Extreme Demon

Chapter 156 Cut off the flow 1

Overnight, heavy snow quietly covered most of the north.

Lu Sheng walked out of the secret room, and the outside was completely white. The cold wind blew through in the early morning, picking up the powdery snow on the pine trees in the yard and falling off.

He exhaled a long breath of hot air and heard the faint sound of children crying in the distance, as well as the roar of a big domestic dog and a rooster.

Several guards from the Red Whale Gang were guarding the door. Their bodies were actually covered with a thin layer of snow powder and they were still motionless.

Thank you for your hard work. Lu Sheng was in a good mood and looked at the guards on guard with appreciation.

It's not hard to do your duty for the gang leader!! Several people responded loudly and excitedly, as if they had been given blood.

Lu Sheng looked at the fanatical reverence in the eyes of several people, and he probably understood what kind of prestige he had among the Red Whale Gang.

Now senior brother Hong Mingzi has completely faded out of everyone's sight. He and his friends go back and forth between the alchemy room of the pharmacy and home every day, concentrating on researching unknown things.

The deputy gang leader Chen Ying was injured before and is still recuperating. The only top leaders in the gang are some newly promoted foreign and internal affairs envoys.

It seems that people's hearts can be used. Now that both the cathode and the anode are balanced, Lu Sheng obviously feels that his mentality is becoming more and more leisurely, and he has a feeling of being in control of the overall situation.

The Yinhe Net in the cathode state still has the ability to transfer energy. This strange ability, similar to that of a Taoist demon, has no effect yet. He plans to select dead soldiers from the gang and train them on a large scale once he finds benefits from Song Zhenguo.

Where is Yulianzi now? Lu Sheng asked again. Shang Qinglong is also here.

My subordinates will go and notify you immediately. A member of the gang bowed and retreated, then turned around and rushed away quickly.

The road leads beyond the yard, and you stroll along the ship's side to the small garden on the upper level.

When they arrived at the entrance of the small garden, Yu Lianzi also hurried over. When he saw Lu Sheng, he was also a little stunned.

Others were not familiar with Lu Sheng, so they couldn't see any big changes, but he was different. He has been responsible for all kinds of trivial matters for Lu Sheng, and with his strong memory, he will never forget the details of the gang leader's appearance.

So the first time he saw Lu Sheng, he hesitated.

Gang leader, what are you...?

Lu Sheng smiled: I have gained a little bit in martial arts, so don't worry about it. Also, this is not a wig. He stretched out his hand and pulled the hair on his head and said with a smile.

Yu Lianzi nodded cautiously and looked at Lu Sheng's long hair curiously. Since the gang leader said it was true, then he should treat it as true.

I wonder why the gang leader called his subordinates down?

Two things. Give me the map of the treasure medicine locations I asked you to find before. Lu Sheng raised a finger and said.

That's no problem. Yu Lianzi nodded.

The second thing is, how many orphans have you collected before I asked you to collect them? Lu Sheng said seriously.

Well, there are already about a hundred. The world is difficult and there are many orphans. As long as they are given food, a large number of them can easily gather. We only selected more than a hundred people among them. After all, there is not enough food, and raising too many people will be a burden on the gang. Yu Lianzi whispered.

Has the famine started? Lu Sheng's heart trembled.

Enyan Mountain City is okay, but in other nearby cities, food prices have risen in many places. Because no one dared to cultivate rice fields before, many people now sell their sons and daughters, just to have less mouths to eat. Yu Lianzi said quite a lot. have no choice. “Many of the elders in our gang have made porridge, but it’s useless and will only attract more hungry people.

If the gang leader wants to carefully train dead soldiers, he may have to think twice before doing so. With the current situation in the gang, cultivating dead soldiers must consume a lot of grain, oil, rice, noodles, and various meats and vegetables.

I understand. Lu Sheng also had a headache. As the leader of the largest gang in the North, this famine issue was also a difficult problem that he had to consider. After all, so many people in the Red Whale Gang have to eat.

What about the fishery that is mainly developed? Lu Sheng thought about it and asked again.

The fishing season is about to close now. It's so cold that fishing boats can't get out of many places. Yu Lianzi replied. The fishermen are also going crazy during this period. They can't even find much fish in the river.

Lu Sheng thought for a moment and then asked: In the pharmacy, we can sort out some medicinal materials that grow quickly and select medicines with large tubers like yams, which can ward off famine for a while.

Gang Leader, you don't know that all this kind of stuff has been chewed up by the hungry people long ago, and now it's just mud and stones that no one eats. Yulianzi replied in a low voice.

Forget it, bring me what I want, and do something for me. I have to go out. Lu Sheng frowned helplessly.

Central Plains, Rongxin Pass.

As the only pass on the way to the North, Rongxin Pass has tall walls and a large population. Tens of thousands of officers and soldiers are stationed here.

The sentry towers and fortresses are distributed all around, forming a larger network, blocking the passage to the Northland.

Ye Lingmo was sitting in the caravan, looking up at the tall blue-grey city wall in the crowd like the most ordinary Yuanwai Lang.

Master, you have to pass here and go through the other city gate on the opposite side to get to Yubei Road. Lao Suntou, who had experienced going to the Northland several times, whispered beside Ye Lingmo.

In your opinion, how far is the journey? Ye Lingmo asked in a low voice. While lining up to enter the city, he also carefully observed the surrounding situation.

Sir, it will take about five days to reach Yanshan City. After all, Yanshan is a big city close to our Central Plains. But recently I heard that there is a famine there, and the security at this pass is probably tighter. Our caravan will not It must be better. Old Suntou didn't know the identity of his master, so he just kept worrying about himself.

It doesn't matter. I have the documents from my hair. For people like us, it won't be a big deal to pass the customs. Looking at Rongxin Pass, Ye Lingmo also remembered the scene when he escaped from the Northland in embarrassment.

At that time, as the master of the Juanren Mansion, his men were all killed in battle, and he was reduced to the point of being surrounded and suppressed.

When he thought of the past, his eyes darkened and his heart boiled with anger.

There are still five days to get there. I don't know what will happen there when I go back this time.

Lao Suntou smiled and said: I have returned to my hometown in fine clothes. I will definitely be rich and wealthy when I go back, so that those guys who looked down on others can see that you are living a good life now, very good! Isn't this what makes life interesting? He could see through it.

Ye Lingmo's eyes narrowed with laughter.

That's right. Let those who have offended me before know that I, Ye Lingmo, am back.

Sir, do you still have enemies in the North? Old Suntou asked cautiously.

It's okay, it's okay, it's just a few old friends who don't have eyesight. Ye Lingmo said with a smile. His smile was very similar to Xiao Hongye's, they were both very gentle, with the smell of a knife hidden in his smile.

That's good, that's good. Old Suntou felt that this old man seemed a little strange, but he couldn't tell what was strange.

It stands to reason that when you return home in fine clothes and riches, shouldn't you be high-spirited and happy when you go back?

Why does Mr. Ye have such a strange look on his face?

Naturally, Ye Lingmo wouldn't talk too much to ordinary people. He just stayed in the caravan for a while and then went back to rest in his carriage.

There was also a red-bearded man with many pigtails sitting in the car. This big man had a rough face, and he was holding a pig's trotter in his hand and chewing it.

Brother, how's it going? Did I have any ulterior motives in sending you here?

The old man he was talking about was King Wuyou. When the Guo Ren Mansion was destroyed, only the two of them escaped and fled all the way to the Central Plains to catch their breath. Although they were taken in by Wuyou Mansion, the treatment of the two was not good. He has made many great achievements, but still...

This person is also Ye Lingmo's long-time right-hand man, the red-haired ghost Zhou He. His cultivation level was at least the peak of the Seventh Mark, and he served as the deputy palace master in the original Juanren Mansion. He is the only person in Juanren Mansion who still follows Ye Lingmo.

There is no other meaning. Wuyou Mansion is now in a state of chaos and chaos. King Wuyou's deadline is approaching and he is becoming more and more impatient. He no longer cares whether we are sincerely working for him. Ye Lingmo said lightly.

Then we really want to investigate the disappearance of the officiant for him? Zhou He, the red-haired ghost, said dissatisfied. Brother, you are on the same level as him, why can he command you at will? Do you really think that you are his subordinate, and you can do whatever he wants without any benefit?

Be careful. Ye Lingmo narrowed his eyes. King Wuyou is not of an ordinary level.

Is it possible that he can break through the limit and enter a new level? This has reached its peak, right? the red-haired ghost said indifferently.

There's no such thing as a breakthrough, but even if he's in this state, I'm still not sure. Ye Lingmo's expression remained unchanged. You just need to know that there are certain things you should say less. He is almost driven crazy right now.

The big man sneered disdainfully.

When I break through the Black Snake, you and I will join forces and we will definitely make him look good!

Ye Lingmo smiled: Let's not mention these things for now. This time we are going to the Northland. We will first get on the line with Hongfang to understand the details and then decide how to act.

We don't know whether the influence of the original Red Dragon Tribulation still remains. If the situation is favorable, you can regroup with our original subordinates.

Now that our identities are different, those aristocratic families can no longer attack us.

As long as we solve the problem of the main priest and take advantage of this opportunity to obtain resources, it will also be a good time for us to rebuild the mountain.

Joining forces with Hongfang, right? Got it, big brother! The red-haired ghost Zhou He ripped off a large piece of meat from the pig's trotters.

Shangyang family, Zhen family. Tsk tsk. Especially that girl from Shangyang Jiuli, she is also along the mountain. I really want to eat her in one go and see how the Shangyang family reacts. Ye Lingmo said with a smile.

With his strength, he was basically unstoppable when he stepped into the current Northland, where aristocratic families had withdrawn and the territory was empty.

Isn't this the best opportunity to rebuild the Juanren Mansion?

As long as this errand can be done beautifully, King Wuyou will have nothing to say. When the time comes, he will apply to suppress the Northland, stick to a corner, and get resources.

(PS: Everyone, hurry up and follow the official account, click on the search in the upper right corner of the prestige, search for Author go away and follow it. I want to post a vote about the umbrella girl~ This word count is free)

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