Extreme Demon

Chapter 115 Switching Part 1

Along the mountain city is the Duwei Mansion.

Cheng Xingba, the captain of the capital, was a former fourth-rank official who retired from the dynasty. His family, the Cheng family, was considered a first-class wealthy family in Yanshan City.

It was already evening when Lu Sheng, Chen Ying, Ouyang Ningzhi and Elder Wang arrived at the house.

The news had already been received in front of the Duwei Mansion, the lights were bright, and the servants and servants lined up in front of the gate to welcome a few people.

In addition, there was a tall military attache with a round figure and a big belly, standing at the door, holding the handle of the knife at his waist, waiting for them.

As soon as he saw the carriage of the Red Whale Gang arriving, the pot-bellied military attache quickly stepped forward.

Gang Leader Chen, Chief Lu, Elder Wang and Chief Ouyang are also here. The man forced a smile, his expression stiff, as if he didn't want to come into contact with these people at all. But it is also true that the current Red Whale Gang, anyone who is well-informed knows that they have caused a big problem and are in trouble.

Captain Cheng is so polite. Are all the distinguished guests here? Chen Ying asked in a low voice, In addition, Foreign Chief Lu has now succeeded us as the head of the Red Whale Gang and is no longer the foreign chief.

Cheng Xingba was stunned for a moment, then he quickly forced out a smile again, with a hint of shock and surprise, and held his hands towards Lu Sheng to accuse him.

I'm sorry for holding my fist, but I was negligent. Gang Leader Lu is young and promising, with superb martial arts skills and a bravery that no man can match. It's natural for him to succeed as gang leader. He quickly made up for it, Several distinguished guests have already arrived. I'm waiting for everyone from the Red Whale Gang. .

Well, let's go in. Lu Sheng had sent people through the intelligence network in Yanshan City in advance to spread the news that the Red Whale Gang wanted to find a new home. The main information was sent to the Supervision Department.

As expected, not long after, the Inspectorate held a small gathering at the Captain's Mansion and asked the Red Whale people to go.

In addition, we also found several real distinguished guests. They are all spokespersons representing all forces.

Several people walked into the mansion one after another, Chen Ying took the lead, and Lu Sheng remained silent. This was what they had agreed on before, with Chen Ying communicating in front and Lu Sheng listening behind, so it was convenient to buffer.

After entering the mansion, passing through a thumb corridor, in a small pavilion in the side yard, everyone saw representatives from various walks of life gathering together to drink tea and chat.

In the small octagonal pavilion, the black curtain was hung down, and only the side facing Lu Sheng and others was opened, and four people were sitting inside.

Old Taoist Bai Feng was among them, and the other three were one man and two women.

Lu Sheng walked behind Chen Ying and stood outside the pavilion together.

Master Lu, please take a seat. Master Baifeng's tone was much softer and more polite than before. At this time, he looked at the road and said with a smile: The main force of the road gang defeated the masters of the Red Square, and it was a big battle. It's really a feast for my eyes.

Lu Sheng's eyes narrowed, knowing that he couldn't hide it anymore, so he stretched out his hand to stop Chen Ying who was about to speak. He motioned for him and the others to leave first, and waited until several people were led away by the servants.

Taoist Master Bai Feng is well-informed. He glanced at an empty seat in the pavilion, and suddenly understood, he walked in without hesitation, and Da Ma Jin Dao sat down.

My Red Whale Gang is very sincere. Since you are here in person, you must have a plan in mind, right? He said solemnly.

Except for Bai Feng, the other three people sitting in the pavilion were representatives from all parties.

One is a fat man who looks like a white and fat Yuanwailang. He holds a folding fan in his hand and wears a white hat on his head. The word 乐 is written in big in the middle of the hat. This person has a kind face and makes people feel close to him at first glance.

The other two are white-browed women wearing black crowns, like ancient masters.

And a beautiful-eyed woman with long hair and a green emerald mask on her face.

The three people have very different styles, which makes an impression on people at first sight.

Let me introduce you. Taoist Bai Feng smiled and stretched out his hand, first pointing at the fat white man.

This is Xiao Hongye, member Xiao.

He pointed to the woman with white eyebrows and a crown of hair.

This is Shangyang Jiuli of the Shangyang family.

Finally, he pointed to the beautiful-eyed woman with an emerald jade mask on her face.

This one is from the Xu family, Miss Xu Feihong.

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes. Except for the fat man who did not introduce him, the other two women were from the Shangyang family and the Xu family respectively.

He didn't know much about these two families, but since they all used family as their background, they must be from aristocratic families. And the forces that dare to wade into this muddy water at this time must be extraordinary.

I've met three of them, he said loudly, clasping his fists.

We all saw the battle between Gang Leader Lu and Deputy Gang Leader Hongfang. It was really extraordinary. But I don't know which family you were originally from? The fat man Xiao Hongye asked softly with a smile.

Lu is just a martial artist with an innocent background. Shouldn't everyone have checked it out? Lu Sheng said with a slight eyebrow raised.

Gang leader Lu is quite straightforward. Xiao Hongye said with a smile, He is just an ordinary person. If he has no foundation, how could he rise so quickly. Of course, since the gang leader doesn't want to talk about it, let's leave it at that. Let's talk about the affiliation of the Red Whale Gang. One thing.

Since you are all sitting here, of course you have made it clear that you are willing to do so.

My Shangyang family only needs 70% of the offerings every year, and it can only accommodate one person permanently. Shangyang Jiuli's white eyebrows were cold and stern, he interrupted Xiao Hongye directly and said calmly.

My Xu family has to pay 90% of the donation, but it can guarantee the absolute safety of the two trade routes to the Central Plains. But it cannot be permanent. Xu Feihong said softly.

Permanent means that one person from the family is stationed in the gang to deal with any trouble that may arise.

The Xu family asked for 20% more than the Xiao family, but what they brought was two safe trade routes to the Central Plains. The benefits from this are actually greater than those of the Shangyang family.

The so-called several percent refers to the proportion of resources, wealth, etc. collected by the Red Whale Gang within its jurisdiction. The percentage here refers to the share handed over to the family.

Lu Sheng finally looked at the fat man Xiao Hongye.

Xiao Hongye waved her hands repeatedly: We don't dare to compete with the two aristocratic families. Don't look at me. I'd better talk to these two in detail.

Lu Sheng squinted his eyes, feeling that the fat man was not as friendly as he appeared. He was probably a smiling tiger type.

The two representatives of the Shangyang family and the Xu family are both women, but Shangyang Jiuli and Xu Feihong have completely different styles and unpredictable attitudes.

Speaking of which, I'm relatively new to these two families. I wonder if I can introduce them a little bit? Lu Sheng thought for a while and asked calmly.

It's easy to talk about. This old Taoist has some understanding. Taoist Baifeng said with a smile, Gang leader Lu is young and promising. It's understandable even if you don't know.

He glanced at the two women and smiled when he saw that they didn't respond or refuse.

The Shangyang family is one of the nine families in the Central Plains. It is very powerful and is known as the Iron Painting and Silver Hook. It mainly involves medicinal materials, shipping, and silver villas.

Shangyang Jiuli didn't even look at him, his eyes were slightly closed as if he was in trance.

Taoist Bai Feng pointed at Xu Feihong again.

And the Xu family is a royal family of the Jurong Kingdom, mainly engaged in jade trading. It is known as the Jade Talisman Family. It is also very powerful.

As for force, no matter which one of them is weaker than the Zhen family. Even stronger, so the leader of the Lu Gang does not need to worry about this when considering it.

Lu Sheng nodded.

Thank you, Director Bai Feng. He looked straight at Shangyang Jiuli.

I dare to ask Miss Shangyang, if I choose Shangyang, how will the Red Square issue be resolved?

Shangyang Jiuli didn't open his eyes, and said calmly: The owner of Hongfang is out, so don't pay attention to her for now. When she comes back, I will visit her personally.

Lu Sheng's heart trembled when he heard this.

Then he looked at Xu Feihong on the other side.

Just by looking at Xu Feihong's eyes, he knew she was a very beautiful woman. She was wearing a pink robe, sitting in the pavilion, as if her whole body was buried in the wide, soft and exquisite robe and skirt, and her jade arms like lotus roots were looming in the robe.

Seeing Lu Sheng looking over, she smiled slightly.

Peace is the most precious thing in the world. On the Red Square side, the slave family can also go there in person to make peace.

Lu Sheng nodded and pondered for a moment. Or he said softly to Yang Jiuli.

It seems that we have to trouble Miss Jiuli about this matter.

His statement meant that he had chosen the Shangyang family.

Xu Feihong didn't change her expression, she just nodded slightly to the other people, smiled at Lu Sheng, then stood up and slowly left outside.

Shangyang Jiuli opened his eyes at this moment and looked at Lu Sheng in surprise.

Her attitude cannot be said to be good, and even when she went out to recruit the Red Whale Gang this time, she was a little careless, and the benefits she offered were actually far less than those of the Xu family. The Xu family even gave a condition that they would not send anyone to supervise permanently, which meant that no one would interfere with the gang's management.

But even so, Lu Sheng still chose her.

Originally, she thought she was just here for a stroll.

Hoo ho ho ho! Congratulations to both of you. The Red Whale Gang is the largest gang in the North, and the Shangyang Family is also one of the nine families in the Central Plains. They have extraordinary strength. This combination will surely better maintain the stability of the North. Xiao Hong Ye let out a weird laugh and covered her mouth with a folding fan.

Well, you're not bad. Shangyang Jiuli glanced at Lu Sheng approvingly. She came out this time just to relax. She didn't think about completing any tasks at all, but she didn't expect that she would complete it in vain.

I wonder when Miss Jiuli will solve the problem of Hongfang. Lu Sheng asked bluntly without being polite. He showed his strength and won the right to choose between aristocratic families. Otherwise, according to what senior brother Hong Mingzi heard about the past, the Red Whale Gang has no choice at all. They can only wait for the Shangyang family and the Xu family to compete, decide the winner, and passively accept the boss.

This is simple, just do it tonight. Shangyang Jiuli was vigorous and resolute. She liked Lu Sheng, and she was already impatient with such mundane things, so she had the attitude of dealing with the matter as soon as possible.

Thank you, Miss Jiuli! Lu Sheng clasped his fists seriously.

Now that we've decided, how about having a cocktail party at the Captain's Mansion? Xiao Hongye suggested. It just so happens that all the decision-makers in Northland and I are here. This opportunity is rare. There was a smile on his fat face.

No time. Shangyang Jiuli refused directly without saying a word. She stood up and threw a stone tablet to Lu Sheng. This is my Shangyang family's communication token. It can be triggered by burning it with fire. I can detect it within a thousand miles.

Lu Sheng caught the stone tablet and looked through it carefully.

On the trapezoidal white stone tablet, a chapter of unknown text was clearly written. Judging from the penmanship, the dragons and phoenixes are dancing, vigorous and powerful, it should be written by everyone.

I'll go to Hongfang first! Shangyang Jiuli turned around and before anyone could reply, he jumped lightly and disappeared outside the pavilion in the blink of an eye.

Lu Sheng just moved his eyes away from the stone tablet and could no longer see Shangyang Jiuli.

Gang Leader Lu is really extraordinary. As soon as Shangyang Jiuli left, Xiao Hongye smiled and said to Lu Sheng. I actually made the best choice for the Red Whale Gang when I didn't know anything.

Oh? Why did Mr. Xiao say this? Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows.

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