Chapter 165

After the battle between Laxus and Oruga, it was the final battle of the day.

The two sides in this final battle are, Toby of Snake Queen Scale vs. Black Snake of Raventail.

In the end, the crow's tail won and knotted ~ tied up today's game.

"Alright, that's the end of today's game, let's take a look at the points of the 8 teams so far!-"

As soon as the words of the live commentary fell, a huge virtual screen appeared on the huge arena.

1, Fairy Tail A, 38 points

2, Fairy Tail Team B, 38 points

3, the tail of the crow, 16 points

4. Mermaid's heel, 14

5, the tiger that bites the sword, 14

6, cyan Pegasus, 13 points

7, Snake Scales, 8 points

8, four hounds, 6 points

Looking at the points displayed on the screen, the entire venue instantly boiled.

"Fairy Tail has 38 points for both teams, so powerful!"

"This is already close to a full score, it is stronger than the previous Sword Biting Tiger!"

"22 points more than the third-place Raventail, this year's champion has to be Fairy Tail, right?"

"Not necessarily, there are still three days to come!"

While the audience was talking about it, the guilds where the 8 participating teams belonged also had their own plans.

"Aha, it's worthy of my guild, and we are the champion!"

Makarov looked at the points ranking and shouted excitedly.

"President, keep a low profile, there are still three days left in the competition!"

Hearing Makarov's flag-like remarks, Makao and the other members of Fairy Tail hurriedly persuaded him.

"I actually won a fifth place, and I guess I will be scolded by the president again when I go back!"

"It's the fourth, Sting..."

"It's a shame to be tied for fourth and fifth!"

Stink and Rector of the Sword Biting Tiger said helplessly.

"You guys actually got the penultimate one, all of them are for me!"

The Snake Princess's Scales' mother-in-law, her arms kept waving, and the figures of Yuka and Toby spun at high speed like spinning tops.

"Why was I also transferred, did I participate in the competition today?"

Yuka said with an innocent face.

"President, please calm down, we still have a chance!"

Shirley, Shirley and Shiria and the others kept reassuring.

Although the tail of the crow won the third place.

But Ivan, who was hiding under the mask, was unusually angry.

"Damn, the man who arranged for Laxus to fight the Sword Biting Tiger, damn the organizer..."

Ivan clenched his hands into fists and said with an unwilling expression.

Originally, Ivan's main purpose in participating in this Great Demon Fighting Exercise was to extract information about the stars from the mouth of Laxus.

If the organizers had arranged for either of Laxus and Raventail to fight, then Ivan's plan could be implemented.

But right now, the organizers have let Laxus compete with Oluga, the Sword Biting Tiger.

"There are three days left in the competition, can we only wait for the finals on the last day?"

Ivan looked at Laxus over there and said impatiently.


At that moment, Laxus seemed to sense that someone was staring at him, and he immediately looked up.

But the members of Raventail, such as Ivan and Black Snake, have disappeared.


When Laxus saw that there was no one, he didn't mind saying a word.

At this moment, Namakarov announced loudly to everyone: "Everyone has worked hard today, continue to celebrate today's victory in the evening!"


Hearing Makarov's words, everyone cheered excitedly.

At night, while everyone at Fairy Tail was cheering and celebrating, the atmosphere on the side of the Sword Biting Tiger was a little serious.

······ Asking for flowers...

I saw that in the wide hall, the members of the sword-biting tigers such as Stink, Rogge, and Lufas stood together in a semi-arc, and in front of everyone, a middle-aged man full of knotted muscles was eating grapes.

This middle-aged man is none other than Jermain, the current president of the Sword Biting Tiger.

Although Jermain did not speak at this moment, the terrifying aura emanating from his body made everyone dare not speak.

And Rector and Flossie, who were under Stink and Rogge, were even more frightened.

Suddenly, Germain threw a bunch of grapes in his hand to the ground.


......... 0

Although he had known that Jermain was angry, this sudden frenzy still startled everyone.

"Our Sword Biting Tiger has always been the strongest guild!"

"I didn't expect it to be this year, but it's the countdown!"

Germain's majestic voice resounded throughout the hall like thunder.

Those members with low strength were all sweating profusely, for fear that Jermain would jump out and slap himself to death.

"Luphas, Stink, Oruga..."

Hearing Germain call out his name, Lufas, Stink, and Oluga were all right.

"I give you a warning today, and I also warn everyone, no matter who loses the game in the future, he will remove his emblem and get out of the sword bite tiger, my guild will not take in the weak!"

"Mineba, from tomorrow onwards, you will compete in place of Oluga!"

As soon as Germaine said this, Mineba, who had two long braids, walked over with a smile on his face.


"Is the strongest lady going to participate in the competition?"

"Next, it's our turn to bite the tiger!"

The members of Fairy Tail looked at Mineba with a perk-hearted expression.

And Mineba said excitedly: "I hope that I can meet the fairy queen thousand in the next game!"

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