Extreme Demon

Chapter 210 Higurashi 1

What is the concept of chief? Lu Sheng saw it not long after chatting with He Xiangzi.

That was the chief of the nearby Huang Yi School, who came to borrow books and have a friendly exchange.

The first floor of the main building of the library.

Lu Sheng, dressed in black, was sitting at the table in the corner as usual, watching quietly as three young men in yellow slowly walked in from the door.

Oh, is there anyone else here? A handsome young man in front of him glanced at Lu Sheng in the corner in surprise and whispered.

A young man behind him patted him on the shoulder and signaled him to stop talking.

Then the young man took a step forward, cupped his fists and raised his hands towards Lu Sheng as a distant greeting. Lu Sheng also nodded in response.

I am Mingbo, the chief of Huang Yi School. I have come here to borrow books from your school. Please forgive me if I have disturbed you. The young man had an ordinary appearance, but he spoke with a clear demeanor, a sonorous and powerful voice, and no delay in his tone. , like the jingling of gold and stone, giving people a decisive temperament.

It's okay, please help yourself. Lu Sheng nodded.

One of the three people was a young girl who looked very young. She walked at the back and glanced at Lu Sheng curiously, then followed the senior brothers to search for information from the bookshelves one by one.

Lu Sheng regained his composure and continued reading, ignoring the tinkering of these three people.

After a while, the three of them found the book they wanted, found a seat and sat down to start reading. The girl showed disgust from time to time because of the mold in the book, but at least she kept quiet and didn't make a sound.

After reading the miscellaneous book he had taken down this time, Lu Sheng slowly closed the book and exhaled.

The light projected into the cave from outside the door has dimmed. It seems that it is getting late.

Lu Sheng raised his head and glanced at the three people. They were packing their books and stood up. Seeing Lu Sheng looking over, Mingbo, the chief of Huang Yi School, smiled at him, stood up gently and put the books back to their original places, then led the two of them out of the library and slowly disappeared outside the door.

Lu Sheng looked at the direction they were leaving thoughtfully.

These people, especially Chief Mingbo, are very powerful. The aura that he exudes unconsciously is just like the chief priest Bai Zhan in the North. He is at least a master of six lines. A disciple of a school whose bloodline has begun to decline can actually cultivate to this level. High level.”

He stood up and was slightly moved when he saw the footprints on the ground.

Apart from his own footprints, there were only two people's footprints on the ground, and Mingbo's footprints had no trace at all.

The Huang Yi School is said to be one of the schools in the third level of middle school. Lu Sheng remembered the list he had read.

The chief of a middle-level third-level school has such strength. How strong can a third-level school be? He suddenly looked forward to it.

At the level he has reached now, it is difficult to find an opponent among the children of aristocratic families of the same age.

If we really count, Shangyang Jiuli, who has just broken through, may be able to compete with him, and the unmasked number one genius of the Shangyang family may also be able to fight with him.

As for the other few, he didn't know yet.

Lu Sheng walked to the seat where the three of them were sitting and walked along the bookshelf where they had taken the books. He found that the books they had taken out were all information about demonic disasters.

A demonic disaster is a huge disaster that spreads with monsters and cannot be resisted. Once it occurs, all life will be devastated and there will be countless casualties.

But there are no details recorded in the book, and a lot of the content has been deliberately erased, leaving it all blurred.

I don't know how strong the chief is, but he should not be weaker than the original chief priest Bai Zheng. Lu Sheng estimated in his mind, It seems that the leader of the school should be at the snake level, but at some level of the snake level, It’s hard to say.”

Dang. Dang. Dang.

The bell rang again.

Lu Sheng waved one hand, and a gust of wind blew out the oil lamp on the table. He strode out of the library.

During this time, the second level of causeless power has almost stabilized, and it’s time to improve to the next level.

He also roughly figured out what this basic secret technique was. He was not going to grind it slowly, but was going to use the modifier to quickly improve it in one go.

The current situation of the school is not good. Several people have left in the past few days. It is estimated that this school will not be able to stay for long. Rather than delaying it slowly, it is better to use the magic pool while you can still use it and quickly raise the causeless power to the top.

He wanted to see what kind of changes the school's secret techniques combined with his own skills could bring about.


Shangyang family.

There are many boats outside the window, slowly passing by.

Shangyang Jiuli opened the door and was slightly startled when he saw the slender figure standing in the room.

Is it you!? Her white eyebrows suddenly rose. Am I familiar with you? You came into my room rashly. If it were anyone else, I would tear him alive!

A period of seclusion made her whole temperament sharper. Compared to the previous time in the Northland, there was more depth and weight, like a heavy and sharp sword.

The person standing in the room is a young woman. She is dressed in emerald green clothes, with an emerald green short knife hanging from her waist. She has delicate features and black hair shawl. She looks lovely. If she does not carry weapons, she is just like ordinary neighbors. My little sister is generally harmless.

The most eye-catching thing is that there is a green mark on the woman's forehead, which is a triangular and delicate flower-like mark.

The moment Shangyang Jiuli saw this mark, his whole body trembled violently.

They. They really chose you.

Fortunately, I just got the qualification to contact you. It's still a little early for me now. Why should my sister be disappointed? The woman smiled and said softly, You and I are the future of the Shangyang family. I will be the head of the family in the future. My sister is also the second deputy. If I am the commander of the army, my sister will be the head of the family. If you and I work together, how many people in this Central Plains can resist?

Shang Yangfei, you are almost exactly the same as your brother. He also spoke such arrogant words at that time. Shangyang Jiuli took a few deep breaths to calm down.

Brother, he died a worthy death and dedicated himself to his family. This was his lifelong wish and ideal. Shang Yangfei said with a smile. Brother, he wants to make the Shangyang family stand at the top of the nine families in the Central Plains. This is his wish, and it is also my goal.

Shangyang Jiuli looked at the woman in front of him helplessly.

Shang Yangfei is the number one genius of the Shangyang family. In the history of the Shangyang family, there are no more than two people who can match her in growth rate. The first two were both top masters who led the Shangyang family to dominance for a while. They were all the strongest soldiers in the Central Plains!

As the first genius born after her, Shang Yangfei broke through the fifth level at the age of ten, broke through the seventh level at the age of fifteen and entered the snake level, entered the third level at the age of twenty, and is now twenty-five years old. Unfathomable!

‘She has even gained preliminary recognition from Mu Shanbi.’ As soon as Shangyang Jiuli saw the triangular emblem on the other person’s forehead, he felt helpless in his heart.

That emblem is the symbol of the magic weapon and the magic blade, which means that Shang Yangfei has initially come into contact with the Shangyang family's suppressive magic weapon Mushan Pen.

This woman, this woman!

Shangyang Jiuli felt disappointed in his heart, but he was not unwilling at all. She knew very well how terrifying the woman in front of her was.

Her qualifications are better than mine, and her level of effort far exceeds mine. She is ambitious, capable, and skillful!

Whether it is to win over family power or to develop his own cultivation, Shangyang Jiuli knows that he is not as good as the other party.

It's just that Shang Yangfei's words and deeds are gentle on the surface, but they often give people a gentle and domineering feeling. She does not allow others to refuse, nor does she allow others to resist. Hidden beneath the gentle and loving exterior is absolute coldness and dictatorship.

Tell me, why did you come to me? Shangyang Jiuli gathered his thoughts and said coldly.

First of all, I would like to congratulate Sister Jiuli for entering the middle third level and solidifying her bloodline. Shang Yangfei said with a smile. Secondly, the Thirteenth Elder in the family has been investigating the matter for several months. I wonder if my sister has heard about it.

Shangyang Jiuli nodded.

I've heard about the Thirteenth Elder's story.

That's easy to talk about. Shang Yangfei raised his hand gently, and a piece of white paper floated out from the table, gently shooting at Shangyang Jiuli.

The Nine Rank Swords appeared, the Evil Jade Crystal Ten Spears appeared, the Sky Gun appeared, and strange things appeared on the north, south, and west sides. And the Mysterious Jade. It has been a lot more noisy recently than in previous years.

So? Shangyang Jiuli asked coldly. She knew that this cousin would never come to bother her for nothing, and she must be asking for something. If you make more noise, can it be worse than the drought in Yunzhou?

Shang Yangfei smiled, The three great magic weapons and magic blades have appeared, and the key to finding them lies in the Mysterious Jade. Now it even involves Huang Shuling of the Huang family.

If it were normal times, suppressing Huang Shuling would be nothing. But now, my sister, I have no skills at all, and I have to deal with other people. Huang Shuling really can't deal with it. It's impossible to ask the elders to come out, so I came to my sister for help.

Huang Shuling from the Huang family. Shangyang Jiuli remembered that woman as a difficult character. As one of the nine families, Huang Shuling is also the number one genius in the Huang family, similar to herself, but much weaker than Shang Yangfei.

Okay. Anyway, you have the power to act as the head of the family. Who dares not to listen to what you say? Shangyang Jiuli said coldly.

If possible, please ask my sister to capture the mortal who holds the Mysterious Jade alive. My sister is very curious as to how a mortal managed to avoid being attacked by the magic weapon and hide it on his body for so long. Shang Yangfei said with a smile. .

Shangyang Jiuli felt sick looking at this woman's smile.

When the Liu family in Yunzhou was wiped out, Shang Yangfei was one of the people who went to add insult to injury and massacre the Liu family.

Now that she said she was curious, it was estimated that after catching that person, Shang Yangfei's curiosity resulted in him dissecting the mortal alive, cutting it into bones, flesh, and internal organs, and then studying it carefully.

She had seen that kind of bloody scene with her own eyes.

I see.


Yuan Mo Sect.

The great elder sat cross-legged in the cave and looked at the only six people left in front of him. During this time, three more disciples ran away.

He was numb, or discouraged.

With such a disciple, how dare he hand over the secret technique of Yuan Mo to them? Once handed over, he might turn around and run away to join other schools.

Sighing secretly in his heart, he continued his previous story.

Speaking of the source of the secret technique, in fact, it comes from all magic weapons and magic blades.

The power of the magic weapon is called Dharma, and is symbolized by a special triangle symbol. The great elder looked at the six people in front of him.

Mii Locust was absent-minded, but He Xiangzi listened attentively. The others were drowsy, their eyes wandering, and their minds were not here at all.

My mind is wandering. I already have the intention to leave.

The great elder felt even more sour in his heart. Yuan Mo Sect, which was prosperous in its heyday, now has only a few disciples left.

However, he suddenly noticed that, apart from He Xiangzi, the other disciples, Lu Sheng, who joined later, seemed to be listening extremely seriously. This gave him some comfort.

.This triangular emblem is extremely delicate and complex. It represents the essential power of each magic weapon and magic blade. It is also the power we call law.

The secret technique is actually the imitation method, the power studied and understood by the ancestors of the famous families and schools.

The power of the law is extremely terrifying. No one can stop any offensive with the emblem of the law, except for beings of the same level.

Secret arts are imitations and derivatives of Dharma. But its power is much weaker. It is a simplified version after analyzing and studying the marginal mysteries of the law. What he is talking about is the historical origin of the routine Yuanmo Sect secrets. As a disciple of Yuanmo Sect, of course you cannot know anything about the founder of your own school and the important events of the school.

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