Extreme Demon

Chapter 235 Plot 1

After solving the Huangsha Sword Sect, the Yuan Mo Sect successfully gained recognition from several other university sects, believing that Lu Sheng was fully qualified to be on par with their entire school with the strength of one person.

No one is willing to admit that they are inferior to Yuan Mo Sect, but no one is willing to dare to be the first to stand up and fight against Yuan Mo Sect.

After Lu Sheng defeated the Huangsha Sword Sect, he took He Xiangzi back to the courtyard to wait for the result.

In the afternoon, he was bored in the yard, so he knocked down a wild goose with a stone, plucked its feathers, boiled water, stewed it in a large pot, and added a lot of elixirs he carried with him as spices to stew it.

The plump goose meat is constantly tumbling in the pot, boiling out a milky white soup. The fragrance is so fragrant that even He Xiangzi on the side can't help but sniff.

She is not a person who likes to eat, but this pot of wild goose meat is really delicious, and just smelling it makes people want to eat.

My pot of meat nourishes yin and nourishes the kidneys, improves eyesight and nourishes the liver. The only drawback is that the effect is a bit strong, and ordinary people cannot tolerate it. Lu Sheng adjusted the fire while chatting with He Xiangzi.

Well, Junior Brother, it really doesn't matter if it's outside? He Xiangzi swallowed his saliva and glanced outside. There were constant sounds of banging, banging, banging, and fierce fighting outside Huilan Garden. I don’t know who is fighting.

It doesn't matter. Anyway, it won't be too late for us to go out after they finish fighting. Lu Sheng said casually.

Confident enough! Outside the gate of Huilan Garden, a figure suddenly flew over and landed.

It smells good! It smells good! It smells good! My little friend is hiding here alone and cooking delicious food, regardless of fame or fortune. It is really the greatest pleasure in life!

Only after the figure stood firmly on the ground did people see his appearance clearly. He was an old Taoist with kind eyebrows and gray hair.

The Taoist's robe was dirty and patched everywhere, and his cloth shoes had two holes and two big toes sticking out.

I was talking about why one of the wild geese I raised suddenly lost one. It turned out that it was knocked down here by a friend! He rolled his eyes, walked closer and said with a smile.

How did the old gentleman know that the wild goose in my pot was raised by you? Lu Sheng asked.

There is a mark left by the old man on its forehead, and there are two moles on its butt! said the old man, pointing to the goose's butt rolling out of the pot.



Lu Sheng and He Xiangzi looked at each other speechlessly.

The meat was almost cooked to death, and the skin was so mushy that it was impossible to see anything clearly, not to mention two moles, or even three or four. The soup that the elixir melted turned white, dyeing the messy skin and flesh a light milky white.

Seeing that Lu Sheng and the two were speechless, the old Taoist suddenly felt proud.

Hey, if you want me to avoid pursuing it, that's fine. As long as you share half of the soup with me, I promise not to tell anyone!

Didn't you say this is your wild goose? He Xiangzi couldn't help asking.

Uh, the old Taoist quickly covered his mouth.

Old sir, if you want to eat, let's come together. Lu Sheng also smiled and said casually.

That's great! The old Taoist hurriedly came over and sat down next to the fire.

Since there was no fire, Lu Sheng found dry firewood himself and set up a fire on the flat ground in the middle of Huilan Garden.

The three of them each brought a big bowl, and each of them ate a bowl first.

The old Taoist took the soup bowl and sniffed it carefully first, then suddenly looked intoxicated. After repeating this several times, he slowly brought his mouth to the edge of the bowl and took a gentle sip.

The extremely delicious soup with a strong medicinal aroma pours into your mouth, as if it is the most delicious food in the world.

At that moment, he didn't hesitate anymore and gulped down most of the bowl of meat soup in a few slurps.

Please add another bowl. What!??? The old Taoist turned his head and saw Lu Sheng scraping the bottom of the pot, and was stunned.

This is gone!?!? His face turned pale. My hands were shaking while holding the big bowl.

Lu Sheng looked at him strangely, poured the last spoonful of broth from the bottom of the pot into his mouth, and swallowed it.

What did you just say?

. The old man was speechless.

He Xiangzi snickered on the side.

She had already seen Lu Sheng's appetite. A meal that was dozens of times that of others was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

He said he wanted to add another bowl. He Xiangzi explained to Lu Sheng in a low voice.

Oh, brother, you're too slow. Let's do it next time. I'll save some for you next time. Lu Sheng put the half-man-high cauldron aside and touched his belly.

The old Taoist looked at his flat belly and sighed.

The old Taoist has always thought that he is well-informed, but when he saw my little brother today, he realized that there are people outside the world and there is a world beyond him.

Brother, I'm serious. I don't have any other skills, I just have a big appetite. Lu Sheng said with a smile.

It's also a skill to eat a lot. The old Taoist said seriously, Forget it, thank you little brother for the broth today. See you later. We will meet again if we are destined. He stood up and sighed.

Oh, it's easy to go then. Lu Sheng waved his hand casually.

The old Taoist nodded, turned around, took two steps, jumped up, and flew towards the outside of Huilan Garden, and soon disappeared.

This old Taoist should be from Tianlian School. This is Qiongyi Palace after all. He Xiangzi guessed. Maybe it's a senior from the Tianlian School.

Maybe. Lu Sheng glanced at the pots and bowls in front of him, Get ready, someone is coming. If everything goes well, we will probably be able to end the first stage of the civil war today and get out of the partition.

Ah? He Xiangzi didn't know why, but immediately a heavy but not harsh knock came from the courtyard door.

Lu Sheng stood up and was about to go over and open the door, but He Xiangzi rushed over and opened the door first.

Junior brother, you are the chief, so you should have the bearing and airs of the chief.

Well, it doesn't really matter. Lu Sheng said casually.

This is related to the image of the school, there can be no delay. He Xiangzi insisted. As she spoke, she slowly opened the door.

A tall, muscular man stood outside the door, holding a spiked hammer in his hand.

Huang Sicheng of the Kaiyang School is here to ask for advice on the secret techniques of the Yuan Mo Sect.

Behind Huang Sicheng were many disciples from Ice Valley and Yixue Sect. As well as their chief Li Xiuying, standing separately from a cold and arrogant woman from the Yixue Sect, they all looked here expectantly.

Perhaps the two of them simply hoped that Lu Sheng and Huang Sicheng would both lose in the fight, so that they could take advantage of it.

Huang Sicheng defeated Li Xiuying of Ice Valley and forcefully convinced the Yixue Sect, which had lost its leader. After all, he was unwilling to give up his position as the top master without even trying, so he came to Yuanmo Sect to call for help.

Between the time Lu Sheng took action and the time he finished eating at noon, rumors spread that Yuan Mo Sect had a master.

Many schools in the lower third level have begun to collect information about Lu Sheng. There are also some schools that don't care much. No matter how strong the Yuan Mo Sect is, there are only two people, and they can be killed in a wheel battle.

But no matter what other schools think, Huang Sicheng will try to fight Lu Sheng no matter what. Otherwise, the first place in this division will most likely belong to the opponent.

After all, including him, all other schools lost. His Kaiyang school lost two games but won nine. This is the best result.

Ice Glen won seven games.

The Huangsha Sword Faction won five games.

The people from the Different Cave Sect won three games.

Although theoretically, disciples of each school can be qualified for five challenges, but because the number of people is not limited, almost all schools use this rule to carry out siege strategies.

Let a large number of disciples challenge one person at the same time, thus forming a siege mode.

In turn, the challenged party also sent many people to deal with this disadvantageous situation. So it became a big melee.

The party with the fewest people will suffer a big loss, so the Alliance Competition and Tonghe also have a limit on the number of people, that is, there can be no more than twenty people who have not passed the school.

In other words, it seems that some schools have a large number of people, but many of them are brought together to provide cover, or to do logistics, making it unclear who they are sending to fight, which can conceal intelligence. Effect.

But what left Huang Sicheng helpless was facing the Yuan Mo Sect in front of him.

He also thought about attacking with a crowd of people, but he recalled Lu Sheng's strength and speed before. He feels that having more people is not necessarily useful.

On the contrary, it may hinder the elites who really leave. So he selected three people to cooperate with him to take action against people like Lu Sheng.

Brother Lu, does Yuan Mo Sect plan to fight on your own, or with He Xiangzi? Huang Sicheng coughed a few times and asked knowingly.

He Xiangzi was seriously injured, and it was obvious at a glance that he was unable to do anything. He asked this just to go through the motions, to give himself a fig leaf.

After all, the Fang Kaiyang School planned to besiege Lu Sheng with four people, and it would be disgraceful to spread the news.

It's just me. Lu Sheng stood up. Did you decide the winner?

Yes, now only Yuan Mo Sect is left. Huang Sicheng was a little embarrassed. Brother Lu, please give me some advice and be merciful.

It's easy to talk about. Lu Sheng smiled. Does this count as you challenging me?

Huang Sicheng nodded. The three people behind him were the strongest among the remaining brothers who still had fighting ability. If we can't win Lu Sheng this time, although it won't have much impact on the overall situation, our reputation will be ruined.

Although the Yuan Mo Sect is strong, each person only has five challenges. No one challenges them. The most they can do is let them win ten games. There are many disciples from other schools. In the end, ten games are not too many.

But that's not what Huang Sicheng wants. What he wants is an honest win. The winner is also the title of the strongest chief.

He looked at Lu Sheng who stood up and took a deep breath.

My Kaiyang School has a secret technique that can eat people's bones and blood. It kills people invisible. If Brother Lu can withstand this technique, then we are willing to admit defeat.

Oh, okay. Lu Sheng stood still a dozen steps away from Huang Sicheng.

In that case, I'll show my shame. Huang Sicheng waved his hand, and the three people behind him immediately rushed out and started running quickly around Lu Sheng.

He himself also blended in, his footwork was not fast, but his frequency was extremely high. As he muttered words, faint golden light began to escape from his body.

The light spots on the four people quickly became more and more dense, and began to fly towards Lu Sheng.

This secret technique, called Fei Ming, is the strongest move among the Kaiyang School's small-scale coordinated formations. The same secret technique can be used by several disciples at the same time, and the superimposed power is extremely terrifying.

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