Magnolia's East Forest seems to be the forest where Natsu and Lisanna lived when they were young.

Leila and Auguste came here. Along the way, Leila saw many new monsters, including small bats flying in the air, blue turtles with cockscombs by the river, and monsters of unknown species with colorful prisms on their backs. As

Leila and Auguste went deeper, a big tree gradually appeared in front of them. It was indeed a wooden house. The house was built inside the tree. There was a window next to the door and they walked up the steps. Auguste and Leila stood at the door. After Auguste knocked on the door and waited for a while, no sound came from the house.

Leila lay on the window of the wooden house and looked into the house. The house was simple but very tidy. The cabinets were full of magic books and magic potions. There were some mixing tools on the table next to it, but there was no figure of Grandma Polyusica.

August tapped Leila's head with his magic wand,"Don't look at it, it's impolite. It looks like she's going on a long journey. Let's go and come back later."

After that, there was nothing to do, so August decided to let Leila practice in this forest. Only by continuous practice can she go further, not just to kill time because of boredom.

August sat down by the stream and asked Leila to find a magic beast to practice.

He took out the fishing rod, closed his eyes slightly, and a satisfied smile on his face.

The sun shone, the river flowed gently, the breeze blew, and the leaves made a pleasant rustling sound.

August held the fishing rod, waiting attentively for the fish to be hooked, sometimes looking up and looking far away, sometimes looking down to observe the ripples on the water.

The natural scenery around was harmonious and peaceful, as if time had slowed down because of it.

At this moment, August enjoyed the quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

As time passed, August looked at the three-meter-long strange fish on the shore, with a red body, gray mane on the gills, and yellow pectoral fins, pelvic fins, and tail fins.

"It's this big, enough for that kid to eat. Isn't it time to come back?"

"I'm back." Leila's voice sounded behind August, and it was a little strange that the voice was a little unclear.

"Hahaha." August looked at the bruised Leila in front of him and laughed very unkindly.

"What are you laughing at, old man? That Gorion's monster is just a stinky monkey. I'm going to beat it up next time." Leila was so angry that she said,"If I hadn't learned offensive magic, I would have beaten it up."

"Hahahaha." Augustus still laughed mercilessly.

"Stinky old man, is this the fish you caught? It's so big, this fish must be a good meal"

"Yes, we will make it into barbecue later."

"I've decided, I'm going to learn that magic!"

"Arc of Materialization? I chose a very interesting magic."

Ougast showed an interesting expression when he heard this magic, and then began to explain to Leila the origin of this lost magic. Of course, this magic also has certain limitations and side effects.

The Arc of Materialization can turn everything imagined into reality, but it requires a certain level of concentration. As for the side effects, one is that materialization will consume a lot of physical strength and magic power, and the stronger the ability, the greater the consumption. Second, it may cause a certain burden on the user's mental state. Therefore, August stipulated that Leila must meditate every night in the future to keep her mind calm.

However, these are not a problem for Leila. Leila's body has been trained for such a long time, and the magic power has been constantly nourishing in the body for such a long time. Leila can already accurately control the magic power. For some reason, Leila only feels that her mental state It was also very good.

After Leila mastered the Arc of Materialization, she then materialized a small salamander, and then a bunch of barbecue ingredients and a grill, and then materialized a super-fast high-browed chef and asked him to make grilled fish. This meal was so satisfying.

After finishing today's practice, Leila went to the only bathhouse in Magnolia, MAGNORIA, which not only eliminates fatigue but also restores magic power.

Leila took her toiletries and walked into the men's bath.

After taking a shower, she drank a bottle of mixed juice and milk, and felt that her condition had recovered.

For the next two days, Leila and Auguste came to the forest to practice every day, and to wait for news from Polyusica in the forest, but unfortunately she did not wait for her to come back.

At the beginning of the practice, Leila tried to materialize Auguste, but unfortunately she failed as soon as she imagined it.

"Is it a problem of magic? Grandpa is too powerful, I can't imagine it at all. Then start with the simple one and try this."

Ougast looked at Leila who was tinkering there. After explaining magic on the first day, he saw Leila's state and knew that this magic was very compatible with Leila. Leila and magic chose each other.

After a period of imagination, Leila successfully materialized a cat and a mouse. The two animals hugged each other after they materialized, looking around with a confused look on their faces.

"Oh? It really appeared, so interesting, so I can watch the show now."Lila couldn't help but exclaimed at the cat and mouse in front of her, and then touched them with her hands. When

Tom and Jerry saw this place, the cat and mouse hugged each other directly.

"Unfortunately, their fighting power is not high, and their magic power has not been consumed much. Perhaps we need to test their physical abilities." Leila waved her hand and the cat and mouse disappeared.

"Come on, Super Saiyan."After thinking about it in her mind, Sun Wukong appeared in front of her, but it was just a normal form. Leila tried to materialize the form of Wukong Saiyan, but she felt a little tired, because its fighting power could destroy a planet. Although Wukong was materialized, it was really embarrassing to say out his moves. Leila blushed and covered her face.���

"All right, Goku, let's go get revenge." Leila used the ancient document to transfer some common sense of this world to Goku's brain. As the progress bar above Goku's head showed that it was completed, Leila called Goku to get revenge on that Vulcan. He dared to hit Leila's handsome face.

"Oh! Okay."Lila followed Wukong and walked into the depths of the forest.

August watched the whole process. He couldn't see through any of the creatures that Leila summoned. First there were two strange cats and mice, and then there was a human who looked like an ordinary person. There was no magic flowing in his body, but there was an energy gas that August couldn't understand constantly moving around.

"Stinky mountain monkey, I'm here to find you. I'm going to make you wear a white toilet on your head and then kick you to the Hakobe Mountain to keep company with the snow monkeys there!" Leila came to the place where she met Gurion before and shouted madly.

"You pissed me off!" Grian fell from the sky, Wukong blocked it with his backhand, and then punched Grian away.

"That's really exaggerated. Well done, Goku."

"Hahaha, luckily, this monster's combat power is too low." Wukong touched his head and laughed, and his words hurt someone unconsciously.

"By the way, Wukong, can you teach me how to exercise and cultivate my Qi?"Lila lowered her head and felt her heart being stabbed. A scumbag arrow with a combat power of only 5 pierced her back. Lyra raised her head and tried to calmly ask Sun Wukong this crucial question.

"No, even if I teach you how to learn Qi, you will be restricted by this world. This is the world's rejection of the Qi system. I can use it myself because it is different from your body. You have adapted to the flow of magic in your body and cannot tolerate the existence of Qi. But I can still help you with your physical training."Wukong was very much like a martial arts master at this time. After a brief understanding, he accurately pointed out the current situation.

"So what are the methods for physical practice?"

"I can teach you some of the martial arts that Master Kame taught me. As for practice, just move well, study well, play well, eat well, rest well, and live happily every day. This is practice."

"Okay, I'll remember that. Thank you for helping me. See you later." Leila felt that the magic power required to summon Wukong seemed to be very high, and he was no longer able to support Wukong's existence.

"Ghana, I will guide you to practice well next time." Wukong's figure gradually disappeared, but his words still echoed in the air.

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