Extreme Demon

Chapter 1189 Migration 1

The world of demons.

A gray light suddenly appeared on a star in the hinterland of Yuan Mo Sect.

Blazing stars emit light and heat all the time, and a large amount of radiation rays fly into the universe like storm waves.

The gray light quickly condensed and turned into a slender human shape.

The humanoid figure has six eyes, a long spiked tail, and more than ten pairs of arms each holding a black knife. A black and red lotus-shaped platform stands at the foot. Flesh and blood squirmed on the platform, and golden threads flowed.

I'm finally back. I haven't been away for long, but it feels like a long, long time has passed. Lu Sheng looked around with a calm expression.

All he got back was a small distracting thought. For him at this time, the ordinary universe like the Demon Realm could no longer accommodate the size of his body.

Even his slightly stronger spiritual distraction or incarnation cannot enter.

If the incarnation is separated, most of the galaxy may be gone just the moment the incarnation arrives.

The huge fluctuations generated by the incarnation when it comes, just the ripples can cause countless planets and galaxies to oscillate and explode.

So Lu Sheng temporarily made a small body to accommodate the thoughts coming from his main consciousness.

The body of the soul acts as a suppressor and remains in the macro space.

Walking on the surface of the star, Lu Sheng felt like he was walking in a large pool of golden mucus. My feet were sticky and full of glue.

It's really indescribably disgusting. He hates glue, not only because it affects his activities, but also because it tastes bad.

Put it out

Lu Sheng was impatient, and a ray of red light slowly flashed in one of his eyes.

The entire huge star shook violently, and then the golden light all over its body quickly dimmed and cooled, and the heat emitted by a large amount of magma quickly gathered in one location. That place was clearly where Lu Sheng was.

Countless heat and light flowed into Lu Sheng's body instantly like running water. Swallowed by him as naturally as breathing.

In less than a few seconds, the entire star turned into a black hard planet. The volume has shrunk dozens of times.

Countless calories were all converted into Lu Sheng's body's energy reserves.

Not enough. He looked around. There were a total of thirteen planets in this galaxy, all revolving around the central star.

Condensation. He stretched out his hand.

In an instant, countless silver-blue starlights flew from all directions and quickly gathered in his palm, forming different miniature planets with different shapes.

As time went by, there were more and more miniature planets in Lu Sheng's palm, as densely packed as gravel.

Almost. Lu Sheng raised his hand gently, and countless planetary gravel shot towards his mouth quickly, and disappeared into his mouth in the blink of an eye.


In the blink of an eye, thousands of planets poured into his mouth rapidly.

More than ten seconds later, after all the planets condensed in his palms were swallowed into his belly, Lu Sheng finally let out a breath.

Dark blue.

He silently summoned the modifier.

The essence of the modifier is to move at will with his main consciousness. This was something he suddenly realized not long ago.

At this time, the amount of divine power displayed above the dark blue was directly replaced by an infinity symbol. This means that the specific quantity cannot be calculated at the moment. Basically, Lu Sheng can have as much as he needs.

This is also because the universes he swallowed are independent individuals that can cycle on their own. These individuals can continuously produce countless supernatural powers at every moment.

Up to now, as long as Lu Sheng's mental world still exists, no matter how much energy is needed, it can continue to be produced.

However, when he summoned Deep Blue at this time, he was not focusing on conferring divine power. Instead, look at the true realm of your own body.

Ignoring the countless skill box parameters, Lu Sheng's gaze fell directly on the most critical main skill box.

At this time, he no longer had any skills to speak of, but instead had different descriptions of his forms.

‘Multiverse aggregation: a huge existence produced by the aggregation of countless universes, with endless lifespan and endless energy and matter. It can produce infinite spiritual power and control the time and space of the aggregated universe. (Characteristics: Multiple immortality, traveling through space, time standing still, time distortion. Endless lifespan.)'

What follows is a long list of all kinds of messy traits that are almost endless at a glance. Basically, they are immune to all kinds of physical energy attacks, as well as various spiritual and soul attacks.

Basically, as long as he is in his own mental world, Lu Sheng is the absolute almighty. In the outside world, as long as no one can defeat the world of mind, he will be infinitely reborn and immortal for a long time.

The only things that can affect me now are two existences. One is an aggregate of energy and matter that is larger than the entire universe I have swallowed.

The second one is an extreme existence whose absolute quality is far beyond me. Just like eternal particles, true seal of death, etc.

Lu Sheng frowned slightly. He could now be said to have reached the absolute limit of energy and matter.

Unless the power of pure nothingness and the vast amount of existing things are gathered together and turned into life, or a part of the mother river is turned into individuals, it is possible to surpass him.

For the rest, even the managers of Gray Mist, he was not afraid at all. At most, he might suffer from indigestion after eating them.

But only those three collectives.

The three major conceptual organs are called a huge collection that gathers all the knowable and unknowable. Eternity and mystery, and the third place is chaos. Basically, it is a collection of all similar concepts in countless universe dimensions.

Once this kind of thing fully unfolds, it may completely destroy everything and start the cycle again.

No matter how powerful I am, I am still just an aggregation of the universe, unable to reach the height of a purely conceptual nature, and cannot even touch it.

He couldn't think of how to solve these three collections for a while.

Forget it, let's take the people away first.

After regaining consciousness, Lu Sheng looked around again. Almost all the galaxies that could be seen around him were swallowed up by him just now.

There are desolate Death Stars nearby, without any life. It was all swallowed up by him and transformed into the basic composition of his body.

Let's first see where Yuan Mo Sect is. Lu Sheng closed his eyes, and the huge soul spread out in an instant.

The surrounding universe suddenly began to roll up majestic cosmic storms rapidly.

A large amount of cosmic dust and rays are distorted, the surrounding space is elongated, and time is suspended indefinitely.

In just an instant, Lu Sheng's soul and thoughts extended to millions of light-years around him.

He didn't move there by himself, but used huge force to pull the space of the universe over.

The entire universe seemed to him like a soft rubber ball. When needed, the body outside could reach out and grab the inner wall of the rubber ball and squeeze it, and a large area there would be pulled along.

The majestic spiritual storm swept through everything, violently blowing through galaxies.

Soon, Lu Sheng found the current location of Yuan Mo Sect.

With a thought in his mind, he suddenly disappeared from the spot, and in the blink of an eye he appeared in another star port where countless starships were constantly shuttled.

In the azure star port full of stars, starships of various sizes are constantly coming and going, like countless industrious bees, constantly unloading and loading cargo.

This seems to be a commercial star port.

Lu Sheng stagnated in mid-air, and his body rapidly transformed, transforming into his original ordinary appearance in the blink of an eye.

A set of ordinary gray long-sleeved trousers appeared automatically.

This should be the Peral Port in the third galaxy. It's the Yujue Empire's foreign trade port that made some mistakes. Lu Sheng frowned slightly and wanted to teleport again, but he had just arrived. If it moves again in a short period of time, the space and time of this universe will not be able to bear it.

Even a rebounding rubber ball will deform and cause accidents if it is pinched too hard.

It's not that he can't stand it, it's that this universe can't hold it.

As one of the big guys from the Demon Realm, Lu Sheng still has feelings for this universe. I don’t want to completely ruin this place casually.

Forget it, wait a moment, wait for the space-time structure to automatically repair and stabilize before leaving.

His teleportation was actually to squeeze the two small points on the outer wall of the ball together, and then step over in one step. This method actually hurts time and space. There is no skill to speak of, it is just using violence.

It's a pity that apart from violence, we don't have any technology that can allow people to travel countless light years in an instant. Lu Sheng sighed and flew straight towards the main body of the star port.

The main body of the star port is a huge oval disk, with countless mushroom-shaped buildings growing densely on it. The entire star port is surrounded by commercial ports used by other countries.

Star ports generally have long-distance star gates to jump directly to. Let's go and take a look first. Lu Sheng decided on the direction.

Star gates are like accelerating tracks, which can accelerate things to an extremely terrifying level, and then greatly shorten the distance. It is very convenient to use for small-scale space travel.

With a sweep of his mind, Lu Sheng scanned the entire starport and the nearest surrounding planets.

There are also people from the Yuan Mo Sect here? He suddenly looked surprised. It's actually this kid?

Closing his eyes, his figure quickly disappeared from where he was.



Lu Ning had a lazy smile on his face, hugging two charming beauties with his arms on his left and right. I was chatting with some friends around me.

There were many distinguished guests who came to attend the banquet gathered in the hall.

But among all the people present, the one with the most noble status was Lu Ning, the prince of Yuan Mo Sect.

It is rumored that his father is the most powerful invisible demon lord in the entire demon world. He is immortal and eternal. He has the power to overwhelm countless worlds.

At a wine table not far away, a tall and sturdy man said slowly and deeply.

Wearing a pure white ordinary dress, he looks no different from an ordinary star port businessman, but in fact he has another identity inside.

This is either a rumor or it's true. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been sent to this universe to monitor his every move.

Another woman in a green dress on the side said calmly.

But speaking of it, this guy can be regarded as an invincible strong man in another sense. When the woman thought of the information she had seen before, her heart twitched slightly.

In one year, I gave birth to more than 300 children with my wife. In addition, I gave birth to more than 2,000 illegitimate children with beauties of various races. I don't know how many other children are still living outside.

Should I say that he is worthy of being the only son of the strongest man? The strong man burst into laughter.

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