Extreme Demon

Chapter 157 Cutoff 2

Red Square.

In the courtyard in the forest.

The umbrella girl sat down on the edge of the well, silently watching the water flowing in the well, reflecting her appearance at this time.

She's been like this for a long time.

During these days, she would come to the well every day and wait, expecting the owner to come back suddenly at some unknown time. Even though I know this is just a wish. But the umbrella girl still does this.

Woo. Woo.

In the surrounding rooms, the lonely ghosts began to cry again. There were only a dozen or so sparse red lanterns hanging in the mansion, and most of them were dim.

The owners of the only few lanterns that were still bright were outside and had not yet returned.

There is only one umbrella girl left in the entire Red Square. The rest can't even communicate at all.

woo woo woo woo

The cries of ghosts are endless and endless.

But soon, there was a faint sound of footsteps approaching slowly among the cries.

Puff puff.

It was the muffled sound of leather boots on thick soil.

The umbrella girl moved and turned slightly sideways to look at the mansion door.

Xiao Bing? She called in a low voice.


The door of the mansion was slowly pushed open.

A tall figure dressed in black, with his head covered in a hood, walked in slowly.

This is Hongfang? It's really hard to find. This person had a man's voice, deep and powerful.

A living person? How dare you come directly to the door? The umbrella girl stood up angrily, Xiaobing!! she shouted. It was a strange ghost that guarded the mansion in Hongfang. Although it had no intelligence, it had good strength.

Xiao Bing? Are you looking for her? The man in black walked slowly into the atrium and threw out a white and slender female thigh from behind.

You!! The umbrella girl couldn't help but take a step back, frightened and angry. She knew Xiaobing's strength very well. Although it was not as good as hers, the difference was not too big. And as the weirdo at home here, there was no way he could be easily killed without saying a word.

But the facts before her told her that Xiaobing was killed instantly without even making a sound.

I've long wanted to visit Red Square in person, but I never had the time or the opportunity. The dark man said calmly. This trip can be a good time for some shopping.

You are looking for death!! The umbrella girl finally couldn't hold back and screamed.

Buzz! !

It was as if her screams were like water ripples, spreading throughout the entire mansion in an instant.

Puff puff puff puff!

The doors to the wing rooms burst open, and white translucent ghost figures flew out, swooping towards the dark man like a swimming fish.

These ghost figures are all female faces, with sadness, viciousness, pain and distortion on their faces. They are all lonely ghosts gathered by Hongfang over the years.

The red lanterns hanging under the eaves also shot out red lines of fire, and at the top of each line of fire, the woman's resentful face vaguely appeared.

ah! ! !

There were more and more screams, and there were countless female ghosts emerging from the red square. The foundation that Hongfang has accumulated over the years is revealed at this moment.

Dense white ghosts were overwhelming and flying around, almost covering the man's body from top to bottom.

The lantern's fire wire penetrates through the gap in the ghost shadow to make up for the loophole. In just such an instant, a dragnet was formed, and an absolute siege was inevitable.

The umbrella girl stood on the outside holding a red umbrella, the umbrella in her hand rotating at high speed.

No matter who you are, you must die..!!

Even she couldn't resist this Hundred Ghost Formation. Once it was activated, it would not stop until death. This person actually dared to break into Hongfang without permission and even killed Xiaobing. It was an unforgivable crime.

A large number of ghosts circled around the man and attacked, and there were also lines of fire waiting for an opportunity to attack.

The entire mansion was shrouded in howling ghostly cries.

But the strange thing is that the dark man is still standing there, motionless, as if he has not been affected by the ghost at all.

A layer of light transparent air flow lingered around him, and this air flow burned all the ghost figures that hit him, causing them to scream and retreat.

Is this the level of Hongfang today? The man's voice penetrated from the ghost shadow. “What a disappointment”

You!! The umbrella girl was shocked and angry, and the red umbrella in her hand turned even more violently. She suddenly screamed, and her whole body was sucked into the umbrella like liquid.


With a flash of red light, the red umbrella turned like a sharp cutting weapon and shot towards the black shadow at high speed.

The umbrella quickly arrived in front of the man. The sharp tip of the umbrella shook suddenly, as if someone was holding it, and three points of cold light fell on the man's head, chest and lower body.

The shadow man could no longer ignore the attack this time. While resisting the surrounding ghosts, he was also unable to cope with an attack of the level of the umbrella girl. He was in this state.

He stretched out a hand and had to quickly block the red umbrella's constant stabs.

Ding ding ding ding! ! !

Amidst a series of metal clashes, the man's palm hit the tip of the umbrella. It didn't feel like flesh and blood at all, but was as hard as metal.

He quickly faced Red Umbrella's attack with one hand, and the two of them fought fiercely under the siege of ghosts as if no one was watching. Sparks flew out from where the two met.


Suddenly, the red umbrella opened, and a large amount of pink mist was released, covering the dark man.

Under the umbrella, the umbrella girl's true form appeared, her delicate hands quietly hidden in the mist, grabbing the man's face.

Her hands moved extremely fast in the mist, more than twice as fast as when she fought the man before.


Caught off guard, the man was grabbed on the head.

But at the same time, his palm also slapped the red umbrella hard.

Bang! !

The umbrella girl took a few steps back suddenly, holding a black scarf to cover her face.

The man's right palm slowly emitted wisps of white smoke, leaving a clear palm print on the umbrella surface.

Hmm The man seemed to have just realized that his face mask had been taken off. He reached out and touched his face. His cheek was unscathed.

He raised his head and looked at the umbrella girl opposite.

Interesting. He grinned, showing his white fangs.

The umbrella girl was also holding the black scarf in a daze at this time, and the red umbrella in her hand was shaking violently because of fear.

Is it you!!??

Yes. It's me. Lu Sheng laughed. I didn't see you in Twin Eagle City, so I made a special trip to find you.


The umbrella girl suddenly turned the umbrella, and her whole body flew backwards quickly.


Before she could escape far, a big blue-grey hand suddenly grabbed her right leg.

Don't go. It took me a long time to find this place.

The black light and red light on the umbrella girl's body trembled several times in succession, but she was unable to break free from the big hand. She looked back and saw that Lu Sheng, who had just been looking pretty and graceful, was now rapidly expanding, twisting and changing. A large number of sarcomas and muscles squirmed and swelled on his body, and his limbs grew crazily. Not even the ugliest monsters and demons could be so hideous and terrifying.

Ahhhh!!! The umbrella girl screamed suddenly.

Countless ghost figures flew down behind her, screaming and rushing towards Lu Sheng.

At this time, Lu Sheng had quickly transformed into a huge monster nearly five meters tall. The horns on his forehead and the accumulation of a large amount of muscles made him look a little deformed. His upper body was huge, his legs were short and stubby, and there were two sarcoma-like muscle masses bulging on his back, making him completely lose his human shape.

boom! ! !

A large number of ghosts collided in front of him, as if hitting a transparent protective layer, and were bounced away by the hot and high-pressure Chiji Jiusha Gong inner energy.

Some weaker ghosts were burned alive while still in mid-air. The stronger one tried to spin around and hit again, but was slapped by Lu Sheng, causing dozens of ghosts to explode on the spot.

Compared with his tall and giant body, the ghosts in front of him were almost like flies and insects, flying around him, inconspicuous.

Weak, too weak! He grabbed the umbrella girl's right leg and lifted it up in front of him. Can you tell me what you saw when you were in Twin Eagle City?

The umbrella girl struggled crazily, with shadows flashing around her body, trying to separate herself and escape. Unfortunately, this was the Hongfang headquarters. She never thought that someone would break into the door directly, and she was careless and did not separate in advance. Doppelgänger.

Trying to escape now would be as difficult as climbing to heaven.

Let go of Yingying!! She stirred wildly with all her strength, but it had no effect on Lu Sheng who had now liquefied Yin and Yang. The sharp edge of the red umbrella cut into his skin and only produced a lot of sparks.

Oh, your name is Yingying? What a good name. Lu Sheng shook the umbrella girl, Where's your clone? Why didn't you see it this time? He turned around and looked around to make sure he didn't see the other umbrellas. Female doppelgänger.

A large number of ghosts rushed towards him like crazy, and then were constantly ignited by the inner energy of Chiji Jiusha Gong like moths to the flame, and then burned into flying ashes.

The line of fire in the lantern also swooped around him, but unfortunately it was also blocked by the body-protecting blood net of Chiji Jiusha Gong.

Please, let Yingying go. The umbrella girl struggled for a while, couldn't bear it anymore, and finally started crying.

The sound of your crying sounds like your name. Lu Sheng brought it up to him in a curious way.

He shook it slightly, and the umbrella girl's cry was immediately interrupted, and she paused for a moment. It seemed that because of her stuttering, she needed to stop for a while before she could continue crying. Then Lu Sheng shook it again as if he found something interesting. The umbrella girl was interrupted again and was able to be quiet for a while.

Repeating this, Lu Sheng started to walk around the red square with the umbrella girl in hand, shaking the umbrella girl in his hand from time to time.

Just a few steps with his nearly five-meter body can cause the entire mansion to tremble slightly.

This opponent, who was originally evenly matched with him, was now as helpless as a small bell in his hand.

Is there any treasure here that I can use? Lu Sheng walked to the door of the largest bedroom in the middle of the mansion, stretched out his hand and tore off the door, as if tearing off a small piece of paper attached to the wall, and gently tore it off. Came down.

The umbrella girl was held upside down, her skirt drooped, she used an umbrella to cover her lower body, and she remained silent when questioned.

Only then did Lu Sheng notice that because she had lowered the red umbrella, she finally revealed her true appearance under the umbrella.

It was a beautiful face that was pitiful, a little weak, and a little pale. He looks to be no more than twenty years old. He has an oval face, a cherry mouth, and is full of tears, as if he might cry at any time.

No, don't eat Yingying. Hehe. When she got nervous, the umbrella girl began to stutter and speak incoherently.

Why should I eat you? Lu Sheng asked strangely.

Boshu, Boss, sister, the umbrella girl continued to cry.

Lu Sheng shook again, and his crying suddenly stopped.

Originally I didn't want to come to Hongfang so early, but who told you to see something you shouldn't have seen?

He had kept the umbrella girl for the time being without killing her, just to investigate intelligence and to verify a conjecture he had made while in seclusion. Anyway, the terrifying positive power of Chiji Jiusha Gong can burn the opponent to death in an instant. After the yin and yang were balanced, his speed also increased greatly. He was far from as clumsy as before, and he was not afraid of the opponent's escape.

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