Extreme Demon

Chapter 116: Switch Part 2

Xiao Hongye shook his head and said with emotion: The gang leader doesn't know something. The Xu family and the Shangyang family are all extremely strong. But looking at the personal strength of Xu Feihong and Shangyang Jiuli alone, Miss Xu Feihong may not be able to compete in just a few years. It can't even catch up to half of Shangyang Jiuli's cultivation. He explained in a low voice as if he was sincere.

Brother, I also see that you are cold-faced and kind-hearted, just like my brother who died young, so I would like to give you a few words.

In the future, build a good relationship with Miss Jiuli. She is now the well-deserved second talent of the Shangyang family. Maybe it won't take many years to break through the restricted level. With this person's favor, I can't say that my life will be much easier in the future.

Oh? Taoist Bai Feng suddenly looked shocked. Is it possible that Miss Jiu Li is about to break through the realm of seven lines!?

I don't know if it's true or not. Ten years ago, Miss Shangyang Jiuli had already reached the level of five grains. She was called the number one genius of the Shangyang family. If it hadn't been for that one person who came from behind, no one would be able to break her record now. Seven Wen, I'm afraid it's not far away. Xiao Hongye said softly.

I wonder what these seven lines and five lines are...? Lu Sheng's heart moved slightly. He knew that it might have touched on the division of strength in the family, so he quickly asked.

Hasn't Gang Leader Lu already at least entered the realm of three lines? Why don't you know this yet? Xiao Hongye was stunned.

I just bumped into him by mistake. Lu Sheng shook his head.

You can enter the realm of the Three Marks by accident. The family background of Gang Leader Lu is really extraordinary! Taoist Master Bai Feng sighed with emotion.

Haha, Director Bai Feng is joking. Lu Sheng knew that they thought he was a descendant of a certain aristocratic family, but he didn't point it out. He also understood that as an ordinary person, he fought to a draw with the Umbrella Girl and had completely transcended the mortal level. It is normal for the other party to have this misunderstanding.

Brother Lu, I don't know. This pattern is a subdivision of the level of restraint. Xiao Hongye explained, The so-called restraint is the power of restraint. People in aristocratic families inherit the magic weapon. Under the glory of the magic weapon, according to different degree of fit, resulting in different levels of qualifications.”

What Mr. Xiao said is absolutely true. A genius with such a high degree of compatibility as Shangyang Jiuli is rare in a hundred years. Taoist Baifeng agreed. Although the children of the aristocratic family are born with limited levels, after practicing, they can improve their realm and master more inherited blood. Generally speaking, it is good if they can reach double lines after adulthood. Most of the children of the aristocratic families only have the most basic single line.

In other words, there are seven lines in total depending on the level. Anyone with three or more lines can be considered a master? Lu Sheng asked.

That's natural. Just like the umbrella girl, the deputy head of Hongfang. Originally, we thought that the umbrella girl would have double lines at most. After all, she was just a ghost who was promoted from a weird place. But unexpectedly

If I don't have Lu Gang Leader to fight with her, I'm afraid we will really suffer a big loss if we start a fight with the Umbrella Girl in the future! Taoist Baifeng said with emotion.

Indeed. Xiao Hongye also agreed.

The two of them were chatting, and they simply regarded Lu Sheng as a member of the aristocratic family, which also allowed him to inadvertently learn a lot of inside information about the aristocratic family.

The seven lines of restraint are mainly derived from the lines on the black membrane that appear on the body surface after reaching the restraint level.

Moreover, unlike the Zhen family of the Beidi family, the total population of the Zhen family only amounts to a dozen people. The nine families in the Central Plains can occupy the most prosperous and prosperous land in the Central Plains, so they are naturally much stronger.

Not to mention anything else, the apparent strength of the Shangyang family alone has more than fifty family members, eight of whom have three or more lines and are famous.

The other eight companies are actually about the same strength.

After the three of them chatted in the pavilion for a while, they mentioned mortal martial arts.

What's the use of practicing martial arts in the mortal world? We have practiced hard for decades and hundreds of years, but we can't break the black film of single lines and layers. The main thing is to maintain health and prolong life, which is the right way. Taoist Baifeng shook his head and said.

That's not necessarily true. In addition to health-preserving skills, there are still many martial arts in the mortal world that are worth learning. Just like when Gang Leader Lu fought against the umbrella girl, didn't he mainly rely on mortal martial arts? Xiao Hongye retorted. The powerful defense stacked up by Lu Sheng's internal and hard skills was regarded as a layered black film, while the tyrannical inner energy of Chiji Jiusha Gong, coupled with the terrifying explosive power, was regarded as a general martial arts technique. .

Lu Sheng didn't say anything, he just sighed.

Martial arts are indeed very effective, but they are still far behind the natural strength of the aristocratic family. He sincerely lamented how much thought and effort he had spent in order to fight against the lowest level of power. . If it were an ordinary person, if he had not practiced hard for more than two hundred years, he would be torn apart by the umbrella girl just by looking at him.

If you don't have enough skill, you can't even break through the level of restraint.

This is the same. Talking about natural strength, if the Zhen family can survive the Red Dragon Tribulation this time, their real strength will be greatly increased. Master two magic weapons. Tsk tsk, the son of the family has the power of double marks when he is born, it is simply amazing Horrible. Xiao Hongye sighed.

If the Zhen family turns over this time, they will definitely find an opportunity to repay the hatred of being expelled. Hehehe, there will be something good to watch then. Bai Feng said with a smile.

Indeed, with the viciousness of the Zhen family, there may be something good going on. Xiao Hongye also smiled.

Lu Sheng's heart was moved when he heard this. Could it be that the power of this family comes from the magic weapon? Capturing new magic weapons can also enhance the innate power of children born into aristocratic families?

He looked at Xiao Hongye. From beginning to end, this person seemed to be intentionally or unintentionally steering the topic in the direction he wanted to know.

The other party's fat and white smile always showed a friendly and harmless look, and he seemed to be really kind to him.

By the way, I haven't asked Mr. Xiao about his background yet. Lu Sheng couldn't help but asked him face to face.

From the beginning, Taoist Baifeng did not introduce Xiao Hongye's background, but it was obviously unusual for him to know so many inside stories.

Brother Lu, you can't help it anymore? Xiao Hongye immediately folded her fan and covered her mouth, laughing loudly.

Brother, I'm just a small manager of Wuyou Mansion. I can't compare to those two proud men of aristocratic families.

Wuyou Mansion? Lu Sheng was stunned.

He thought of a name almost instantly: King Wushou.

The Liu sisters and Li Shunxi are all related to King Wuyou. The Liu sisters were hunted down, and Li Shunxi's family was confiscated and exterminated. It was all caused by King Wuyou.

Now that King Wuyou can actually be related to the noble family, Lu Sheng also has a good idea of ​​what it represents.

After some small talk and dinner, when Lu Sheng and others left the Duwei Mansion, it was already evening (10 to 11 o'clock in the evening).

The people from the Duwei Mansion prepared the bullock cart and sent Lu Sheng and others back to the Red Whale.

There was silence all the way in the car until we got back to the Red Whale, where Hong Mingzi took the lead to greet him.

Most of the middle and high-level people in the gang have been reduced. The ruins of the fire on the Red Whale have almost been cleared away. There are still people carrying new items to the attic.

There were faint cries on the deck of the ship. They were the families of the brothers who had died in the gang.

When Lu Sheng got off the oxcart, he looked from a distance and saw streaks of white smoke rising from the deck. They were all the smoke from the braziers and paper money burned to commemorate the dead.

How are you, junior brother? Hong Mingzi came up and asked.

The choice of the Shangyang family has been confirmed. Jiuli, the representative of Shangyang, has gone to Hongfang in person. We just need to wait for the news. Lu Sheng replied quickly.

That's good, that's good!! Hong Mingzi breathed a sigh of relief, and the faces of several elders around him also relaxed, obviously they had been tense before.

Gang leader, I'm afraid we won't have time to spare. There were too many deaths in the gang before, no less than a hundred people. The pension will be paid this time. An elder came forward and said.

A pension of one hundred taels per family is really too difficult. We can take more care of them after registering. Lu Sheng said casually.

Okay! The elder nodded.

Lu Sheng warned again. You must not mistreat the brothers who have worked hard for the gang.

His arrangement is considered very kind in the current environment.

Generally, if a member of a gang dies, it would be good to have a dozen or so taels of silver as replacement for the family, but unlike him, he throws out hundreds of thousands of silver notes in one breath.

Okay, senior brother, let's go back to the ship and discuss it in detail first, Lu Sheng suggested.

The other people followed him and entered a study room on the fourth floor of the attic of the Red Whale.

Lu Sheng gave Hong Mingzi an overview of what he had gained from this trip.

Our current situation is not very good. Even if Shang Yang Jiuli has no idea, as a force that has been with other aristocratic families, sooner or later we will be replaced by their people to control the gang. Hong Mingzi frowned.

Don't worry about this in the short term. The Shangyang family probably just came to the North to occupy a bridgehead, and they won't have much strength to share with them, Lu Sheng replied. He chose the Yang family mainly because Yang Jiuli was stronger. He could calm down the situation in a short period of time, otherwise the Hongfang side would not have time to greet them and directly attack the ordinary disciples. He really couldn't resist. In fact, for the Red Whale Gang, it didn't make much difference which family he chose.

So, Beidi will fall into a gap in a short time? Hong Mingzi said in a deep voice.

Maybe, the Zhen family ran away with the treasure, and we have to see how the Yang family's attitude is next. This is a change of ownership, and we have to be careful with many things to avoid violating taboos, Lu Sheng said calmly.

It should be so. Hong Mingzi nodded, lowered his head and coughed a few more times. It's just that Hongfang, I'm afraid I won't give up so easily.

This is a matter that should be handled by the Shangyang family. Lu Sheng replied. He took out the stone plaque from Shangyang's family and showed it to Hong Mingzi.

The two chatted for a while and roughly analyzed some of the situations. Then he went to the main hall and announced the news to the other senior officials.

In other words, is this the Hongfang matter? Is it settled? Chen Ying was the first to ask.

After this battle, the Red Whale Gang's vitality has been severely damaged and they must rest and recuperate. They should be fine by the time dawn comes. Lu Sheng sat on the seat and let out a long breath.

The main effect of the Shangyang family is to offset the troubles in Hongfang, and we still have to deal with the rest ourselves. As for management, it is estimated that it will be looser than when the Zhen family was here before.

Let's settle the affairs of the brothers in the gang first, and then let's talk about it. Hong Mingzi sighed. Although he no longer holds the position of gang leader, he is still Senior Brother Lu Sheng, a master of the Scarlet Sun Sect, and his words are still very influential.

What senior brother said is absolutely true. It's time to take stock of the situation in the gang. Lu Sheng nodded.

As soon as Shangyang Jiuli confirmed the situation at Hongfang, he planned to take good control of the entire Red Whale Gang and deal with the aftermath. Although he was mistaken for a descendant of the family on this trip, he learned a lot of secret information. , he needs to digest it well.

The most precious thing is the positioning of one's own strength among the children of aristocratic families.

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