Extreme Demon

Chapter 1123 Seduction 1

One month later.

After capturing the Blood Castle, Cyril's territory successfully expanded to the surrounding area where the Blood Castle is located.

Stretching from the previous area to Blood Castle, there is a large fertile plain in the middle.

After avoiding the key points where ghosts appear, the remaining areas can be used for reclamation and fertilization.

Lu Sheng's Phantom Demon Sect continues to expand, and a large number of outer sect disciples are wandering around, working together to hunt down all kinds of monsters that may appear.

Their marksmanship is accurate, their energy is extraordinary, their speed, endurance and strength are all superhuman. In various hunting operations, he continued to attack cities and territories, and soon gnawed down most of the hard bones.

The remaining few can be solved quickly by Isla and other official Phantom Demon Fist disciples personally taking action.

Official disciples have been able to wear the White Knight's armor without injury. Under the nourishment of Bahan's flesh, each body is indescribably powerful. In just one month, they have undergone almost earth-shaking changes.

Among them, in addition to food, it seems that the environment has also begun to undergo subtle changes.

This change in environment also vaguely affected Lu Sheng.

He obviously felt that it became easier when he broke through. After breaking through more than ten stages of assassination fist in a row, he reached the twenty-ninth stage in one breath.

The 30th section seemed to be a sephiroth. No matter how much he practiced and practiced, no matter how he used his spiritual power to deduce, the 30th section was completely stuck.

According to the analysis tips given by Deep Blue, this thirtieth paragraph seems to require some special external conditions.

And he has not yet reached this condition.

Unable to break through for a while, even Deep Blue couldn't analyze what he needed, which made Lu Sheng a little troubled.

When he was idle and bored, he also began to use the collected information to compile an illustrated book of abnormal monsters.

Record all monsters and anomalies so that your subordinates can make preventive preparations in advance.

The illustrated book collects all kinds of monsters that everyone knows. Although most of them are just reference materials, the specific accuracy cannot be guaranteed. But this alone is of great reference value.

The illustrated book took over a week to compile. Then Lu Sheng began to carefully rank the monsters in the illustrated book.

He lazily divided all the monsters in the illustration into five levels ABC and DE, among which level A is the most conspicuous corpse insect princess. This is the highest level, and most people don’t have to think about how to deal with it.

The subsequent B-level monsters are extremely difficult to deal with, similar to the Fadien swarm.

Then C level is a level like the giant silver eagle or the slain Holy Light Knight Commander Xi Fan.

According to Lu Sheng's classification, the gap between each level in this hierarchy is extremely exaggerated. It’s almost to the point where it’s absolutely impossible to overstep.

Once the hierarchy table was announced, it received a huge response, or rather a repercussion, from the entire Cyril.

A large number of Phantom Demon Fist disciples began to divide themselves according to the standards of the hierarchy table.

The entire hierarchy table, almost every level, has a corresponding monster illustration for comparison. Data measurement is extremely intuitive.

After the corresponding test, a total of six D-levels were spontaneously tested among Cyril. Twenty E-class. Among the six D-levels, there are also core Phantom Demon Fist disciples such as Isla and Jackson.

Lu Sheng also divided his strength according to the hierarchy table.

After successfully breaking through the 29th Dan, he should have officially reached the A level.

In the hierarchy table, the gap between each level is at least one to one hundred.

In other words, only a hundred C-levels working together can defeat one B-level.

After the levels were divided, Cyril's scout team investigated the surrounding situation one by one according to the monster illustrations and level tables.

After dividing the strength of different monsters, this greatly reduced the complexity of the intelligence, and also had a profound impact on Cyril's encirclement and suppression of monsters.

In terms of encirclement and suppression, the Phantom Demon Sect can send out manpower according to the hierarchy table.

After the launch of the hierarchy table, in just one month, Cyril's territory expanded again, and under Lu Sheng's instructions, he began to repair the huge defense system with Cyril Fortress as the arrow.

A long defense system called Ansis began to be constructed rapidly in Cyril.

Ansis means strong shield in the native language. Lu Sheng imitated the Great Wall, connected all the strongholds together, and began to build a huge defensive wall.

Modern large-scale machines work together.

It took more than three months to complete the entire Ansis defense system quickly.

A solid earth wall with a height of more than four meters successfully surrounded the entire Cyril.

After Lu Sheng hunted several special monsters with extremely strong regenerative power, he greatly enriched the variety of meat available in the Phantom Demon Sect. This caused the strength of all Cyril's Phantom Demon Fist disciples to increase in a short period of time.

The average disciple's strength is almost close to E level. Isla and others may even break through D level and enter C level at any time.

In this context, the influence and fame of Phantom Fist is growing. Gradually spread to various nearby strongholds. After learning that Cyril was getting bigger and bigger, more and more survivors came to seek refuge.

At the end of the year, after the entire Cyrillic census, the total number of people had successfully exceeded one hundred thousand.



It's snowing heavily.

The white sky gradually turned the Ansis defense line into a blanket of snow-white.

After a lot of watering, the newly built rough earth wall formed a harder frozen concrete, and its hardness was greatly enhanced.

Cyril's migrant workers then began to build a stronger stone wall behind the earth wall. A large amount of concrete cement was continuously poured into heavy stone walls up to three meters thick.

The engine sounds of heavy-duty transport trucks, mixers, excavators and other large machines make this strange and quiet world seem lively and full of life.

On one of the big trucks.

Lu Sheng was sitting in the passenger seat, playing with a newly made metal machete in his hand. His eyes were fixed on the newly built highway that was receding outside the car window.

The driver was an elite disciple of Phantom Fist named Mark Genesis. He was a young genius who had successfully entered the E-class at the age of nineteen.

Mark is different from other disciples. He is taciturn, has delicate and handsome features, and is naturally strong and tall. In addition to having a good base, he was slightly favored by Lu Sheng from the beginning, so his strength increased quickly.

Mark, do you still remember why you joined the Phantom Demon Sect in the first place? Lu Sheng looked back and asked softly.

His voice could not be masked by truck engines and the din of the construction site outside.

Mark frowned. This question was something he didn't want to mention, but he was asking the sect owner, his most respected teacher.

So he was silent for a while and answered honestly.

Because my parents, my brothers and sisters all died at the hands of the C-level Black Corpse Demon. I wanted revenge and looked around for ways to get revenge. Finally I got the opportunity and was lucky enough to become a teacher.

You have worked very hard, although you are still far away from C-level. Lu Sheng said calmly, But compared to ordinary people, you have achieved achievements that ordinary people can't imagine.

Ordinary firearms no longer pose a threat to you. The number of monsters you have hunted exceeds double digits. So now you have the strength. What specific goals do you need to achieve to complete your revenge concept?

My ideal is to kill all monsters, teacher. Mark said in a low voice.

All these great ideals. I hope you will realize them one day. Lu Sheng was noncommittal.

Then what's your ideal, teacher? Mark asked. Build the entire Cyril and protect the lives and safety of countless people. Has your ideal been completed?

My ideal. Lu Sheng looked at the vast gray clouds outside the car window again. Actually, I'm just an ordinary person who wants to reunite my family. Everything I do is actually for myself.

But there is no doubt that the results you have made have benefited countless families. You said, no matter what the original intention was. The result is the result, the fact is the fact, and no one can change it. Mark said calmly.

Yes. Lu Sheng smiled, I am also very happy to have disciples like you. Okay, we are here.

The truck came to a slow stop and leaned against a continuous white shed.

Lu Sheng opened the door, jumped out of the truck, and walked towards the logistics base to greet the people who had been waiting for a long time.

Master. Logistics Minister Kundi is a tall black man wearing earrings and a suit. He looks very rude, but no one knows that he is a highly sophisticated talent with three doctorate degrees, proficient in agriculture, biology, botany, and is good at seven languages.

Nice to see you again, Kundi. Lu Sheng patted the black man on the shoulder. He was over two meters tall and as strong as a grizzly bear. Although he only lightly patted Kundi on the shoulder, it was still too much for Kundi to bear, and his feet almost sank further into the snow.

Disciple is also honored to see the teacher again. Kundi said solemnly.

I made a special trip to see how the first batch of animal and plant base harvests are going. Come on, let's go in and talk while we walk. Lu Sheng gestured.

Kundi nodded and quickly gave instructions to the surrounding personnel. Then he walked with Lu Sheng to the greenhouse.

According to your arrangement, we have fully implemented the first batch of animal and plant cultivation plans. It is winter now, but through the greenhouse, we have successfully harvested twenty-eight kinds of vegetables and spices such as potatoes, corn, tomatoes, and eggplants. Although The yield is not large, but this is just the first batch of experiments. It can be sown on a large scale in the future.

Kundi quickly introduced.

Teacher is invited to come here this time. The main purpose is to ask you to inspect the meat breeding situation in the underground breeding base.

Oh? What happened to meat breeding? Lu Sheng asked in surprise.

That's right. After mixing several super-powerful regenerative genes, we have successfully cultivated a high-quality meat source with extremely strong regenerative power, rich in high calories, and comprehensive trace elements. We call it - Sun One Number.

Then. Looking at Kundi's expression, Lu Sheng knew that he had something to follow. If it was just this, there would be no need to wake him up from seclusion in such a hurry and call him to come here hundreds of kilometers away from Cyril.

Then we discovered an interesting phenomenon. Kundi's eyes flashed with inexplicable excitement. You'll find out later when you see it.

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