Extreme Demon

Chapter 145 Baihe 2

Lu Sheng's five senses were far beyond those of ordinary people, and he immediately heard what the guard said. This girl is actually Bai Zhenming's biological daughter.

He couldn't help but glance at the girl a few more times. It was these few glances that made Lu Sheng feel that the girl had an aura that was completely different from other people's.

A sense of freshness and normality, completely different from other people's feelings.


Lu Sheng's eyes narrowed slightly, he remembered this girl calmly, and his eyes returned to the competition.

The battle lasted for more than two hours. After several fierce battles, the Red Whale Gang ended the competition with a record of three wins and one loss. If we have to wait for the next martial arts competition, we have to wait until tomorrow.

It was getting late, and Bai Zhenming looked a little unhappy, but he still maintained his demeanor. He said goodbye to Lu Sheng and left Yingyang Hall respectively.

Lu Sheng led the people out of the hall and passed through the columned corridor outside the Baihe Gang headquarters. The girl in the white skirt and hunting attire from before happened to be walking in his direction with a riding crop in hand.

A very cute little girl. Lu Sheng suddenly stopped and grinned.

Xu Chui next to him looked at the girl in confusion. He didn't know why the gang leader was interested in this girl.

This is Miss Bai Qiuling, the daughter of Gang Leader Bai. He whispered.

Bai Qiuling also saw Lu Sheng and his group at this time, bowed slightly to everyone, then stood aside, waiting for Lu Sheng and his group to leave first.

After all, Lu Shengshi was an elder on the same level as her father, and their status was far beyond what a little guy like her could compare to.

Moreover, the Red Whale Gang is still the largest gang in the North. In terms of power and the size of the area it rules, it is much stronger than the White River Gang.

But what surprised her was that Lu Sheng and everyone were about to pass in front of her, but they stopped for some reason.

Are you Bai Qiuling, Brother Bai's daughter? A low voice, reminiscent of a tough and powerful man, came from in front of him.

Bai Qiuling was stunned and quickly raised her head. Lu Sheng, the leader of the Red Whale Gang who had passed by before, actually stopped in front of her and stared at her with interest.

that look

She couldn't help but shiver all over, as if she had seen something interesting and interesting. Hidden is a deep sense of domineering and irresistible. Like an apex predator watching the weak larvae.

A tyrannical and fierce aura that was completely different from her father's enveloped Bai Qiuling, making her, who was already a little timid, couldn't help but take a step back, her pretty face turning pale.

Exactly, Qiu Ling has met Uncle Lu. Due to her strict upbringing, she still held back her discomfort and politely greeted Lu Sheng in a low voice.

Lu Sheng looked her up and down, and his intuition told him that this girl seemed different from the others, but he couldn't tell exactly what was different.

You are very good. He thought about it, If you encounter trouble, you can come to me.

Since arriving in Twin Eagle City, he has felt day by day that the atmosphere here is becoming more and more weird and dangerous. Since there was something special about this girl that made him feel different, maybe it would be good to form a good relationship with her.

Thank you very much, thank you Uncle Lu. Bai Qiuling was stunned for a moment and almost didn't react. She couldn't understand Lu Sheng's kindness, but kindness was better than malice. So I quickly thanked him.

It's just that she has some doubts. As the princess of the Baihe Gang, she will always go to her father to solve problems. She should not be in trouble this time.

But out of politeness, she still thanked Lu Sheng seriously.

Lu Sheng smiled gently at her and left slowly with a group of experts.

Bai Qiuling stood in the corridor, leaning against the thick column and watching Lu Sheng go away, full of doubts in her heart.

trouble? Except for the strange two men in black whom my father met mysteriously a few days ago, nothing noteworthy has happened recently. What other trouble could she encounter here in the Twin Eagles?

Bai Qiuling thought about it carefully, but still had no clue, so she simply ignored it. She happened to have a problem in martial arts and wanted to find her father to answer it.

After leaving the corridor, she got on the sedan and was about to go towards her father's study.

Miss, the person who claims to be your friend is here again. The personal guard came over again and reported in a low voice.

Well? Didn't you let him go? Why don't you find a good job and live a peaceful life when you are so young and cheating? Bai Qiuling said helplessly. Her kindness is well-known throughout Twin Eagle City.

When you see a dying kitten or puppy on the road, you can’t help but come to rescue them, let alone people.

There are no less than a thousand people in the city who have benefited from her, and her reputation is so good that even her father Bai Zhenming cannot compare with her.

He said he doesn't want your reward, he just wants to have a few words with you alone. The personal guard said speechlessly.

Say a few words to me alone? Bai Qiuling thought of the scene that just happened.

A handsome young man in shabby clothes was begging on the roadside when she left the house. Seeing how pitiful he was, she went up to reward him with some money, but she didn't expect to be entangled by this man.

What does this person mean? Bai Qiuling asked helplessly, Does it mean that I am easy to bully?

Do you want me to go down and teach him a lesson? the guard said in a low voice.

Bai Qiuling hesitated for a moment. She didn't do anything, so there was no need to do this. Forget it, leave him alone, I'm going to my father's study right away. It's getting late, and I have to take a medicinal bath at night. You tell him that if he really wants to find me, come back early tomorrow. He's really busy today.

Young lady is always so kind-hearted, others will think you are easy to bully. The guard said with a bitter smile.

It doesn't matter, aren't we still with you and dad? Bai Qiuling smiled mischievously.

This guard has watched her grow up since childhood. Even apart from her parents, he is the person closest to her. The relationship between the two is like that of brother and sister, and they have no scruples about many things they say.

After receiving Bai Qiuling's reply, the guard ordered the gang members nearby, and one gang member ran towards the side door of the headquarters.

Outside the side door, Li Shunxi sat casually by the wall and waited for the news. When he saw the gang going out and heading straight towards him, he quickly stood up.

How is it? Miss Qiu Ling wants to see me?

Miss Qiuling is not free now, so don't waste your time. I don't think you are a bad person. You should also know that although Miss Qiuling is approachable, she is not someone you can just meet if you want. This group of people may also be the same. It can be seen that Li Shunxi looks handsome, has a gentle temperament, and has a good attitude. Even though he was dressed like a beggar, he didn't show any sign of disdain or expulsion.

After hearing what was conveyed, Li Shunxi smiled helplessly. He really took it for granted that the trouble in Twin Eagle City would be in these few days. He was not sure if it was today.

If you tell Bai Qiuling in advance, you will have a chance to win her trust and get a chance to redeem yourself. After all, there are tens of thousands of people in Twin Eagle City, so many lives.

But how to gain trust is a problem.

Okay. I'll come back tomorrow. He had already planned to visit the Baihe Gang at night. Formal contact seems to be unworkable, and no one will believe the 'nonsense' he says. Even if he tells the story about the evil jade, he will be regarded as a madman at best, and no one will believe it.

Let's go quickly. If you are discovered by the patrol team of the gang, you will be in trouble. The gang members also had good intentions and hurriedly urged.

Thank you! Li Shunxi saluted the man seriously, turned around and left decisively.

After walking a certain distance, he suddenly had a sudden impulse and looked back at the Baihe Gang headquarters.

This look made his heart sink.

A trace of gray air seemed to be lingering over the entire Baihe Gang. The gray air is extremely thin. If he hadn't had the mysterious jade, it would have been impossible to discover it.

The gray air lingers and floats, not blown by the wind, but there is a faint hint of ominousness.

It must be done as soon as possible. Li Shunxi felt frightened. If we don't succeed tonight, we can only find an opportunity to take Bai Qiuling and leave quickly.

Having made up his mind, he turned around and left quickly.

Boom, boom, boom.

Bai Qiuling gently knocked on the wooden door of the study room.

Under the dusk and sunset, there was no one around the study, and the gang members who were originally on guard did not know where they were.

Really, these people are lazy. When dad comes back, I will file a complaint against him. Although Bai Qiuling is kind, she is not unprincipled.

This kind of thing breaks the rules of the gang. The study is a very important place for my father. It has always been guarded by elite white-clothed guards, but now no one can be seen.

She muttered a few words, then reached out and knocked on the door.

Boom, boom, boom.

It was still quiet inside, it seemed that daddy was not inside.

Maybe I went to meet those two friends. Bai Qiuling thought to herself. Since her father was not there, she looked around, quietly took out a bunch of keys from her waist, and put one of them against the keyhole of the wooden door. Insert it in and turn it gently.


She pushed open the door hard.

Humph, it just so happens that dad is not here, so I can take this opportunity to secretly go to the darkroom that I usually want to see, Bai Qiuling said with a sly look on her face. He quickly rushed into the study, turned around and closed the wooden door.

The study room was quiet, with rows of bookshelves neatly arranged side by side. The red light of the setting sun reflected very faintly, and through the windows with white window paper, the inside was reflected in a pale red.

Bai Qiuling looked around and quickly ran to a bookcase against the wall in the study room.

She searched on the bookcase and pulled out a book. He reached out through the opening and pressed hard.


With a soft sound, the sound of a mechanical spring came from the wall. A square secret door slowly opened on the blank wall next to the bookcase.

This so-called secret room is not actually a secret room. Bai Qiuling has known how to open it for a long time. It's just that the collection inside is all the best items that dad Bai Zhenming cherishes and cares for.

Ancient paintings, volumes of ancient books, some rare treasures unearthed from tombs, and strange things were all fixed on the wall by Bai Zhenming.

Bai Qiuling slowly walked into the darkroom and began to look around with interest.

Time passed slowly, and unconsciously the light outside became darker and darker, and the darkroom became darker.

Bai Qiuling herself didn't pay attention to the time. By the time she looked at the novelty, it was already dark. But I only saw half of what was in the dark room. The oil lamp on the wall in the dark room also burned for a long time.

Bai Zhenming has too many collections, most of which are calligraphy and painting antiques, and these are what Bai Qiuling is most interested in.

She was so keen on searching for her favorite authentic works in the collection that she lost track of time.

It's too late, it's time to go. Unknowingly, it was completely dark outside, and Bai Qiuling didn't know how long she had been in the darkroom.

But he knew that once his father found out that he had entered the secret room, he would definitely be furious.

She stuck out her tongue.

Finally, finally, let's look at the same thing for the last time.

She reluctantly scanned the darkroom, and her eyes were quickly attracted by a very large picture.

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