"Gildarts, are you able to do this? Don't burn the fish!" Leila stared at Gildarts beside the grilled fish, her face full of doubt.

"I have been fishing here for more than 20 years, and I always grill the fish on the spot. My skills have been tested!"Gildas's face was full of confidence, and he calmly stated the fact.

"But the grilled fish you made before was really disappointing, and I heard that people who cook bad food will always cook bad food." Leila curled her lips, showing a look of distrust

"Don't talk! I'm serious this time, just wait!" Gildarts had a look on his head, but seeing Kana beside him, he held back and just glared at Leila fiercely.

"Okay, okay, let me see your performance." Leila reluctantly stretched out her hand to show her agreement, but she still muttered softly:"I'd better catch another one."

After all, he and Laxus had tasted the fish made by Gildarts before and vomited on the spot. The taste was simply indescribable.

Although Leila's muttering was very small, Gildarts still heard it. He curled his lips in disdain and secretly competed in his heart.

However, when Leila caught a fish, he waved his hand and summoned the chef team, and started to grill the fish on the spot.

Seeing this, Gildarts on the side widened his eyes and roared:"Smelly boy, you are cheating!"

"My own cooking is terrible, so I can't ask for help?" Leila responded confidently, with a proud look on her face.

"you you……"Gildarts was so angry that he was speechless.

"Uncle, don't say I didn't warn you. When Kana smells the fragrance of my fish, she will definitely come to eat it. You can digest it yourself if you roast it."

Gildarts snorted coldly and ignored the shameless Leila.

"Kana, come and try the grilled fish that dad made!" Gildarts shouted loudly, and at the same time stopped the two people who were fighting.

""Hey." Leila shuddered and got goose bumps.

Leila muttered to herself: This uncle becomes abnormal when he touches Kana, his voice is full of flattery, why is his setting so strange?

Gildarts's grilled fish is already cooked, but Leila's side is still being processed. It feels like a big meal, with all kinds of seasoning plates, grills, complete equipment, and professional chefs. Anyone can tell which side is better at a glance.

Kana came over, and Gildarts immediately picked up a small piece of fish with chopsticks, put his left hand under the fish to prevent it from falling, and then sent the fish to Kana's mouth.

"Ah." Kana opened her mouth slightly, swallowed the fish meat, chewed it twice and swallowed it. Kana couldn't help but praise:"Well, it's delicious." Then she looked at Leila with a puzzled look.

"What? Impossible!"Lila rushed to Kana and tried to grab the chopsticks from Gildarts's hand and try it herself, but Gildarts dodged.

"Hmm? Use your own chopsticks." Gildarts stared at Leila with hostility in his eyes.

Leila immediately turned back to the table, took a pair of chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish and put it in her mouth:"What's going on?" Leila looked suspicious, but couldn't help chewing.

"Hahahaha, this is my true level"

"Impossible, the grilled fish you made before was simply inedible, how is this possible?"

"Humph, in order to make Kana feast on a delicious meal, I have studied cooking skills for a long time. Do you think I have nothing to do all day?"

"Damn it!"Lila's face was full of indignation.

Laxus ignored the argument between the two, snatched Laila's chopsticks and took a bite of fish, then took Kana, who looked confused, to the dining table, took the tableware and set it, then put the grilled fish on the table, ready to feast on it.

"Wait, Laxus, why did you take the grilled fish?"

"You two are too fake."As soon as Laxus finished speaking, the two of them became stiff in an instant.

"Gildarts, I told you that your acting is not good"

"Nonsense, it was obviously you who exposed the truth."

Seeing the two still arguing, Laxus warmly invited Cana and Ultear to enjoy the food, because he knew that Gildarts did a pretty good job.

Gildarts had already found Leila before, and asked her to use magic to materialize a chef, and then humbly asked for the method of making grilled fish.

Gildarts was holding a small notebook, recording the steps and key points very carefully. After trying more than a dozen fish, he finally made the ideal taste, just waiting to show his skills today. Not only that, he also hired Leila to act as an actor.

Laxus felt that all this was too obvious. First, because the fish Gildarts made before was really unpalatable, he would not give the fish he made to Cana to eat, wouldn't that be self-destructive.

Second, because the behavior of the two of them was really weird, and finally, the grilled fish Gildarts made this time tasted very similar to Leila's, he often eats it, which is easy to taste.

After Laxus explained all this to Cana, Cana suddenly realized it. Then, she looked at the two people who were still arguing about whose fault it was.

"Dad, come and eat, the fish will be cold and not tasty. Kana's words went straight through Gildarts' heart.

"Oh, okay, I'm here." Gildarts immediately gave up the argument with Leila, turned around and walked to the dining table, sitting next to Kana.

""What a face." Leila muttered quietly and walked to the table and sat down. At the same time, Leila's grilled fish was ready and served, and the chefs left.

Laxus and Leila were fighting for a large piece of fish, while Gildarts was whispering to Kana and kept picking up fish for Kana. Ultear sat there quietly, staring blankly at this warm scene, feeling very warm in her heart.

"Here, Ultia, eat more." Leila snatched the big piece of fish from Laxus's chopsticks and put it on Ultia's plate.

"Well, thank you, Leila. Ultiya smiled at Leila and said sincerely

"Well, you're welcome." Leila stared at Ultiya's smile and froze in place for a moment. That smile was deeply imprinted in his mind and he would never forget it in his life.

"What are you doing? Can I join in?" Wulu's voice came from not far away.

"Mom!""Wulu!" Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw Wulu coming.

"Mom, come quickly, this grilled fish is delicious."Ultiya just picked up a piece of grilled fish, tasted it, and turned around to hear Wulu's voice, and shouted happily to Wulu

""Okay." Ulu smiled and sat down on the right side of Ultia. Seeing this, Leila materialized a set of tableware in time and placed it in front of Ulu, and then everyone enjoyed the delicious grilled fish.

After the dinner, everyone started this afternoon's training.

Gildarts watched Kana fighting with Laxus, and Ulu patiently watched Ultia use her newly learned simple time magic.

Leila lay leisurely on the grass to rest. He hadn't been so comfortable for a long time.

However, this comfort did not last long, and he was called by Laxus. It turned out that it was time to change shifts, and he would accompany Kana to train next.

""Ah? I haven't rested enough." Leila sighed.

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