Extreme Demon

Chapter 1118 Another attack 2

In the secret room.

Lu Sheng, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly woke up from his silence.

Is Isla gone?

Already left. Jackson's voice came from the earbuds. He plans to go to Blood Castle to rescue one of his friends.

Let him go. Everyone must be responsible for the decisions they make. He does it, and so do you. Lu Sheng stood up slowly, disconnected his earplugs, and walked out of the secret room.

Walking into the long corridor, he walked straight towards the interior of the fortress, the No. 2 school grounds where the Phantom Fist disciples trained.

Just after taking a few steps, a faint chill spread from the other end of the corridor.

A tall figure covered in pure white was standing at the end of the corridor staring at him.

King Cyril, you should understand why I'm here. The tall man's body was covered with thick snow powder, as if he had just come from the snow. He is covered with a thick white cloak, and underneath the cloak is heavy white armor woven with various ancient and exquisite patterns.

A heavy white giant sword was held upside down in his hands, and the eye-shaped blue fluorescent light on the hilt slowly lit up.

Everyone has to pay the price for their choices. And now, it's time for you to pay the price.

Man-made misfortune? How ironic. Lu Sheng instantly remembered the other party's purpose.

Isla not only attracted those random attacks and the wolf demon Bahan, but also the mysterious man in front of him.

By the way, before you die, can you tell me how you got in? Lu Sheng asked doubtfully.

The ice man's face suddenly darkened, and he slowly raised his giant sword. One minute. Cut off your head.

He waved the giant sword with both hands and walked slowly towards Lu Sheng.

Are these your last words? Lu Sheng slowly moved his gloves.


The white shadow flashed, and a huge and heavy giant sword, like a toy, appeared on Lu Sheng's right side and slashed at him diagonally.

The man of ice and snow approached quickly, his broad cloak turning rapidly, making a sharp and piercing sound through the air.

The metal spikes at the end of the cloak pounced towards Lu Sheng's legs like living creatures.


He roared angrily, and the giant sword suddenly glowed with pure white fluorescence, and the extremely cold air quickly spread towards Lu Sheng's entire body.

A strong man who can defeat the wolf demon Bahan cannot be too cautious no matter how cautious he is.

Although he can easily defeat Bahan, he has long understood this truth when facing any opponent with a thunderous strike.

The lion and the rabbit also try their best, and any negligence in the fight will bring fatal threats.

The giant sword kept approaching Lu Sheng's neck with a biting cold air. The sharp giant blade will cut off the thick and powerful head in the next moment.

It's done!! The ice man was determined. His freezing energy can effectively hinder the opponent's reaction speed. Whether it is nerve speed or blood speed, the freezing energy will unknowingly lower it by a notch.

In comparison, the wolf demon Bahan was a joke in front of him. Being frozen and then turned into blood-colored ice with a sword, this result has happened countless times.

And now, the man in front of him will be chopped into pieces by him like the wolf demon Bahan and turned into bloody ice.


The giant sword fell hard on Lu Sheng, and then slid straight down without any hindrance. It fell from Lu Sheng's body to the floor.

A dark sword mark more than one meter deep was cut out on the ground. Large swaths of freezing air turned into white frost, rapidly spreading from the edge of the sword mark towards the surrounding area.

But the strange thing is that Lu Sheng didn't have any white frost on his body.

This!!?? The ice man raised his head, and the last thing he saw was Lu Sheng's gaping mouth.

boom! ! !

On the side of Cyril Fortress, a huge gap suddenly opened in the night sky, and large amounts of ice-cold snow powder exploded out of the gap.

White snow powder falls in waves.

A figure that looked like a broken doll flew out of the gap, fell hard to the ground, bounced a few times on the hard black earth, and lay weakly on the ground.

You should die!! What the hell is that!!?

The man in ice and snow struggled to hold himself up.


A white afterimage roared and plunged into the ground beside him. It was a white giant sword that had been broken into half. The eye-shaped fluorescent light on the hilt flashed with a dim rhythm.

Ta, tap, tap.

The sound of dull footsteps slowly approached from a distance.

The ice man suddenly showed a look of shock and anger, and he couldn't help but recall the instructions the prophet left for him when he left.

To defeat King Cyril, you must first decipher his illusory nature that can never be touched.

The untouchable body is one of the great abilities of King Cyril that we got after paying a huge price. If we can't even crack this layer, we can't even touch it, let alone defeat and kill the opponent. .

The untouchable body. Damn it's so perverted!! The ice and snow man reluctantly tried to get up, but his half-stretched arms were unable to support his body. He could only grit his teeth and use half of his arm to forcefully stuff the leaked intestine back into his stomach.

Snowman, is this what you get for acting alone? The footsteps slowly stopped, and a cold and clear female voice came.

It's you! Come and help me! The ice and snow man suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, Has everyone else arrived? You must be careful, that guy is simply not human!! That kind of overwhelming power, I simply thought I'm facing a black void!

It's not that exaggerated, is it? Another slightly frivolous male voice also came out of the darkness behind.

The two of them walked slowly to the ice and snow man, and when they saw the tragic injuries on his body, they couldn't help but frown. The original relief on his face suddenly disappeared.

The woman named Fang was covered in pure white slender armor, with a horn helmet on her head, and a pistol and rapier at her waist.

The other person is a handsome man with dark red hair. He is wearing a slim-fitting shirt with a golden bag and black trousers that perfectly highlight his slender legs. His fair and handsome facial features carry a cynical smile.

But this smile slowly disappeared when he saw the miserable state of the ice and snow man.

It's been less than five minutes since you entered, right?

Gil, where are the others? We alone can't deal with that monster! the ice man said urgently.

They're still behind. Soon.

Before Gil finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed. A silver spear suddenly appeared in his hand, and he stared at the empty space in front of him warily.

I don't know when, without them noticing, there was an extra person.

A tall, strong, terrifying man with a body shape like an inverted triangle.

Just by staring like this, the three of them felt an indescribable sense of depression welling up in their hearts.

Their hearts seemed to be held tightly by something, making it difficult to breathe.

If we don't crack the untouchable body, we won't even have half a chance of winning!! Think of a way! the ice man whispered quickly.

Really that awesome? Gil licked his lips. This strong dangerous aura made him even think that he was teaming up with his teammates to hunt the pain monster.

You can try it yourself! Ice and Snow Man Huo Daodao said.


The woman on the side has already proved this with her actions.

The modified explosive bullet penetrated Lu Sheng's body instantly, and then hit the ground far behind him like an illusion, exploding a small crater the size of a human head in the black earth.

Damn!! He can't even hit him, what a joke! Are the people above crazy? This kind of monster still classified him as a human being!? Gil cursed exaggeratedly.

But we have collected his genes. He is indeed a pure human being. It is just because his martial arts strength is too strong that a qualitative change has occurred. In fact, the physical fitness of this King Cyril is about the same as ours.

call! !

A huge boulder with a diameter of more than four meters was easily carried by Lu Sheng, and then it jumped five meters high and crashed towards the three of them.

The heavy boulders were thrown at an astonishing speed, not much slower than their dodging speed.

Boom! ! !

The huge impact creates a storm-like explosion. Like being bombarded by an intercontinental missile. The three of them didn't even have time to fight back. They could only use various abilities to protect themselves, and were thrown away by the huge explosion like paper figures.

Is this what you said, almost the same as us!? Gil roared and cursed in mid-air.

Fang also opened his eyes wide, with a look of disbelief on his face. He was completely unaware of the bloody wounds caused by the gravel on his body and face.

But the data is infallible.!! she shouted loudly.

The other two people looked at the huge ten-meter-long stone whizzing down below, and finally couldn't help but curse.

But scolding their mother could not solve their immediate dilemma.

The huge strip of stone, ten meters long and six meters wide, hit the three of them with a heavy and terrifying impact. Like three smaller flying insects caught in a giant fly swatter.

Bang! ! ! !

The three of them felt a roar in their heads and severe pain in their bodies. They didn't know how many bones were broken in an instant. Then he was unconscious again.

Prophecy Department, I'm going to fuck you! Before he fell into coma, Jill finally couldn't help shouting in the sky.


The huge boulder hit the ground hard, causing the ground to tremble.

Lu Sheng watched the stone fall quietly, and was about to step forward to check it, but soon the three unfamiliar and hostile auras quickly disappeared, like melting ice and snow, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Dead? Or escaped? He paused and looked calmly into the distance.

At this time, the patrol team in the fortress arrived belatedly. But as if they had received instructions, they just stopped at a distance and did not get too close.

Are you here for Isla again? Lu Sheng thought thoughtfully. So far, all the forces he knew, almost everyone, came one after another because he accepted Isla, and kept coming to contact him.

The Church of Isis, the Church of Hope, the mysterious raiders, and those people just now. I have never seen so many people come together before.

After he officially accepted Isla, these forces continued to appear, either hostile or neutral, constantly trying to make him give up Isla.

Is it nothingness? Or is it the local universe? Lu Sheng raised his head and looked at the night sky full of stars, and his heart seemed to be touched.

To be honest, he really didn't want to get involved in the war between nothingness and the universe.

But just because you don't want to, doesn't mean you're afraid.

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