Extreme Demon

Chapter 161 Experiment 4

Huang Qiuyuan?

Lu Sheng didn't know Huang Qiuyuan at all. He was only familiar with a few gangs in Yanshan City. These people didn't look like they were from the mountains.

Are you also invited by Member Xiao? Lu Sheng asked casually.

Yes, we are all here to see Mr. Xiao. These people quickly replied respectfully. The Red Whale Gang has a huge reputation in the North and is respected as the No. 1 Gang in the North. Although they are also quite powerful in their respective territories. , but there is a huge gap compared to the Red Whale Gang. They have to be respectful.

Lu Sheng got the affirmative answer, frowned slightly and nodded.

I'll take the first step.

Gang leader, please do it. Please do it. Several people nodded quickly.

Lu Sheng walked out of the door and saw Xiao Hongye standing outside the door waiting for him.

Brother Lu, please forgive me, the lives of the seniors in the mansion are of great importance. Xiao Hongye smiled bitterly and clasped her fists at Lu Sheng.

Brother Xiao, the senior has arrived at Yanshan City. As a junior, it is only natural for me to come and pay a visit. Lu Sheng said with a smile. He and Xiao Hongye were already collaborators. There was no friendship at all, so there was no need to get close.

The arrival of Master Ye in person also shocked me. Xiao Hongye said helplessly, The fire that destroyed the place before was already terrifying.

Now that that person has returned and the Palace Master is here in person, the Northland has finally calmed down. Is it going to be chaotic again?

Which one? Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows. His newly grown eyebrows were very light, making him still look a bit fierce.

Isn't it the owner of Hongfang? Xiao Hongye mentioned casually, not knowing whether it was intentional or not. That man was decisive in killing. When he came back and found that his hometown had been raped, he was so angry that he arrested many people in one go. Even the master of my palace had to help investigate. It was such a troubled time.

The Red Fang Master is back? Lu Sheng showed a hint of uneasiness at the right time. After all, he was a member of the Zhen family. The Zhen family and the Red Fang are hostile. If the Red Fang Master is so angry and vents his anger to the Red Whale Gang, it will be really dangerous. .

So being indifferent at this time is not normal behavior.

The gang leader should inform Miss Jiuli as soon as possible. Xiao Hongye said in a low voice.

Lu Sheng regained his composure and nodded slightly.

Thank you, Brother Xiao, for saying goodbye. He left in a hurry, took Xu Chui into the carriage, and soon disappeared into the night.

Xiao Hongye stood at the door and watched him leave, then returned to the main hall door. At this time, the middle-aged people who had just entered also walked out with cold sweat on their heads, saluted him, and then left quickly.

Xiao Hongye and others left before slowly entering the main hall.

Master of the Palace. He looked at the figure who stood up and turned his back to him. A letter has been sent to the Shangyang family about the return of Lord Hongfang.

Yes. That's good. Ye Lingmo turned around, Shangyang Jiuli is the second genius of the Shangyang family. Now he is in retreat. He is afraid that he will break through the seven lines and try to step into the snake level. Such a genius , once I step into the snake, I am afraid that the Shangyang family will have another candidate for the head of the family.

Yes. Xiao Hongye nodded, In this way, the Shangyang family's attention to Shangyang Jiuli will definitely be even higher. Miss Shangyang Jiuli has a hot temper, and the Hongfang master is fearless. He didn't finish what he said next.

I understand what you mean. Ye Lingmo smiled. Just wait and see what happens.


Returning to the Red Whale, Lu Sheng immediately entered the retreat room. At the same time, he also brought the umbrella girl with him.

He walked around the umbrella girl a few times, seeming to be examining her and thinking about something.

The umbrella girl was so frightened by him that she didn't dare to move.

Time passes little by little.

Not long after, Lu Sheng suddenly spoke.

Your sister is back.

The umbrella girl was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed. She held the red umbrella in her hand tightly.


Do you want to go back? Lu Sheng looked at her with a smile.

The umbrella girl hesitated. She didn't know what Lu Sheng meant when he said this, but judging from his previous behavior, the other party didn't seem like someone who would let her go easily.

Your sister is in danger, and I am also in danger now. Your sister's enemies are the enemies I am looking for. So I am willing to let you go back. Of course there are conditions. Lu Sheng said with a smile, deliberately speaking in a confused way. inside.

What conditions? Under the excitement and surprise, the umbrella girl stopped stuttering this time.

I will let you go back when the time is right. And I will not remove the thing on you. As long as you don't tell anything about me and don't tell your sister, the thing will not attack. Lu Sheng said easily, The condition for letting you go back is that I need you to stay with the Red Fang Master and help me cover up the destruction of the Red Fang.

The umbrella girl was silent.

These days, she has felt that the strange seed has become more and more integrated with her body. If she wanted to take out that thing now, she would have to take out 90% of her soul body as well, and the final result would be that her soul was completely destroyed.

She didn't want to die, but she didn't want to betray her sister either.

I will not betray my sister even to death. The umbrella girl's eyes showed determination.

I won't harm your sister, and I don't have the ability. Lu Sheng said with a smile. I just want to protect myself, live quietly and peacefully, that's all. You won't even give me this request, right?

The umbrella girl thought about it. She had tried many methods, but none of them could get rid of the thing in her body.

If the aristocratic family gained strength by digging into themselves, then their ghosts and monsters relied on devouring fear and blood essence to strengthen themselves.

Ghosts control their own bodies with the same precision as those from aristocratic families.

As the deputy boss, she is naturally more sophisticated in operations. But still can't get rid of that thing.

The umbrella girl knew that her sister couldn't do it either, because even she couldn't compare to her in terms of fine-grained operations.

Although my sister's power is very strong, it is so strong that she cannot fully control it herself, and she usually does not take action easily. Once she does, she cannot control the strength herself. Therefore, in terms of precise operation, she is more than one step ahead.

Before she knew whether her sister could deal with this kind of mesh thing, she couldn't and didn't dare to expose it.

The umbrella girl raised her head and looked at Lu Sheng in front of her.

Do you really promise to let me go?

I don't have to lie to you. Lu Sheng said calmly.

The umbrella girl knew many of his secrets, such as killing the chief priest of Wuyou Mansion and destroying the Red Square. Therefore, she must not let it go easily.

And when Lu Sheng said this, he naturally had his own arrangements.

Of course not now. Lu Sheng added. He is now stalling for time, waiting for his qualitative change after the complete transformation of his yin and yang.

As for letting the umbrella girl go, whether it really means letting her go, maybe even the umbrella girl herself doesn't believe it.

These days, Lu Sheng has also thoroughly explored the capabilities of Yinhe Net.

Manipulate the Yin Soul, completely assimilate the Yin Soul, and make it a part of your own Aquarius Qi. The umbrella girl and several ghosts who were used as experimental subjects are living examples.

Think about it, we don't have a huge grudge against your Hongfang, and there is no need to fight with your owner. Lu Sheng explained. It's better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. I just destroyed some lonely ghosts and houses. Can't I pay you later and rebuild them? I believe you don't want your sister, the boss, to fight against my Shangyang family.

The umbrella girl couldn't help but nodded slowly.


No buts. Lu Sheng walked around behind her, with a slight curve in the corner of his mouth. As long as you don't do anything bad to me, I won't activate the things in your body. Isn't it great that we can live in peace like this?

Think about it, you are doing it for your sister's benefit. If she kills me because of you, you can calculate the status of a master like me in the family.

In this way, you will become mortal enemies with our Shangyang family. Do you think your sister can handle the huge power of one of the nine Central Plains families? Lu Sheng fully pulled out the tiger skin behind him.

The poor umbrella girl didn't even know that in the eyes of the Shangyang family, Lu Sheng was just an ordinary gang leader and had no status or importance.

So, if you are really doing it for your sister's good, you should cover this up for me. I can return everything to you. Lu Sheng added, As long as you cover it up for me, it will be good for all of us.

Although the Shangyang family is strong, I only have one life, so I can’t fight you.

But what should I say? The umbrella girl was already persuaded. I have to admit that what Lu Sheng said makes sense.

If she goes back to reveal the truth directly. The best outcome was that the shop owner's sister was so angry that she killed Lu Sheng, and then was hunted down by the Shangyang family, unable to return home. After all, a master with three lines or above is considered an elite no matter which family he belongs to. Killing such a master from an aristocratic family with a small population is equivalent to declaring war on him. Just to create a role model and maintain authority, the Shangyang family will never let their sister go.

And even if it was revealed that Lu Sheng destroyed the Red Square and killed the chief priest of Wuyou Mansion, at most he would be punished, nothing more. After all, both Hongfang and Wuyou Mansion are far less powerful than one of the nine Central Plains families.

After thinking for a long time, the umbrella girl finally slowly opened her mouth.

I promise you.

That's right. Lu Sheng smiled with satisfaction. If the umbrella girl goes back on her word, he can kill her immediately.

The effectiveness of the Yinhe Net is stronger than he imagined. After the Baoping Qi is deeply rooted, that kind of control can even be reflected in perfect control in many cases.

This feels like programming.

In his previous life, he was a master who could program game modifiers at will. After coming back these days, he has been studying this ability.

After thoroughly understanding the principles of the Yinhe Net, he initially learned to use it to control wandering souls to move at will, and even use his own power.

And this kind of control can be effective even on the umbrella girl. This is also the premise for his next purpose and arrangement.


On the ruins of Red Square.

The owner of Hongfang clasped his hands on his chest, leaning against the broken wall, watching the large tracts of bricks and tiles around him continue to float, and then rebuilt a new wall.

In broad daylight, she was directing the newly captured wandering souls under her command to build the new Red Square headquarters.

She was directing the erection work when she suddenly turned around and stared at a slim figure walking in the distance with burning eyes.

The sky was gloomy, but as the figure slowly approached, a gentle look appeared on Master Hongfang's face involuntarily.

Yingying, just hope you're okay. She walked closer quickly, then hugged the umbrella girl and remained motionless.

The umbrella girl was also trembling with joy. But when she thought of Lu Sheng's previous agreement, a hint of gloom flashed in her heart for no reason.

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