"Lila, do you know why grandma said that?" Kana tilted her head and asked in confusion.

""Ah? You ask me? I don't know either. Maybe you can ask the old man. I think he will be happy to answer you." Leila didn't know either. He only knew Granny Hilda but didn't have much contact with her.

"Hmm? What happened, little Kana?"Makarov, who was sitting on the counter, noticed Kana walking towards him, jumped down and smiled at Kana.

Kana told Makarov that she had moved into the girls' dormitory, and also told Makarov about Grandma Hilda. Kana thought that Grandma Hilda was so nice, why would she say such a thing. Makarov listened to Kana's story carefully, thinking that this old woman was just hard-mouthed but soft-hearted.

"Kana, what do you think a wizard is?"

"Hmm?"Kana is only six years old now. She doesn't know the specific content of a wizard's job.

"They selected and accepted the commissions, and then set out on a journey, but the commissions were accompanied by dangers, because most of them were commissions to defeat monsters.

There were many kinds of monsters, and if they were not strong enough, they would lose their lives.

There were also many wizards who died because the commissions were too difficult.

Kana, being a wizard is very dangerous.

Hilda always said that sentence, and it almost became a catchphrase, because every time she saw girls doing dangerous work, she was worried.

"Makarov said with narrowed eyes, and at the same time recalled the years when Hilda became the head of the girls' dormitory.

Kana stood next to Makarov, listening to Makarov's words carefully, and silently remembered these words in her heart. After speaking, Makarov touched Kana's head, and then Kana walked away and walked towards the table where Leila was sitting.

Leila was playing a kind of card. Kana was a little puzzled when she saw it. She didn't understand what Leila was doing, and then asked Leila:"Leila, what are you doing?"

"Oh, Kana, are you done asking? Did you get the answer you wanted?"Lila noticed Kana and said to her, but she didn't stop her hands.

"Hmm. Leila, what are you doing?"Kana answered Leila's question, but what concerned him was what Leila was doing with the cards.

"Well, it's nothing. I just want to learn some card divination. Didn't you ask Gildarts when he would be back? I want to give it a try, but I really have no talent and can't figure out anything." Leila said casually.

On the way back last night, Leila passed by a magic shop and bought a book about card divination and a deck of cards. Just as she was about to leave, she turned around and bought a deck of Wind Chant, and went back to learn divination.

But I don't know if Leila's talent for divination is really bad, or he is cursed. The results of his divination are all biased, as if his own magnetic field is not compatible with divination. Originally, he wanted to pretend that he couldn't do divination in front of Kana after learning it, but who knew that the result was that he really couldn't do it. He was a little depressed at this time.

Leila saw that Kana was a little moved, so she asked her:"Kana, do you want to try it?"

"But I can't do it either, and I haven't learned it."

"It's okay." Leila saw that Kana had taken the bait, so she waved her hand, took out a book of card divination from behind, and put it on the table.

"Hmm?"Kana stood up curiously and looked behind Leila, but found nothing. She was puzzled, but where did this book come from?

"Kana, take your time to study. I have something to do."Laila heard Makao calling him, so he said something to Kana and left.

""Well, OK." Kana took the book and responded to Leila obediently.

After Leila and Makao chatted, Makao left the guild and went out to work, but Leila did not disturb Kana who was studying. Suddenly, Kana frowned slightly when she felt that the guild was a bit noisy. Leila also noticed this, so she walked over and took Kana to her intelligence room, and then Leila left.

Half a day later, Kana ran out excitedly, and then took Leila into the intelligence room. Leila was pulled to sit down before she could react, while Kana sat opposite her with a serious expression, staring at Leila and asking her to tell him what he wanted to tell, but then added in a low voice,"It's just a small thing."

Leila had been listening to Kana seriously, but when she heard Kana's words"It's just a small thing", she couldn't hold it anymore, and looked at Kana with a smile, but was choked by Kana's eyes. Then she sat up straight and said,"Let's tell today's fortune." After hearing this, Kana picked up the cards and started to tell fortunes, while Leila watched quietly, thinking to herself, this method is the same as mine, it won't be successful, it hasn't been learned for a long time.

After Kana finished the divination, she took the card and said,"Your fortune is very good today, but you will be entangled by a friend."

"Even if you have good luck, you will still be entangled?"Leila carefully observed the card. He also knew some of the rules. Overall, it was good.

""Lila, let's go!" The door of the intelligence room was kicked open, and Laxus walked in. When he saw Leila, he pulled her out the door.

"Huh?" Leila turned around and saw Laxus, who was furious. Just as she was about to ask what was wrong, she was pulled away by a strange force. Leila knew what Laxus was going to do and understood the meaning of the card.

"Kana, I'm going out first. Your prediction is very accurate. You should study hard.···"Before Leila finished her words, Laxus took her out of the guild and rushed out like a flash of lightning.

Kana looked at Leila in surprise and wanted to say something, but only Leila's words came out. In an instant, the two disappeared. Kana was still stunned by this scene. Then Makarov came over and said it was okay, and let Kana go back to the house to study.

Kana's talent for divination is really good. Leila was dragged by Laxus to fight for an afternoon. Because he encountered stupid things in the commission, he was very angry.

In the next week, Kana's divination became more and more profound, and even the members of the guild recognized it. Makao and Wakaba would come to Kana for divination from time to time.

However, Kana did not learn magic. Makao and Wakaba saw the results of Kana's divination and said,"Kana, why don't you just learn to use card magic."

Wakaba also agreed,"Card magic, this is a good idea"

"But, can someone like me learn magic?"Kana lowered her head, feeling a little depressed, and a feeling of inferiority surged up.

"If it's Kana, it will definitely work." Makao affirmed, and Wakaba also agreed:"Yes, Kana has a good talent for card magic, she is definitely much better than Leila."

【? What does it have to do with me? How can you belittle me? What can I do? 】 Leila was watching the show nearby and heard her name mentioned in the conversation.

"Mind, everything comes from the mind you are willing to believe in, Kana. Whether it is divination, faith or prayer, it is a kind of magic, and it is a miracle that only those who believe can feel. Therefore, only those who believe in the existence of magic, believe in their own power, and believe that everything is with nature can use magic."Makarov came over from a distance, and then said to Kana seriously

"Heart?" Kana seemed to understand, but she also seemed to have made up her mind.

In the following days, Kana devoted herself to learning card magic and immersed herself in the guild's library every day. Leila visited her several times and found that Kana had been studying seriously, sometimes even sleeping directly on the table.

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