Extreme Demon

Chapter 276 Destined Destruction 9


Lu Sheng's sword and the tauren's palms obviously did not come into contact with each other, but they made a dull and loud sound. The two were swung apart at the same time.

Secret Technique of Cloud Refining!! Lu Sheng's body flashed with black energy, and a ball of pale flame suddenly exploded in front of him. The flames were surrounded by rune-like white chain rings and rushed towards the opponent.

The right eye of the antlered tauren also lit up red, and a black crow flew out of the pupil and pecked at Lu Sheng fiercely.

Ga! !

The black crow flew bigger and bigger, and its wings expanded from a few meters long at the beginning to seven or eight meters in an instant, almost completely blocking Lu Sheng's entire field of vision, and all he could see was black feathers.

The pale flame and the black crow collided instantly, and both shattered at the same time, exploding countless white fire and black mud flying towards both sides.

Go to hell, bug!! The antlered tauren took a few steps back, tried to distance himself, and grabbed it with one claw.

But between the white fire and black mud of the explosion, a black shadow rushed out in an instant, pulling out a straight trajectory in mid-air.


The black shadow avoided the sharp claws, flicked from top to bottom, and cut a huge bloody gash on the arm of the antlered tauren.

The holy shadow is coming! The deer-horned bull-head roared, and large black mud spewed out of the wound on his arm, trying to pull Lu Sheng in like a living creature.

At the same time, the shadows in all corners of the cave turned into living creatures and quickly rolled towards Lu Sheng.

Shadows swept across from all directions.

Lu Sheng's arms drooped, and a large amount of demonic energy surged out, condensing into two giant black knives in his hands.

Hiss, hiss!

Eight purple-black beads surrounded the blade. He simply did not dodge and charged towards the antlers and bull heads.

The sword flashed.

Hiss! !

There was a crisp sound, and a huge wound was torn open on the entire body of the antlered tauren from top to bottom.

The dark red flesh and blood in the wound squirmed and rushed towards Lu Sheng, trying to get him involved again.

Bang! ! Bang bang bang bang bang! !

At this moment, a series of purple-black flames exploded from the wound at the same time. The eight divine beads exploded, and the flames quickly spread across the tauren's huge body.

Ah!! It howled in pain. The shadows surrounding him also quickly receded and lost their activity.

Lu Sheng landed lightly on a big rock and looked up in surprise at the antlered tauren screaming in pain.

He was originally planning to use all his strength to fight with the guy in front of him who looked very strong. But as soon as the eight divine beads came out, the purple-black flame seemed to be extremely strong, but as soon as it came into contact, it spread and burned like crazy on the antlered tauren.

What kind of flame is this?!? The tauren's entire body was ignited at this time. He rolled around, trying to roll his body on the stone wall to suppress the flames, but to no avail.

Soon, as time passed, the entire tauren body gradually began to melt. Large pieces of burnt flesh and blood fell down, and more bones and muscles dissolved into a hot magma-like liquid, flowing down the stream. Enter the depression in the ground.

In less than a moment, the entire giant antlered tauren completely dissolved and disappeared.

This!? Lu Sheng was still in the state of yin and yang. His body over two meters tall was like a delicate work of art. His body was slender and well-proportioned, covered with pure mirror-like scales. Coupled with the slightly swaying long tail behind it, it doesn't look like a human at all from a distance, but more like the human form of some kind of monster.

It stands to reason that the Eight Divine Beads are just special flames developed by Yin Fire. Even if they are powerful, they are not so exaggerated. They can easily kill a monster with at least three levels of strength. Lu Sheng walked to the antlers. In front of the tauren corpse, he carefully examined the hot red liquid that dissolved the corpses underground around him.

Is it that what I encountered was not a sealed demon at all, or are these eight divine beads too powerful? Lu Sheng was a little surprised.

After the antlered tauren died, a medium-sized white wooden door was revealed in the area covered by his body.

A staircase is drawn on the wooden door that extends downwards. Because the painting is extremely realistic, it is easy to think of it as a real stone staircase passage if you are in a daze.

Lu Sheng walked to the wooden door, gently pulled it, but there was no movement, then pushed it, and the door slowly opened.

Inside is another equally huge cave.

It's just that this cave is deeper than the cave where the tauren is. The opening of the wooden door is exactly at the top of the cave.

Lu Sheng looked inside.

There are no monsters in the cave, only a huge altar in the middle. There are also flesh and blood sacrifices piled up on the altar, all of which are raw and have not been processed in any way. Some of the meat had already dried and become moldy, and some had turned completely black and turned into dried meat.

What is strange is that there is a small and exquisite wooden carving of a tauren with antlers placed in front of the sacrifice on the altar.

The brown wood carving was already cracked and cracked, so bad that it was about to shatter.

Could it be that the one we met just now was not a demon, but a monster formed by the pollution of demonic energy? Lu Sheng suddenly became convinced, and with a slight jump, he jumped from the door into the second large hole.

As soon as he entered, he heard what seemed to be countless people whispering and murmuring something in his ears.

Devil's pollution force field. He himself has something similar, and the Snake of Jealousy has this ability. Because it was a secret technique created in imitation of a demon, Lu Sheng's pollution force field was pitifully weak compared to the evil whispers in his ears at this moment.

Lu Sheng gently landed on the altar and lurked, stood in front of the wooden carving of antlers and a bull's head, and picked it up.

But as soon as it came into contact, the wood carving instantly shattered on the ground, obviously completely damaged.

No wonder it's so weak. It turns out to be just a contaminated and mutated monster.

He threw away the wooden sculpture and his eyes fell on the altar in front of him.

It seems that this altar should be used to seal the real demon. He noticed that there were countless extremely complex rune carvings on the edge of the altar.

These runes were almost exactly the same as what he saw in the magic place in the Secret Palace. Of course, the pattern style is the same, but the rune patterns here are far more complex than those in the Secret Art Palace.

If the complexity level in the Secret Art Hall is one, then here it is dozens, or even hundreds. The difference is extremely obvious.

Lu Sheng walked around the altar and soon found a stone tablet half sunk into the ground on the side.

The stone tablet was only a dozen steps away from the altar, and something was recorded on it in a weird and crooked text. Lu Sheng didn't understand the content.

But when he walked around and went around to the back, he saw that someone behind the stone tablet had written a lot of dense content in ancient Song Dynasty script.

Lu Sheng came closer to identify it carefully. The most obvious line of these words is slightly raised to show the difference.

‘The ninth altar of Moyuankou is sealed by the Shadow King of the Shadow Demon Tribe. Risk level C. ’

This is the content of the text.

Above this line of words, there is a similar line of words.

‘The tenth altar at Moyuankou is sealed by the Dark Cloud King of the Moon Demon Clan. Risk level D. ’

Lu Sheng frowned and continued to look down.

‘The eighth altar of Moyuankou is sealed by the mad master of the chaotic demon clan, with a dangerous level of B. ’

‘The seventh altar of Moyuankou is sealed by the Lord of the Ice Sand of the Chaos Demon Clan. It is dangerous level A, so be careful before entering. ’

The following are the sixth, fifth, fourth, third, and the second and first ones after that are all empty and blurry. I don’t know whether there is no sealer, or it is too long ago and the writing is blurred.

There is no word of caution after the writing on it. From this point of view, it should be that the further down, the smaller the order, and the stronger the sealed demon. Lu Sheng guessed, after reading the content of the stone tablet, he wandered around the surrounding caves for a few more times. I couldn't find any other remaining clues.

It was just the evil murmur in the air that made him a little irritated. Even if his demonic body is fully developed, he still has a similar force field and is highly resistant. But after all, someone is chanting sutras in the ear, which will make people extremely uncomfortable.

I don't know who left this seal. Could it be the military commander of the ancient Song Dynasty? Lu Sheng returned to the altar.

Forget it, let's go back first and seal this place in the future to prevent others from entering by mistake. Since he didn't find it, Lu Sheng didn't plan to stay here for a long time.

He turned around and was about to rush back towards the previous door.


Suddenly a small cracking sound penetrated into his ears.

Is this...? Lu Sheng paused, quickly turned around, and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a gap in the corner of the altar. I don't know when it opened.

The gap was pitch black, and a large amount of thick demonic energy was constantly rolling and surging, and it was also a thick demonic energy that was very similar to the River of Poison Mist.

This is... Lu Sheng finally understood where the extremely tempting and delicious taste he felt before came from.

‘Come on. Come on. Such pure demonic energy can’t be found anywhere else after you leave here.’ A soft and evil voice slowly sounded in Lu Sheng’s ears.

This voice was hidden among countless murmurs and was inconspicuous. Even Lu Sheng didn't notice anything unusual.

Absorbing such pure and thick demonic energy for one day here is at least equivalent to absorbing it outside for half a month! An extremely strong desire surged from his heart. Lu Sheng just lacked the large amount of demonic energy that the demonic body could use to transform his body. At this time, he saw The large amount of high-purity demonic energy that reached the gap began to stir.

Deep inside the altar, in the dark and airtight space, a pale and bloodless face was staring greedily at Lu Sheng standing outside through the altar.

Seducing outsiders with demonic energy, attracting them, swallowing large amounts of demonic energy, causing them to be contaminated, causing the body and spirit to gradually become lost, causing hallucinations to be digested, and then dissolve them into part of their own power.

This is one of the many ways that he, the Lord of Shadows, widens the rift in the altar.

Lu Sheng came closer step by step and sat down cross-legged at the gap of the altar.


Countless demonic energy was entangled and quickly breathed into his mouth and nose.

Huh? The speed is good. The physical body can actually absorb the breath from the body so quickly. It should be a pure human being. Inside the altar, the King of Shadows was slightly surprised. Are all human bodies today so weird? Interesting.

After half a stick of incense.

Lu Sheng suddenly stopped, stopped absorbing the demonic energy, and stood up.

What is he going to do? Is he planning to leave? That shouldn't be the case. My magic element itself still has a strong temptation, and I don't feel any mental reaction to break free. The King of Shadows was puzzled and continued to observe.

Then he saw Lu Sheng walking to the gap in the altar and actually stuffing his entire head directly into the gap.

Open your mouth.

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