Extreme Demon

Chapter 906 Suzaku 1


The ground trembled, and with Lu Sheng as the center, red flames suddenly rose up over a kilometer in radius.

In the flames, a tall weirdo with a bird's head and a human body, wearing a red feathered coat, was holding the body of the great wizard Masaki with one hand.

His hands are golden, bird-like claws. At this time, the nail spikes had already pierced into Masaki's body.

Countless Nanming Lihuo spurted out from the wounds on Zengmu's body. The high-temperature flames are gradually dissolving the body of the great witch.

The other wizards around him were completely reduced to ashes by the blow just now, without even a trace remaining.

Finally it's been completely solved, Lu Sheng breathed out. As expected, it's a bit reluctant to come and fight at the Golden Core stage. But there's nothing I can do about it. It takes time to adapt to the physical improvement, but I can't wait any longer.

Standing in the sea of ​​​​fire, he looked around, and soon found something black remaining where Zengmu's body was.

He reached out and grabbed it, and the black thing immediately flew up and landed gently in his hand.

As soon as he touched his palm, Lu Sheng suddenly felt a strong spiritual power pouring into his body.

Give me divine power!? He was delighted.

Although he still possesses more than 1.5 billion divine powers, no one can think of this as too much.

The most important thing is that he has vaguely felt that the amount of spiritual power required to move from Ming Luo to the next level will probably be an extremely terrifying astronomical figure.

This 1.5 billion is not necessarily enough.

You have to prepare more divine power, lest you don't have enough when the time comes. In this ancient land, there are many kinds of magic weapons. Aren't the magic weapons the perfect crystallization of the divine power?

Lu Sheng carefully looked at the dark object in his hand. The object looked like an earthen jar, with its surface covered with cracks and strange witchcraft symbols.

It seems to be a witchcraft. It can be worshiped day and night by a powerful race like the Witch Clan. No wonder there is so much divine power in it. Not bad, not bad! Lu Sheng felt the divine power pouring into his body. In just a few seconds, Within minutes, the spiritual power in the witchcraft was drained away, amounting to more than three million units.

He released his golden elixir level mental power, scanned the surroundings, and found no more survivors, then turned around and left quickly.


With a crisp sound, the witchcraft pot suddenly shattered into pieces and scattered on the ground.

There was no one alive around, not even ordinary birds and insects, leaving only the ruins of the Zengmu tribe's location.

A few hours later.

A black smoke flew from a distance and turned into several tall dark-skinned men and women.

This group of men and women held crutches, looked sinister, and wore simple black long clothes.

What's going on? I just sensed that the Jumang witchcraft was broken here. Isn't this the Zengmu witch clan? A wizard glanced around in a low voice.

Hey, it seems that after not moving for a long time, someone finally challenges the majesty of the witch clan like us, another skinny old man said with a sneer.

The old man walked to a piece of charred black soil that was still smoking, squatted down, reached out and gently dug out some black soil, crushed it in his hands, and then put it in his mouth to taste.

This is the burning ashes of high-level flames. The smell of burnt bird feathers is either Phoenix Fire, Suzaku Fire, or Bi Fang.

There are other creatures that were burned to death here. It's strange. They were obviously burned to death, but there was no soul left. Another wizard frowned.

That's because Suzaku Fire. Among the higher flames, only Suzaku Fire has the effect of guiding souls to ascend to heaven. The skinny old man said lightly.

Why can't Bi Fang Fire, instead of other flames, also have the effect of melting souls? A wizard asked doubtfully.

Dissolution will leave behind fragments and breath, and it will be completely clean if you guide them away. The old wizard showed a hint of coldness. Let's go, this kind of pure Suzaku Divine Fire must be the work of the Suzaku clan, or its direct bloodline. I will go back and report, and see how those miscellaneous people in the Demon Court will deal with it this time! They killed my Witch Tribe for no reason! This is You are deliberately provoking a war!


A group of wizards once again turned into black smoke and dissipated.



Demon Court.

The huge silver-white palace hovering above the Nine Heavens is like rolling mountains, layer upon layer, and the palaces rising one after another are like the finest treasures and magic weapons. They are exquisite and elegant with a hint of the rough atmosphere of the demon clan.

In the center of the entire palace complex, there is a vast white jade pillar square.

Donghuang Taiyi, the Heavenly Emperor of Demon Court, and his brothers Di Kuang and Xi He were sitting at the highest place respectively.

The three of them were covered in golden glow accompanied by flames, and outsiders could only vaguely see the vague human figures on the three thrones.

On both sides of the square, there were all the important ministers of the demon clan. The demon gods were wearing Xiayi and fairy armor, with different appearances. They were all enjoying singing and dancing and drinking wine.

After the establishment of the Demon Clan Heavenly Court, perhaps the demon gods were somewhat enterprising at first, wanting to help Donghuang Taiyi unify the world and become the only Heavenly Court.

But later on, they were unable to conquer the Witch Clan. Over the long years, many demon gods gradually settled down to enjoy themselves, and fell in love with the powerful feeling of being in a high position and being able to do whatever they wanted.

Relying on the Demon Court, even if you encounter some monks or great demons whose cultivation is stronger than your own and whose magical powers are more powerful than your own, the demon gods cannot defeat them alone. If they form a gang and rush forward, no matter how powerful the demon is, they will be crushed directly.

Gradually, the Demon Clan Heavenly Court stopped striving to expand and began to be content with the status quo.

Even Donghuang Taiyi and Di Kuang gradually became helpless and stopped forcing themselves. Only Emperor Kuang's wife, Xihe, had always been worried about this.

There was singing and dancing in the square, wine and fruits were everywhere, and many demons and gods were lazy and casual. There were beauties around, pouring wine, taking off their clothes, and chatting quietly with some demons and gods.

The demon clan doesn't care about too many red tapes. The sky is big and the earth is big, so you can do whatever you want. This tradition has been successfully extended to the heaven. Even Donghuang Taiyi and Di Kuang take this as a matter of course.

After some singing and dancing, the music gradually slowed down.

A messenger came up from the side and whispered a few words to the palace guard. The guard frowned slightly, then walked slowly to the side of Demon Master Kunpeng and whispered something.

The human form that Kunpeng transformed into was a tall old man with gray beard and hair, and an arrogant look. On his black robe was embroidered a strange creature that looked like a fish but not a fish, not like a Peng but not a Peng. That was his true form.

The Wu clan has gone crazy again? They have been peaceful for thousands of years, and suddenly someone comes out to cause trouble! Kunpeng said dissatisfied, turned to face Taiyi, moved his lips slightly, and truthfully conveyed the previous information to Taiyi's ears.

Stop. Suddenly Taiyi was behind the bead curtain, and a deep and magnetic man's voice came out.

The music stopped suddenly.

Xuanle Officer Zhuque Yuxuan comes to the palace. Taiyi's voice came out again.

Many demon gods were still awake, and they suddenly looked like they were watching the fun. Watching the scene in front of me with interest.

For a long time in the heaven, under the great formation of stars in the sky, the star power is bathed. Even if the demons and gods do not practice, their cultivation will slowly increase over time.

As time goes by, everyone naturally starts to slack off.

Normally, people don't have much fun to do. In addition to enjoying themselves, they just sleep or go out to play. Now that it has finally become a little lively, everyone is naturally interested.

As everyone knows, the Suzaku clan is a heavenly music official who was consecrated very early.

Speaking of which, as the southern fire god of Nanming Lihuo, Suzaku should be a clan older than the Phoenix.

However, their power is not focused on lethality, but mainly on the sound of music. They are completely different from those powerful monsters in Phoenix who burn mountains everywhere every day.

During the Dragon and Phoenix War, they were still in a good position because they were related to the Phoenix. Now that the Dragon and Phoenix have declined, only a few marginal bloodlines remain. The Suzaku clan does not have enough fighting power, so they can only seek refuge in the Heavenly Court and become the so-called music officials to manage the Heavenly Court. musical instruments.

After the official summons, a charming woman wearing a long red dress and a corolla with colorful feathers, her eyebrows furrowed, walked onto the square.

My subordinate Yu Xuan, the head of the Zhuque Clan, is here to meet His Majesty the Eastern Emperor, Emperor Kuang, and Xi He.

Although there is only one Emperor of Heaven, Taiyi, Taiyi made it clear that his brother Di Kuang and sister-in-law Xihe should be at the same level as him. Therefore, Emperor Kuang was regarded as the Western Emperor and Xihe as the Western Empress.

The three of them are the same three-legged golden crow born from the Pangu Sun Star. They are connected by blood and have deep feelings, so no one can say anything.

Anyway, Taiyi held the decree of Saint Hongjun and established the Heavenly Palace based on the innate treasure Chaos Bell. It is not up to him to decide what he wants to do.

Yuxuan, your subordinates went to the witch clan and secretly massacred a large witch tribe in an attempt to provoke a dispute between heaven and the ancestral witches. Do you know about this? Taiyi's voice came from behind the bead curtain, and his joy and anger were indistinguishable. It just gives people a deep and calm sense of depression.

Yuxuan was originally just a music officer and had no status at all among a group of demon gods. Now when she heard about such a major event involving the two Lich clans, she suddenly felt like a thunder exploded in her head, and her whole body trembled slightly.

I, I have absolutely nothing to do with this! Her voice became a bit sharp, All members of my Suzaku clan have been living in the Nanchuan Mountains and have never left there. All the elites in the clan are serving in heaven! They have always been diligent and diligent. Gentlemen, I have never had any different intentions, and I don’t even dare to have the intention of instigating the lich and the demons to fight! I hope the Emperor of Heaven will notice clearly! Notice clearly!!

She fell to her knees all of a sudden, her face turned pale with fright, and she was slightly sweating.

The Wu Clan has sent the burning ashes, and we have also checked it. It is definitely caused by the high-purity Suzaku Fire. Only you, the Suzaku Clan, can release such pure Suzaku Fire in the world.

It is absolutely impossible for other races! A demon god sneered. This demon god has two heads. One is drinking, and the other is staring coldly at Suzaku Yuxuan who is present, with a hint of greed in his eyes.

The Interrogation Star Officer also verified clearly that it is indeed the Suzaku Fire, and only those of the Suzaku clan whose blood concentration reaches the level of the Suzaku Holy Body can release such flames. Another demon god said solemnly.

So, what else do you and the Suzaku clan have to say now? Di Kuang said slowly.

In fact, Donghuang Taiyi didn't take care of much on weekdays. He was in charge of most of the aristocratic families' affairs. It's just that it was hard for him to interrupt when Taiyi spoke just now.

He actually has a certain fondness for the Suzaku clan. After all, there are not many people in the entire heaven whose music can be as beautiful as theirs.

His wife Xihe has always taken good care of the Suzaku clan, so he spoke out at this time to see if there would be any improvement.

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