Chapter 109

"Does the host receive the fire god destroyer magic attribute?"


Night Feather didn't hesitate and replied immediately.

With Night Feather's order, the Fire God Exterminator magic attribute on the battlefield over there, along with other attributes, all converged towards Night Feather's side.

While Night Feather was collecting attributes, Elusa, Miraj, and Wendy rushed out of Sirius Island.

"Night Feather!"


Seeing Ye Yu and Lishana and the others over there, Elusa and Miraj were all overjoyed.

Soon, however, they noticed Natsu and Zancro who were fighting fiercely over there.


"One of the Seven Dependents of Purgatory!"

Night Feather walked over and said a word to Elusa and the others, and then set her eyes on the magic airship on the seaside not far away.

"I'll leave it to Natsu here, and we'll settle the final ledger!"

Elusa, Miraj and the others heard Nightfeather's words, and they also set their eyes on the magic airship.

"Is the leader of the Demon Heart there?"

The sword in Elusa's hand suddenly tightened, and she said in a deep voice.

Then, Night Feather, Elusa, Miraj, Wendy and the others walked directly towards the magic airship.

Just as everyone was about to board the magic airship, a huge pressure suddenly came from the air.

Buzz –

At this moment, Ye Yu and Elusa felt as if a mountain was pressing behind them.

"Body... The body is so heavy!"

"What the hell is this?"

Elfman hunched over, trying to stand up straight.

At the moment when he exerted his strength, the ground under his feet was overwhelmed and directly dented.

"Who is the same gravity magic as Kagura?"

Elusa's sword propped up on the ground, trying to keep her body from falling, she said through gritted teeth.

Elfman and Elusa were all affected by this supernatural gravity.

Only Night Feather stood in place, as if nothing happened.

Nightfeather looked up at the magic airship in front of her.

Soon, under the gaze of Ye Yu, a man walked to the front of the magic airship, looked at everyone condescendingly and said, "Those guys from the Seven Dependents of Purgatory really don't let you come here!"

Maybe Elusa and Miraj didn't know this man.

But Nightfeather knows.

This person was none other than the Vice-President of the Demon Heart, Brunot.

"Brunot, it's finally there!"

Night Feather looked at Brunot, the corners of her mouth curled.


When Night Feather looked at Brunot, Brunot's gaze also fell on Night Feather.

"Anyone can still stand?!"

Although Brunot did not use all his strength, Elusa and the others bent their bodies to varying degrees because of this super gravity.

Only Night Feather stood still, as if he had not been affected by anything.

Brunot's gaze was fixed on Nightfeather, as if his majesty had been challenged.

The magic power in his body exploded instantly.

In the next second, the gravity on Ye Yu and Elusa and the others was several times heavier.

And the ground under Ye Yu and Elusa and others collapsed directly.

At the same time, Night Feather also activated the gravitational magic attribute that he had previously collected from Kagura.

Buzz –

At the moment when Night Feather urged the gravity magic attribute, a huge magic array appeared above everyone's heads.

With the appearance of this magic array, the gravity that suppressed everyone disappeared in an instant.

"Gravity is gone?!"

"Brother Night Feather, did you do something?"

Wendy noticed that the gravity on her body dissipated, and she stood up and looked at Night Feather and asked.

After all, Wendy also knew that Night Feather had learned Kagura's gravity magic.

"Magic Circle?"

Brunot, who was on top of the airship, saw that everyone was not affected by his gravity, his brows furrowed, and his eyes fell on the magic array above the sky.

At this time, Night Feather's figure slowly rose towards the sky.

When Night Feather's figure was at the same level as Brunot's, he stabilized his body and said to Brunot in front of him, "You are not the only one who can use gravity magic!"

"Hmph, it's quite arrogant!"

Brunot snorted coldly, and then waved his palm at Night Feather.

Buzz –

A horizontal force of gravity suppressed the air, forming an invisible shockwave that swept directly towards the place where Night Feather was.


However, when the shockwave hit Nightfeather, it bypassed Nightfeather and finally landed on a rock hundreds of meters behind Nightfeather.

Boom –

A loud bang was heard, and the rock split apart in an instant.

"Didn't hit?"

Looking at this incomprehensible scene in front of him, Brunot's face, which had always been unfathomable, also showed a rare touch of emotion.

Nightfeather ignored Brunot's thoughts, and he spread out his palms and unleashed gravity magic on the entire magical airship.

Buzz –

At this moment, this huge magic airship, under the suppression of super gravity, fell directly into the beach below.

"This guy..."

Brunot, who was standing at the bow of the boat, was naturally affected by this terrifying gravity, and his body was also slightly bent.

Soon, however, he used gravity magic to counteract Night Feather's gravity magic.

Magicians with the same attributes compete against each other in terms of magic power and experience.

Seeing Brunott cancel out his gravity, Nightfeather chuckled, and then burst out of magic power, exerting an even stronger gravity on the magic airship.

And Brunot is also working harder to counteract the gravity of Night Feathers.

This back and forth, the huge magic airship is shaking, and there is a posture that is about to collapse.


Wendy looked at the scene in front of her, her hands clenched into fists against her chin, her little face covered with nervousness.

"What the hell is this..."

Lisana asked, puzzled.

"Nightfeather and that person are both able to use gravity magic, and now the two of them are competing for magic!"

Elusa explained to Lisana with a smile on her face.

"Compared to magic power, it seems that Night Feather is even better, right?"

Lishana looked at the relaxed Night Feather, and then at the Brunot who was in a cold sweat on his forehead, and he said again.

"Ah, how great is the true magic of Night Feather, even I have never seen it!"

Elusa said.

Click, click, click

As Lisana and Elusa spoke, cracks appeared on the magic airship.

And the crack spread out in all directions like a spider's web.

Just as the airship was about to crack, a majestic and old voice came from inside the magic airship.

"That's it!"

Soon, an old man in a cloak stepped out of the magic airship.

At this moment, Brunot and Night Feather both put away their magic and looked at the comer.


Ye Yu looked at the old man, his expression moved slightly.

Brunot, on the other hand, said out loud: "Old man, why did you come out?"

"If I don't come out again, the ship will be dismantled by you!"

Hades said lightly, and then his eyes fell on Ye Yu's body again: "Makarov's little ghosts, they are all very powerful, no wonder the seven dependents of Purgatory under my command are not your opponents!"

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collection, recommendation, and points

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