Chapter 117: The dragon-slaying magic that can devour all magic

Natsu is a fire slayer who can devour fire, but fire magic has no effect on him.

Laxus is a Thunder Dragon Slayer Magus who can devour thunder, and thunder magic has no effect on him.


In the past, Ye Yu was thinking about whether he could collect all the attributes of the dragon slaying magic attribute, so that he could devour all the magic, and all the magic would be ineffective against him.

And so far, Night Feather has collected the four dragon slaying magic attributes of fire, iron, thunder, and poison.

As for Wendy's Sky Dragon Slayer magic attribute, as long as Night Feather wants to collect it, she can collect it at any time.

But after fighting Hades, Night Feather changed her mind.

Hades said: All magic comes from darkness.

In other words, whether it is a series of magic with a series of attributes such as fire, thunder, and iron, all of them are branches of dark magic.

Nightfeather thought that if he could find the Dark Dragon Slayer Magic, he would be able to devour all attributes of magic, as well as be immune to all types of magic.

When Akuno Lokia appeared, Night Feather suddenly realized that Akuno Lokia was a dragon slayer mage himself, and that he could devour all magic and be immune to all magic.

Although in the original play, Akuno Lokia mentions that his attribute is "none"

However, Nightfeather guesses that Akuno Lokia is actually a Dark Dragon Slayer Magus.

If Akuno Lokia is a Dark Dragon Slayer Magister, Nightfeather receives Akuno Lokia's dragon slaying magic, and he is immune to all magic attacks and devours all magic just like Akuno Lokia.

Of course, whether Night Feather's conjecture is correct or not needs to be experimented.

Even if Night Feather guessed wrong, it would not be a loss to be able to obtain Akuno Lokia's dragon slaying magic attribute.

"It's going to be a hassle, but it's not without chance!"

Night Feather looked at the huge Akuno Lokia in front of him and said with a serious expression.

"Natsu, borrow Igoniraru!"

Yes, Nightfeather wants to manifest the Fire Dragon King Igoniraru to fight against Akuno Lokia.

Of course, with Night Feather's current magic power, it is estimated that the Igoniru embodied is not even one-tenth of his strength.

But Nightfeather didn't expect his embodied Iguniru to be able to defeat Akuno Lokia.

All you have to do is induce Akuno Lokia to cast a dragon-slaying spell.

Without any hesitation, Night Feather immediately cast the [History of the Corpse] magic on Natsu over there.

As the historical magic of the corpse was activated, many memories appeared in Night Feather's mind.

These memories are all Natsu's memories.

Soon, Nightfeather was targeting his memories of Iguniru.

It's the same as Hades before.

Nightfeather has memories of Iguniru through Natsu, and has carved out everything about Iguniru in her mind.

After all of Igoniru's images were imagined by Night Feather, Night Feather directly activated Rastiros's [Arc of Manifestation] magic.

Buzz –

With the activation of the embodied arc magic, a behemoth appeared above Night Feather's head.

That's a dragon.

A dragon with a fiery red body.

And this dragon is none other than the Fire Dragon King Yi

"Another dragon?"

"What the hell is this?"

Looking at the dragon that appeared above Nightfeather's head, the faces of Elusa, Wendy and the others all changed.

Natsu, on the other hand, shouted loudly, "Iguniru, it's Iguniru!"

"Natsu, I'm sorry, it's not Iguniru, it's my magic!"

Night Feather said a word to Natsu, and then her figure flashed, as if teleporting, and came to Igoniru's back.

"Really, Night Feather can even create a dragon?"

"That's an exaggeration, isn't it?"

Hearing Ye Yu's words, Gray and the others were all stunned.

However, now Night Feather didn't have time to say anything to everyone, and after he came to the back of Iguniru, he directly manipulated Iguniru to fly towards the sky.

"Will you come along?"

Night Feather looked at Akuno Lokia and thought to herself.

If it's the real Igoniru, Akuno Lokia will definitely catch up as soon as possible.

But Night Feather knew that Akuno Lokia could tell 100% that this Iguniru was not the real Iguniru.

However, Nightfeather also underestimated Akunolokia's desire to slay the dragon.

Whether he is a real dragon or a embodied dragon, he wants to destroy it.

Even Night Feather, the dragon slayer wizard, he wanted to destroy.

"It's coming!"

After seeing that Akuno Lokia really followed, Night Feather's heart moved, but he was not happy.

After all, the other party is Akuno Lokia, and he can't be careless.

In this way, Akuno Lokia kept chasing after Nightfeather and embodied Igoniru, all the way in the direction away from Sirius Island.

Seeing this scene, Elusa and Miraj and others were all moved

Because in their opinion, Night Feather deliberately led Akuno Lokia away for them regardless of their own life and death.

"Night Feather, don't be fine!"

"Brother Night Feather!"


Night Feather naturally didn't know what everyone was thinking, and at this time he was running wildly on the embodied Iguniru.

Finally, Akuno Lokia, who was constantly chasing, lost his patience.

He opened his mouth wide and sucked it in.

Buzz –

In the next second, a pale cyan magic beam containing a destructive aura directly slammed into Night Feather and embodied Iguniru.

But fortunately, Igoniru flashed quickly, and the huge pale cyan magic beam grazed past Night Feather's side, and finally landed on the sea.

Buzz –

At this moment, an incomparably dazzling light bloomed above the sea.

At this moment, heaven and earth fell into a deathly silence.

But Nightfeather knew that behind this silence was destruction.

Sure enough, after a breath, a terrifying explosion resounded throughout the sky.

Boom –

The powerful flame spiraled and expanded.

Immediately afterwards, the violent air waves, set off huge waves several feet high, and spread out in all directions.

Elusa and Miraj and their group, who were located on Sirius Island, heard the terrifying explosion, and their hearts trembled.

"Night Feather..."

Soon, terrifying waves of qi and huge waves also swept towards the side of Sirius Island.

Fortunately, Filid's technique held back the storm and the waves.

(End of chapter!)

(Pure speculation about Akuno Lokia's dragon-slaying magic!)_

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