Extreme Demon

Chapter 905 Masaki 2

What a monster! How dare you trespass on our Zengmu Witch Clan!

A series of green figures flew from a distance and landed hard on the ground. Each of these figures was holding a thick skull crutch. Their bodies were extremely heavy. They obviously did not have any magical powers when they landed on the ground, but they could still smash the earth. A dull sound.

A wizard? Lu Sheng held the knife in front of him and turned it over slightly.


Another firebird suddenly flew out from the blade, complementing the previous firebird. One on the left and one on the right, the two rushed straight towards the group of wizards.

This is Nanming Lihuo! Stop it!

A wizard is well-informed and recognizes this powerful flame immediately.

Nanming Lihuo! The strongest fire of rebirth among flames! This is not unique to the Suzaku clan.

Now is not the time to think about these things, kill him first!

Several wizards took a step forward, and the tops of their crutches lit up clouds of green mist. The mist rolled and glowed.


Several balls of green light mist hit the two firebirds. For a moment, the green and red were in a stalemate, consuming each other.

The power from Jumang Spring God, the power of revival of all things, turn the flame into rebirth!

One of the oldest wizards sang loudly.

Suddenly, an invisible wave was transmitted to the green light mist in mid-air. The green color quickly began to boil and expand, taking advantage and gradually suppressing Nanming Lihuo.

It still doesn't seem to be working. This is already my greatest contribution. Lu Sheng stood there with the knife in hand, somewhat dissatisfied.

The maximum power of his magical power had been unleashed, but it was easily blocked by a few little-known characters.

It seems that the limit of the magical power inherited by the bloodline is this. It can only barely cope with the combined efforts of several wizards under the great wizard for a while. The real decision of victory or defeat depends on yourself.

He took a step forward and charged towards a group of wizards.

kill him!

Several balls of green light mist flew towards him, but Lu Sheng easily dodged them.

Qingmu Luo!

The old wizard who took the lead raised his crutch high, and the top of the stick suddenly exploded into a ball of dazzling green light. A huge green tree rushed out of the green light and smashed towards Lu Sheng.

These are the roots of a spring tree with great power! Each root is dozens of times heavier than a tree of the same size! Let's see how you can resist! It was obviously extremely laborious for the old wizard to release this witchcraft.

The giant tree with a diameter of more than ten meters hit Lu Sheng fiercely, but at the moment of contact, the flame knife in Lu Sheng's hand suddenly exploded. The explosive force drove him slightly to the right, avoiding Aoki easily. fall.



There was a soft sound, and the fire knife appeared again in Lu Sheng's hand, flashing past the old wizard's neck.

Nan Mingli's fire completely ignited, completely surrounding the old wizard, and turned into a puddle of ashes in just two seconds.

The strongest old wizard died, and the other witch clans suddenly panicked, scrambled, and fled in all directions, only to be easily ignited by Lu Sheng's flames.

It seems that the Golden Core Stage does not increase my strength very much. It is equivalent to adding a little more lethality to the blade.

The massive amount of demon power is of no use at all. It can only exert the power of the fire bird just now, and even a few wizards can't beat that power.

Lu Sheng knew in his heart that his demon power would not be of use for a while, so he simply carried the fire knife and continued forward.

People from the Zengmu tribe rushed out in groups, some charging towards him, while others fled in all directions.

But no matter whether they were escaping or charging, they could not escape the tragic fate of being completely burned by his fire.

The powerful power of Nanming Lihuo was once again fully demonstrated. No matter who or what happens, it can only last a little while in the flames, and it will be burnt to ashes in an instant.

As one of the ten strongest flames in the world and the birth flame of the Suzaku clan, the power of this fire will continue to increase with its purity. However, Lu Sheng's current demon power is not of high quality and can only burn this kind of fire. power.

Moreover, the consumption of the flames was extremely terrifying. If Lu Sheng hadn't been different from ordinary people, the condensed golden elixir would have contained a huge amount of demonic energy due to his special physique and nourishment. I'm afraid that if I release a little bit of Nanming Lihuo, it will be drained out easily.

It's not his turn to kill so many old wizards at the golden elixir level.

The red flames with golden light continued to spread in the forest, and soon the surrounding giant trees were ignited, broken, and collapsed one by one.

Lu Sheng held the flame knife and walked into the Zengmu tribe in a flash.

Houses made of green trees and vines are arranged together to form a huge circular shape. This is the base camp of Masugi's group.

The great Wu Zengmu drove a large ball of green light mist down from the sky and let out a roar.

He had just gone out to visit friends. When he came back, he saw this miserable situation and suddenly felt angry.

Who!! Who are you!!? How dare you offend my tribe under the command of God Mangmu!!

Lu Sheng saw a large group of green mist from a distance and knew that a big shot in this place was coming.

I heard that you want the rejuvenation liquid of my Guangming Sect? His voice was neither loud nor quiet, and it had just reached the Wu Clan surrounded by flames.

All the remaining witch clan heard this question.

Returning Essence? It's you! The Guangming Sect!! The great witch Zengmu was immediately furious. He raised his hand and saw a piece of green mist, filled with countless tiny white flying insects, like a whole green wall, fiercely directed toward Lu Sheng came over.

As soon as the green wall was released, it grew bigger and bigger. In the blink of an eye, the area has reached tens of meters.

Well done! Lu Sheng could tell at a glance that this wall was beyond the power of his current magical powers.

But it doesn't matter, Lu Sheng never relies on magical powers to fight.

The master level brings an extremely precise vision, powerful execution, and the absolute destructive power to target flaws.

This kind of state can use one point of force to exert ten or even dozens of effects. As long as the opponent's flaws are numerous and big enough, then the effect of realm will be great enough.

The huge green wall looked extremely powerful, but in Lu Sheng's eyes, it was just a green net with surprisingly large holes.

Instant destruction of martial arts, Lin Kong! Lu Sheng bent forward and charged forward, stabbing the green wall lightly with the fire knife in his hand. The huge green wall collapsed and collapsed in an instant.

He passed through countless collapsed masses of green mist, and in a blink of an eye he was in front of the great shaman Zengmu, and slashed at him with his sword.

Seek death! The great wizard Zengmu laughed and raised his hand to block it in front of him.

clang! !

The flame knife stood fiercely on Masaki's forearm, but it made a dull sound of metal and wood. The skin on Masaki's hands only had white marks for one day, and there was a trace of white smoke before it completely returned to normal.

Lu Sheng was knocked backwards by the huge force.

What a hard body! He was not surprised but overjoyed. He landed lightly on the tree trunk in the distance and stood still.

After all, the Miaoyuan Heart Sutra he practiced was just an ordinary spiritual practice. Even after his continuous deduction and strengthening, it only improved from ordinary to excellent.

As for the outstanding skills, Zengmu Dasha, who is facing him, is definitely not lacking, and in addition, his level is much higher than Lu Sheng's.

Once the fight started, it was inevitable that Masugi would have the upper hand.

If Grandmaster Lu Sheng hadn't still been in the realm, he wouldn't even be qualified to engage in close combat. It was solved by witchcraft from a distance.

How did you get such hard meat? Can you tell me? Lu Sheng looked at Zengmu with interest and asked.

Cultivation? Of course not, this is something you are born with. It is the greatest gift of Wood God Jumang! It is the strongest manifestation of the depth of blood! It is impossible for a mere demon god bloodline like you to understand the power of our Witch Clan. Great! Masaki laughed.

Is it natural? Lu Sheng immediately understood that this thing was not a result of practice at all.

You are already so tough as a great witch, so wouldn't the ancestral witch be infinitely tougher than you? He then asked again.

The power of the ancestral witch is infinitely greater than mine! How dare you, just a little demon, to comment on the ancestral witch? You are really looking for death! Zengmu was furious and rushed towards Lu Sheng. His body was extremely powerful and his speed was as fast as lightning.

Since he knew that witchcraft was useless to Lu Sheng, he simply came up to fight!

With his physical body, not to mention the little demon at the Golden Core stage, even at the Nascent Soul stage, there is no way to seriously injure him.

With the bloodline of the Spring God Tree and the Mangzu Witch, he also has the extremely powerful power of regeneration. It takes a few breaths to return to normal after being injured.

Lu Sheng naturally did not dodge or dodge, and rushed forward to fight at close range.

The flame knife kept cutting white marks on the body of the Great Witch Zengmu, but even the white marks healed quickly.

Lu Sheng's continuous attacks failed, and he had to dodge the opponent's attacks in time. The power of the great shaman's body was also astonishing and terrifying, at least three times that of his current body.

When a palm struck, he had to either dodge or use the flame knife to deflect it.

He actually couldn't keep up with the opponent in terms of speed, but because his level was so much higher, he was able to dodge and attack in advance.

The two of them fought in close quarters, with countless Nanmingli fires flying around them, and the green mist attacks from other wizards were offset from time to time.

Give up, you stupid bird that can only dodge actually dares to kill our Zengmu tribe without authorization. It seems that the demon god of the Sun and Moon Palace did not teach you what it means to act within your ability! The great wizard Zengmu laughed wildly, and his body quickly began to expand and grow. In the blink of an eye, it reached more than five times its original size.

His little giant-like palm slammed down at Lu Sheng, and his speed and power were actually much faster than before.

Lu Sheng couldn't dodge in time, and before he could adapt to the sudden acceleration, he was hit immediately and was hit hard on the head and chest with a palm.

Boom! !

His whole body was smashed into the ground, forming a pit more than ten meters deep.

Are you dead? Zengmu Dasha walked slowly to the edge of the pit and looked down.

The pit was filled with smoke, the flames burned the earth and stones, and spattered a large amount of dust, completely blocking the sight and making it impossible to see anything clearly.

Lu Sheng lay quietly at the bottom of the pit, staring blankly up at the sky.

So, what am I playing?

Trying to use your body with an absolute disadvantage to defeat an opponent with an absolute advantage?

He suddenly recalled that he was weak when he was a child. At that time, he was weak and the right choice was always to go back and practice hard, improve his strength to the point where he could crush his opponents, and then solve everything.

Although I didn't expect the great witch's body to be so powerful at first, the way he looks now is really ugly. Lu Sheng raised his hand and raised it in front of his eyes.

Forget it. Since the Miaoyuan Heart Sutra can't defeat the opponent for the time being, let's use the Suzaku bloodline.

boom! !

In an instant, above the deep pit, the great wizard Zengmu crushed down with a big hand.

The overwhelming black hands seemed to completely cover the entire sky.



In an instant, Lu Sheng's eyes opened, and his whole body suddenly burned, turning into a brilliant crimson firebird that soared into the sky.

Since the human form cannot solve the problem, then restore the true body. The power of the demon clan's true body has always been ten times that of the transformed body.

The huge firebird opened its giant palm, stretched its wings in mid-air, and looked down at the great wizard Zengmu below.

You!! Zengmu opened his eyes wide and took a few steps back to look at Lu Sheng. Such pure Suzaku bloodline! Unbelievable! It's almost like Suzaku is alive! !

I'm sorry, I'm tired of playing. Lu Sheng's eyes were indifferent.

The last impression that left Masaki was a ferocious golden claw falling from the sky.

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