Extreme Demon

Chapter 1190 Migration 2

It is said that his father, the terrifying demon lord who dominates everything, once lamented that Lu Ning had no talent for cultivation. Now it seems that his talent is all focused on fertility. Generally, bloodlines of this level, It's already extraordinary to be able to give birth to an heir in a thousand years. But this guy actually... the woman sighed.

So, not only is this guy right, but his merits outweigh his faults? Suddenly a voice interrupted and asked in a low voice.

The two of them were suddenly filled with dead souls. They were spies from other universes who had sneaked in. Once their identities were exposed, they would be immediately surrounded and killed, and even their souls would not be able to escape.

Moreover, this communication method is a soul communication that only the two of them are bound to. It is a special message channel constructed by using the innate magical power of a special cosmic race and sacrificing their lives.

Except for the two of them, even those who are several realms stronger than them have no way of finding out, but now it turns out.

The two of them suddenly stood up from their seats as if they were electrocuted, and their eyes fell on a strong man who suddenly appeared next to them.

Who are you!? A handful of emerald green spikes suddenly slipped out of the woman's hand, and she stared at the visitor with furry eyes.

The man's face was blurry, and even though he was only a few meters away, the two of them couldn't see each other's face clearly.

I just want to hear your evaluation of Lu Ning. Lu Sheng said with a smile. It sounds like he has done a lot of big things in recent times?

The two looked at each other and neither dared to speak again. Since the other party could monitor their soul communication, it was completely unsafe to use this communication again.

Many people know what we are talking about. Why did you come to us specifically to ask? the strong man said in a low voice, with a vigilant look on his face.

No reason. I just happened to pass by and heard you chatting, so I stopped and asked. It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it. I can ask other people as well. Lu Sheng said with a smile.

This does not require Master Lu Ning's whereabouts plan. It has basically been announced. The woman in the green skirt paused and continued.

What is his purpose for coming here suddenly? Lu Sheng asked with interest.

He has a traditional personality that attaches great importance to the concept of blood family. So he is also very interested in his own children.

Master Eruning is here to pursue the eldest princess of the nearby Mingjia galaxy, His Highness Hera.

Your Highness Hera? How could the mere pursuit of a woman cause so many people to gather around? With a sweep of his mind, Lu Sheng could see that there were a large number of lives around him, and they were constantly gathering towards here. Many of them are not just merchant ships.

Well, that's because Princess Hera is an extremely rare member of the hundred-headed giant elephant family in the universe. She has a hundred elephant heads and a body as big as a planet. She is also a rare atavistic individual among the ancient beast family. .

The most important thing is that she cannot turn into a human form. The woman in the green dress said with a strange expression.

Huh? The smile on Lu Sheng's face gradually disappeared.

What's the matter? His Highness Lu Ning's last girlfriend was the mummy queen of Parson's Demon Realm. Her whole body was only bones and dry skin without any moisture. She was just a skeleton and was thirty thousand miles long. His Highness Lu Ning was with her. She gave birth to thirteen powerful blood descendants. The burly man on the side couldn't help but add.

And the Queen of the Thunder God Bull Clan

Mechanical Titan of the Steel Shield Empire

Herbolos, one of the three Zerg Queens

Space Mystical Battleship Theia Beati

There is also the once-lost Magic Flute Cosmic Storm

It is said that His Highness Lu Ning was mistakenly involved in a cosmic storm while riding in a spaceship one day. As a result, not long after, he was sent out by the storm on his own initiative, followed by more than a dozen small cosmic storms. Now those sons of the storm are still slowing down near the Kuiman Galaxy. Slowly devouring and growing.”

Another time, His Highness Lu Ning visited the mysterious Crystal Galaxy and happened to encounter an ancient starship that was wandering outside. At that time, the starship and His Highness fell in love at first sight. The two spent three days and three nights together, and waited for His Highness to come out of the starship. , has brought out three small similar starships, and those three small starships unanimously called him father.

There is also the little princess of the Purple Thunder Giant Pig Clan. It is said that the little princess was born with three mouths. Her appearance was extremely ugly, with the head of a pig and the body of an ox. But on the day she met His Highness Lu Ning, they fell in love at first sight and spent the whole night together. Then, half a year later, the little princess gave birth to seventeen piglets.

Lu Sheng was stunned when he heard this

According to the two of them, Lu Ning has almost reached the heights of heaven and earth. He can reach everything. There is no one he cannot reach. The most exaggerated one is that he accidentally fell into an interstellar black hole one day.

As a result, a few days later, when everyone rescued him from the black hole, they found that he had given birth to two small black holes. At that time, I was playing a horse riding game with my two black hole sons.

Even though the black hole was just a tiny black hole half the size of an asteroid, from then on, Lu Ning's threat level in the eyes of other surrounding forces increased significantly.

The current Highness Lu Ning himself has little strength, but many of the children he gave birth to are inherently powerful and terrifying beings. Even several other forces besides the Yuan Demon Sect do not dare to neglect him.

After all, no one knew that His Highness would suddenly have a son or daughter appear from somewhere. No one knows how many children he had.

. Lu Sheng was speechless.

I originally thought that this son was the least promising, but now it seems that this guy's talent is really in the wrong direction.

So, His Highness Lu Ning is the real one-man army, the woman in the green dress concluded with a sigh.

Lu Sheng shook his head. He turned to look at Lu Ning in the main seat.

This guy was contentedly holding Mei Ji in his arms and kissing her wildly. A group of young men and wealthy businessmen were making noises around him.

Lu Sheng left the two of them and walked straight towards Lu Ning.

There were various forms of various races at the surrounding banquets, but most of them were humanoid or partially humanoid.

There are bear-headed people, horse-headed people, half-dragon and half-human beings, and there are also strong humanoids composed purely of various energies.

Lu Sheng slowly walked through the aisle, slowly releasing traces of his own aura.

Lu Ning, who was sitting in the middle seat, seemed to feel something. He raised his head and looked in the direction of Lu Sheng.

Eh?? He was slightly startled, feeling that the man walking towards him seemed a bit like his father.

No, it's not a bit like it. It's just that! He stood up suddenly. He pushed away the fair-weather friends around him and strode towards Lu Sheng.

Ning'er. Lu Sheng paused and looked at the silly son in front of him with a complicated expression. Long time no see, you seem to be doing well.

Okay, okay, Dad, is this your true body? Lu Ning was slightly excited.

It's just a ray of spiritual thought. Get ready and bring all your descendants with you. We are ready to move. Lu Sheng ordered.

Ah? Migration? Lu Ning was startled.

At this time, the guests who were closer around heard the conversation between the two.

Is it the Overlord of the Universe, Demon Lord Lu Sheng!?

Isn't it possible? That man looks ordinary.

How come the Demon Lord doesn't show up at all?

Isn't it said that the Heavenly Demon Lord is supposed to swallow the sun and moon with his mouth and step on the nebula with his feet? Why did he come to such a small star port?

Many guests around were surprised and confused.

Dad, where is the Yuan Mo Sect? Lu Ning was a little unsure of what Lu Sheng meant.

We'll go together there, too. Lu Sheng said calmly. In a moment, you can take your heirs with you and follow me back to Yuan Mo Sect. Everyone will go together.

Okay, I understand. Lu Ning nodded.

He turned his head and waved to the guests around him.

Come here quickly, come here all! I ask you to help me find my son who stayed on a nearby planet. Have you found them all? he said loudly.

We have already found two ships. Don't worry, sir, we will find them all the day after tomorrow at most! A giant bearded businessman replied with a smile.

That's good. Lu Ning nodded and glanced at Lu Sheng.

There is no need to expose my identity to avoid causing turmoil. Lu Sheng ordered.

Okay. Lu Ning nodded to express his understanding. he said loudly again.

Where is my daughter? When I left last time, there were still two daughters from two countries here. Thirty years have passed since this trip, and who knows how many people there have become. You must work together and don't allow any to be missed. , they must all be taken away!”

Don't worry, Mr. Lu, as long as we are here, you will never lose a child!

According to the calculation of one hundred yuan per heir, as long as you don't delay our wages, Mr. Ning, everything will be taken care of by us!

Well, I only have two mineral stars left with me. I'll record it in Yuan Mo Sect's account later. Lu Ning hesitated. It immediately caused a burst of good-natured laughter from the others around him.

Don't worry, Mr. Ning, your wives have already paid the money in advance. It was just a joke, a joke~~

Ha ha ha ha!!

Suddenly the entire banquet hall was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

. The corner of Lu Sheng's mouth twitched. He felt that he might have to look at Lu Ning in a new light.

A few days later, Lu Sheng, Lu Ning, and three giant space transport ships traveled through space together and arrived at the new headquarters of Yuan Mo Sect, the Beijalin Galaxy.

Bansai and other senior officials of Yuanmo Sect, who received the news in advance, secretly welcomed Lu Sheng and others into the headquarters.

Following Lu Sheng's secret orders, the entire huge Weird Research Association and Yuan Mo Sect were like a secret and huge instrument, operating rapidly.

A large amount of resources and countless disciples began to gather together in an orderly manner to establish a cosmic portal.

Lu Sheng forcefully used his supreme magic power to forcefully pull the small universe he had found before and cling to the outer wall of the Demon Realm.

Then open up the outer walls of the two universes to form a simple universe portal.

Then huge starships poured in one after another, entering another desolate universe.

The only people leaving this time were the senior officials of Yuan Mo Sect and Weird Research Society, as well as their relatives and friends.

The entire Yuan Mo Sect found an excuse to block the spread of information in the entire surrounding galaxy. To avoid causing too much turmoil and being discovered by the Existence Alliance.

But in fact, the existing alliance at this time is too overwhelmed to take care of itself.

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