Chapter 116: Akuno Lokia

"What?S-class magician assessment cancelled?why?"

"Obviously, I almost became an S-class magician!"

"I'm the one who became an S-class magician!"


After Makarov announced the cancellation of the S-class mage exam, Natsu, Kana and other people who passed the first round of the exam exploded in an instant.

After all, there is only one step away from being promoted to S-level magician, and if it is canceled at this time, those who have passed the first round of exams are naturally unwilling.

"It's a pity, Brother Night Feather!"

Wendy, who came down from the magic airship with Night Feather, heard Natsu's shouting over there, she looked up at Night Feather beside her, and said in a comforting tone.

"It's a pity!"

Hearing Wendy's words, Night Feather smiled and touched Wendy's little head.

But thinking that Akuno Lokia was about to come over, the smile on Night Feather's face gradually disappeared again.

"What's wrong?"

Elusa noticed the change in the expression on Nightfeather's face, and she asked out loud.

Nightfeather looked at Elusa, hesitating to tell Elusa about Akuno Lokia.

In the original show, after Akuno Lokia attacked, the original president Mebis used the Fairy Ball to help everyone escape.

But also because of the Fairy Ball, Elusa and Miraj and the others were sealed for seven years.

It's not a big deal, though.

But Nightfeather can't guarantee that this time Mebis will also succeed in saving everyone from Akuno Lokia!

If it doesn't work out, then beep the dog!

Since Night Feather knew that Akuno Lokia would come, he naturally wouldn't do nothing.

After all, it's Akuno Lokia, the Dragon of the End!

Even if it's Fairy Tail, everyone joining forces is no match for Akuno Lokia.

Night Feather set his eyes on Makarov, who was wrapped in bandages all over his body, and immediately decided in his heart that he should inform Makarov.

After all, Makarov is the president, as long as he makes up a random reason, he can make everyone leave Sirius Island and leave this dangerous place without any burden.


Night Feather looked at Elusa and shook her head, and then walked towards Makarov over there!

"What's wrong with Brother Night Feather, he looks preoccupied!"

Looking at Nightfeather's back, Wendy asked.

"I don't know, I've never seen Ye Yu show such an expression!"

Elusa's eyebrows twitched slightly, and she responded to Wendy's words.

While Wendy and Elusa were talking, Night Feather walked to where Makarov was, "President, there's something I want to tell you!"

Makarov, who was laughing with Natsu and the others, after hearing Ye Yu's words, he first asked with a smile: What is the matter?

But after seeing the expression on Night Feather's face, Makarov understood something, he put away the smile on his face, and immediately followed Night Feather towards the inside of Sky Wolf Island.

"What's the matter, this is the mysterious appearance of the gods?"

"Could it be... Ye Yu wants to persuade the guild leader to continue the S-class mage assessment?"

Natsu and Harpy said.

Gajiru on the side looked puzzled.

Gajiru knows something about Nightfeather.

He knew Nightfeather's strength.

Even against an opponent like Azma, Night Feather is breezy and calm.

What made Gajiru wonder what was causing Nightfeather to show such an expression.

While Gajiru was wondering, Nightfeather and Makarov had already arrived in the forest not far from everyone.

"What the hell is going on?"

Makarov asked, standing with his hands in his hands, looking up at Night Feather.

Just as Night Feather was about to speak, an incomparably large magical reaction suddenly appeared in his mind.

In the Western Continent before, Night Feather had sensed Erin's magic.

If Irene's magic is a lake.

Then the magic that Night Feather sensed right now was as vast as the sea.

To be able to possess such a huge amount of magical power, Night Feather's first reaction was: Akuno Lokia.

"It's coming!"

Night Feather reflexively looked at the sky with a solemn face

In the original play, after Natsu and the others dissolved the demon heart, they stayed on Sirius Island for a long time before Akuno Lokia rushed over.

But right now, Akunolo came earlier than Nightfeather had imagined.


Hearing Night Feather's words, Makarov was puzzled for a moment, and then followed Night Feather's gaze towards the sky.

Soon, Makarov saw a huge dragon with a pitch-black body rushing towards this side from above the clouds, with a strong sense of oppression.


Although Makarov did not know Akunolokia, he felt an unprecedented danger from Akunolokia.

The moment he saw Akuno Lokia, Makarov's pupils shrank, and his old face changed drastically.

At the same time, Wendy, who was chatting with Elusa on the beach, suddenly noticed something, and she subconsciously looked up.

When she saw the huge black dragon in the sky, her little face was filled with horror: "What... What that's that?"

Soon, Gajiru and Natsu and the others also looked up.

As Akuno Lokia is getting closer and closer to Sirius Island.

Judging from the Sky Wolf Island, his figure is naturally getting bigger and bigger.

When Natsu and Gajiru looked up, they could clearly see the full picture of Akuno Lokia.


Gajiru looked at the black dragon in disbelief.

Gajiru hadn't seen a real dragon since July 7, x777.

Seeing the dragon again now, a strange feeling welled up in his heart.

Natsu was overjoyed to see the black dragon.

After all, he had been looking for Igoniru for many years, but there had been no clues.

Seeing a real dragon now, he didn't care whether the dragon was friend or foe, and went straight to meet it.

Maybe Gajiru and Natsu and the others hadn't seen this black dragon.

But Kildas has seen it.

"This feeling... That's right, it's that guy!"

When Kildas was on a Centennial Mission, he fought Akuno Lokia.

In just an instant, he was severely injured by Akuno Lokia.

Now that he saw Akuno Lokia again, the horrific memories in his mind seemed to be hooked, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Natsu, stop now!"

Seeing Natsu rushing towards Akuno Lokia, Kirdas didn't hesitate and immediately pounced on Natsu.

Akuno Lokia's massive body, like the top of Tarzan, crushed directly towards the place where Natsu was.

But fortunately, the moment Akuno Lokia landed, Kildas had already taken Natsu and burst back into the sky.

But even so, when Akuno Lokia landed, the terrifying aura generated still lifted Kildas and Natsu in the sky.

At the same time, Elfman, Fillid and other members of Fairy Tail on the island also flew out upside down under the impact of this terrifying aura.

"What, this is?"

After Abba Greene landed, she looked up at Akuno Lokia's massive body like a mountain, and said with a look of horror.

As Abba Greene spoke, Akuno Lokia hissed.

Perhaps for Akuno Lokia, he just yawned casually.

But this roar of his produced a terrifying wave of qi.

Abba Greene and the others, who were just about to stand up, were once again swept away by the wave of air.


Filid seemed intent on using a technique to trap Akuno Lokia, but his technique was like paper paste in front of Akuno Lokia.

"The technique has been destroyed?"

"What the hell is this..."

Filid said in shock and horror when he saw that his technique had been easily destroyed by Akuno Lokia.

Sneering –

At this moment, a golden thunderbolt fell from the sky.

In the next second, Fielder and Abba Greene saw a blonde man in a white cloak and headphones appear in front of them.


Looking at the person in front of them, Filid, Abba Greene and the others were immediately overjoyed.

Without any hesitation, Laxus took a sharp breath.

"Brontosaurus's roar!"

Buzz –

I saw a thick pillar of lightning lightning, which rushed towards Akuno Lokia with an astonishing momentum.

Boom –

In the next second, the pillar of lightning slammed into Akuno Lokia's massive body.

At this moment, a terrifying loud bang resounded throughout the entire Sirius Island.

But the roar of the Brontosaurus of Laxus, which was enough to destroy a mountain, was like tickling Akuno Lokia.

"How so?"

"Even the attack of Laxus..."

Filid and Abba Greene saw Akuno Lokia unscathed by the blow of Laxus, and the look of despair on their faces was even greater.

"Hurry up, everyone, this guy is not something that humans can contend with!"

At this time, Kildas stopped Natsu and shouted to the crowd.

It's just that Akuno Lokia didn't give everyone a chance to retreat at all.

Seeing this, Makarov, who came out of the forest, prepared to rush up and fight Akunolokia, in order to give everyone a chance to retreat.

However, before Makarov could make a move, Night Feather rushed in front of Akunolokia.

"Nightfeather, what do you want to do?"

Elusa shouted loudly as Nightfeather rushed towards Akuno Lokia.

"Elusa, I'll stop this guy, you hurry up and take everyone to the magic airship before and leave!"

Hearing Ye Yu's words, Elusa's heart trembled.

Although Elusa knew that Night Feather's strength was very strong.

But in Elusa's opinion, no matter how strong Night Feather is, it is impossible to compete with the black dragon in front of her.

Indeed, as Elusa thought.

Nightfeather is no match for Akuno Lokia.

If Akuno Lokia was in human form at this time, Night Feather would definitely not fight Akuno Lokia.

After all, the humanoid Akuno Lokia can even kill Serena, the first god of the Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar, in an instant.

However, at this time, Akuno Lokia is a dragon, and due to its large size, it will be slightly slower than the human form.

And this is to give Night Feather some chances.

Even if he can't beat it, Night Feather can hide in another dimension.

In addition, Nightfeather has always wanted to obtain Akuno Lokia's dragon-slaying magic.

If you can get Akuno Lokia's dragon-slaying magic, it's worth the risk.

(End of chapter!)

(3000 words big chapter, ask for all kinds of support!)_

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collection, recommendation, and points

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