Extreme Demon

Chapter 163 Action 2

Extremely active, isn't this the so-called Yang Qi? Lu Sheng's heart moved. In other words, my Yang Qi is too strong now and I can't bear anything else.

He thought for a moment, stretched out his finger and bit it hard, squeezing out a drop of thick black and red blood from his index finger.

Drops of blood fell to the ground.


What shocked Lu Sheng was that the blood on the ground expanded rapidly and crazily.

Originally it was only as big as a fingernail when it landed on the ground.

After a few breaths, it actually expanded to the size of a palm.

He waited aside and watched as the drop of blood swallowed up a large piece of iron on the ground, forming a fist-sized pit. It seemed that it finally stopped because the cells had reproduced and divided to the limit.

Can you even eat metal? Lu Sheng reached out and picked up the meat-like flocculation on the ground. These flocs are the tissue that grew out of the drop of his blood that swallowed up the metal.

This is the first time he has seen the powerful effects of a human body that is strong enough to reach its limit.

Lu Sheng raised his finger again and looked at the wound he had just bitten. The wound had healed, and the surface was covered with blue-gray cuticle again.


Suddenly, Lu Sheng felt a strong sense of hunger welling up in his stomach.

His body quickly shrunk and returned to his normal human form in the cathode state. Then he quickly poured out a handful of concentrated grain pills to satisfy his hunger from a medicine box and took it.

This kind of grain pill is made of sesame, peanuts, sugar, rice noodles and other foods. One pill can be eaten as a meal, and one pill is only as big as a walnut, which is very convenient.

After sorting out the mess in the quiet room, he changed his clothes and walked out of the stone door.

How long have I been in seclusion? Lu Sheng took a deep breath. The sun was shining brightly outside and it was already noon.

It's been two hours since I got back to the gang leader. Konoe replied in a low voice.

Has Song Zhenguo arrived?

I've been waiting for a long time.

Lu Sheng nodded, asked someone to lead the way, and went to freshen up before going to the small garden to meet Song Zhenguo.

The winter plum blossoms are blooming in the garden, and there are white petals everywhere on the trees and the ground, and the fragrance is fragrant.

Song Zhenguo was dressed in gray clothes and was sitting at a stone table in the garden, feeling restless.

He was suddenly brought to such a spectacular and gorgeous place. Having seen the world, he naturally knew that this kind of place could not be owned by ordinary forces.

Although the visitor came under the guise of Lu Sheng, he still felt uneasy before meeting Lu Sheng.

Zhenguo. Lu Sheng walked into the garden slowly.

Master Lu! Song Zhenguo stood up, his expression finally relaxed. I've been worried about who would bring me to a place like this. It turns out it's really Lu Sheng! He had already guessed that Lu Sheng was not simple, but he didn't expect that Lu Sheng would be so powerful. Since the person who brought him here before From the attitudes of those people, he could also tell that Lu Sheng had a very high prestige in the hearts of these people.

How are you feeling? Lu Sheng also sat down and watched Song Zhenguo hurriedly pour him wine.

It's strange to say that since the last time Master Lu gave me guidance, the disciple has felt that his skills have improved by leaps and bounds, and now he has stabilized the entry-level stage of Qingsong Yijue. Song Zhenguo's face was full of joy.

Give me your hand. Lu Sheng pinched his veins, and a trace of inner energy rushed in to detect the condition of his body.

It was not beyond his expectation that the inner energy in Song Zhenguo's body appeared to be Qingsong Yijue, but in fact it was still a trace of the treasure bottle energy that he had injected back then.

However, that trace of inner energy seems to have grown a little, which you can't tell without careful observation. But as long as he wanted to, he could pull out this trace of inner energy at any time, causing Song Zhenguo's previous efforts to be in vain, and even the foundation of his own inner energy was completely destroyed.

What a wicked skill. Lu Sheng sighed in his heart, but his face remained calm.

The progress is not bad. Next, you can practice some coordinated kung fu. I have a set of boxing techniques. It has no martial arts effect. It can only nourish the body and regulate qi and blood. It's called Tongmai Fist. Come and learn it.

Lu Sheng didn't intend to let Song Zhenguo undermine his achievements. He just had to go on step by step and take revenge.

Song Zhenguo's enemy is Hongfang, and with his martial arts, even if he practices for a lifetime, he will not be Hongfang's weakest ghost opponent. This is actually meaningless.

Lu Sheng planned to let him practice step by step and practice well without any hurry. It would be enough if he could escape with his life when encountering ordinary ghosts.

After teaching the boxing technique, Lu Sheng also confirmed the effectiveness of his own treasure bottle energy, which could indeed improve and control the cultivation of others. In this way, conditions are created for cultivating available dead soldiers.

Lu Sheng asked Song Zhenguo to be sent back to the city, and he began to make plans in his mind to train some useful people.

At his current stage, there is no one in the entire Red Whale Gang who can help him if he is really in trouble.

I need a secret force that is powerful enough to protect my relatives and friends and deal with some high-level matters. I may be able to find an opportunity during this trip to the Martial Alliance. A Tianyuan master would be a good choice.

The Martial Alliance took in many Tianyuan masters and united them to try to fight against the family. But it's a pity that even when encountering Wuyou Mansion, they can only hide everywhere and can't make a difference.

On this trip, Lu Sheng planned to solve the problem of the original witnesses on the one hand, and on the other hand, he collected enough secret books. Finally, he gathered the masters and tried to cultivate martial arts experts who could threaten the Jing level.

Through Song Zhenguo, he discovered that as long as he injects his own treasure bottle energy into them, these masters can increase their cultivation, but the extent and proportion of the increase are not very clear.

Go and ask Xu Chui to come over.

Lu Sheng thought for a moment and then ordered.


Soon Xu Chui rushed to the garden and knelt down on one knee towards Lu Sheng.

I've met the gang leader.

You come with me. Lu Sheng led him out of the small garden and walked quickly, and soon arrived at another martial arts training school.

He also ordered everyone not to enter and disturb.

A Chui. How long have you been stuck in Tongyi? Lu Sheng stood in front of the wooden window, with his back to him, looking into the distance.

In the distance of the surging river, there are small patches of black and green. There are fishermen sitting on the green bank, and flat-leaf boats are docked next to it.

White birds chirped and flew past the green seaweed. The wind blew and layers of scaly water appeared on the river surface.

On the waters near the Red Whale, there are still some gang members wearing only shorts, floating in the cold river water, and swimming for exercise.

It's been three years, Xu Chui replied respectfully.

For today's Red Whale Gang, Lu Sheng's existence is just like the Zhen family back then, suppressing the rampant ghosts in the entire Northland. The safety of tens of thousands of people in the gang all depends on this tall, young figure in front of them. superior.

So he respected Lu Sheng more and more.

You are thirty-six this year. How many three years can you delay in a person's life? Lu Sheng said calmly, looking away and looking at Xu Chui.

Xu Chui also knows that this step is the end. Xu Chui's face showed a hint of dejection.

If there is an opportunity that allows you to forcibly break into Tongyi and gain the corresponding level of strength, but then you have to rely on me, what will you choose? Lu Sheng's voice was low.

Xu Chui was stunned and fell silent.

His face looked a little struggling, and the hand holding the handle of the knife at his waist became tighter and tighter, and his joints were slightly white.

a long time

He took a slow breath.

A Chui. Yes!

Lu Sheng turned around completely and faced him.

I can use some methods to let you break through in cultivation, but such a breakthrough will make you never able to use force against me.

This is not poison, and it does not require any timely antidote, but your cultivation will be tied to me forever from now on. Lu Sheng explained carefully.

This is my subordinate's honor! Xu Chui said decisively.

Lu Sheng was stunned for a moment, then thought that this was not the earth.

The people here are not that complicated and unpredictable. In an era when loyalty was listed as a virtue, loyal ministers were respected everywhere.

There are even people who are willing to die as real soldiers, and some retainers raised by princes are even willing to draw their swords and die in return for their kindness.

Such instances don't just appear in novels.

Lu Sheng saw the determination and a hint of admiration in Xu Chui's eyes, and suddenly thought of his huge prestige in the gang.

I hope you won't regret it, he whispered.

Xu Chui took a step forward and knelt on one knee.

I will never regret it!

Lu Sheng looked at him steadily for a while. There was a moment of silence.

The internal energy of your practice is actually just short of the threshold. But due to lack of sharp energy, you have lingered on this threshold for too long, and gradually become twilight.

Today, I will help you!

Xu Chui raised his head and was a little confused.

Just when he was doubtful, he suddenly saw Lu Sheng's figure in front of him disappear, and a series of afterimages came towards him.

The universe is infinite, Yin Yang and Jade Crane!


A hand as big as jade fell on his forehead quickly or slowly.

In an instant, a huge amount of pure inner energy poured into his body. Xu Chui felt that his whole body was swelling rapidly as if he was blowing air.

Severe pain radiated from his skin, muscles, and internal organs. He couldn't help but try to cry out, but thinking that this was the gang leader passing on his skills, he immediately gritted his teeth and endured the pain.

Lu Sheng's right hand swelled slightly, and traces of light red aura floated around him, which was the defensive blood network instinctively raised by the Chiji Nine Evils Technique.

Red air slowly flew around the two of them.

With a snap, he suddenly lifted Xu Chui up and let his body roll rapidly in mid-air.


Hit with one palm.

Lu Sheng's right palm hit Xu Chui in the middle of the chest.

The Yin Yang Jade Crane Treasure Vase Qi poured into his body crazily, Xu Chui clenched his teeth in pain, and the muscles all over his body began to twist and tremble violently. Fine blood spots gradually oozed from the surface of the skin.

Even though Lu Sheng's hundreds of years of cultivation were only injected into him, it was still too much for him to bear.

Even Lu Sheng initially improved again and again, and then waited for his body to adapt before continuing to the next improvement.

Such a large amount of inner energy has never been poured into him in one breath.

As a large amount of internal energy poured in, Xu Chui's muscles began to twist like mutations.

Bloody red tumors the size of fingernails gradually appeared on his chest, and the dense hematomas soon covered an area the size of a palm.

Then two more blood lines grew from the hematoma, extending towards Xu Chui's arms.

A force that was many times more powerful than he knew before was rolling and surging in his body.

In the school field, the two were in a stalemate. Xu Chui was hit in the chest by Lu Sheng, but he seemed to be stuck to his hand, hanging motionless in mid-air.

Countless red smoke swirled around the two of them.

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