Extreme Demon

Chapter 1122 Defeat 2

Isla felt a little pitiful when he looked at it from a distance.

All of Orr's methods were constantly broken up as soon as they were propped up, and the most humiliating thing was that the gunmen around him did not have Lu Sheng's orders, but just kept defeating his methods without any intention of killing him.

boom! !

Suddenly the ground shook.

Isla looked quickly towards the field.

Lu Shengzheng punched the dark gold swordsman hard on the chest. A hard punch from top to bottom.

The ground exploded violently, and layers of soil rippled like ocean waves, shaking around. It spread to a place more than ten meters away.

The armor on the swordsman's body collapsed in, and the sharp armor broke and cracked, which in turn severely pierced the swordsman's chest.

Blood gushed out from his mouth, and he lay on his back in the pit, his hands and feet shaking like convulsions. It looked like it was going to die.

The old man Kamil on the other side, who didn't know when he had turned into a white line, grabbed Orr and rushed away in the distance.

Intensive gunfire continued to chase the two men, but due to a miscalculation of the opponent's speed, all the bombing shots fell behind the opponent. It just blew up a lot of soil.

Lu Sheng did not pursue. The old man had many ways to save his life. Several times in a row, he thought that the other party was going to die, but the old man was able to use his life-saving ability to escape and break free from the inevitable situation.

The source of the opponent's ability was very mysterious. He couldn't figure out whether the opponent had any trump cards, so he simply didn't bother to pursue it.

Anyway, he came here just to save Isla.

Various forces around him are forcing him to give up Isla, and they are resorting to various means to do this. It's a pity that Lu Sheng was born to be soft-spoken rather than tough-minded. If you dare to fight him, you will be beaten to death by him.

You will regret it. The dark gold swordsman struggled to spit out his last words.

Are you trying to talk nonsense about fighting against the Black Void again? A bunch of rubbish! Trash that only pins its hopes on others. Lu Sheng said indifferently. You can only control your own destiny in your own hands. All those who place their hopes on external things have completely defeated themselves and their fate.

Unfortunately, the swordsman had completely died at this time and could no longer be heard speaking.


Lu Sheng threw the body away casually.

From today on, this is the fourth stronghold of our Phantom Demon Sect. We will send some people to guard it.

Understood. The two leaders of Phantom Demon Fist quickly approached and responded in unison.

The men in black outside the castle entered the castle one after another.

The remaining traces of the previous battlefield caused those who entered to sigh in admiration from time to time.

Before, everyone knew that it was Isla himself who rushed into the castle to save people alone, but now...

Rescue people? Wait Isla's expression suddenly changed.

Where is Jasmine! ! ?

He actually forgot about the important things while zapping!

Jasmine!! He hurriedly rushed towards the ruins of half of the collapsed castle.

But he was immediately grabbed by Jackson behind him.

Don't go. By the time you think of rescuing people, the girl will be cold. Jackson said speechlessly.

He pointed outside the castle. There was a thin girl covered in bandages lying on a stretcher.

The girl is being put on a medical vehicle that is coming to the rescue and is about to be transported to Cyril for rescue.

Jasmine. Isla's eyes showed shame. He actually forgot the real purpose of his trip.

It's okay, you just get used to it. This is the only flaw in practicing Phantom Demon Fist. You get sick every time you hit it. Jackson patted his shoulder with deep sympathy.

The last time I had a sparring match with someone, I got so angry that I forgot everything. I almost died with that guy.

According to what the sect leader said, most of the reason is used to suppress and control the ability to perceive interference, and there is not much left. It is also normal for self-control to decline. A magic demon fistman on the side smiled. road.

Isla covered her face in shame and was about to go over to see Jasmine's injury. But he was pulled back by Jackson.

She's fine. She was just hit on the head by a rock and fainted. It doesn't even count as a concussion. Those on her body are just skin injuries. You should worry about yourself first. Jackson pressed Isla's chest.


Isla screamed, and a mouthful of blood gushed out from his mouth. His vision went dark, and he finally fell back and fainted to the ground.

You're injured like this and you're still holding on. It's life-threatening. Jackson was speechless.

Have people carry Isla down quickly. He walked towards Lu Sheng head on.

Isla and Jasmine are fine. Teacher, what should we do next?

Lu Sheng retracted his gaze from the castle.

Expand. I am very interested in the mysterious technology of the Church of Isis. There is also the Church of Night. They were the first to come into contact with the Book of Beginnings and thus developed various technologies.

What does the teacher mean? The Book of Beginnings? Jackson asked doubtfully.

The Book of Beginnings only has seven pages in total. Isla once told me that each of the fused pages is truly immortal. Do you understand what it means? Lu Sheng said solemnly.

Immortal? Regardless of reality or perception of pain? Jackson's expression was solemn. He also recently passed the pain assessment and can freely enter and exit the world of pain perception. Naturally, we also know something about this.

It can be understood that way. No matter reality or the painful world, they can't be completely killed. The only thing that can defeat them is psychological tactics. Lu Sheng said lightly.

So powerful? Jackson was a little dumbfounded. If someone is completely unkillable, isn't he truly invincible?

It's not that great. Lu Sheng shook his head and walked slowly in the ruined castle garden. Although people who fuse pages have immortal bodies, their bodies are also permanently fixed in a fixed state.

Constant state?

Yes, it cannot become stronger or weaker. Within a certain period of time, it is like a computer reset, returning to its original state. Even if it is crushed to ashes, it is useless, it will be resurrected. Lu Sheng said calmly.

No wonder they all say that Isla is the most special one. Jackson seemed to understand.

Because he doesn't have this restriction. He is the only one among the immortals who can freely become stronger. Lu Sheng nodded.

So, he's their hope.

Indeed, if a completely immortal guy is coupled with absolutely powerful strength, then no matter what monster he faces, he will be able to find weaknesses and overcome them. Jackson felt horrified just thinking about it.

If such a strong man has even the slightest evil thought, it will be a catastrophe for the entire world.

That Orr from before, his blood control ability. Jackson was still a little confused.

It should be some kind of equipment ability. Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes. Speaking of equipment.

His eyes suddenly drifted to the dark gold swordsman he had just killed.

The opponent's set of dark golden armor withstood several attacks from him before being completely defeated.

Lu Sheng walked over, picked up the body, and began to quickly pull off the armor on his body.

Within a few minutes, except for the damaged part of the torso, the rest was ripped off by him. Two leg armors, two arm armors, a helmet, all four limbs.

Lu Sheng took off the white knight's gloves and tried on the arm armor. It was a little too small.

Let's see if we can modify it and use it. He handed the thing to a member of the Phantom Demon Fist who came over.

Yes. Several people stepped forward and took the armor away. A body was left lying on the ground. Fortunately, the body was wearing anti-wear lining clothes, so it was not considered streaking.

Now that we have killed the people from the Isis Church, we and Isis are already on the same level. The same goes for the rest of the Yezhi Church. We have to be more careful about this. Jackson whispered.

What's wrong? Are you scared? Lu Sheng glanced at him.

I'm afraid. Jackson smiled bitterly, Teacher, you also know that I was just an ordinary person before, that is, my brain was more flexible, I couldn't compare to you, and I was a fighter myself.

If you're afraid, then make yourself stronger. Strength can give you more security. Lu Sheng patted him on the shoulder.

Don't look at those messy chicken soups. The pursuit of power can be done for any reason. Be it justice, desire, evil, or even cruelty. The most cruel thing in the world is the law of the jungle. Winning or losing determines everything.

Is this really right? Jackson hesitated.

Of course, Lu Sheng said slowly, Only the strong have the right to make rules. After you win everything, you can decide what is right and what is evil in the world.

But I have studied history. Most chaos does not last long, and in most periods, the law of the jungle only appears occasionally. Most of the righteous will defeat evil. Jackson said seriously.

Want to know why? Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows.

Teacher, what's your opinion? Jackson asked unconvinced.

Because strong people also want stability. Lu Sheng laughed, If you are the strongest person in the world, do you want the people around you to be cruel and have no bottom line, or do you want people to be just, kind, and abide by the rules?

Of course it's the latter. Jackson seemed to understand.

Yes. Lu Sheng sighed as he watched the people from the Fantasy Sect clean up the mess. Because, people are born to yearn for stability.

That's right. People with a good heart adhere to principles and bottom lines. They will not attack others at any time because of desire. They have a track to follow and are upright. There is no need to be on guard at all times. Jackson seemed to understand what the teacher meant.

Go and practice more. Now is the best time for you. In a while, you may not have such a good opportunity. Lu Sheng suppressed the smile on his face.


Jackson's heart trembled, and he guessed what Lu Sheng meant next.



The Holy Light Knight of the Dark Templar is dead.

In a garden as pure white as snowflakes, a strong man wearing a black iron mask sat quietly in a sophisticated white wheelchair, listening to the guardian knight kneeling beside him reporting the situation.

I warned Xi Fan, but he never listened. The masked man said sadly.

Your Majesty, the Dark Templar's second operation was damaged again, and even lost a general. Should we force them to stop the operation? the knight asked in a low voice.

No need. With Delsis's stubbornness, he will never give in easily. It is difficult for us to allocate our forces to deal with King Cyril now. The masked man said solemnly. The seventh Black Void is coming. If Cyril still exists after the Void Tide, it will not be too late to talk about it then.

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