Chapter 190

During the official tournament of the Great Demon Fight, Oruga and Laxus fought.

At that time, Oluga was given seconds by Laxus before he could use all his strength.

Oluga was naturally very unwilling in his heart.

And in today's finals, Oruga has only one goal, and that is Laxus.

Once the match began, Oruga asked Lufas to help him find Laxus.

Eventually, Lufas used his memory magic to help Oruga find Laxus.

"Fairy Tail's Thunderbolt Guy, I must defeat you today and prove that my Thunder is stronger than your Thunder!"

Oruga stared at Laxus with a look of war.

As he spoke, his fists clenched tightly, and pitch-black thunder and lightning flashed continuously, and there was a crackling sound in the air, and the sound of thunder and lightning exploding.

"Dark Thunder?"

Seeing the pitch-black thunder flashing on Oluga's fist, Laxus's expression moved slightly, and then the corners of his mouth hooked a curvature, and said to Oluga: "I remember, you are the guy I defeated before!"

Laxis's words undoubtedly hit Oruga's sore spot, and he immediately said angrily: "Last time it was my carelessness, this time it's different!"

"This time, I'll use all my power from the start, and I'll be enlightened, Fairy Tail's Thunderbolt Guy!"

After that, a powerful magic erupted from Oruga's body.

"Black Thunderball!"

I saw Oluga's arm wave suddenly, and a pitch-black thunderball swept towards Laxus.

At first, the thunderball was the size of a fist, but as it flew, it grew bigger and bigger.

By the time the Thunderball rushed in front of Laxus, it had become incomparably huge.

The thunderball slammed into Laxus with a crushing force.

If it's ordinary thunder and lightning, Laxus is naturally not afraid.

But Laxus, who had fought Oruga once, knew that the black lightning was the thunder of the gods.

At the moment when the pitch-black thunderball was about to hit Laxus, Laxus's body turned into a golden lightning bolt and flew towards the sky in an instant.

Boom –

As Laxus flew into the sky, the pitch-black ball of thunder exploded.

With a violent explosion, the violent pitch-black thunder and lightning spread out in all directions.

Suddenly, a radius of several hundred meters turned into an area of thunder and lightning.

"Hmph, I've been fooled!"

"Above the sky, your movements are restricted!"

"Eat me, Thor's runic particle cannon!"

Seeing Laxus's figure soar into the sky, the corners of Oruga's mouth curled.

He didn't hesitate, and his palms suddenly closed.

Immediately after, a huge pitch-black pillar slammed into the sky with an astonishing momentum.

"If you can't avoid it, you don't have to avoid it!"

Laxus in the sky, seeing the huge pillar of thunder and lightning sweeping over, Laxus's palm clenched tightly.

Sneering –

A large number of golden thunderbolts condensed together, and soon, a golden thunderbolt square halberd appeared on the palm of Laxus's hand.

"Thunder Dragon Fang Heavenly Halberd!"

Laxus didn't hesitate, his arm waved suddenly, and the thunderbolt Fang Tian Halberd was directly thrown by Laxus like a real Fang Tian Painting Halberd.

Seven years ago, when Laxus was fighting against Night Feather, he had used the Thunder Dragon Fang Heavenly Halberd.

Although at that time, Night Feather was very easy to pinch and explode the Thunder Dragon Fang Heavenly Halberd of Laxus.

However, this did not mean that the power of the Thunder Dragon Fang Heavenly Halberd was weak.

On the contrary, the Thunder Dragon Fang Heavenly Halberd of Laxus was very powerful.

Soon, the golden Thunder Dragon Fang Heavenly Halberd collided with the pitch-black pillar of thunder and lightning.

Cracking sound!

At this moment, golden thunder and lightning and pitch black thunder and lightning clashed with each other in the air, and there were bursts of piercing thunder and lightning explosions in the air.

Immediately afterward, the arcs formed by golden thunder and black thunder spread out in all directions in a spherical shape.

The lightning swept across the ground as if it had been ploughed by a very large nine-tooth nail.

The rocks on the ground turned to powder the moment they were touched by the thunder and lightning.

And on the ground, there are also criss-crossing ravines.

"It's really hilarious!"

Kildas looked at the furious thunder and lightning, he said listlessly, and then his eyes fell on Lufas not far away.

"You're a sword-biting tiger, and although I don't like fighting as much as Natsu, let's have a fight!"

Hearing Kildas's words, Lufas's heart jumped.

Lufas has nothing special to offer, except that he has a very good memory.

During the official match, Lufas clearly remembered that Kildas defeated the Dolla of the Holy Ten.

Lufas is a little confident in his own strength.

But he wasn't confident enough to fight Gura.

Kildas is a monster stronger than Gura.

Naturally, Lufas didn't want to fight Kildas.

"I'm just sending Oluga over, and we have no reason to fight!"

Lufas said as he looked at Kildas.


"Isn't it a game now? What other reason is needed for that?"


It makes so much sense that I can't argue with it.

Just as Lupas was about to say something, Kirdas continued, "Since you can't come, then I'll go!"

With that, Kildas walked leisurely towards Lufas.

Seeing Kildas getting closer, the pressure in Lufas's heart is also increasing.

"There's no way, it looks like we can only fight!"

"Memory, frozen sword of pitch black!"

Lufas fixed his hands on his head, and in the next second, a stream of cold ice mixed with pitch-black thunder and lightning swept towards Kildas.

However, the moment the ice and lightning approached Kildas, all the ice shattered into powder.

And the dark thunder and lightning also disappeared without a trace.

"Magic has been shattered?"

Seeing that Kildas didn't make a move, his attack was crushed, and the horror in Luphas's heart was even worse.

"Try to get stronger, young man!"

Kildas walked up to Lufas, and after saying a word in the tone of an elder, a knife fell on Lufas.

"Why, fairy tails, are all so strong?"

As he fell to the ground, Lufas thought to himself.

At the same time, Oluga on the other side also flew upside down in a violent explosion.

(The author came back from a certain city a few days ago, and he was a little unwell, and he is currently under observation!)_

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