Extreme Demon

Chapter 160 Experiment 3

Invitation to a party in the city? Lu Sheng was slightly startled when he saw the post that Yu Lianzi sent personally.

The post was black and gold-gilded, and the handwriting on it was flying and phoenix-shaped, with a faint hint of blood. I don’t know what material it is made of.

Well, it wasn't member Xiao who personally sent it to the gang to divide the helm. Yu Lianzi said in a low voice. My subordinates thought it was urgent, so they sent it over quickly.

Xiao Hongye is not simple, Yu Lianzi knows it, so the invitation sent by Xiao Hongye personally cannot be judged by common sense.

Lu Sheng sat in the study, gently reached out to pick up the post, and opened it.

‘Gang leader Lu personally said: I haven’t seen you for a long time, and the elders in my family are here, hoping to meet with the gang leader. ——Xiao Hongye. ’

The content inside is very simple, but the meaning is also very clear.

Lu Sheng closed the invitation.

Okay, go ahead and do your work, I understand.

Yes. Yu Lianzi slowly retreated.

Before leaving, he inadvertently looked up at the woman dressed in black standing behind Lu Sheng.

The woman's whole body was wrapped in a dark robe, and her figure was invisible. Only her exposed gloved hands and her long hair with a hairpin behind her revealed that she was a woman.

‘Perhaps it’s the gang leader’s newly recruited master. ’ He thought in his mind.

Lu Sheng waited until Yu Lianzi left the study before placing the invitation on the table.

The people from Wuyou Mansion arrived and asked me to inquire. Are they suspicious, or do they want to use my gang power to investigate?

The two chief priests were killed, and no matter how dignified Wuyou Mansion was, they would not ignore it. In particular, Bai Zheng is a top powerhouse who is about to reach the seventh level. A character of this level is a big shot no matter where he is.

Lu Sheng glanced at the umbrella and crane net next to her. It was like a parasite, constantly taking root in her body, absorbing her power, and now it was growing stronger and stronger.

If you only need to abandon a part of your body at the beginning, you can expel the Aquarius Qi from the body. So now even if the whole body is completely blown up, it will be difficult to escape the control of Yinhe Net.

This process is assimilation.

Just stay at home tonight and don't run around.

The umbrella girl shrank in fear and nodded quickly.

Lu Sheng shook his head, closed his eyes and began to concentrate and recuperate. He had already tried it before when he came back. Yin Qi can only improve other martial arts, but it does not help with the nurturing and qualitative transformation of the combination of Yin and Yang.

All we can do is wait.

After doing some help work in the gang and meditating for a while, it was night time soon.

Lu Sheng took Xu Chui Ning and two others, got on the carriage, quietly left the Red Whale, and headed towards the mountain city.

Recently, Miss Yunxi often goes to the Linjiang Painting Wall to enjoy the paintings, and from time to time she inquires about the gang leader, Lao Hei, from the wall painting. Xu Chui reported in a low voice on the carriage.

Ning San drove the car and ignored all the sounds. He was very smart. Although he didn't study much, he was always extremely sophisticated in people's ways.

Linjiang Painting Wall? Who is the old blackhead? Lu Sheng said casually.

Xu Chui glanced at Lu Sheng and seemed to find no sign of the boss being angry, so he continued: Old Blackhead is the father of a deceased internal affairs officer in the gang. Because he once worked as an accountant for the gang, he also had some problems after he retired. Some influence. Knows a lot of secrets.”

Since Yunxi wants to inquire, I don't have anything to hide, so let him inquire. Lu Sheng said casually.

Understood, I will ask the brothers of Feiying Hall to pay attention to Miss Yunxi's safety at all times. Xu Chui said respectfully.

The more he came into contact with this gang leader, the more he felt how unfathomable the gang leader was.

Not to mention that he may break through Tongyi at any time now, even Ningshen who is above Tongyi is no longer an enemy of the gang leader.

Thinking of this, Xu Chui's eyes flashed with heat. He was extremely lucky to be able to follow such a powerful gang leader and become his subordinate.

Lu Sheng glanced at him and suddenly thought of Yinhe Net. Song Zhenguo, if he could test the effectiveness of the Yinhe Net, he might be able to get one for his subordinate who has been following him.

These days, one thing happens after another.

Li Shunxi left, obtained the martial alliance and the treasure map, killed the second chief priest, and destroyed the Hongfang headquarters. He has experienced more things than he had in all his previous life.

In order to prevent the family from discovering the fact that he was a purely human warrior, Hongfang had to kill and silence him. But Lu Sheng was not sure how many people in Shuangying City had seen him kill the chief priest.

Although he was not afraid of the Wuyou Mansion because of the threat from the Shangyang family, Lu Sheng hated trouble. If you can do less things, do less things.

Sir, the Xiao Mansion has arrived. The coachman Ning San's voice came in.

Lu Sheng opened the car curtain and walked out. Xu Chui got out of the car and followed closely behind him. The two of them walked slowly into the Xiao Mansion under the warm and flattering concierge.

Welcome, Leader Lu. Xiao Hongye walked out with a smile, her hands curled up in her sleeves and hugged in front of her. The golden-red official robe looks tacky and rich, and does not have the temperament and demeanor of the regional ambassador of Wuyou Mansion.

Old Xiao, don't talk nonsense. Where are the elders in your family? I'm busy with work, so I rushed over as soon as I received your letter. Lu Sheng asked familiarly.

The elders are inside. Brother Lu will know as soon as he goes in. Xiao Hongye said with a smile.

Lu Sheng smiled, nodded, and followed Xiao Hongye into the main hall. Xu Chui asked him to stay outside and wait.

In the main hall, a middle-aged man who was somewhat similar to Xiao Hongye was sitting. He was also dressed as a wealthy businessman and looked quite friendly. But unlike Xiao Hongye's amiability, this one was obviously more profound.

The first time he saw him, Lu Sheng felt a chill in his heart. He felt that there was a fishy smell lingering in the entire hall, which seemed to be the smell of fish. There was also a slight sense of depression. Every move of the man in front of him seemed to affect the entire main hall environment.

I am the deputy master of Wuyou Mansion, Ye Lingmo. The middle-aged man looked at Lu Sheng calmly as he walked through the door.

When this man's gaze fell on him, it was like a needle pricking him. Lu Sheng's expression changed slightly, he quickly squeezed out a smile and bowed to Ye Lingmo.

Lu Sheng, the leader of the Red Whale Gang of the Shangyang Family, has met Master Ye.

No need to be polite, I called you here because I want to use the power of the local snakes of the Red Whale Gang to investigate some things. Ye Lingmo did not turn around and directly told the story about the disappearance of the previous chief priest. You must have been a party at the time, right? Please tell me again what exactly happened.

Lu Sheng quickly told everything he knew in a low voice. Of course it's not the truth, but the half-truth and half-lie made up earlier.

So, you really didn't see the fight, you just heard the sound from a distance? And you were also injured by the aftermath? Ye Lingmo didn't ask how a three-stripe master was injured by the aftermath. Bai He knew very well about Zheng's strength. A top expert with six lines could break through seven lines at any time, and some casual palm blows could bring out terrifying destructive power and poison. It is not uncommon for a person to have his third pattern injured by a shock.

Yes. Lu Sheng lowered his head and responded.

Did you send someone to investigate after that? Although Ye Lingmo had no hope of questioning, he still asked one more question.

We have investigated. Miss Jiuli also specially ordered the investigation. Except for the traces after the war, we can't find anything. We don't know the murderer or the reason. Lu Sheng answered respectfully.

Ye Lingmo stared at him carefully for a while, then suddenly frowned.

How come your aura has become weaker? This is not the aura of three lines, and it may not even be counted as an ordinary single line. The aura on the opponent's body was too weak, and seemed to be similar to that of an ordinary martial arts master.

When Lu Sheng heard this, he immediately showed a slightly painful expression and said in a low voice: The injury in front is not healed yet. He didn't expect that the Yinhe Net was so powerful, and even the great master in front of him couldn't detect it even by hiding his aura.

Is the black film damaged? I understand, thank you for your hard work. Say hello to Miss Jiuli for me. Ye Lingmo didn't push Lu Sheng too much. To put it bluntly, the leader of the Red Whale Gang is a member of the Shangyang family, and he is a master at the three-level level. He was inexplicably severely injured by his own priest, and he has not recovered yet. It is all the fault of the Wuyou House.

Considering the disappearance of the main priest, it would be good if the Shangyang family did not pursue the matter.

The master of the palace will definitely lead the way. Then I'll take my leave first. Lu Sheng said respectfully.

Well, let's go. Ye Lingmo didn't have any hope at the beginning. Lu Sheng was just one of the people to ask. Before that, he also asked many people in the North. There were many people waiting in line after Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng exited the main hall just as he had come before.

Ye Lingmo sat in his seat and waited until the person left completely before looking to his right.

who is the next?

Xiao Hongye came out and whispered: They are from Yunxiutang. They came from other cities.

Yes. Ye Lingmo picked up the tea and took a sip. He disliked the job but had to review the manpower himself.

This is not only because he is the master of the palace, but also because he has the ability to see through other people's cultivation.

Just like the Lu Sheng who went out just now, although he is the leader of the Red Whale Gang, he is rumored to be a three-stripe master on par with Umbrella Girl, but when he saw it just now, his aura was dull and there was no black film, and he was no different from a seriously injured son of aristocratic family.

Of course Ye Lingmo can also see that this person's original strength seems to be good, and he should be at the peak of the three lines.

Let the next one come in. Take a quick look first. He took another sip from the tea cup.

After exiting the main hall, Lu Sheng's eyes flickered slightly on his lowered face.

‘A master of the Wuyou Mansion actually came! ’

He was calm on the surface, but there was a sense of crisis in his heart.

This Ye Lingmo seems to be very kind and not aggressive, but this is based on the fact that he is a member of the Shangyang family.

Without this layer of skin and Shangyang Jiuli standing behind him, Lu Sheng didn't think he would continue to speak to him so politely.

‘I wonder if I can deal with this person now? ’ There was no real fight, and he was unsure, but just from the strength of his aura, he felt that this person was definitely stronger than Bai Zhan, and he was stronger by more than one level.

If I face Bai Zhan again now, Lu Sheng compared it a little and narrowed his eyes. At least a little better than him. With a hint of urgency in his heart, he walked quickly towards the gate of Xiao's Mansion, and happened to meet several middle-aged men with extraordinary temperament walking in.

When the leader among these people saw him, he quickly clasped his fists.

I, Huang Qiuyuan, have met Gang Leader Lu.

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