Extreme Demon

Chapter 340 Kung Fu and Servants 3

Late at night, at twelve o'clock, Fei Mansion.

In the collection room sealed by layers of dark golden rune chains, pieces of collections were scattered on the ground and on the shelves.

Most of the carpet on the floor was charred and stained by fire, and the rest was stained gray and white, stained by something unknown.

It was quiet inside and outside. There was a small tent set up by the pond outside, and there was the faint sound of the guards breathing, and they seemed to be asleep.

Chi. Chi Chi

Suddenly, a subtle noise like electricity came from the storage room. The air in the collection room twisted and spun rapidly, forming a vortex the size of a fist.

In the middle of the vortex, a little black slowly emerged.


The black suddenly expanded and turned into a tall figure covered in black smoke.

This node was destroyed? The figure looked at the location where the mirror was destroyed.

The figure's body seemed extremely unstable, twisting from time to time, like a TV image with poor signal.

This is the territory of Qian Yang Sect, you shouldn't be so reckless. Another slender figure slowly walked into the room behind him.

I know, I thought there should be another node here. The tall figure said in a low voice. His voice was like a collection of vibrations or the buzzing of many bees. The language he spoke was not Da Yin at all. Mandarin, but more like a completely different language. It’s just that this language seems to have the effect of direct information transmission, and the meaning can be understood without knowing the language.

The node is broken. Just go back to the Three Saint Sect to buy some more. There is no need to risk your life. The slender figure whispered.

No, I just wanted to see who ruined my plan. The tall figure explained.

He's just a lucky little guy from the Thousand Suns Sect's branch. It's just an accident. If you want to take revenge, you'll be too exposed and it won't be worth the loss to the alliance.

The tall figure was silent for a moment.

That's right, I'll just find another node.

Both of them looked at the fragments of the mirror at the same time, without saying anything.


Lu Sheng's eyes slowly passed over the huge bookshelf one by one. There are five categories of true skills, namely mental skills, true skills, mysterious skills, external skills, and secret skills.

These five categories actually correspond to the classification of the effects of Qi.

The mental method is to train the true energy and continuously improve the true energy. No matter the body.

The real secret is to enhance the Qi and physical body at the same time.

Xuan Gong mainly cultivates the physical body, and Zhenqi is only used to assist the physical body.

External skills are the ultimate pursuit of lethality and destructive power in actual combat.

Secret techniques are some special and rare secret techniques for using true energy, which often consume a lot of money and hurt others and yourself.

Lu Sheng swept all the way, and compared to the other types, he liked the true technique more. That is to say, the true energy and the physical body are improved at the same time.

However, true skills are also the most difficult among the several types. This type of true skills are either mediocre to the extreme, or they are geniuses and all-rounders, extremely talent-hungry. It also takes the most resources and time.

He selected for a long time, and finally found a set of true techniques for cultivating earth fire.

‘Melting Core Earth Core Determination’

There are nine realms in the entire Zhenjue, and the ninth level is known as the highest, which can achieve the tyrannical power of mobilizing earth fire lava. As long as you stand on the ground, you can have a steady stream of ground fire that you can manipulate at will. Very powerful.

Why did Junior Brother Lu choose this true secret? Yun Wanfei came over at some point and looked at the secret book of true secrets in Lu Sheng's hand with some surprise.

The Fusion Core Earth Core Art is at an extremely mediocre level even among true techniques. The physical training is not even as good as the Purple Jade Tianyi Jue, and the true energy is not as good as even the lower-medium Hongguang Rumeng Jue. The potential and prospects are not strong either. The only advantage is that after achieving great success, you can control a steady stream of earth fire at will, which can greatly save your own power consumption. Yun Wanfei paused and continued, But after the highest level of the true art is practiced, the lethality is also It is equivalent to the peak of Earth Yuan, but it consumes twice as many resources as other true techniques.

Lu Sheng understood what she meant. She mainly wanted to persuade him that this true art was not cost-effective, but that was not what he valued. What he really valued was the continuous earth fire energy of this true art and his dissatisfaction with the cultivation environment. Care.

Many other true techniques require various harsh environments and conditions, as well as many kinds of rare resources, materials, materials and treasures. Only this true technique does not require anything rare except for difficulty in practicing and Apart from mediocrity, there are no other obvious shortcomings.

It doesn't matter, I've chosen it, this is it. After all, it's just a support. Lu Sheng said with a smile.

That's right, junior brother's teacher is that adult, so I don't need to remind you about these aspects. Yun Wanfei also smiled.

Lu Sheng took the book, which was as tall as a person, out of the grid and gently opened the first page. In the middle of the white paper, there was a clear plum blossom-like pattern printed on it. This pattern is pale gold in color.

Under Yun Wanfei's guidance, Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and placed it on the surface of the pattern.


After a small sound, he raised his hand and looked at his palm. A page of fine rectangular text patterns was printed on his palm.

At the top of the text pattern, there is a line of extremely fine small characters, which clearly reads: The five characters of Melting Core Earth Heart Jue.

This is the secret book inheritance formation purchased by the Qianyang Sect of Qiuyue County from the previous sect. Each book can spontaneously leave its own mark on the viewer.

This book mark can last for five days. Although it is just a mark similar to light and shadow, if you look carefully, you can see the content on it clearly, and you can also turn the pages with your thoughts.

Lu Sheng put the book back on the bookshelf.

Junior brother, why don't you come together? I'll show you the latest good stuff. Yun Wanfei said with a smile.

Senior sister, please give me some discounts. Lu Sheng also said with a smile. He doesn't have much money in his pocket now, which is the regular money given by the sect in the past few months. The only thing that has more money is the money he gave out after he just became a true successor. This month's regular money is fifty magic gold. In addition to the Ziying Pearl received as compensation from the Song family before, if it is converted into magic gold, it is only one hundred and fifty taels. This amount of money is an unimaginable amount for ordinary people, but for their level, it is just that.

Junior brother, don't worry. With your reputation and status, it's more than enough to borrow a few thousand magic gold on credit. It won't be too late to pay it back when you get to Mo Ling Mansion. Our Yun family also has a branch in Mo Ling Mansion. Yun Wanfei explained with a sweet smile. .

The family's evaluation of Lu Sheng had long come out. It was originally only a second-grade evaluation. After becoming that disciple, it was instantly upgraded to a special grade, even surpassing the first-grade of ordinary elders.

In other words, in the eyes of the Yun family, Lu Sheng, who had only just shown low-level strength at the Jing level, was even more popular and had more status than the elders at the Diyuan level of the branch lineage.

Thank you so much, Senior Sister. Lu Sheng nodded, indicating that he understood the other party's gesture of kindness.

The two left the bookshelf together and returned along the same path. In the tall and empty corridor, Yun Wanfei also informed Lu Shengpu about the situation in Mo Ling's Mansion.

As a branch lineage true successor, and as a disciple of that one, Lu Sheng could directly obtain the status of a government-level true successor from the beginning.

As a government-level true successor, there are many ways and places to earn magic gold.

For example, if you take on the task of killing the remnants of the Demon Army, or explore the outside world, or take on some investigation tasks, if you have any expertise, such as engraving talismans, refining elixirs, magic weapons, etc., you can earn a lot of magic gold.

Isn't this just like the immortal cultivators in novels? Lu Sheng felt something was wrong as he listened. Refining elixirs, drawing talismans, carving formations, and forging magic weapons were all the standards of the immortal world.

Of course, we are still different from the immortals in Zhiyi novels, that is, without bloodline, we are not qualified to enter. In addition... Yun Wanfei smiled, You will know when you get there.

The two quickly left the Dao Palace and ran for dozens of miles toward the southwest. They soon arrived at a green valley filled with birds singing and flowers fragrant.

At the entrance of the valley path, there were two golden toad statues several meters high, with wisps of green clouds floating above them. Standing at the entrance of the canyon, Lu Sheng could also see pillars of green smoke floating out of it.

Family ancestor. Several men in green robes quickly rushed out of the canyon and knelt down to salute Yun Wanfei from a distance.

I'll bring the distinguished guests to your door. You prepare the goods. Yun Wanfei made a seal with one hand.


Suddenly the two toads at the entrance of the canyon opened their big mouths and spit out two streams of blue smoke.

Blue smoke quickly enveloped Lu Sheng, blurring his vision. After a moment, the blue smoke dissipated. The scene in front of Lu Sheng's eyes completely changed.

He and Yun Wanfei were standing alone in a small circular stone room.

On one side of the stone chamber, directly in front of them, there was a passage. The dark sides of the passage were illuminated by pearls hanging on them. I don’t know what type the pearl is, but the halo it emits is white and bright, like a torch.

Please sit down. Yun Wanfei extended his hand to Lu Sheng.

The two slowly sat on the seats behind them.

This is an underground secret room specially built by my Yun family. It is specially designed for distinguished guests. There is no need to worry about any secrets being leaked. Here, all distinguished guests can speak out their biggest needs without restraint, no matter what kind of needs they are. We will try our best to be satisfied. As long as there is enough magic gold, everything will not be a problem. She said with a smile.

Lu Sheng suddenly understood. If he dared to say such words, it seemed that the power standing behind the Yun family was absolutely terrifying.

Maybe he also has connections with the three major families. After all, the one with the most slaves is the Great Yin government.

It's really a big deal! Lu Sheng nodded.

Tea. Yun Wanfei clapped his hands.

Immediately, two human-faced wasps flapped their wings and buzzed out of the passage, placing down the tea and cakes they were holding in their hands.

Lu Sheng saw the human-faced bee for the first time.

This creature is as tall as a person when standing straight up. It has the head of a beautiful woman, and the rest of its body is completely like a giant bee with alternating yellow and black patterns. The wings on its back are vibrating at high speed, and its feet do not touch the ground. It looks submissive and obedient.

When the tea was served, two human-faced bees were suspended behind the two of them.


Yun Wanfei clapped softly again.

Two more naked men and a woman slowly walked out of the passage. Both of them were first-class handsome in terms of figure and appearance.

But when these two people walked in front of Lu Sheng and Yun Wanfei, they knelt down, turned around, and turned their backs to them.

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