Extreme Demon

Chapter 146 Giant Spirit Blood 1

It was a color painting hanging at the back of the darkroom.

Bai Qiuling walked over quickly and stood in front of the scroll to take a closer look.

There is a large stage on the scroll. There are many people performing on the stage. They seem to be singing and fighting.

There were many people watching around the stage.

The angle of the scroll is the position of the audience outside the stage, as if the viewer is the audience. Looking up, you can see the bustling big stage.

The whole painting is extremely delicate and realistic, and many details are painted as lifelike as if they were real.

The gray and white stage, the soft sunshine in the surrounding open air, and the slightly blowing leaves,

Bai Qiuling has never seen such a delicate and realistic painting style. Compared with this style, previous ink paintings were too focused on meaning, and did not have such a strong and shocking sense of substitution.

She felt like she was really standing among the crowd around her, looking towards the stage.

Bai Qiuling carefully stroked the scroll with fascination, touching it inch by inch. From the perspective of the scroll, there are crowds of people in front, all of them spectators watching the stage. There are old people and children around, as well as the outline of a passing carriage.

Slowly, when Bai Qiuling carefully examined the patterns on a stool at the corner of the scroll, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

She raised her head and looked around.

It was quiet in the dark room, no sound at all. There was no sound of any guards moving outside.

Finding no problem, Bai Qiuling returned her gaze to the scroll.

But this time, she immediately realized something was wrong.

The long-haired woman on the scroll was originally watching the performance on the high platform with others. At this moment, I don't know when, but I turned my head and looked at Bai Qiuling who was in front of the painting.

Those eyes seemed to be real human eyes, smart and deep, and they were looking at the girl in front of them from the painting with a smile.

ah! !

Bai Qiuling yelled suddenly, took a few steps back, and suddenly fell to the ground, breaking into a cold sweat.

What's going on!? Although she had heard about monsters and monsters, this was the first time she encountered one in person.

The woman in the portrait was still looking at her. Bai Qiuling's face turned pale.

I, I. She trembled, trying to get up from the ground, trembling, but she couldn't get up for a long time.

Her legs are weak


Suddenly her elbow touched something.

Bai Qiuling trembled and froze.

She slowly and stiffly turned her face to the side, and saw an extra pair of feet beside her.

On her feet was a pair of bright red exquisite embroidered shoes, and a red dress on top.

Bai Qiuling began to tremble all over.

Help. She wanted to call for help, but her voice couldn't come out for some reason.


Suddenly, there was a sharp shout in her ears, and Bai Qiuling's eyes blurred. She opened her eyes suddenly and found that she was lying on her back on the ground of the dark room, motionless. The ground was cold, and everything that happened just now seemed like just a dream.

But at some point, another person appeared in the dark room, and her hand was held by this person.

Are you Bai Qiuling?? The man was a young man with a serious expression.

Bai Qiuling stared at him blankly, and quickly recognized that this guy was the beggar who stopped her to talk privately during the day.

Are you that beggar? How did you get in?! Her face was blank with a hint of fear.

There's no one outside! I ran in when I realized something was wrong! Listen Bai Qiuling, I'm here to save you. You shouldn't stay here for a long time. You must leave as soon as possible! Li Shunxi explained quickly, his eyes still fixed on the girl. He spilled a huge scroll of talismans.

He dragged Bai Qiuling's hand and quickly retreated out of the door. In the process of retreating, he kept staring at the huge picture scroll and did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

Are you here to save me? Bai Qiuling regained her breath, and suddenly she realized what the man with the circles in his eyes had just said?

No one outside? impossible! This is the headquarters of the Baihe Gang. Every once in a while, patrols will pass by, watchmen will do their duty, maids will take things, and there will also be footsteps and whispers.

There are hundreds of people in the huge headquarters, how could there be no one there?

Seeing that she was still confused, Li Shunxi simply bent over, picked her up horizontally, and rushed towards the open wooden door.

As soon as Bai Qiuling was picked up, she instinctively wanted to struggle, but suddenly she saw a faint figure in a red dress flashing past the dark room she had just run out of.

Her voice that was about to scream suddenly froze, and she could no longer make a sound. With frightened eyes, she allowed Li Shunxi to carry her and run out of the study quickly.

The wide courtyard outside was empty, and the fallen leaves were blown by the wind and scattered on the ground.

The patrollers, the guards, the maids passing by, the servants in a hurry, all of them disappeared together as if they had made an appointment.

What on earth is going on!? Bai Qiuling also recalled at this time that since she entered the study, there seemed to be no sound at all outside. Not to mention the maids on guard, even the watchman didn't hear him passing by.

There is something wrong with one of your father's collections. The reason is very complicated. Let's escape first! Li Shunxi answered her question calmly while running wildly with Bai Qiuling in his arms.

After a period of training, his physical strength at this time has also greatly improved in strength and endurance. Coupled with his original skills, combined with it, it is really not a big deal to hug someone and run wildly.

Daddy. Daddy can't do it. Let me down. I want to go find daddy! Bai Qiuling suddenly realized and struggled hard.

The two of them passed through the arch of the study courtyard, and outside was a wide columned corridor. The corridor was empty, and there was still no one.

Bai Qiuling kicked her feet wildly, scratched Li Shunxi's back with both hands, and screamed wildly.

Let me go!! She was so frightened that she bit Li Shunxi's arm hard.

ah! !

Li Shunxi was in pain and couldn't help but let go of his hand. He suddenly became angry. He worked hard to sneak in to save people, but was treated like this by Bai Qiuling, and he suddenly felt a little angry.

Do you want to die!? The entire Twin Eagle City is in danger now. What's the point of looking for your father!?

Thank you for saving me. Bai Qiuling took a deep breath after standing firm, took two steps back and stared at Li Shunxi. But something happened at home, and I must notify my father as soon as possible.

After all, she is the daughter of the gang leader, not an ordinary girl. Her emotions did not collapse all the time, but finally stabilized slowly. We also discovered many doubts about Li Shunxi.

You saved me and showed kindness to me, the Baihe Gang. Come with me to find Daddy. He will definitely reward you. Whatever you want, he will satisfy it to the best of his ability.

Li Shunxi was helpless.

When something happened to the Baihe Gang, Bai Zhenming was naturally not spared.

I don't know you, and I don't know why you came to save me. Bai Qiuling gradually calmed down. Although she was still a little panicked, her thoughts became clear.

The beggar in front of him is definitely not a murderer. With him alone, there is no way that there are so many skilled men around the headquarters and they can disappear without making any movement.

If he had this ability, he could just come in and take him away. There was no need to beat around the bush and lie to him.

Bai Qiuling's thoughts changed rapidly.

But now we are in trouble. If the entire Twin Eagle City is in trouble as you said, if there is anyone we can count on, it must be my dad.

Your father. Li Shunxi hesitated to speak.

Bai Zhenming is indeed very strong, both internally and externally. He can be regarded as a top master at the level of concentration, infinitely close to Tianyuan.

But such force is completely meaningless to monsters and monsters.

In the fate he saw, Bai Zhenming died in the courtyard of his bedroom, surrounded by ghosts. He only managed a few moves before his heart was ripped out by the ghosts and he died.

It doesn't matter if you go. Li Shunxi still wanted to persuade.

Bai Qiuling turned around and ran away resolutely. She must tell her father what happened in the study as soon as possible.

There was also the painting in the darkroom that she encountered. That painting was so weird that she was sweating when she thought about it.

She could actually fall asleep while looking at paintings, which was something she had never experienced before. And the woman in the painting has her feet next to her.

If the beggar in front of him hadn't woken him up, maybe he would never see his family again this time.

We have to find daddy quickly! What happened to the gang!!? Bai Qiuling turned her eyes and looked around. As she ran, she couldn't see a single figure in sight, and she became more and more frightened.

Do you have to find your father before leaving? Li Shunxi hurriedly followed and asked in a deep voice.

I don't believe what you said. Bai Qiuling was startled, stopped and stepped back again, staring at Li Shunxi with a hint of vigilance. The Baihe Gang is so powerful that you can't even imagine that even if something happens, they won't all disappear together!

Li Shunxi looked at her firm eyes and knew that it was impossible not to go to Bai Zhenming. He thought about knocking people unconscious and taking them away, but some things and things cannot be accomplished by force.

Let's go, I'll accompany you. He quickly took out a stack of talismans from his arms.

Ah? Bai Qiuling was stunned.


Lu Sheng's breath was long, and he and Xu Chui had a bottle of wine each, sitting in the courtyard chatting and giving advice on martial arts.

With Lu Sheng's level, it was no problem to give guidance to Xu Chui, who was only at the peak of Tongli.

But what he really cared about was not the injury he was recovering from, nor the questions Xu Chui asked, but the faint evil spirit of the Baihe Gang.

Speaking of which, the Baihe Gang is quite weird. Previously, my subordinates were wandering around the city, asking about strange things around them. I just felt that everyone in Shuangying City was a little weird. After Xu Chui got the answer to the question, he also mentioned it casually. sentence.

Oh? What a weird method? Lu Sheng didn't expect that Xu Chui also noticed it.

The people here feel very lethargic and lack enough sleep. Many people have dark circles under their eyes. I don't know why. Xu Chui frowned.

Lu Sheng squinted his eyes and suddenly remembered the Liulijing case he was investigating when he was in the tea gang. At that time, the people in the tea gang were like this, with dark circles under their eyes and serious lack of rest.

Speaking of which, how long is it now?

Xu Chui was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed slightly.

In the past few days, watchmen would come by at regular intervals, but now I haven't heard any.

Maybe something went wrong. Lu Sheng stood up slowly and stretched his muscles. Let's go out and take a look.

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