Extreme Demon

Chapter 164: Taking the Lead 1

Master Hongfang carefully dug out a small piece of white bones from the mud, held it in his hand and examined it carefully.

The bones exuded a foul odor, and their surface was covered with fine white hairs. There were still fine blood lines on the surface of the bones.

This is...the remaining limbs of white stiffness at the level of six lines. She frowned and turned over the bone carefully.

It's a miracle that it didn't dissipate. Master Hongfang also felt weird. As a top-level master of the Six Patterns, Bai Zhan could still leave behind wreckage after death.

I have to say that this is a strange thing. For strong people like us, once the body dies, the soul will really be gone. Even if he is a zombie, it is impossible for the corpse to remain. The existence that kills him will directly Devour and absorb his limbs. Or turn them into ashes.

It's indeed... strange. The umbrella girl also looked puzzled.

You watch nearby first, and I'll follow the breath of this body and go look for it in the distance. The leader of Hongfang pondered for a while.

Okay. The umbrella girl agreed directly.

Seeing the shop owner walking in the other direction with the stump, she slowly walked to a tree trunk in the distance. With a wave of his hand, several pale white wandering souls flew out and spread in all directions.

Under her fine control, these wandering souls are looking for clues that may flow from there.

The way wandering souls search is different from that of humans. What they are looking for is not the remaining traces, but the lingering breath.

The light falls obliquely from the gaps in the leaves, forming beams of light that fall on and around the umbrella girl.

She was walking around in the woods in a daze, as if she was distracted.


Suddenly, a wandering spirit flew in front of her and whispered something softly.

The umbrella girl raised her head and listened carefully, but as Wandering Soul continued to describe, her expression gradually became a little surprised.

It's been a long time since Lu Sheng killed the regional envoys of Wuyou Mansion here. Unexpectedly, he didn't find any clues before, but now he found a problem.

This wandering soul discovered a similar remnant soul.

Although this remnant soul has no sanity and only has beast-like instincts, there seems to be something in his remaining memories.

Take me to see. The umbrella girl thought of Lu Sheng, her sister, and the net inside her body.

The wandering spirit quickly led her to a cluster of ravines. There was a corpse lying in the ravine. Next to the bones stood a translucent man. His neck was weirdly twisted. It was obvious that the neck was broken due to a violent impact. Break and die.

Several wandering spirits kept flying around him, not allowing him to leave.

The umbrella girl walked over step by step and put her hand on Wandering Soul.

Scenes of scenes flashed rapidly before her eyes.

Roar! !

Suddenly, a familiar ferocious face flashed before her eyes.

call! !

She was so frightened that she took a few steps back, breathing heavily and looking miserable. Obviously she didn't need to breathe, but when she suddenly saw that terrifying and ferocious face, she still had to instinctively make this kind of action.

It's Lu Sheng!

It's him!

The umbrella girl screamed in her heart. What she saw from the wandering soul just now was Lu Sheng's face.

This wandering soul saw Lu Sheng kill the regional envoy of Wuyou Mansion with his own eyes.

The umbrella girl stood there, silent for a moment.

You go first and continue searching in other places. I will come here to interrogate you. She ordered.

The wandering souls had no consciousness and only knew how to obey orders, so they dispersed and flew away. Only the umbrella girl was left.

She stared at the man's wandering soul carefully, and suddenly, she grabbed it out and pinched the wandering soul's chest.


The whole wandering soul exploded in the blink of an eye, and it was crushed by her before it even had time to scream.

The umbrella girl quietly retracted her hand. Looking at the dissipated light spots of wandering souls, he gently pressed down the red umbrella with his other hand to cover his face.

‘We can’t let him be discovered by his sister. That person.’ She shuddered all over. Wouldn't it be nice to just live quietly like this? Nothing happens, just like before.

She pressed her chest gently, closed her eyes, and opened them again. Then he turned around and walked back the way he came.


The leather boots stepped on the dry branches, making a crisp snapping sound.

Xu Chui was dressed in dark green clothes, with Lu Sheng behind him. The two of them were walking step by step through the dense dead woods.

Going through here is the stronghold of the Martial Alliance. Lu Sheng stood in front of a large tree surrounded by one person and looked up at the branches and leaves above that blocked the sky and the sun.

A group of red-eyed monkeys hung upside down among the tree branches, staring at them with manic eyes.

Sir, do you need direct contact? Xu Chui stood in front of him expressionlessly.

Of course, our trip here is not just for one purpose. Lu Sheng smiled and licked his lips.


Xu Chui slowly grasped the hilt of the sword and pulled it out. The gleaming sword blade grew longer and colder in the forest.

In an instant, a large group of red-eyed monkeys swooped down above the two of them.

With their sharp claws, they are not ordinary wild monkeys at all. Their movements are fast and agile, like martial arts masters.

Dozens of monkeys swooped down on the two men's heads.

Chi! !

In an instant, countless sword shadows seemed to bloom on Xu Chui's hand. Like an exploding ball of silver light, it only lit up for a moment.

In just a blink of an eye, all the red-eyed monkeys falling from the sky fell like raindrops and hit the ground, motionless.

Blood seeped out along the monkey's body and into the ground.

Xu Chui slowly sheathed his sword without changing his expression.

Since he received the master's teachings, his sword speed has increased to a level far beyond his imagination.

With such power, it doesn't matter to him even if there are some abnormalities in his body.

Let's go. Lu Sheng was not surprised. Xu Chui had killed many ferocious wild creatures along the way.

When he transferred the Yin-Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi to it, he found that Xu Chui's body could not bear the texture of the Treasure Vase Qi, and his flesh and blood began to freeze from the too cold Treasure Vase Qi.

So he had no choice but to try pouring the Chi Ji Jiu Sha Gong into the treasure bottle energy to neutralize the incoming power.

I didn't expect it to happen.

The inner Qi of the Chiji Jiu Sha Gong was wrapped by the Bao Ping Qi and passed into Xu Chui's body, and then a brand new Yin He Net was quickly deployed on his body.

With this Yinhe Net, Xu Chui's inner energy was directly transferred into it, and then his explosive power and inner energy recovery speed increased dramatically.

The most terrifying thing about the effect of Yinhe Net is that there is no bottleneck, but that you can have as much internal power as you can cultivate.

Therefore, Xu Chui's current strength has only grown by leaps and bounds, getting stronger and stronger. Lu Sheng just built a new platform for him, or a new qualification.

The Yinhe Network is another meridian network reshaped for him. Of course, this qualification depends on the mother network in his body.

The mother and child bodies of the Yinhe Network have an extremely obvious correlation effect. Lu Sheng had a vague feeling that once the mother network of the Yinhe Network in his body collapsed, all the child networks would have problems.

After coming back to his senses, Lu Sheng glanced at Xu Chui who was walking in front.

This transfer of skills only consumed fifty years of his inner energy, but the power of Xu Chui he created has far exceeded Tongyi, and is even no different from Ningshen.

This gave him good verification, and he could then use this method to control Tianyuan masters. Of course, the inner energy is endless and cannot be consumed casually. Good seedlings must be selected.

As for the inner energy consumed, just use the inner energy of other masters to make up for it.

The two of them walked forward for more than half an hour. Finally, the dead forest came to the end, and the front suddenly became clear, and there was actually a cliff.

Lu Sheng walked to the top of the cliff and looked forward.

Below is an emerald green lake that looks like a paradise. There are white waterfalls hanging down on all sides, and an exquisite and gorgeous silver pavilion in the middle.

What a secret place! Lu Sheng couldn't help but admire.

If you like it, sir, we can build a branch like this in the future. Xu Chui said respectfully.

I say I like it, but if I really want to live in it, I'm afraid I won't be able to get dressed all day long, right? Lu Sheng shook his head.

At this moment.

He saw several figures under the cliff from a distance, rushing towards them quickly. These figures were all wearing light green uniforms and were obviously members of a certain organization.

Who is coming!? A calm and clear voice sounded in the ears of Lu Sheng and the two of them.

Lu Sheng smiled, led Xu Chui back, and soon appeared at another place under the cliff.

He just happened to pass by a few people who were coming and easily entered the Martial Alliance.

Zhang Wuya held a book in his hand and studied it carefully, but he couldn't calm down. For some reason, since Li Shunxi's case, there was a faint aura of uneasiness in the Wu League.


He put the book down.

The leader of the alliance is in seclusion, and the alliance is full of chaos. He recalled what Liu Qin of the Liu family said when he helped Li Shunxi leave.

That sentence about the leader.

How is the situation now? An old woman with long white hair and a sword came into the room. I walked around the league, and the members of the aristocratic families were all frightened and frightened. I don't know if they knew anything.

Zhang Wuya shook his head: What else can be done? Since the Shunxi brothers were unjustly accused and left, the alliance leader has been in seclusion, so Zhong Yunxiu and Guan Nian each pulled a team to confront each other. There are constant frictions every day. In this atmosphere, of course, Will be uneasy.

What happened when you went to trade that day? Why did everyone remain silent when they came back? The old woman's name is Zhang Minggu. Although she is over eighty years old, she still has fair hair and a childlike face. Except for her back being a little hunched, There are no more old people's problems.

I can't say that I promised others not to ask about this matter. Let's think carefully about the future for us old guys, right? Zhang Wuya waved his hand. If this continues, the entire martial alliance will probably fall apart. Those aristocratic families have no alliance leader and cannot be subdued.

Where's Guan Nian's Green Team?

After they were found to be traitors, they were disbanded. Zhang Wuya shook his head.

Disband? How is that possible! A third voice came from outside the room door.

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