"Hey, Leila, you should team up with us from now on." Kana put her hands on the table, slapped it hard, and said loudly to Leila who was still lowering her head.

"Yes, it's boring to do commissions alone. Aren't you very relaxed all day long?"Ultear also echoed beside him.

"No." Leila didn't even raise her head and continued to concentrate on writing in the notebook.

""Hmph, forget it, let's go." Kana said, pulling Ultia away angrily, ignoring Leila.

"Why, Leila?"Ultia gently pushed Kana's hand away, her eyes flickering with confusion, staring straight at Leila and asking

"I have too many things to do, and I am not interested in these ordinary commissions. Perhaps I can consider the S-level commissions in the future."Lila saw that Ultear was not giving up, so he had no choice but to explain.

He then closed the notebook, stood up, greeted the two, and turned back to his intelligence room. Kana looked at Leila's back with some anger.���Lutiya lowered her head in thought.

For now, she should deal with her own affairs first and not create any more complications. Recently, Leila has rarely accepted missions. After all, he is an intelligence chief and is not a vegetarian. Just providing intelligence is enough for him to live a comfortable life.

He does not need to pay rent, nor does he have the pressure of mortgage. He uses magic to travel when he goes out.

However, nothing has happened recently. It seems that those black magic cults have not started to act yet. It will take some time. There is no movement in the Paradise Tower now.

As for the thought body, there is also no news. He does not know the exact timeline, which puts Leila in a very passive situation. He does not know how many years he will have to wait. Leila squatted on the ground, ready to continue his experiment. He had further improved the teleportation array a few days ago and re-carved the magic array. Now he only needs the last step.

Leila's hand gently placed on the magic array, and a dazzling white light instantly illuminated the whole room. He only felt the magic power in his body flowing continuously into the magic crystal in the magic array.

This magic crystal is not ordinary. It is a high-end product that Leila bought from the black market. Moreover, Leila has carefully modified it so that it can store his magic power. Now this teleportation array is truly completed.

Leila stepped gently into the teleportation array and kept shuttling between the two places. Then he carefully recorded the data about the teleportation array in his notebook. The effect was quite good and it was enough for use at present.

After carefully comparing the data, he found that the effect of this magic crystal was five times better than ordinary ones. However, the transformation technology of magic crystal still needs to be improved, and its use also has a time limit.

Although it can be reused, the shelf life is not long and needs to be replaced frequently. Leila recorded these key issues one by one, then sorted out the things and walked out of the room.

At this time, Kana and Ultiya went out to execute the commission again. After all, because the two had just completed a commission, but that commission was a bit too simple, and the two had not yet gotten over the freshness.

Leila then enjoyed this leisure alone. He came to the bar, ordered a glass of juice, and savored this quiet time.

The Kingdom of Fiore has a rule that people can only drink after they are fifteen years old. Leila has not reached this age yet, not to mention that he is not a good drinker. I just don't know if he has a good talent for drinking in this body.

In his previous life, he was the only kid in the dormitory in college. He was always laughed at by his roommates, saying that he could only sit at the same table with a dog. If he hadn't been out and everyone had given him some face, he would have made a fool of himself.

In the days that followed, Leila no longer went out to take commissions, and he looked like he had nothing to do all day. Laxus couldn't stand it, mainly because he couldn't bear to see Leila so idle, so he joined forces with Cana and Ultear, and the three of them pestered Leila all day long.

Leila had to avoid them from time to time. Later, when he really couldn't avoid them, he would also take some commissions, and then run out to stay for a few more days before coming back.

Unfortunately, every time he came back, he would be pulled away by the three of them. Leila couldn't refuse, and when Cana and Ultear heard that he meant to refuse, they would use their special skills of acting like a spoiled child. Faced with such an attack, Leila had no ability to resist and could only accept it helplessly.

Seeing that this trick was very effective on Leila, Cana and Ultear originally wanted her to join their team, but Leila firmly refused.

Laxus held Leila's handle tightly. With just a glance, Leila could immediately understand what he meant and skillfully serve as a sparring partner.

In this way, Leila spent three years in fear in these hellish days.

One day in May X776, Leila finally ushered in a long-lost moment of relaxation. The three people happened to be out on commissions, so Leila chatted with other members in the guild and asked if there were any interesting gossips recently.

Makarov happened to come in from the door of the guild at this time. He saw Leila at a glance, then walked quickly to Leila and called Leila away without saying anything. Seeing his anxious look, it seemed that something was wrong.

"Old man, what happened?"Laila was dragged to the intelligence room by Makarov. He saw the old man's anxiety from Makarov's expression and asked directly.

"Leila, can you find Rob's location?" Makarov's voice was filled with anxiety.

"Grandpa Rob, let me see." Without any hesitation, Leila immediately cast a spell and began to search.

Leila had seen Grandpa Rob a few years ago, and at that time, Grandpa Rob still had magic power. Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long. For some reason, he suffered from magic exhaustion and now rarely comes to the guild. I heard that he is living in his hometown village, and I haven't seen him for a long time.

This time Makarov came to Leila, probably because he could no longer contact Grandpa Rob. Leila knew where Grandpa Rob was, and then cast the ancient book magic. Through the information of Grandpa Rob recorded during the previous contact, it clearly showed Grandpa Rob's current location.

"Paradise Tower?!"Lila's face became very solemn.

"Paradise Tower? Are you sure you didn't see it wrong, Leila? Makarov was shocked when he heard these four words, but then he calmed down.

"It can't be wrong." Leila showed Makarov the location she had searched and the surrounding images.

"It seems that the group of people built another one. Makarov said after seeing it clearly.

"The"Tower of Paradise" is a forbidden magic that can bring the dead back to life. It is forbidden to build by the Magic Council because it is against human ethics. The previous seven towers were destroyed by the suppression of the Council. Now this is the eighth tower. Those black magic cults have a backup plan.

"There is no time to lose, old man, let's talk while we walk!" Leila said to Makarov as she prepared to pack up and set off immediately.

"Good!"Makarov knew the dangers of the Paradise Tower. After hearing what Leila said, the two quickly prepared their things and set off.

"Wait, old man, do you have Grandpa Yajima's communication magic crystal?" Leila and Makarov rushed out of the guild gate in a hurry. Suddenly, Leila thought of something, turned around and said to Makarov

"Yes!" Makarov answered quickly.

"Take it with you, it might be useful." Leila said with a serious face and a firm tone.

Makarov returned to his room, picked up the communication magic crystal, put on the bag, and then rushed to the Magnolia train with Leila.

After buying the tickets, the two boarded the train to Hargeon, and the Paradise Tower was just southeast of Hargeon.

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