Extreme Demon

Chapter 277 Destined Destruction 10

hiss.! !

A huge suction force came from the gap.

The King of Shadows clearly felt that his magic energy was flowing away more than ten times faster than before.

Oh?? There is also this move, not bad, not bad. He was really surprised. In so many years, this is the first time that after being tempted, he can temporarily interrupt his life.

Another half hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Lu Sheng made another move. He stopped absorbing the demonic energy, stood up again, started to retreat, and stood a little further away.

Oh? Could it be that he is dying and wants to break free? The Shadow King became confused again.

But then, there was a rapid squirming of flesh and blood, and the sound of bones expanding and rubbing reached the altar.

The King of Shadows watched helplessly as Lu Sheng expanded from an ordinary figure of over two meters tall to a huge monster over eight meters tall in a few breaths.

This will make it easier to suck. Lu Sheng shook his terrifying head like a giant crocodile with satisfaction, approached the altar with heavy steps, opened his mouth and continued to suck.


The King of Shadows opened his mouth wide in the darkness, staring dumbfounded at Lu Sheng's suddenly changed appearance.

It's really interesting. He laughed dryly. I started to wonder what the other person would do next.

In this state, does this person think it is more convenient to absorb demonic energy in this state? He was a little confused.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, an extremely strong pulling force came from the gap in the altar.

At least one percent of the demonic energy in the Shadow King's body was pulled and quickly flowed towards this pulling force.

The Shadow King was slightly startled, but then he laughed again.

Suck it, suck it. Even if you transform and become bigger, I am at least twice as big as you. I don't believe you can still suck all my demonic energy?!

How could a guy with a weird appearance but still a human being be compared with him as a demon king?

The basis for storing demonic energy is the strength of the physical body, and the comparison between the human body and the demonic body is simply the difference between steel and tofu, two completely different materials.

as time flows.

Lu Sheng suddenly stopped again.

It shouldn't work now, right? The Shadow King breathed a sigh of relief, and then he couldn't help but laugh at himself. He, the majestic king of the demon clan, would actually be a little nervous by a little weird human being. If he told this, he would be afraid of being laughed to death by other demon kings.

But Lu Sheng sat down cross-legged, and an extremely thick aura of demonic energy began to appear on his body. Behind them, blurry monsters continued to flash, some were snakes, some were cows, some were lions, etc.

All these shadows were thrown into him and became one with him.

Roar! !

Suddenly, Lu Sheng's whole body expanded violently again.

He was originally over eight meters tall, covered in spiked scales, but now he expanded again, reaching over ten meters in just a few breaths! !

The most conspicuous thing among them is his belly. The whole belly protrudes greatly. From a distance, it looks like a big fat man with horns and back spines. However, this big fat man has a particularly big mouth and wears jet black scale armor. , legs and tail as thick as giant stone pillars.


Lu Sheng opened his mouth. The inside was densely packed with white serrations. There were three rows of fangs from the inside to the outside. They were dense enough to crush any object.

He moved his body with satisfaction, adapting to the changes in his muscles and joints, then took a big step with a bang, and approached the gap of the altar again.

suck.! !

boom! ! !


This time the Shadow King's face turned green.

He instantly felt an unprecedented suction force, coming crazily along the gap in the altar, and the demonic energy in his body was reduced by more than 10% in the blink of an eye! !

Is this guy really a human? Isn't it possible that some demon came to deceive me? The King of Shadows couldn't move because of the seal. He could only watch his demonic energy decrease rapidly, and it was still at a speed visible to the naked eye. Fall rapidly.

After Lu Sheng breathed for a while, he stopped again, then sat down on the edge. Before the King of Shadows could relax, he saw Lu Sheng's body swelled and became bigger again.

After getting bigger, he came over and sucked hard.

After repeating this process several times, Lu Sheng not only showed no intention of being corroded by the demonic element, but instead grew larger and larger, sucking away all the demonic element that the King of Shadows had finally accumulated in the seal in one breath.

an hour later

Huh? The flow of demonic energy was cut off, and Lu Sheng's body size also expanded to thirteen meters tall. Standing in the cave, he was about the same size as a hill. The most conspicuous thing about his body was his big belly.

It has horns, a giant tail, spikes all over its body, a big belly, thirteen meters tall, and its entire body is pitch black. The muscle bumps on his body were similar to tumors, and there were two eyes on his back that were wandering around. This is his appearance at this time.

Because the Yin Fire evolved into the Eight Divine Beads, the demonic energy in the whole body changed, and all the demonic bodies mutated accordingly.

Fortunately, there is a sufficient supply of magic energy here, otherwise, this trip may really drain the river of poisonous mist. Lu Sheng sighed, reached out and dug into the small hole, but still no magic energy flowed out.

No way, this is an ancient demon seal. According to legend, shouldn't demons be invincible and extremely powerful? Why did they disappear so quickly? Is there something blocking it? He was a little strange.

The shadow king inside the altar wanted to curse.

Don't even look at that head of yours! A human head that looks like a small hill is already perverted enough to be able to absorb the demonic energy from you for so long!

Seeing Lu Sheng still wasn't satisfied, the King of Shadows was also on the verge of tears. He originally planned to lure the other party to absorb his demonic element, but he would be reversely decomposed and digested by the overly concentrated demonic element and turned into nutrients, but he didn't expect it.

Puff. Puff. Boom!

Suddenly a strange sound came from outside the altar.

When the Shadow King was wondering, he suddenly felt his body tilted and his center of gravity was a little unstable. He quickly looked outside and was stunned.

Lu Sheng was unwilling to give in, and actually dug out the entire altar, lifted it up, and shook it vigorously, trying to pour out more demonic energy.

This time the Shadow King was dumbfounded. As Lu Sheng's huge power continued to sway, he quickly pressed his body against the inner cavity of the altar, not daring to move.

A demon king without demonic energy is only 10 to 20 percent of his usual strength at most.

He really felt a little scared when he faced this weird human being who had absorbed more than 50% of his demonic energy.

He is not the fool that King of Clouds is.

The King of Shadows did not dare to express his anger, and his body was pressed tightly against the inner wall of the altar, not daring to move at all. I can only pray that the other person will leave quickly.

Is it gone? Lu Sheng turned the altar upside down and looked in through the gap. It was empty, with nothing inside. The entire altar was like an empty box.

It's really gone. He put it down in disappointment.


The altar hit the ground heavily and was returned to its original position.

Lu Sheng burped. This time, he had devoured enough demonic energy. After sucking it in for the first time, he made a decisive decision, that is, to directly use his divine power to deduce and enhance his demonic body.

Taking advantage of enough demonic energy, he simply sorted out all the modifier boxes.

All martial arts and martial arts, especially some miscellaneous studies, and some weaker basic martial arts in the early stage, were all merged into basic martial arts by him, occupying only one box. It represents basic leg skills, basic knife skills, basic sword skills, and all other basics.

As for the various stronger internal and external skills, Lu Sheng classified all of them into two categories: external and internal.

All yang internal and external skills have been incorporated into the outer sect, including the Chiji Jiusha Gong and the Jiyang Tao external stamina that lead transformation, as well as the Mingxu Earth Stepping Kung Fu, etc.

The yin internal energy such as Bao Ping Qi is classified into the internal method.

After that comes the secret method. The precious secret method from the family school is actually more like an evolved version of extreme martial arts. Lu Sheng carved out a separate area on the modifier as a secret area, and put all the secrets here.

After this complete separation, the dense state of the entire modifier was swept away. Become refreshing and refreshed. From top to bottom, there are four large grids in total.

‘Outer ways, inner ways, secret techniques, basic martial arts. ’

There are four categories in total, and this is all he has learned. The modifier reflects the content of his brain's cognition. He believes that these things should be divided into one category, so the data content read by the modifier will also be divided in this way.

After the division was completed, it happened to be the time when Lu Sheng absorbed the demonic energy for the first time.

He decisively entered the secret technique and found the eight demonic bodies. The eight demonic bodies were unified and named by Lu Sheng as the Eight Demonic Paths. As the name suggests, it means cultivating the eight kinds of magic skills to the extreme.

With a massive supply of demonic energy, Lu Sheng decisively began to use his divine power to deduce the new eight-headed demonic path.

This is equivalent to deducing eight kinds of magic skills at the same time. Lu Sheng had already practiced these eight kinds of magic body secret skills to the pinnacle. At this time, with the support of the divine power, he once again started to deduce a new subsequent realm.

The final result did not disappoint Lu Sheng. After consuming nearly two hundred points of spiritual power, the Eight-headed Demonic Path was successfully promoted to another level. It also made Lu Sheng even bigger.

‘Eight Demonic Paths: The Fourth Realm of Anti-Yuanguiliu. Special effects: Eight demonic bodies, level 30 strong acid, level 40 erosion of the mind, level 40 strengthening of hard skin, level 40 backstab.’

Lu Sheng's eyes slowly turned away from the large list of special effects. Because he had enough demonic energy to replenish himself, he piled all eight demonic bodies into a square box and divided the realms of all demonic bodies into three levels.

The first realm is to refine the demonic energy.

Whether it is the Causeless Kung Fu, the Demonic Shadow Heart, or several other basic secret techniques for demonic bodies, the only purpose is to allow practitioners to adapt to the demonic energy and refine it into a part of themselves.

In the second state, all things arise by themselves.

Various demonic bodies actually use demonic energy to develop demonic energy to stimulate the body and spirit and produce various superpower-like qualities. This is the so-called development of various methods, and all methods will arise by themselves.

The third realm is reaching the pinnacle.

In fact, it means that all demonic bodies have reached the pinnacle and are beyond repair.

The final fourth realm, anti-Yuanguiliu, is a special realm deduced by the modifier but named by Lu Sheng. After the modifier deduced to this level, most of the flesh and bones of Lu Sheng's body gradually evolved into a special structure that was extremely compatible with the demonic element.

This structure is extremely easy to expand and shrink, and its resistance to physical defense, flames, poisons, etc. is much easier than that of the original simple human cells.

Thank you again for the 10,000-point tip from last week~


Extreme old devil

I would also like to thank everyone who has continued to subscribe to this book. It has been brewing for so long and is finally about to explode. I hope you will support me more in the future.

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