Extreme Demon

Chapter 236 Plot 2

At this time, the Feiming Secret Formation was led by Huang Sicheng, the leader of the Five Marks Realm. It was even more powerful. The golden light points gathered into the wind, whistling and driving the airflow towards Lu Sheng.

In this golden air flow, huge symbols shine from time to time, looming.

This is the Feiming Secret Formation of the Kaiyang School. What a great trick! You used words to frame Lu Sheng of the Yuan Mo Sect, and then combined the power of everyone to attack at the same time. Li Xiuying from Ice Valley said coldly.

Senior Sister, in this situation, why don't we help Yuan Mo Sect? After all, Brother Lu is amazingly powerful and can cooperate with us to obtain a higher ranking in the future. Yue Shengya took the opportunity to get closer and suggested in a low voice.

It's late, I also have this idea, but once the Feiming Formation is formed, anyone who takes action will cause a violent explosion and counterattack. No one present is sure to take this blow. Li Xiuying shook her head.

At this time, the Yixue Sect and others were gritting their teeth and staring at the field, obviously hoping that Lu Sheng would not be able to catch this blow.

The wind of golden light blew towards Lu Sheng.

Interesting. This is a special method that uses the power of black film to smelt some kind of hard metal powder. When used, the powder is spilled and driven by the power of black film, turning it into a poisonous mist.

Lu Sheng admired and said that this trick was really good.

He stretched out his right hand and spread the demonic energy across his palm. He suddenly grabbed the stone pillar of the side hall.

Click! ! !

The huge stone pillar, which was seven to eight meters long and more than half a meter thick, was completely torn off by him with one hand.

Lu Sheng waved a circle of pillars, and the heavy stone pillars caused a huge roar, making the entire Huilan Garden tremble slightly.

The people from all the schools present were also stunned.

Come on, pick me up Wait! We give up and admit defeat!!

Before Lu Sheng finished speaking, Huang Sicheng jumped out and shouted with a pale face.

The four people, including him, fled away one by one, fearing that Lu Sheng would be smashed down by a pillar and no one would be left alive.

Just kidding, this pillar looks like it weighs tens of thousands of pounds at first glance, and coupled with the huge whistling sound when Lu Sheng swings it, it's obvious that it's extremely powerful.

Who would believe that the total impact force of the front and back is not tens of thousands of pounds? Only a ghost can catch such a heavy attack.


Lu Sheng punched a pillar into the ground, creating a deep depression in the stone slabs on the ground, causing gravel and debris to splash everywhere.

At this time, the golden light spots also dispersed, and before they could reach him, they were removed by Huang Sicheng and others.

Lu Sheng looked disappointed. The other party didn't even have the courage to try. In vain, he was even slightly interested.

Brother Lu is extraordinary in strength, we are willing to be inferior. Huang Sicheng said helplessly. I, the Kaiyang School, admit defeat.

The four of them challenged Lu Sheng together. If they lost, it meant that Yuan Mo Sect had won four games at once.

Yuan Mo Sect He Xiangzi fought hard to win one game before, and then Lu Sheng subdued the Huangsha Sword Sect and won two games.

Now add the four games that Huang Sicheng sent to the door.

There are seven games in total. If Lu Sheng takes the initiative to respond to challenges again and cripples himself and his main combat strength, then the Kaiyang School will no longer be able to compete for the ranking in the future.

Huang Sicheng thought about this and took the initiative to clasp his fists and said: Since I, the Kaiyang School, have also lost, why don't we and everyone present hand over the remaining challenges to Brother Lu? With Brother Lu's strength, we don't have to worry about everyone being unconvinced.

In this way, the ranking of our division is determined.

Li Xiuying of Ice Valley pondered for a moment, I agree.

The people from the Huangsha Sword Sect looked helpless and remained silent. The people of Yixue Sect were in commotion for a while, and then they agreed.

In this way, the ranking of the entire division is also fixed.

Yuan Mo Sect Lu Sheng ranked first, followed by Kaiyang School, followed by Ice Valley, and finally Huangsha Sword Sect and Alien Cave Sect.

Lu Sheng was very satisfied with this. He knew that the other sects were afraid that he would use the challenge quota to directly cripple the main combat forces of several major sects, so he made concessions. Anyway, the Huangsha Sword Sect and the Different Cave Sect were already crippled. The top three are divided among the three factions.

After some processing, Huang Sicheng called the secret recorder of Tianlian School and asked him to write down the results. After that it was a foregone conclusion.

After confirming the rankings and recording them, with no hope left, Huangsha Sword Sect and Yixue Sect left one after another, leaving the remaining three sects behind. Huang Sicheng simply proposed to gather here at Yuan Mo Sect to discuss external actions.

Lu Sheng also agreed to come down.

The elites of the three major sects all stayed and sat down beside the stone pillar that Lu Sheng had torn off.

Huang Sicheng, Zhao Zhao, Li Xiuying, Yue Shengya, and Lu Sheng and He Xiangzi.

These are the decision-makers of several universities.

There was a cold wind blowing in the courtyard of Huilan Garden, and lime and broken leaves were constantly blown around by the wind.

The six of them just sat on the ground, and they didn't mind it being dirty. Anyway, the black film was insulating them, and the dust could be shaken off with a gentle shake.

Huang Sicheng was the first to speak.

To be honest, the Feiming Formation that I used against Brother Lu was actually intended to be used against the top experts in another division. I just didn't expect it. He smiled bitterly.

Masters from other divisions, Brother Huang, are you talking about Yinque Shuxian from Peacock Mountain? Li Xiuying interjected.

She is just one of them. This time, Shushanzi Yuan Ba ​​and Shen Youyou are all extremely powerful people. Last time I was defeated by Shen Youyou in three moves as soon as I left the division, and I had to admit defeat. Huang Sicheng He sighed and said, But we have Brother Lu this time. With Brother Lu's strength, as long as we make good plans, we will definitely get a good ranking.

Speaking of Lu Sheng, he was also a little excited, and suddenly felt wise about his previous action of voluntarily admitting defeat.

If he really wanted to face off against Lu Sheng, with his abnormal and terrifying physical fitness, there really was no other way except losing troops and generals and being forced to admit defeat.

It's not like now, turning an enemy into a friend and letting the chiefs of other districts face Lu Sheng's terrifying power. Let them also experience the fear they had before waiting for others.

When he thought of this, he became a little excited unconsciously.

Just how to plan? Li Xiuying asked with interest.

It depends on whether Brother Lu is willing to help with this? Huang Sicheng looked at Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng looked at a few people, and everyone looked at him expectantly.

He also smiled.

I don't want to.

The smiles on everyone's faces suddenly stopped.

Although after leaving the division, the number of challenges is recalculated and five games can be counted, I can only challenge five people at most. It may not guarantee a complete victory. In this case, any plan you have is actually meaningless. Lu Sheng said casually. I can't do anything to help you.

To be precise, he has no obligation to help these two schools of thought. What kind of thing is Huang Sicheng? He is not a relative, not a friend, and he has been ruthless before. If you can't beat me now, you're going to admit defeat, and you still want his help? Nonsense.

His Lu Sheng's purpose is not to be in the limelight, but just to stabilize his ranking and not be cut off from his inheritance. Now that you have achieved your goal, you can just hang around casually. Why do you want to be so messy?

Huang Sicheng and Li Xiuying both looked helpless.

That's it. Well, since Brother Lu doesn't want to, we have no choice but to leave. Huang Sicheng was silent for a moment, then got up and left.

Li Xiuying and Yue Shengya from Ice Valley stayed there and remained motionless for the time being, while Li Xiuying watched Lu Sheng carefully.

If Brother Lu is willing to take action, I am willing to pay a small Chiyang Iron Mine in exchange for Brother Lu's chance to take action. Li Xiuying said in a serious voice.

Chiyang Iron Mine?

Lu Sheng didn't know what Chiyang Iron was, but looking at the looks on Yue Shengya and He Xiangzi's faces, he knew that this thing was definitely worth a lot of money. Even for a school of divine weapon blood, it was a huge expense. , should be helpful to Yuan Mo Sect.

Let me be clear first. I am just strong and fast. In fact, my secret skills are not high. I cannot withstand the power of their black film against powerful masters. Lu Sheng reminded.

I understand. Li Xiuying nodded.

Just having great strength and speed can at most destroy the physical body of an expert a few times. However, for an expert with five lines or above, serious physical injuries such as broken limbs can be repaired quickly and have little impact on the strength. As long as the bloodline is not too weak, it can be completely recovered in a very short time.

And the power of their black membrane is extremely toxic and has amazing resilience. If Lu Sheng cannot break the black membrane, they can even recover from serious injuries in just a dozen breaths. And Lu Sheng, who is only physically strong, cannot withstand the higher-level black film toxicity.

It doesn't matter. When the time comes, I just need Brother Lu to help me at the critical moment. That will be enough. Li Xiuying said calmly.

With that, I'll take my leave. She stood up and left.

Yue Shengya winked at Lu Sheng, smiled and left with the senior sister.

Lu Sheng didn't know why, but He Xiangzi beside him told the truth.

Junior brother, the girl from Ice Valley seems to have a crush on you.

Ignore her, I am the one who got married. Lu Sheng said casually.

In fact, the power he used this time was just the normal strength of the cathode state. If he really transformed into the anode state, his power would be several times stronger. In the state of yin and yang unity, the strength and speed are far beyond what is known today. Not to mention the explosion of burning gas and liquid.

Chiyang Iron Mine. I didn't expect that it would be so easy to make money now that I am so powerful. He Xiangzi began to look depressed again.

Lu Sheng couldn't comfort her at all.

After the two of them rested and slept, they practiced the secret techniques in Huilan Garden as usual the next day. In the afternoon and evening, a melodious bell rang.

The first phase of the divisional conflict is over.

Lu Sheng and He Xiangzi opened the door and walked out of Huilan Garden. From a distance, they saw a group of Taoist guides walking towards them.

Please the winning brothers and sisters, please go to Bie Kong Hall. I will lead the way. One of the Taoists shouted loudly.

Lu Sheng, Huang Sicheng and others, as well as Li Xiuying and others, gathered together and followed the guide to the west of Qiongyi Palace.

To the west is a prosperous inner garden, and behind the garden is a gray square with a huge turtle statue.

Taoists have already set up tables and chairs for each university faction in the square. It was completely like an open-air meeting.

Next to Lu Sheng was Yue Shengya. She reminded in a low voice: Brother Lu, Senior Sister asked me to tell you to challenge Bai Qingtang, the second-ranked person in Peacock Mountain. I believe that with your strength, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Bai Qingtang? Lu Sheng was about to nod. Suddenly a strong wind roared.

This wind came strangely. It was not as soft as normal wind at all, but instead it was like a knife cutting repeatedly on the skin.

Lu Sheng looked up and saw a white-haired woman standing on the other side of the square in the direction of the wind.

This white-haired woman has a female body and a male appearance, with seven huge white feathers floating behind her. At this time, one of the feathers was shining with white light. Apparently it was her who caused the wind.

This level is beyond imagination. Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes. Unlike others, he could naturally estimate the general level of this woman at a glance.

Shu Xian, why are you planning to challenge us all as soon as we break through?!! A tall and thin man with a circle of flying knives tied around his waist stood up and said coldly.

You can come together, it will save me a lot of time. The white-haired woman said calmly.


Is Peacock Mountain going to be an enemy of all the Lower Three Schools?

Senior Sister Shu, are you too crazy?

The chiefs of each school couldn't help changing their expressions and stood up.

There were all top experts from the five major divisions present. Dozens of people gathered together, and the momentum was quite huge.

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