Extreme Demon

Chapter 341 Kung Fu and Servants 4

Junior brother, please see, these two are the children of the royal family who were just captured from the outside world. They are all under thirty years old. After three repeated brainwashing processes, they have basically understood all the memories and even the personality type you want. Inject at will. Yun Wanfei introduced. Their qualifications can also be cultivated to the detention level. They are more than enough candidates to serve as assistants in safe areas.

As the ancestor of the branch of the Yun family, she actually personally introduced the quality of the goods to Lu Sheng. If it were normal times, another hundred goods at this level of price would not be worth her personal experience.

But things were different now. Lu Sheng was worthy of her heavy investment regardless of his potential or background.

Lu Sheng shook his head slightly. Are there any other products? I don't need my personality to be completely washed away. The subsequent risks are too great. Once self-doubt arises, it will be very troublesome, right?

Junior brother understands people. Yun Wanfei nodded and smiled, This is also the only problem and flaw of this kind of goods, because cleaning the memory itself will damage the mind, and it is difficult to form a completely flawless memory model, so Many customers don't like this either.

If you don't care about this aspect, senior sister, I just happened to catch a few people with personality and potential.

She clapped her hands again.

The two men and women stood up and walked into the passage. Then some tall men wearing thick black robes pushed several metal black cages in front of them.

Junior brother, are you interested in seeing these things? Yun Wanfei said with a smile.

Lu Sheng nodded and glanced over.

There are nine cages in total, most of which are women. The men and women in all cages are handsome and beautiful, with excellent figures. Apparently pre-selected.

Moreover, each of the people inside had their limbs and necks fixed with rune chains, and were hung in large letters in the middle of the cage.

Compared with the previous two people, although these people were locked in cages, they were all wearing clothes, and they were clothes that highlighted their advantages.

The man is half-covered and half-revealed, showing off his strong muscle outline and his majestic capabilities. For women, the three points are looming, or they are completely tight-fitting, which perfectly highlights the figure.

Everyone looked numb, and their skin was clean and white, with a faint fragrance.

Lu Sheng glanced over, his eyes suddenly froze, and then quickly returned to normal.

How about it? Junior brother, is there anyone you like? Yun Wanfei said with a smile. The slaves here each cost between one hundred and one hundred and fifty magic gold. They are all good products with their own cultivation. Because they are not brainwashed, the price also includes a complete set of mind control needle formations. Price.

When Lu Sheng heard this, he didn't know that the other party had just calculated the price based on the magic gold in his hand. If they were all as cultivated as he thought, then such a small amount of magic gold would be a half-sale, half-free. This was Yun Wanfei's favor, and it was a favor that was difficult to refuse.

His face was calm, but his eyes pretended to scan around, and finally landed on the seventh cage.

And in this cage, there is a beautiful woman wearing a white lotus leaf skirt. The woman has narrow and watery eyes, an abnormally plump chest, round and slender legs, and long black hair hanging down, covering most of her charming face. It was Duanmu Wan who hadn’t seen him for a long time!

Duanmu Wan was obviously still a little confused, but when he heard the voice in front of him, he came back to his senses. She raised her head with difficulty and tried to look outside the cage.

This cage is arranged in a formation so that the outside cannot be seen from the inside. It also prevents slaves from seizing the opportunity to riot. Yun Wanfei also saw that Lu Sheng seemed to be interested in this slave.

She continued to introduce. In the cage on No. 7, there is a good thing we caught near Da Song Dynasty. Originally her cultivation should be at the level of six lines, but when we caught her, she was severely injured and her whole body's cultivation was completely destroyed. After After receiving treatment, he barely survived.

Just her. Lu Sheng said calmly. After all, it was considered an acquaintance with Duanmu Wan. Face to face, if you can do what you can, you can save her.

Junior brother has good eyesight. I haven't finished talking about the benefits of No. 7. Yun Wanfei still smiled and said, The biggest advantage of this one is not his cultivation or appearance, but his bloodline.

The bloodline of No. 7 is half human and half demon, and even if it is abolished, the limit can still reach the height of the earth element level. Whether it is used to refine the bloodline into medicine, or cultivate it as a subordinate, it is worth the money.

Lu Sheng nodded. He doesn't shy away from it either.

Speaking of which, I just felt that this No. 7 looked a bit like an old friend I once knew, so I decided it was her.

That's really good luck. Yun Wanfei smiled meaningfully, Old friends are better. Junior brother, are you paying in cash?

Pay now. Lu Sheng took out the Purple Ying Pearl directly from his waist bag, added a gold ticket of fifty magic gold, and handed it to Yun Wanfei.

Yun Wanfei was also dumbfounded. It was the first time in decades that she had to handle such a small amount of money personally. However, she remained calm on the surface and took the magic gold and purple ying beads. Then he placed a purple-black needle box in Lu Sheng's hand.

This is the mother needle of the mind control needle. As long as the slave is disobedient, it can be injected with true energy. As for the effect, junior brother will know after trying it.

Lu Sheng nodded.

Then how should I take it away? He didn't understand the rules in this area.

Junior brother, give me a place to live. We can deliver it to your house in person, or you can take it away now. Yun Wanfei glanced at Lu Sheng with a half-smile, By the way, junior brother, I forgot to remind you, this mind-controlling The needle is a permanent brain modification, a complete structural modification that cannot be undone. If you have any other ideas, please be sure to keep the mother needle in your hands.

Really? Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes.

The mind-control needle cannot be removed. Once it is released, it will completely kill the brain. Junior brother, it is best not to act rashly. In order to prevent slaves from stealing the mother needle, we have also specially refined the rules that the mother and child needles cannot be approached at a certain distance. Please also ask, junior brother Be careful. Yun Wanfei explained carefully. If you want to ensure the safety of your slaves, the best way is to put the female needle on yourself and keep it close to your body.

Understood. Lu Sheng took the needle box and looked at cage No. 7 again, confirming that it was Duanmu Wan.

Duanmu Wan also had a look of surprise and uncertainty on his face. As an upper-level strongman, he naturally has an excellent memory. Naturally, I would not be unimpressed by the voice of Lu Sheng, whom I had known before and was deeply impressed by.

After listening to the conversation between Lu Sheng and Yun Wanfei, she was almost certain that this new man was probably the one she knew before.

When she thought of this, a trace of shame, anger and helplessness suddenly appeared on Duanmu Wan's fair face. She was angry at herself, but she didn't expect that she would be defeated in the end, and her death would not be successful, but her former friends would see her in such an embarrassing state.

Her whole body was suspended in the cage, trying hard to turn away her face and try her best to cover her increasingly red face with her hair.

Junior brother, if you have any questions, you can come to the sect to see me at any time. I usually stay in the alchemy room and the library pavilion. Yun Wanfei continued.

Thank you, senior sister.

Lu Sheng stood up, cupped his hands and thanked Yun Wanfei. The whole person exploded and dissipated into green smoke.

Yun Wanfei also stood up, glanced at Duanmu Wan, and chuckled. She could tell that the favor he received this time definitely exceeded expectations. I didn't expect that this little slave caught at the border could have this effect.



The long sword trembled. Lu Sheng turned his hand back, and dozens of sword flowers flashed past. He made another light leap and slashed horizontally in all directions with the sword blade.

Chichi chichi.

A circle of slender invisible sharp airflow fell one after another, easily cutting off all five special wooden stakes standing in the courtyard.

Lu Sheng landed lightly, put away his sword, closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing.

He did not use his tyrannical demonic body of eight demons, nor did he use his inner energy, liquid, and demonic energy. He only used a little bit of true energy and pure skills to achieve such an effect.

The sword technique was just a set of ordinary sun-chasing sword techniques, just pure moves. However, after Lu Sheng added zhenqi to it, it suddenly changed drastically and became as powerful as it is now.

You are so understanding! A burst of applause sounded from the side.

Under the scorching sun, in the shadow of the courtyard, Elder Zhang Shilong walked out with a smile on his face and a look of admiration on his face.

Lu Sheng, your Qi cultivation is really fast. Now you have reached the fourth level, right? You are indeed the number one genius in the sect's branch!

Lu Sheng opened his eyes and showed a smile: Fortunately, it is because the essence of the Secret Realm is too strong that we can make such fast progress. But it will be different later. The accumulation required is getting bigger and bigger, and a similar improvement speed is impossible. So fast.

That's what I say, but how many people are really as fast as you? Zhang Shilong sighed.

Boom, boom, boom.

When he was about to speak but stopped, there was a slow knock on the courtyard door.

Is this Mr. Lu's residence? came a deep male voice from outside.

Lu Sheng raised his sleeves and the courtyard door creaked open.

There was a large cage covered with black cloth standing outside the door, and there was no one else there.

This is what you ordered, please check it. The voice floated from a distance, obviously already far away.

The smile on Lu Sheng's face faded slightly. Brother Zhang, I'll excuse you for a moment.

You're busy. The old man is going to the weapons room to take a look at the swords, so I won't disturb you. Zhang Shilong also winked at Lu Sheng in a narrow-minded manner, turned around and walked out of the yard in a few steps, disappearing without waiting for a reply.

Lu Sheng couldn't laugh or cry, knowing that he had been misunderstood again, but he didn't care anymore. He walked forward, carried the cage in, and put it into the study. Then he closed the courtyard door and then pulled off the black cloth.


The cage revealed Duanmu Wan, who was sitting calmly in the middle, completely naked.

Lu Sheng waved his hand, and the cage door lock clicked and opened automatically.

Duanmuwan's eyes suddenly opened, she quickly walked to the door, pushed it gently, and walked out.

It's really you! She looked up and saw Lu Sheng standing in front of her. She looked complicated for a moment, and her eyes were filled with shyness and happiness.

Yes, if it weren't for you, maybe I wouldn't have received such good treatment.

Long time no see. Lu Sheng smiled, But before reminiscing about old times, you'd better put on your clothes first.

Only then did Duanmuwan react, and she hurriedly knelt down, covering her chest and lower body with her hands, her face becoming even more blushing.

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