng, they will fall for King Ning's tricks, but if they don't touch hard, with Lin Feng, the eunuch with the seal of the celebrant seal, they will no longer be able to do as much as they did before.

It seems that no matter how you choose, it is very uncomfortable.

At this moment, the housekeeper in the mansion walked in from outside and whispered a few words in Yang Wenxuan's ear.

Hearing this, Yang Wenxuan's face changed greatly.

"Lord Shoufu, what happened?" Yang Yong hurriedly asked after the housekeeper went out.

"King Ning and the generals of the Fuzhong family clashed with Lin Feng at the gate of the East Factory, and the two sides also had a big fight, the reason seems to be that Lin Feng beat up the gentleman of King Ning's Mansion. Yang Wenxuan digested the shocking news and said slowly.

As these words came out, both of them fell silent.

After a long time, the two looked at each other and nodded to each other, apparently, they already had an idea in their hearts.

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