A month later, Kana got up early, opened the curtains and pushed open the window to let the sunlight into the house, tidied herself in front of the mirror, and skipped to the guild, humming an unknown song on the way.

When she arrived at the guild, Kana took a deep breath to calm down, ordered a glass of juice at the counter, and sat at a table.

Leila saw Kana sitting there quietly, and also walked to Kana with a thick face, and asked her with a smile on her face:"Kana, can you help me with a fortune-telling today?"

Before, Leila would always ask Kana for divination when she had nothing to do, and even asked Kana to calculate the fortune of the day every day, but Kana said that she couldn't do this, because it would affect herself, so she asked Leila to come to her when she was in a good mood.

It's not clear whether someone went to measure the fortune too frequently, or whether it was really bad. In short, after Kana reminded her, Leila rarely asked this question again.

But Kana seemed to be in a good mood today, and Leila also saw Kana smiling unintentionally, otherwise he would not ask Kana.

"OK, do you still want to test your fortune today?"Kana was in a good mood and agreed to Leila's request, then asked

""Yeah." Leila agreed after hearing this, and then watched Kana do the divination silently.

"Um···Today's divination results show that you will travel far, and this journey will be smooth."Kana said the result after analyzing the divination cards, and she looked at Leila while speaking.

【Traveling far? The only long journey recently was to the North, and Kana seemed to be in a good mood today, so Gildarts must be coming back. 】 Leila frowned slightly, unconsciously holding her chin, staring at the table

"Are you going out?" Kana looked at Leila, interrupting his thoughts.

"Well, I do have to go out. Thank you for your divination, Kana."Kana's words brought Leila back to reality. He immediately reacted and answered quickly.

After that, Leila stood up and walked towards Makarov's position, leaving Kana who was about to ask

"Hey, old man, I have to go out today."Lila walked up to Makarov and told the old man that she was going out.

"Hmm? You usually don't tell me when you go out. What's wrong? Will you be out for a long time this time? Makarov opened his right eye and glanced at Leila, then asked casually.

"Grandpa President, Leila will be out for a long time. I have already predicted the result for him."Kana saw that Leila didn't want to say anything, so she followed him from the table.

"Well, Kana is really amazing, what's the result?" Makarov immediately changed his voice to a gentle one when he heard Kana's voice, narrowed his eyes and smiled, and spoke to Kana in a friendly manner.

"The result was very smooth, but the time is not very certain. Kana told Makarov the result obediently.

"Well, OK, how long do you want to predict? Makarov nodded after hearing Kana's words, then looked at Leila and agreed, but still asked Leila the time.

""It could take as little as one or two weeks, or as much as a month." Seeing that Makarov agreed, Leila was relieved and told Makarov the approximate time she estimated. Fortunately, she had the result of Kana's divination, otherwise it would be difficult to get the old man to agree.

""Okay, be careful. Oh, take this with you." Makarov said to Leila after getting the answer, and then took out a magic crystal from his back and gave it to Leila.

"Good!" Leila took the magic crystal and put it away.

Kana looked at her in confusion. She was so small, but she had a big question mark in her mind.

"This is a magic crystal specially used for communication, for emergency use, and easy to carry."Makarov explained, and then turned to look at Leila, not polite at all, with a hint of disgust in his tone:"Okay, get your things ready and leave."

"Okay, I'll go back first." Leila said and went back to her intelligence room to pack up and teleport away. Makarov felt the fluctuation of the teleportation magic, glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

Kana glanced at the time, and couldn't help but get excited. She put her hands on her legs, lowered her head and smiled secretly, practicing the sentence repeatedly in her heart.

At this time in the East Forest, Gildarts was still standing where he left last time, waiting. Soon the figure appeared in front of him, but this time Gildarts could sense that he used the teleportation magic, but there was no trace of magic fluctuation last time.

"I thought you would wait a little longer." Gildarts was getting impatient, but he still tried his best to remain calm.

"Let's go"

"Can't you tell me some details in advance?"Kil'darts knew it was not a good idea to ask for the reward before completing the commission, but he still couldn't help but feel confused at the news.


"All right, I'll go back to the guild." Gildarts was silent for a while, feeling a little disappointed.

"Sure! I'll tell you the news directly, but you owe me a favor"

"Good!" Gildarts decisively accepted the condition, hoping to learn as soon as possible.

"Your daughter, her name is Cana Alupelona, and she has now joined the Fairy Tail Guild."

After hearing this, Gildarts kept repeating this name, wanting to remember it in his heart. At this time, Gildarts was no longer calm, with only the name Cana in his mind, and he couldn't help but want to go straight to the guild.

"Here's a piece of news. The last time you left the guild, the girl at the door was Kana."

"She is Kana? But why didn't she say it?"Gildarts felt a little sad after hearing this.

"Maybe it was because you were in a hurry to catch the train, but it could also be because she realized that you didn't recognize her."

"I···"Gildarts was speechless. The guilt in his heart urged him to walk directly towards the guild. His figure gradually disappeared into the distance.

"Oh my god, you are walking so fast, hurry up and go back to the guild to take a sneak photo. Teleport!"

Magnolia rang the bell, and this time Gildarts no longer had a dazed expression on his face, but walked quickly to the guild, and found that most people were standing at the door of the guild waiting for him.

He smiled and greeted everyone, while searching for the figure in the crowd, but did not find it.

He had no choice but to walk into the guild and talk to Makarov about the matters of this work, and then told Makarov that he had something to do and would be away for a while, and could not accept the commission.

Makarov first noticed something after hearing this, and then told Gildarts that it was okay and understood.

After Gildarts finished speaking, he was about to continue looking for Kana, and Makarov suddenly said:"By the way, Gildarts, this little girl wants to tell you something. She is the new member Kana. She is very cute."

As she said that, Kana walked out from behind Makarov and said in a trembling voice:"Please···Excuse me···"

Gildarts saw the familiar hair color, quickly stepped forward, squatted down, and hugged Kana tightly:"You are Cornelia's child." Gildarts' nose was sore, tears could not stop flowing, and his voice was also a little sobbing.

Kana was hugged tightly in Gildarts' arms. She didn't know what was going on and wanted to finish what she had just said, but Gildarts' words made Kana stunned.

"Sorry, Kana, I didn't recognize you last time."

"Um no, it's okay, Dad recognized Kana this time"

"Daddy won't leave you alone next time."

"Dad?!" Makarov and other members of the guild were all stunned, and some of them were petrified. However, a figure in the crowd quickly took out a camera, took a picture, and disappeared. At the same time, Lidas quickly took out his equipment and fixed the scene of the two of them in the painting.

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