Chapter 108

Above Sirius Island, a huge monster with wings was flying in the sky.

This monster bears some resemblance to the flying beasts of Adrath.

However, this is not an Adhras' flying beast, it was created by Nightfeather using the magic of the Arc of Manifestation.

At this moment, Night Feather, Lisanna, and Jubia were standing on the back of the flying beast.

If you walk in the Sky Wolf Island, you will feel that the Sky Wolf Island is very huge.

But riding on the body of this huge flying beast and crossing the entire Sirius Island is also a matter of minutes.

Soon, Night Feather, Lisanna, and Jubia came to the periphery of Sirius Island.

"It's Natsu..."

Lishana shouted as she pointed to Natsu below.

At the moment, Natsu is fighting with a man.

Maybe Lisanna and Jubia didn't know this person.

But Nightfeather knows.

This person is none other than Zancro, one of the Seven Dependents of Purgatory.

"Dragon's Roar!"

When Night Feather and his party landed downward, Natsu, who was fighting with Zancro over there, took a sharp breath and directly launched the [Fire Dragon's Roar].

Buzz –

I saw a cluster of crimson pillars of flame light, sweeping directly towards Zancro.

In the face of Natsu's [Fire Dragon Roar], Zancro not only did not have a trace of fear, but looked as if he had seen some delicious food, and his face was excited.

When the pillar of flame light approached Zencrow, Zangelo opened his mouth and devoured all the crimson flames.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Lisanna, as well as Xia Lulu and Harpy below, all looked incredulous.

"Ate Natsu's flames!"

"What the hell is this guy..."

After all, Lishana knew that Natsu was a dragon slayer of fire.

Normally, only Natsu eats someone else's fire attack.

But right now, someone has devoured Natsu's dragon flame.

"This guy is a god-destroying wizard!"

Hearing Lishana's words, Night Feather watched as Zancro's eyes lit up.

When Lisana and Jubia heard Ye Yu's words, the look of surprise on their faces was even greater.

"God Slayer Demon Guide, can you destroy gods?"

At this time, Zancro, who had eaten Natsu Flame over there, wiped the corners of his mouth and said with a satisfied face: "It's worthy of the Dragon's Flame, it's really delicious!"

"Although the blazing flames can kill the dragon, they can't kill the gods!"

"I'll show you the god-destroying magic of our demonic heart today!"

As he spoke, Zancro, like Natsu, took a sharp breath.

"The Flame God's Howl!"

Buzz –

An unusually large pillar of flame light, like a shockwave, swept directly towards Natsu below.

The moment this pillar of flame light burst out, the beautiful eyes of Jubia and Lisana instantly froze.

"Pitch black flames?"

Yes, the flames released by Zancro right now are pitch-black flames, and they look unusually oozing.

And that's the hallmark of god-destroying magic.

Boom –

When Jubia and Lisana were frightened, the pitch-black flames over there had already hit Natsu's body.

Although normal fire attacks have no effect on Natsu.

But this pitch-black god-destroying flame, Natsu can't devour.

When the pitch-black flames struck Natsu, Natsu's body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.


After Lisanna landed, she shouted worriedly.

"Don't come here!"

Natsu, who looked angry and unwilling, shouted heavily, and then said: "This guy is handed over to me, I will definitely defeat this guy!"

Seeing that Natsu was going to fight with Zancro, Night Feather also gave up the idea of helping Natsu.

At the same time, after hearing Natsu's impassioned words, Zancro laughed loudly, but the laughter was full of sarcasm: "Hahaha, do you want to kill the gods too?"

Natsu ignored Zancro's taunts, and he blasted straight at Zancro with a grim face.

"The fire dragon's..."

When Natsu rushed in front of Zencro, his fist, wrapped in crimson flames, blasted at Zangelo.

In the face of Natsu's punch, Zancro sneered, and then also urged the magic power.

In the next second, a pitch-black flame rose from his fist.

"Fist of the Fire God!"

Natsu and Zancro threw punches one after the other, and their fists slammed into each other.

At this moment, the ground under the feet of the two of them was also instantly shattered and dented.

A violent shockwave, mixed with the heat of the flames, spread out in all directions.

Harpy and Xia Lulu over there, under the impact of this heat wave, their figures retreated backwards.

Zancrow's fist and Natsu's fist didn't stalemate for long, and soon, Zancro manipulated the pitch-black flames again and launched an attack on Natsu.

"Arrow of the Fire God!"

I saw Zancro wave his hand, and the pitch-black flame pierced Natsu like a long arrow.

Natsu's reaction was not slow, and with a movement of his feet, his body swept out with flames entwined, avoiding the pitch-black arrow of flames.

"Flame Broadsword!"

Before Natsu could fall, Zancro on the ground used the pitch-black flames to condense into a huge scythe.

Armed with a flaming scythe, he rushed underneath Natsu.

Now wait for Natsu to fall, and then use the Scythe of Fire to slash Natsu.


Looking at the playful expression on Zancro's face, Harpy and Xia Lulu and their party were all solemn to the extreme.

Natsu in the sky, his brain was also spinning rapidly.

Soon, he thought of something.

Then he took a sharp breath.

"Dragon's Roar!"

"Is it still this trick? It doesn't work for me!"

Zancro, who was waiting below, grinned when he saw Natsu using the roar of the fire dragon.

But Natsu's roar of the fire dragon wasn't aimed at Zancro.

Instead, it bombarded the ground.

I saw the pillar of flame light crashing into the ground in front of Zancro.

Boom –

With a loud bang, a powerful wave of heat mixed with rock debris drowned out Zancro's figure.

Natsu, on the other hand, flew backwards again under the effect of the recoil force, and finally landed safely on the ground.

"Do you interfere with your opponent with the roar of the fire dragon?!"

Night Feather looked at this scene and raised her eyebrows.

At the same time, there was a system prompt sound in his head that he wanted to hear.

Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the magic attribute of the fire destroyer!_

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