Chapter 189

Although Gura, Stink and the others were extremely terrified by the terrifying magic emanating from Night Feather's body.

However, when the members of Fairy Tail noticed the magic of Night Feather, they were not surprised but overjoyed.

After all, three months ago, when Nightfeather and Elusa had just returned to Magnolia Town from the Kirtina Continent, the people of Fairy Tail had already experienced Nightfeather's terrifying magic.

"Is Night Feather over there?"

Elusa, who was fighting with Rogge and Stink, heard the live commentary, and while she was distancing herself from Rogge and Stink, her eyes were also looking towards the side where Night Feather was.

"Then I'll have to hurry up here!"

"Dress up!"

As she spoke, an incomparably powerful magic erupted from Elusa's body.

Immediately after, a dazzling light emanated from Elusa's body.

After the light dissipated, the armor of the Heavenly Wheel on Elusa's body had become the armor of the Heavenly One God.

"What's that, so handsome!"

Romeo on the field, looking at the screen wearing the armor of the Heavenly One God, Elusa shouted in amazement.

"Brand new armor, I've never seen it before!"

Makao said with a narrowing of his eyes.

While Macao and Romeo were talking, Lebi explained excitedly, "This is the armor of the Heavenly One God!"

"Wearing the armor of the Heavenly One God, it needs to consume a huge amount of mana, and according to the person who can pass on this armor, it is rare to see it in ten years!"

Hearing this, Macao, Romeo and the others were overjoyed.

"It's rare to see in ten years, and it's worthy of Elusa!"

"So, Sister Elusa, she's very strong now?"

"Of course, it is said that a person wearing the armor of the Heavenly One God can even cut through magic!"

As Rabi said, wearing the armor of the Heavenly One God requires a huge amount of mana.

In the original play, Elusa also used the second magic source before she could wear the armor of the Heavenly One God.

Of course, the current Elusa, after seven years of growth, does not need to use the second magic source at all.

While Rebi and Romeo and the others were talking, on the battlefield, Elusa, dressed in the armor of the Heavenly One God, had already launched an attack on Rogge and Stink.


Seeing Elusa rush up, Stink greeted Rogge.


Although Stink didn't say much, Rogge knew Stink's thoughts, and after he responded to Stink's words, the dark magic around him swept out overwhelmingly.

At the same time, Stink's body also bloomed with an incomparably dazzling white light.

"Merge Technique, Holy Shadow Dragon's Tooth Flash!

At the moment when Rogge and Stink stretched out their arms, the black shadows and white lights emitted by the two were intertwined.

Soon, the white light and black shadow condensed into a ball of white shadow light.

"Wow, it's a combination technique!

At this time, Yajima, who was at the venue of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Exercise, looked at the screen, and Rogge and Stink performed their combined skills, and he couldn't help but exclaim.

"What's wrong with the Merge Technique, Mr. Yajima?"

The live narrator on the side asked casually.

"The requirements for the release of the combined technique are very harsh, and the two people who release the magic must have a high tacit understanding!"

"Of course, the power of the combined technique has also increased exponentially, but I don't know if Elusa can stop it!"

As soon as Yajima's words fell, Stink and Rogge, who were on the field, had already launched the white shadow ball at Elusa who rushed up.

Buzz –

I saw a black and white magic shockwave sweeping out with an astonishing momentum.

However, in the face of this devastating magical shockwave, Elusa's form did not pause.

Just as the magical shockwave was about to hit Elusa, the sword halberd in Elusa's hand slashed out.

"Tianyi God, Xingcai!"

I saw Elusa's figure turn into a ray of light and shadow, instantly breaking through the black and white magic beam.

Immediately afterward, Elusa's figure appeared behind Rogge and Stink.

The figures of Rogge and Stink flew upside down into the sky with a spinning momentum.

"Killed our combined magic!"

"It's so strong, is this the strength of the fairy queen?"

The figures of Stink and Rogge fell to the ground, looking at Elusa who was still maintaining the posture of the knife, and both of them said with a shocked face.

As soon as the words fell, Rogge and Stink landed on the ground.

"Down, Stink and Rogge down!"

"Fairy Tail gets another 6 points!"

Seeing Rogge and Stink fall to the ground, the live narrator shouted in an impassioned tone.

As soon as the voice of the live commentary fell, the entire arena boiled again.

The audience was cheering!

"That's amazing!"

"Even facing Stink and Rogge at the same time, and still being able to win, the queen of the fairies is worthy of her name!"

And the members of Fairy Tail, such as Macao and Romeo, were also extremely excited.

"It's scored again, five generations!"

Mebis shook a pair of small feet and said to Makarov with a happy face.

"Isn't it already the championship already, even if you score again, it's useless!"

Makarov said.

"Five generations, you have to enjoy the process of this competition!"

Mebis said with a curvature at the corner of his mouth.

Not long after Elusa defeated Stink and Rogge, Miraj over there, also in the form of a demon god, easily wiped out Jenny and Lian of the cyan Pegasi.

"All of them are very capable, Laxus, we haven't done anything yet, and the game is almost over!"

At this time, Kildas, who was walking around in the national capital, heard the prompt of the fairy tail score in the live commentary, and he said to Laxus beside him with a smile on his face.

"I don't care, I've already won the championship anyway!"

Laxus was surprisingly in line with Makarov's.

However, as soon as Laxus finished speaking, a familiar voice was heard in front of him.

"Found you, Fairy Tail's Raiden Guy!"

Hearing this, both Laxus and Kildas looked up.

I saw Oruga and Luphas, who were biting the tiger with a sword, walking towards this side.

"Laxus, it looks like you can't do it if you don't make a move!"

Looking at Oruga and Lufas, Kildas teased. _

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collection, recommendation, and points

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