In April X773, Kana and Ultiya also decided to form a team to accept the mission. During this period, the two gradually became familiar with each other's magic and cooperated with each other to fight with Leila. Now they have a good understanding.

They couldn't hold back their excitement and couldn't wait to find Makarov. Makarov just looked at Leila, and after seeing Leila nod slightly, he agreed to their request. After thanking the old man, Kana and Ultiya hurried to the commission column and started to choose. Makarov was a little worried. He looked at Leila and motioned to follow them. Leila gladly accepted.

According to the address on the commission, the three took a carriage and set off for Jolie Village. Jolie Village is located to the west of Magnolia, not far away, and it only takes half a day to arrive by carriage.

Kana and Ultiya received the task of defeating a group of thieves named Devin's family. Leila did not provide any substantial help and was silent all the way.

Kana and Ultear were full of energy and began to discuss the plan actively in the carriage. They thought that the most urgent thing was to communicate with the client first and get the intelligence information of the thieves.

Leila lay in the carriage, listening to the discussion of the two, and gradually fell asleep. He even felt that his participation was a bit redundant. The thieves from this small village could bully ordinary caravans. For Kana and Ultear, it was a piece of cake.

He also specially looked up relevant information and found that this group of thieves had only learned some physical skills. Kana and Ultear were enough to give them a hard time.

"Leila, we're here, wake up." Ultia and Kana gently woke Leila up.

"Well, OK." Leila enjoyed the wake-up service of the two girls, rubbed her eyes, sat up and stretched, the smile on the corner of her mouth could not be suppressed, she slept so comfortably.

"Then let's go find the client."

The three of them walked into the village of Juri. The first thing that caught their eyes was a towering tower that looked simple and elegant. Leila introduced them to the five-story pagoda of Juri Village, which had a long history and was often visited by villagers for worship.

After passing through the five-story pagoda, the three of them arrived at the client's house. Kana and Ultiya knocked gently on the door, and an uncle answered and opened the door. He first saw the two little girls, and then Leila.

"Leila, you're here." Owen's voice was full of surprise.

"Hey, Uncle Owen, I knew it was you." Leila also smiled and stretched out her hand to greet Owen.

"Oh, is this another commission you accepted?"

"Almost. They mainly answer the calls. I am here to help."

"You, know each other?" Kana and Ultiya looked at each other, then turned back to look at Leila.

Leila quickly introduced:"Uncle Owen, I met him when I was doing a commission before. Uncle Owen is a fruit supplier. He has several fruit gardens at home. Sometimes Uncle Owen also delivers fruits to our guild."

"Hello Uncle Owen!"

"Well, hello!"

"Okay, that's enough of the small talk. Uncle Owen, please tell us the details of the commission."

""Okay, come in and sit down." Owen enthusiastically led Leila and the other two into the house, and then asked them to sit down on the sofa. He also took out some fruits and tea and put them on the table, indicating that they were welcome.

Leila and the others gladly accepted Owen's kindness, and then Owen told them about the Devins' family of thieves. The

Devins were lying in ambush somewhere on the trade road. When they saw a passing caravan, any goods would be looted, and Uncle Owen was not spared. Recently, everyone in the village has suffered a lot from it. The villagers hated them to the core, but they had no choice but to ask for help. He was very impressed with Leila, after all, he had known Leila before.

When Leila came to entrust him, Uncle Owen was still skeptical about why a child was sent to solve the commission, but later, he was impressed by Leila's strength, and gave Leila a large basket before leaving. Fruit.

This time, he did not hesitate to initiate a commission to Fairy Tail. When he saw Cana and Ultear, he did not despise them. It was also because of Leila that he had a very good impression of Fairy Tail.

After listening to Uncle Owen's story, Cana and Ultear discussed the plan, and then discussed it with Uncle Owen. Uncle Owen took a look at Leila and readily accepted the plan.

Then, Uncle Owen pulled out a carriage from the backyard with several baskets in the carriage. After everything was ready, Owen and Leila drove in front, while Kana and Ultear hid in one of the baskets. Because the two were petite, the basket was big enough to accommodate their bodies.

As soon as they walked onto the road, a dark shadow was peeking in the dark in the woods next to them. Leila glanced at it inadvertently, then quickly turned her head to look forward, and the one in the basket behind her Ultiya had already sensed his movements through the crystal ball.

The man saw a small carriage, and based on the principle of not letting go of any opportunity, he prepared to go back and call for help. The fish has been hooked, and all that is left is to wait.

Leila sat leisurely in the carriage, chatting with Uncle Owen about family matters, and Owen did not look worried at all, after all, he had seen Leila's strength.

Not long after, a group of thieves suddenly rushed out of the woods and blocked the way of the carriage. The horses were frightened and stopped with a neigh. Each of them held a sharp blade in his hand, staring at Owen and Leila with a sneer, with light in his eyes, staring at the prey in front of him.

Uncle Owen once said that this group of thieves was extremely cunning, and would never act easily before they were sure that it was not a caravan or cargo. Unfortunately, there has been no caravan traveling in the village for some time, so they held back. Unable to stop, finally appeared.

The thief leader Devin was about to speak, but Kana and Ultear jumped out of the basket. At the same time, Kana's cards shot at the thieves, and Ultear's crystal ball also rushed away.

Devin also had some experience. Although he was facing two little girls, after seeing the cards and crystal balls, he still shouted and asked the brothers behind him to disperse, and he also jumped away quickly.

Crystal balls kept flashing in the air, and more and more crystal balls appeared at the same time. Devin felt that he swung a few knives and hit the crystal balls, but unfortunately there were too many crystal balls, which kept hitting his body like raindrops. He was finally unable to resist and was shot down directly from the air.

After Devin shouted, the brothers were alert, but Kana had already placed cards around and surrounded the group of people tightly.

Then, she launched magic, and dazzling lights flashed, and the thieves instinctively covered their eyes. After that, thick fog rose up around them, surrounding them. Only the sound of falling to the ground was heard. As the smoke dissipated, only the thieves who were sleeping soundly were left.

After that, Owen and Leila came forward with ropes and tied them up one by one. This commission was unusually easy. After that, they only needed to hand them over to the nearby army.

After Owen thanked the three of them, he settled the reward. Owen also sent a few baskets of fruit to express his gratitude. After that, Owen returned to the village and told the villagers the good news.

Then each household began to get busy and continue to deal with their own affairs. After all, because of the thieves, many caravans in the village did not transport goods during this period, and some transactions were delayed or cancelled.

Kana and Ultiya also completed the commission excellently. When they returned to the guild, Makarov was relieved to see Kana and Ultiya return safely. He did not ask too much about the commission, but only cared about whether the two of them were injured in the commission.

Kana and Ultear shook their heads and told Makarov the details of the commission. The old man praised them.

Then he told Makarov about the fruits Owen sent. They sent too much and it was difficult to store them. They planned to use them in the guild. The fruits in the guild just needed to be replenished, so they simply put them in the guild's warehouse.

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