Chapter 130

Buzz –

At the moment when the water god dragon roared, a dazzling white light instantly swallowed everything around it.

Elusa, Miraj, and Wendy rushed out and were overwhelmed by the white light.

The water dragon's own massive body was overwhelmed by white light.

At this moment, the huge sea fell into a deathly silence.

But everyone knew that behind this silence was destruction.

Sure enough.

A brief silence was followed by a devastating explosion.

Boom –

At this moment, there was a terrifying loud noise in the air.

The violent waves of qi set off huge waves dozens of zhang high, spreading out in all directions.

Elusa and Wendy, who had already rushed out thousands of meters away, were directly swept out under the impact of this terrifying wave of aura.

This terrible explosion came and went as fast as it came.

After a few breaths, the dazzling light vanished, and the furious wave of qi dissipated.

The three Elusa who flew upside down in the sky stabilized their bodies and opened their eyes.


When the three of them saw the scene in front of them clearly, the pretty faces of the three of them suddenly changed greatly.

I saw that the original huge ice area had long since disappeared.

On the surface of the sea below the water god dragon, there is a huge whirlpool.

A large amount of water continued to converge towards the whirlpool.

"Finally killed?"

The Water God Dragon Emissary stood on top of a transparent column of water, looking at the night feather below that disappeared along with the ice area, and she said a word of course.

At the same time, Elusa over there was also nervously searching for Night Feather's traces.

"Where's Night Feather?"

Elusa scanned the sea below, and after finding no trace of Night Feather, her pretty face became more and more nervous.

"Look, Brother Night Feather is fine!"

At this moment, Wendy pointed to the sky above the head of the water god dragon and shouted with a happy face.

Hearing Wendy's words, Elusa and Miraj immediately looked over the head of the water god dragon.

Sure enough, I saw the half-dragon Night Feather jumping down towards the water god dragon below.

Seeing that Nightfeather was not injured, Elusa and Miraj were both relieved.

And when the messenger over there saw Ye Yu, his face changed greatly.

How is this possible?

This guy didn't even die?

How did he escape from the Water Dragon's move?

At this moment, many questions appeared in the mind of the water god dragon envoy.

But she couldn't be allowed to think, seeing Ye Yu jumping down towards the Water God Dragon, she immediately reminded the Water God Dragon loudly: "Lord Water God Dragon, be careful!"

Hearing the reminder of the envoy, the water god dragon who originally thought that Night Feather had been killed immediately raised his eyes.

When he saw the night feather rushing over, his big eyes were also full of surprise.

Night Feather didn't give the Water God Dragon time to think, he had already activated the [Fire God Destroying Magic] attribute.

I saw the pitch-black Divine Flame in Night Feather's left hand and the crimson Dragon Flame in his right hand.

The moment his palms came together, the Divine Flame and the Dragon Flame fused with each other, forming a huge black-red fireball.

"The Brilliant Flame of the Dragon God!"

Without any hesitation, Ye Yu directly bombarded the water god dragon under him.

Buzz –

The moment the black-red fireball hit the Water God Dragon, the fireball exploded instantly, and an incomparably violent red-black flame flooded most of the Water God Dragon's body in an instant.

Roar –

The water god dragon, who was scorched by the flame of the gods and the flames of the dragon, roared angrily, and then its huge body, mixed with the sound of violent wind, jumped into the sea with a bang.

At this moment, the water splashed on the sea and the waves rolled.

"Lord Water Dragon!"

The messenger noticed that the water god dragon seemed to have been injured by Ye Yu's move just now, and she cried out with a worried face.

Bang –

Not long after the envoy's words fell, the huge body of the water god dragon rushed out of the sea with a bang.

Driven by the body of the water god dragon, the sea water that originally flooded the entire city of Ellumina all converged into the sky, forming a sky ocean that covered the sky and the sun.

The submerged city of Ellumina reappeared in the air.

"I even used it to roll the entire ocean into the sky!"

"How much magic does this guy have?"

Elusa and Wendy watched as the entire sky was covered in seawater, and their faces were terrified.

"All human beings, all of them will die for me!"

The angry water god dragon roared, and in the next second, whirlpools formed in the huge ocean above the sky.

Immediately after, a large column of water fell from the whirlpool, and rushed towards Nightfeather, Elusa, Miraj, and Wendy below.

Nightfeather and Elusa dodged left and right, avoiding all the columns of water that fell from the sky.

But all those columns of water fell in the city of Ellumina below.

Boom Boom Boom –

At this moment, a large number of houses and buildings in the city were destroyed.

At the same time, the huge body of the Water God Dragon also pounced on Ye Yu's side.

Although the Water God Dragon was still hundreds of meters away from Night Feather, the huge wind pressure formed when his body moved gave Night Feather a huge sense of oppression.

Facing the attack of the water god dragon and the water column above the sky, Night Feather did not hesitate and immediately activated the ability of prediction.

After predicting the attack path of the Water God Dragon, Night Feather's figure, with the assistance of meteor magic, easily avoided the attack of the Water Column and the Water God Dragon.

The blow was unsuccessful, and the water god dragon did not intend to let Night Feather go, and he launched a series of attacks against Night Feather.

I saw the huge body of the water god dragon, constantly sprinting back and forth above the sky.

And Night Feather turned into streamers, avoiding all the attacks of the Water God Dragon.

"Iron Dragon Slayer Magic Attribute!"

"Poison Dragon Slayer Magic Attribute!"

"Dark Dragon Slayer Magic Attribute!"

Night Feather, who was constantly dodging the attacks of the Water God Dragon, suddenly had a horizontal in his heart, and continuously urged the three dragon slaying magic attributes of iron, poison, and darkness.

Buzz –

At this moment, the half-dragon Night Feather, the magic power of various colors rose up around his body.

"If this trick doesn't work, then we have to retreat today!"

Night Feather clenched his fists,

In the next second, the dragon-slaying magic power of the five attributes of fire, thunder, iron, poison, and darkness around his body all converged towards his fist.


Night Feather's figure seemed to move instantly, appearing above the head of the Water God Dragon, and then its body was like a comet, and it slammed directly towards the Water God Dragon.

After getting close to the Water God Dragon, Night Feather's fist, which gathered the magic power of the five dragon slaying spells, smashed down towards the Water God Dragon's head with a slam dunk momentum.

"Five Dragons Break the Evil and Show Righteousness!"

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