Chapter 129

Above the vast sea, there is a huge area of ice.

The icy area is like an Iceland.

And above that "Iceland", a frozen wave dozens of feet high and hundreds of meters wide stands on it, like an iceberg.

When he got closer to the "Iceland", he saw that the water god dragon had changed from a human posture to a dragon in an instant.

The dragon's whole body was azure blue, with a pair of dragon wings growing on its back, and its size was unusually large.

This water dragon is bigger than the black dragon Akuno Lokia that Elusa and Wendy and the others had seen on Sirius Island.

Although being big doesn't mean being strong.

But this huge body, for human beings, has an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

Looking at the water god dragon that suddenly turned into a dragon, Elusa's face changed drastically.

Originally, she was rushing towards the water god dragon.

But when she saw the water god dragon in front of her, she immediately stopped.

Roar –

The dragon wings behind the Water God Dragon shook suddenly, and suddenly roared in the sky.

With his roar, a deafening sound wave, mixed with a violent wave of qi, spread out in all directions.

Under the impact of this sonic wave and air wave, the entire ice surface shook, and Wendy, Elusa, and Miraj covered their ears in unison.

At the same time, the frozen waves beside the Water God Dragon were also shattered by the Water God Dragon's pair of dragon wings.

All of a sudden, a large amount of shattered ice, like a rockfall in the mountains, fell downward.


Wendy and Miraj saw a huge piece of ice falling towards Elusa, and their faces suddenly changed, and they immediately shouted loudly.

Although Wendy and Miraj had the intention to save Elusa, it was simply too late in time and space.

Just as the huge ice cube was about to hit Elusa, Nightfeather's figure appeared beside Elusa as if it were teleporting, and picked her up, and her figure exploded out.

Boom –

Just as Nightfeather was holding Elusa out of the ice, the icy gravel smashed into the place where Elusa had been.

Seeing Nightfeather rescue Elusa, Mirajah and Wendy both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Next, this dragon will be handed over to me, the dragon slayer wizard!"

Night Feather put down Elusa in her arms, and then looked at the water god dragon in front of her with a look of war.

"Then be careful!"

Elusa said a word to Nightfeather, and then stepped aside with Wendy and Miraj.


In the face of the Water God Dragon, Night Feather did not dare to slack off in the slightest, and directly urged the dragon attribute that he had previously collected from Erev Celeria.

Buzz –

With the urging of the dragon attribute, a violent crimson flame instantly rose above Ye Yu's body.

From time to time, golden thunder and lightning flickered in the flames.

Night Feather's right arm was also transformed into a dragon claw, and a dragon wing appeared on his back.

Although Night Feather cannot be completely dragonized, after being transformed into a half-dragon, it will also greatly increase the strength of Night Feather.

"What the hell is this?"

The water god dragon envoy over there saw Ye Yu change like this, and her face suddenly changed.

The water god dragon laughed out loud.

"Interesting, interesting..."

In the midst of laughter, the huge dragon claws of the Water God Dragon slapped directly at the night feather under him like Mount Tai pressing down.


Watching the dragon's claws enlarge sharply in his eyes, the half-dragon Night Feather's feet moved.

Bang –

I saw that the ice that had melted under his feet shattered in an instant.

And Ye Yu's body, under the effect of this powerful recoil force, burst out in an instant.

Boom –

Soon, the huge dragon claws of the Water God Dragon landed where Night Feather had been before.

At this moment, there was a terrifying loud noise in the air.

With this loud noise, the violent wave of qi, mixed with a large amount of ice debris, rushed out in all directions.

The Water God Dragon Envoy and Elusa and her party were all affected by this violent wave.

In the midst of this terrifying wave, Elusa and her party are like a flat boat in the sea, which may be lifted off at any time.

While resisting this wave of qi, the Water God Dragon Envoy also showed a smug look on his face.

"In front of Lord Water Shenlong, any human being will only be ravaged like a small bug!"

As soon as the words of the Water God Dragon Envoy fell, the half-dragon that swept into the sky turned into a night feather, and its body instantly turned into a flame streamer, and it rushed towards the Water God Dragon.

With the blessing of the three buffs of celestial magic + Wendy's additional magic + thunder dragon slaying magic, the half-dragon night feather is incredibly fast.

Before the Water God Dragon could react, Night Feather had already rushed to the sky above the Water God Dragon's head.

Without any hesitation, Night Feather's Dragon Fist, which was wrapped in crimson flames and golden thunder, slammed directly into the head of the Water God Dragon with a slam dunk momentum.

"Thunder Flame Dragon's Iron!"

The moment Night Feather's fist struck the water dragon's massive head, a loud bang suddenly sounded in the air.

The water god dragon who had been hit hard, his huge head, suddenly sank downward.

And the ice under his feet was also impacted by a huge force, and it shattered and collapsed in an instant.

"Lord Water Dragon!"

Seeing that this human had actually hit the water god dragon, the envoy over there was shocked and angry.

She was surprised that this human was still able to fight back against Lord Water Dragon.

She was furious that this human had hurt Lord Water Dragon.

When the envoy was furious, Night Feather was not in a good mood.

He didn't spare his hand for this blow, but the water god dragon didn't suffer any substantial damage.

Although Night Feather's blow did not hurt the Water God Dragon, the Water God Dragon felt that his majesty had been violated.

He roared in rage and frantically urged the terrifying magic in his body.

Roar –

With the roar of the water god dragon, the already broken ice surface was all shattered.

Immediately afterward, huge columns of water broke through the ice from the sea below.

"Human, it's over here!"

The water god dragon roared in a deep voice, and then opened its mouth.

Buzz –

I saw that several columns of water that broke through the ice converged towards the sky above the head of the water god dragon, and formed a spiral ball of water

"Not good!"

Elusa's face changed as she saw the water ball, which contained a huge amount of magical power, constantly expanding.

Without any hesitation, she immediately activated the magic.

"Dress up!"

In an instant, Elusa put on the armor of the Heavenly Wheel, and then took Wendy and Miraj and swept out directly into the sky.


As soon as the water god dragon spat out, the water ball, which contained terrifying magic, rushed towards the night feather like a shock wave.

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