Chapter 166

The third day of the Great Demon Fight.

Although it was the third day, the popularity of the competition was still undiminished.

As far as the eye can see, the huge venue is crowded with people and lively.

"Sa, it's time to start today's game!"

"Same as the previous two days, the first thing to start is the competitive match, and the topic of today's competitive match is the Demon Palace!"

"Before the rules of the contest are announced, each team is asked to choose a player to participate in this contest!"

As soon as the live commentary ended, the spectators in the surrounding stands instantly cheered.

And the participating teams are also talking about it.

"What is the content of the Demon Palace, I can't guess at all!"

Elusa looked at Nightfeather with a thoughtful expression.

Although Ye Yu knew the specific contents of the Demon Palace, he still said to Elusa: "I'll know it right away!"

"I'm here to participate in this game, don't fight with me!"

While Elusa and Nightfeather were talking, Natsu couldn't wait to stand up and speak.

"I didn't fight with you!"

Natsu had always wanted to participate in the first and second day of the tournament, but ended up not doing so for various reasons.

On the third day of the game, "810", Natsu wanted to participate, and Gray didn't fight for anything.

Night Feather glanced at the three daughters in front of him, Elusa, Miraj, and Wendy, and saw that the three of them had no intention of participating, so he immediately said to Natsu: "Then Natsu will participate in this competition!"

In Nightfeather's memory, this Demon Hall was Elusa's home turf.

In the original play, Elusa single-handedly killed all the monsters in the entire Demon Palace.

At that time, the audience was shocked, and the organizer also came up with a backup plan.

Of course, with Elusa's current strength, if she wants to fight the entire Demon Hall alone, it must be possible.

But there will also be some injuries.

Seeing that Night Feather and Gray had no objection, Natsu slammed his fist and palm together, and said excitedly: "It's finally my turn to play, let's do a good job!"

"That's a lot of energy, Nazgo!"

"Come on, Natsu!"

Wendy and Miraj said with a smile on their faces.

At this time, looking at Natsu's posture, Night Feather had already thought of the next situation.

This guy will definitely choose to monopolize all the monsters in the Demon Temple, just like Elusa.

At the same time that Natsu was selected on the night feather side, the other seven teams also sent their respective players to the field.


When Night Feather saw Kana on the field, his expression suddenly moved, and then his eyes fell on Mebis, who was sitting on the fence with a pair of small feet constantly shaking.

"I wonder if the first generation lent Kana the brilliance of the fairies!"

In the original show, Mebis lent Kana the brilliance of the fairy in order to score as much as possible for the fairy tail.

If Mebis also lends the elf's brilliance to Kana right now, and Kana successfully uses it, Nightfeather can collect the elf's brilliance attribute.

As early as when he was on Sirius Island, Night Feather wanted to collect the Fairy Brilliance and Fairy Ball attributes of the three super magic of Fairy Tail.

It's just a pity that Kana wasn't seen casting fairy brilliance magic at that time.

And when Mebis cast the Fairy Ball, Night Feather took Elusa, Miraj, and Wendy to another space in order not to be sealed, and also missed receiving the Fairy Ball attribute.

Now, if Kana wields the brilliance of a fairy, this is an opportunity for Nightfeather.

When Nightfeather looked at Mebis, Mebis seemed to notice, and she turned her head to look at Nightfeather, and smiled innocently at Nightfeather.

"Something is coming out!"

At this moment, Nightfeather's voice came from Wendy's ears.

Night Feather retracted her gaze and looked towards the top of the arena, only to see a huge tower appear out of thin air above the arena.

The tower was suspended in the sky, connected by a large number of iron chains on the outside, and it looked like a demon tower.

Since the first day, the organizer used to enchant a town.

Seeing this huge tower now, everyone's surprise is not so strong.

"What appears in front of everyone's eyes is the demon subjugation, and the pumpkin will host to explain to you the rules and content of this game!"

As soon as the voice of the live commentary fell, the pumpkin man on the stage raised the microphone and said, "I'm the host, pumpkin!"

"First of all, let's explain this Demon Palace!"

"In this Demon Palace, there are 100 monsters!"

"Let's take a look at these monsters!"

As soon as the pumpkin supporters said this, a series of virtual screens appeared around the tower.

And on the screen, monsters of different shapes appeared.

Some of those monsters resemble rhinoceros, some resemble giant bats, and some are as huge as dragons.

It looks like a tiger is vigorous and unusually terrifying.

"These monsters are created by magic and won't run out, don't worry!"

Seeing the frightened expressions on the faces of the spectators in the surrounding stands, the pumpkin man explained aloud, and then continued: "Monsters are divided into five levels: S, A.B, C, D!"

"The number of monsters in these five levels is as shown on the screen!"

At this moment, everyone saw that the screen displayed:






"And what about the strength of these monsters?"

Soon, the content on the screen switched to the inside of the Demon Palace.

I saw a steel monster that looked like a kangaroo and hit a wall headlong.

In an instant, the wall was shattered.

"As you can see, this is the strength of a D-class monster!"


As soon as the pumpkin host said this, Lucy and the others were all exclaimed.

"It's so strong, it's only a D-class?"

"Then wouldn't the monsters of other levels be stronger?"

The pumpkin host seemed to hear everyone's words, and he continued: "Every time a monster rises to a level, its strength will multiply, among which S-level monsters, even if they are ordinary Saint Ten, I'm afraid it will be difficult to defeat them!"

When the pumpkin host said the standard of the Holy Ten, Kana and other players on the field all showed frightened expressions.

"Really, Holy Ten, do you want us to fight monsters of this level?"

"It's too hard, isn't it?"

However, Natsu over there shouted excitedly: "The monsters of the Holy Ten, I am on fire, I will defeat them all!"


Hearing Natsu's words, a big sweat suddenly appeared on the back of the pumpkin supporter's head...

Originally, he said this to scare these players and make them choose carefully.

But Natsu's words directly sabotaged his plan.

And Gray on the high platform also had an expression on his face that I didn't recognize this thing.

"Really, did Natsu figure out what's going on?!"

As Gray spoke, the pumpkin host said again, "Let's explain the rules of the game!"

"Before entering the Demon Palace, you can choose how many monsters you want to challenge!"

"If you choose three, after entering the Demon Palace, three monsters will randomly appear in front of you!"

"Since the monsters appear randomly, it is possible that all three of them are D-class, or there may be one S-class and two A-rank, so everyone should choose carefully!"

"When the player enters the Demon Hall and defeats all the monsters that appear in front of him, then the player will get the corresponding number of points!"

"The next player enters the Demon Palace, and the monsters that appear in front of him are drawn from the remaining monsters!"

Hearing this, Kana looked at the cards in her hand and said, "It's a bit like a card game!"

"Yes, it's a card game, 100 monsters, corresponding to 100 cards, if the first player draws three, the second player draws from the remaining 97 cards, and so on until 0!"

The pumpkin host looked at Kana and said.

"What happens if you fall in the Demon Temple?" asked Miliana as she leaned in front of the pumpkin supporter.

"If you fall, the player will be eliminated directly, and the monsters you killed before will reappear in the monster vault, but the points obtained by the player will not be cleared to 0!"

After the pumpkin host explained, he then took out a jar: "Next, the contestants will draw lots to determine the order of entering the Demon Palace!"

"Wow, I'm Number One!"

When Miliana saw that the number in her hand was 1, she was overjoyed.

"No. 3, it's a pity!"

Natsu looked at No. 3 in his hand with a look of disappointment.

"So number one, how many monsters do you choose?"

Pumpkin asked, walking up to Miliana. 4.2


Miliana showed a thoughtful expression, and then said with a smile: "Then let's choose 50!"

“5...... 50, there are monsters comparable to the Holy Ten in this, are you sure you want to choose 50?"

Hearing Miliana's words, the pumpkin host asked a little stunned.

"As long as you avoid that S-class monster, besides, you just said that even if you fall, the score will not be cleared to 0, so before I fall, kill as many monsters as possible to score more!"

Well, it makes sense, I can't even refute it.

The pumpkin host was speechless.

And Kana and Hibiki and other players also seem to understand something.

"I see, just try to score as many points as you can before you fall!"

"Then I'll try to choose as many as I can later!"

Hearing the words of Kana and the others, black lines appeared on the pumpkin man's forehead: These guys don't follow the routine at all.

Originally, he said how strong those monsters were, so that everyone could choose the number of monsters carefully.

But Kana and the others wanted to do their best, completely ignoring how strong those monsters were.

(Daily dead skin begging for flowers, monthly passes and other kinds of support wow, thank you guys!)_

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collection, recommendation, and points

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