Magnolia is located in the eastern part of the Kingdom of Fiore, with a population of 60,000. Passing through the church, the Cathedral of Cardea, which stands in the city center, you can see the city's only wizard guild, Fairy Tail.

Auguste and Leila strolled through the streets of the town. Magnolia is worthy of being the city where Fairy Tail is located. Its prosperity is amazing. The magic shops that can be seen everywhere on the roadside are much larger than those in the towns they have visited before. The goods also keep up with the trend of Magic Weekly, and they have everything you can think of.

Walking into the town and following this street, you can see the guild at the end. This straight road is specially set up for Gildarts. Speaking of which, this town is still in normal mode. Gildarts has gone on a mission.

""Boss, are you guys decorating the streets to celebrate something?" Leila asked the magic shop owner, looking out at the street.

"You are from another town, right? This is the annual harvest festival, so the whole town is preparing to celebrate. In three days, Fairy Tail will hold a magic parade. You are here at a good time. Although Fairy Tail often causes trouble, we still like them very much. The magic parade is very beautiful."The owner of the magic shop also looked at the busy figures of the residents outside.

Merchants on both sides of the street began to decorate their own shops, hanging colorful balloons and ribbons to create a festive atmosphere. They carefully arranged every detail to make the whole street glow with vitality. Various roadside stalls were also set up, selling Fairy Tail peripherals, shooting games, and circus performances.

On the road, you can also see several children wearing costumes and playing wizards chasing monsters on the street. The child dressed as a wizard wore a magic hat with a heart-shaped mark on his head, a cloak, and a wooden magic wand in his hand. What's more interesting is that there is a puppy wearing a slightly smaller magic hat following behind him. The child playing the monster in front ran away while shouting, and the two children behind happily chased after him.

Crowds of people can be seen everywhere on the street, all talking about how last year's harvest festival was. This year may be more exciting.

"It is indeed a good time." August walked among the crowd and looked at such a lively scene, and couldn't help but sighed.

"Grandpa, we have to come early. I heard that all the residents of the town will be here at that time. Don't come too late and miss the front seat. I'm looking forward to it."Lila looked at the shops filled with peripherals on the street and couldn't help herself. [In a few years, when they join Fairy Tail one by one, I will buy all the peripherals, hehe】

"It doesn't matter, the town is so big, there are enough seats in the auditorium, everyone can see it, and you can also stand on the roof to watch it."At this time, an uncle next to him suddenly said

"Really? That's great, but it's gone after I finished watching it, what a pity." After listening to the uncle's explanation, Leila showed a regretful expression.

"Don't worry, there will be magic crystals for recording. In that magic shop, there will be special staff to record the magic parade every year."The uncle pointed to the old shop that had been open for many years and explained to Leila carefully.

"Grandpa, how much money do we have left? Leila stared at August with eyes wide open and full of expectation.

"No, forget it."Ougast didn't even look at Leila, but knew what he wanted to do and refused casually.

"Huh? It's so uncomfortable, but it doesn't matter, I'll go later."Laila was a little disappointed, but she felt relieved when she thought about how she could earn money to buy it by completing tasks later.

"It's really a good time to catch up."Ougast couldn't help but sigh, the atmosphere of life here is really comfortable.

At the same time, on a street, a grandfather and his grandson were talking. The grandson was wearing a red short-sleeved shirt with a yellow lightning logo on it and blue trousers underneath. The grandfather was wearing a light yellow cape with a fairy tail emblem on his back.

"Grandpa, aren't you going to join this magical parade?"

"This is the stage for you to show your talents, let me watch from the audience!"

"Then can I find grandpa?"

"My business is not important."

"So···I was on the parade···Will do this!"While speaking, the child made a finger upward gesture, as if it was a signal

"what is that?"

"This is my message to you!"

"Even if I can't find my grandfather, I will always look at his proof."

"Laxus···"The grandfather looked at his grandson smiling in front of him, his eyes gradually moistened, his eyes were full of emotion

""Just watch, Grandpa!"

August, who was standing aside, retracted the magic of the divine ear. The moment Makarov appeared, August locked onto his position and cast a spell. He also wanted to see what kind of person the current Fairy Tail president was.

At the same time, in the Fairy Tail Guild, a group of people began to arrange the order and performance content of the parade. Confirm their willingness to participate and arrange their positions and programs in the parade. The decoration and preparation of the motorcade are also in full swing. The magic props and lighting effects on the car must be carefully debugged and prepared.

Finally, after all the preparations were completed, the residents and tourists of the city began to wait impatiently for the arrival of this magic parade. They look forward to enjoying the joy and surprises brought by magic in this magical festival. The whole city seemed to be cheering in the countdown, welcoming the arrival of this unique event.

"Grandpa, where are we going to live?"

"Fengshenhua Village is quite famous. We stayed there for the past few days."

"What? You said we have no money, so why can we still afford to live there?"

"When I say I have no money, it's you who has no money. I still have some."

"You deceive the feelings of children"

"If you don't come, I'll live alone"

"No, I live here."

Fengshanhua Village, located in the west of Magnolia, is a place with antique architectural style. The streets are lined with traditional Japanese wooden buildings, the roofs are covered with red glazed tiles, and wind chimes are hung on the window frames, exuding a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere. The villagers walk on the streets in traditional kimonos or yukatas, adding an ancient and elegant atmosphere to the entire village.

There are many Japanese-style pubs and inns here, serving a variety of authentic Japanese cuisine and hot spring cuisine. The most important thing is the hot spring street, which has many hot spring baths and hot spring inns, where tourists can enjoy a relaxing hot spring bath and feel the comfort and pleasure brought by the hot springs.

"Leila, tomorrow I will go to the deep forest in the east to find the healing magician to see how you are doing."

"Ah, comfortable, this is life! Oh, Grandpa, what did you say just now?"Laila lay in the hot spring, feeling the relaxation.

"Well, if you didn't hear me, I said I haven't exercised for a long time.···"Auguste has seen through it

""Okay, I heard you. Can't you let me enjoy it for a while?" Leila quickly interrupted Auguste's words and muttered,"I wonder if Granny Polyusica can be cured."

The tavern"Super Express" is also one of the most popular attractions in Impatiens Village. The kind chef who is taciturn and can only shake his head and countless super delicious dishes have deeply captured the hearts of gourmets.

"Oh my god, this chef looks so familiar."Lila couldn't help swearing as she looked at the chef in front of her with a high forehead, a mustache, and shaking his head.

The chef cooked for Leila and Auguste, and also changed the phonograph in the store to a relaxing and soft record, which maximized the experience. There were also many customers in the store, and it was really hard to watch the chef shaking his head constantly while cooking at the counter.

After dinner, Leila and Auguste returned to the hotel to rest.

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