"Well, that's the situation." Leila conveyed to Wulu in detail what Mavis had said to him last night.

"So, I need to buy some other types of time magic now, right?" Wulu lowered her head and thought.

"Well, that's not necessary. I can transfer most of it directly to Ultia, and the rest can be dealt with when needed."Laila thought: Sister Lei's own talent is enough.

"That's really troublesome for you, Leila."Wulu said embarrassedly

"But I want to learn mom's magic."Ultia stood quietly aside and said softly, but her tone was very firm.

When Leila saw Ultia's look, she was startled. She did not ask for Ultia's opinion. Perhaps it was based on the consideration that she could learn this magic in the original plot, but ignored Ultia's own feelings. When

Ulu heard Ultia's words, her eyes were a little moist and her heart was warm. She squatted down, took Ultia's little hand, and said gently:"Ultia, mom just hopes that you can be safe and sound. You don't need to learn mom's magic."

"When you master this time magic and your health improves, you can also learn Wulu's magic, just like me, and master two kinds of magic."Lila also echoed

"All right then."Ultia listened to her mother's consolation and Leila's reminder. Although she felt a little disappointed, she still accepted the suggestion.

Leila activated the ancient script magic, and a huge screen suddenly appeared in the entire guild. At the same time, he searched for all the information related to time magic.

Then, he condensed a small part of it into a small ball and transmitted it into Ultia's brain, because he was worried that transmitting too much information would bring some burden to the brain.

"Well, if you want to learn more, you can always come to me."

"Thank you, Leila." Wulu looked at Ultiya, who closed her eyes and was digesting the transmitted magic knowledge, and then solemnly thanked Leila.

"You're welcome, Ulu."Lila touched the back of his head.

During the time when Ulutia was digesting the knowledge, Ulu had always been with her.

And Leila sat quietly by her side, gently opening the arc of time. He was ready to integrate the secrets of this magic book into his own ancient book magic.

"This process may take some time, Wulu, please wait a moment."


Leila took advantage of this opportunity to ask for Wulu's consent and recorded the arc of time into her own ancient writing magic. After recording, she closed the book and returned it to Wulu, and then waited silently for Ultiya.

Using ancient writing magic to transmit knowledge is certainly much more convenient, but it also has certain limitations. Everyone's mental endurance is different. Once there is too much knowledge, it may lead to overload. At present, Ultiya is in good condition. When Ultiya completely digested it, she opened her eyes, and a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes.

"How is it? How do you feel?"When Wulu saw Wulutiya wake up, he looked at her with concern and asked

"These magics seem quite easy. Ultear casually expressed her experience.

"Easy?"When Wu Lu heard these two words, she showed an expression of disbelief.

"It seems that Ultia's talent is indeed extraordinary."President Makarov walked behind Ultia from the gate and interrupted

"President, when did you come back?"Ulu and Leila looked at Makarov in surprise.

"Just came back. For Ultear, learning this magic is definitely a piece of cake. Makarov looked at Ultear with a look of certainty.

"Well, thank you, Grandpa President."

Makarov laughed a few times, and then said to Wulu:"Wulu, come with me, I have something to discuss with you." Makarov did not explain too much, said a word to Wulu and walked towards the room.

""Okay, President." Wulu knew that Makarov had come back from Polyusica, and understood that he might have found out something important.

Wulu followed Makarov into the room, only to see Makarov sitting on a chair beside her, and then told her everything that had happened.

""What impression do you have of this person?"

Wu Lu couldn't help but murmur,"Another masked man? How could it be such a coincidence? He must be in the same group with them, why would he do this?"

"Leila, this is not good, is it?"

"It's okay, we were listening openly, they were talking too loudly and we overheard it accidentally."

At this time, Leila was outside the house, holding the door furtively, leaning sideways, with her ear pressed against the door, looking obscene.

Ultiya on the side was still a little restrained, and whispered to Leila:"But, your actions……"

"Hush, don't talk, there seems to be no sound inside." Leila whispered to stop Ultiya, asking her to be quiet, while she held her breath and listened carefully to the movement in the room.

"It's getting dangerous, run away!" Leila instantly grabbed Ultiya's hand, and the two of them disappeared like ghosts.

At the same time, after Leila and the others disappeared, the door of the room was opened, Makarov stuck his head out, looked around vigilantly, and found nothing unusual, so he closed the door again.

Afterwards, Ultiya told Makarov everything that happened along the way, and also expressed some of his own guesses. The two had a heated discussion in the room.

In the intelligence room, Leila was panting, taking deep breaths, and patting her chest constantly. She said with lingering fear:"I was almost discovered, fortunately I ran fast."

"Leila, what kind of magic was that just now?"Ultia's attention was completely focused on the magic Leila used. She asked curiously

"Teleport, the old man was about to open the door just now, but I was startled."Laila calmed down and replied, and also complained by the way

"How many other magics have you learned?" Ultear asked

"Not much, but I did learn a lot of simple magic, such as telepathy."Lila said nonchalantly.

"By the way, if you want to learn magic, I can recommend a good place for you."Laila suddenly remembered something.

""Okay, but you won't eavesdrop anymore?" Ultiya asked doubtfully.

"There's nothing we can do. The old man must have been alert this time. He has probably set up a barrier so we can't possibly hear anything." Leila shook her head helplessly.

Leila took Ultia's hand and walked out of the room. After briefly greeting Makao and Wakaba, she teleported away with Ultia.

At this moment, Ultia was telling Makarov about her experiences along the way in detail:"President, we know nothing about their identities, not even their purpose."

"Let's continue discussing this matter after Gildarts comes over." Makarov responded calmly.

The two then walked out of the room and began to inspect the guild. However, they found that Leila and Ultear were not in the guild, and the two who were about to go to the intelligence room were suddenly interrupted.

Makao and Wakaba noticed it, and then told the president and Ulu where Leila was:"President, Ulu, Leila took Ultear to the East Forest."

At this time in the East Forest, Gildarts was grilling fish leisurely, while Laxus and Kana were fighting fiercely with magic. Leila stood aside, watching Gildarts grilling fish.

Ulu sat quietly on a stone beside, sometimes concentrating on watching the exciting duel between the two, and sometimes turning his attention to Gildarts grilling fish.

Laxus dodged Kana's intensive card attacks with ease, occasionally sending a lightning attack to Kana, but these attacks were easily avoided by Kana.

Gildarts glanced at this scene and nodded with satisfaction. Before Laxus and Kana fought, Gildarts had warned Laxus to be careful, his eyes were full of threats, and he stared at Laxus.

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