Extreme Demon

Chapter 209 Secret 4 (Thanks to leader Pinchuwu for the additional reward)

The elder then turned to ask the other people. At this time, He Xiangzi had already started fighting with Locust Zi.

The two of them were having a lively exchange, and the outcome seemed to be evenly divided. But Lu Sheng could see that He Xiangzi was no match for Mii Locust. The guy was just holding back his strength so that he could show off his strengths in the fight.

The two of them kept spinning in circles at high speed, colliding violently several times, and then quickly separated. Like big birds fighting in the sky.

Soon, it was Lu Sheng's turn to ask the question from the great elder. He was called up and walked over to get closer.

Looking at Lu Sheng who was approaching slowly, the Great Elder carefully began to observe the skin between his eyebrows.

The Wuyin Gong continuously stimulates the center of the eyebrows to absorb the poisonous mist and demonic energy, strengthen the power of integrating into one's own black membrane, and improve it. This is the characteristic of causeless work.

After completing the first level of cultivation, there will be slight signs of blackening between the eyebrows. This is caused by being contaminated by demonic energy. Every disciple has experienced this stage.

Just looking at Lu Sheng approaching, the great elder's originally hopeful mood suddenly dimmed.

He saw that Lu Sheng's eyebrows were still fair, not to mention darkened, but not even a single black mark could be seen.

I originally thought that the people recommended by the Shangyang family might have some foundation. Now it seems that the reason why Lu Sheng chose Yuan Mo Sect is that other schools will not accept him at all. With such a very low-concentration bloodline, Maybe only I am willing to accept it.

No wonder I can't even sense the power of the black film. I didn't expect the bloodline to be so thin.

Disappointed, the Great Elder didn't bother to ask about Lu Sheng's progress in cultivation, lest his self-esteem would be damaged if it was exposed in public.

If you have any questions that need to be clarified, you can come to me for answers after it's over. He said calmly.

Lu Sheng was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head.


Originally, he was planning to ask whether it would be too fast for him to break through to the second level of Wuqi Gong. Now it seems that the Great Elder has already understood.

Alright, next one. Before he could speak, the great elder waved the next person over.

Lu Sheng stepped aside and looked at some angry Locusts in the field. This man was narrow-minded. When he was trying to show off, he found that the Great Elder didn't pay much attention to him at all. Suddenly, my heart became angry.

clang! !

Suddenly there was a loud noise.

He Xiangzi's wrists fell all the way down, and blood spread all over the floor. She groaned and took a few steps back, looking at the locusts opposite her with a pale face.

Locust's chest was rising and falling, his face was reddish, and he looked at his severed wrist on the ground.

I'm sorry, junior sister.

He didn't finish his words. This level of test performance was at most a level of discussion. Usually, the point is to stop. If he cut off junior sister's wrist like this, even if it can be reattached later, he has gone too far.

Mii Locust watched He Xiangzi pick up his wrist and press it on the injured area. He was silent. He turned and looked at the master again.

The great elder was expressionless and didn't look at him, but looked at He Xiangzi.

That's it for today's performance. We're all gone. After saying that, he turned around and left slowly.

The remaining nine disciples, including Lu Sheng, looked at each other in confusion. There are only a few people left in the huge school territory, which makes it feel increasingly deserted.

He Xiangzi silently covered her wrist and left. Lu Sheng glanced at Fei Locust. The man looked a little ugly and stood motionless with the knife in hand.

During this period of contact, he also saw that Mii Locust was narrow-minded, extremely violent, and selfish. He would hold a grudge if he was slightly offended, and would try every means to seek revenge. It's just that he disguises himself very well in front of the great elder.

At this time, he accidentally made a mistake and dealt such a heavy blow to his junior sister. Although the elder had no expression, he did not express his stance, which was the biggest expression of his stance.

He glanced briefly at Mii Locust, whose eyes were changing, and then turned around and headed in the direction of He Xiangzi.

The great elder stood in the ancestral hall.

There are densely packed layers of black spiritual tablets, one layer after another, five layers in total.

Two lifelike bronze statues of old men are placed at the front. They are the founding ancestors of Yuan Mo Sect.

Looking at the tablets of many ancestors, the great elder was speechless for a long time.

After standing in the ancestral hall for a long time, he slowly took out a scroll of silk book from his sleeve. The dark yellow silk book was a bit worn, but the two characters Yuan Mo on the outside could still be clearly seen.

This was the secret technique of Yuan Demon that was originally intended to be passed on to Fei Locust, but when the Great Elder saw Fei Locust's eyes full of anger today, the viciousness that had been hidden deep in his heart and had been suppressed for a long time finally burst out. . He finally gave up the idea of ​​passing on the secret technique of Yuan Demon to him today.

Let's keep a closer look. He sighed. He looked up at the spiritual tablets of many ancestors.

He Xiangzi's qualifications and bloodline are too low to be able to practice the secret technique of Yuan Demon, let alone pass it on. Except for Mii Locust, the other disciples who have the qualifications are too low in cultivation, and those who have the qualifications in cultivation are not enough.

The great elder didn't know how long he could hold on. His only thought was to pass on the school of thought. Yuan Mo Sect cannot be completely controlled by him, otherwise he will have no face to face his ancestors when he goes underground in the future.

Dang. Dang.

The heavy bell rang slowly.

Lu Sheng pulled out his chair and sat down, looking at Senior Sister He Xiangzi's cave.

Wooden tables, wooden chairs, wooden windows, even the walls are decorated with light red wood. It can be seen that Senior Sister He Xiangzi likes wood products very much.

He Xiangzi was sitting across the table, covering her wrist with her hand, pressing on the injured area, waiting for her self-healing ability to grow.

She is also a master of restraint and has strong self-healing ability. Apart from being very painful, her broken wrist has no other sequelae. It's just that it won't grow as flexible as before, because her blood concentration is very low.

Are you okay, Senior Sister? Lu Sheng asked softly.

It's okay. Are you here to comfort me? He Xiangzi smiled.

This is what you should do as a junior brother. Lu Sheng said.

Senior Brother Fei Locust, I'm just a little anxious. I don't blame him. He Xiangzi shook her head, and it could be seen that there was really no complaint or grudge in her eyes, and she had a very calm look.

If you don't talk about this, it will be fine after half a month.

Speaking of which, last time I saw you were interested in Holy Soldiers, I would like to remind you, don’t count on Holy Soldiers. It is simply a consumable weapon. It is generally used to suppress the school headquarters. Only the leader of the school is qualified to use it. It can only be used once after a long period of accumulation.

Consumable? Can't you use it at will? Lu Sheng was stunned.

I once asked the teacher, and he replied that the holy weapon is actually a weapon that uses a lot of fragments of the magic weapon and the magic blade, combined in a certain array. It takes a long time and time to integrate these fragments and condense their power together. energy.

Therefore, although the holy weapon is powerful, after using it once, it will take a long time to accumulate it a second time, otherwise it will explode and injure itself. He Xiangzi explained.

Is this really the case? Isn't this very different from the real magic weapon and magic blade? Lu Sheng frowned.

Originally. He Xiangzi smiled, Sacred soldiers are mainly used for defense. Because of their great power, there are so many schools of thought in Baimai. Otherwise, they would have merged into a few university sects long ago.

When our disciples go out to conquer and fight, they still have to rely on their own strength.

That's true. Lu Sheng nodded, finally understanding the existence of the school.

Moreover, although the school is prosperous, it is still far behind and much weaker than the aristocratic family. He Xiangzi smiled and said, Having said so much, do you understand what Senior Sister means?

Lu Sheng nodded.

Of course, Senior Sister wants to warn me not to rely solely on the Holy Soldiers. Strengthening oneself is the right way.

As long as you understand. He Xiangzi nodded approvingly. After interacting with Lu Sheng for a long time, she naturally became more casual.

By the way. Suddenly she remembered something, How is your practice of Causeless Kung Fu going? Is it going well?

It's okay. Everything went well.

Huhu. That's good. I was afraid that you were absorbing the demonic energy in the wrong way, so I hurried over to remind you that you can only absorb the demonic energy a little at a time, and you can only touch it between your eyebrows.

Now that you are okay, I feel relieved. He Xiangzi said with a smile, You have to be very careful. There was a senior brother who didn't listen to the greetings. His whole head was soaked in the devil's energy, and it was dissolved in the blink of an eye. Now his body is still lying there in the cemetery.


Lu Sheng's expression froze.

What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell? He Xiangzi looked at Lu Sheng strangely.

Are you just thinking that the demonic energy is so powerful that it can melt your senior brother's head in one go? Lu Sheng forced out a smile.

It's very powerful. If you don't use the causeless skill, wrap yourself with the power of blood, and let your flesh and blood come into contact with it rashly, the demonic energy will surge over like a wild beast that has tasted fish.

When the devil's energy comes into contact with flesh and blood, it's like boiling oil pouring water on it, the reaction is great, so you must be careful. In addition, the area that touches the center of the eyebrows should only be as big as a fingernail at most. Any more will be harmful to your body. He Xiangzi added carefully.

As big as a fingernail. The corner of Lu Sheng's mouth twitched. He remembered that he had entered the devil's pool before and his whole body was soaked in the devil's energy. He felt extremely lucky that he was not killed by the devil's energy. There was no doubt that he relied on force. The incomparable cathode state of the physical body, and the healing of the yin and yang Jade Crane Aquarius Qi.

What level of blood concentration are you at? He Xiangzi asked again.

Lu Sheng knew which level she meant, which generation she meant. The bloodline is all derived from the Soldier Master. The farther away the descendants of the Soldier Master are, the further the generations are, the lower the natural blood concentration will be. Because unlike the aristocratic family, they always have magic weapons and magic blades to constantly replenish their bloodline concentration.

But before Lu Sheng could reply, He Xiangzi muttered to herself and spoke again.

It's probably not high, but no matter how low it is, it's definitely not as low as me. She smiled bitterly, I am the fifth level, that is, the fifth generation of blood.

The sixth generation is a completely ordinary person. So I'm the lowest.

But even so, I have been working hard, hoping that one day, I can become the chief. He Xiangzi leaned on the table and gently released his hand. A red line could still be seen on the severed wrist, but it was long. They have grown together. It's just that it will take a long time to fully recover.

By the way, I forgot to tell you that each school has a chief disciple. Usually these chiefs are the best among the disciples. They are important figures who can preside over the major affairs of the school when the leader of the school is absent.

Is he the deputy leader? Lu Sheng asked.

No, it's not. He Xiangzi shook his head, Except for the sect leader, the other deputy sect leaders and elders, to put it bluntly, are all disciples who cannot reach the top, and are the final helpless choices.

The chief is different. They are the future successors of the faction leaders, and are actually the preliminary faction leaders. This requires having extremely high prestige among the disciples, or being extremely powerful, strong enough to suppress the voices of all schools of thought that oppose oneself.

Chief, also known as Ji Xue. Some university sects, especially those in the third level, will give the chief Ji Xue a specific title, but most of them are collectively referred to as chief.

Thanks again to the list of friends who tipped 10,000 points last week~

Eighteen emperors

Radish Geng 01

Your uncle, Luo family


Income every day


Sailing in the wind

Among them, Pingchuwu suddenly appeared and spent 500 yuan to return to the top of the list. Could it be that he was unhappy that his position as the boss was taken away~┐(?-`)┌.

Thanks again to all the above friends~ It’s almost the summer solstice, everyone is giving me money to support popsicles~¥ヾ(???)?¥Hehehehe, popsicles, popsicles, popsicles~

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