Extreme Demon

Chapter 1117 Another Attack 1

You are very good.

Standing on the school grounds, Lu Sheng watched with great satisfaction as Isla took back the sharp blade in his hand.

In just one second, he can swing ten swords in succession, and each sword can explode with tons of terrifying lethality.

This kind of strength has indeed exceeded normal human limits.

More than half a month has passed since the night when the wolf demon Bahan attacked.

In the past half month, all the members of the Ten Heart Magic Sect in Cyril have been improving at an extremely exaggerated rate.

This was not accidental, nor was it Lu Sheng's special trick. But it comes from the wolf demon Bahan.

His flesh and blood, after being diluted many times, were prepared into a special high-energy drink by Cyril's biologists and chemists and distributed in large quantities.

The wolf broth diluted countless times was used as a daily food supply for ordinary people, causing the entire Ten Hearts Illusion Demon Sect to experience rapid and terrifying growth.

The energy of Bahan's meat far exceeded their expectations. After taking the wolf broth, almost all of them, without exception, showed special symptoms of enhanced physical fitness, high spirits, and accelerated qi and blood throughout the body.

Compared to half a month ago, the entire Ten Heart Magic Sect is at least twice as powerful!

Teacher, to be honest, life has been a little too comfortable recently. I am not used to it. My body feels like unoiled clockwork, even a little rusty. Isla instinctively has a vigilance to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. .

Rusty? It doesn't exist. Nerves need to be loose or tight, and proper adjustment is to move forward faster. Lu Sheng walked to the center of the school field, Have you mastered the complex algorithm?

Yes, my current speed and force accuracy are much better than before. Isla answered honestly.

That's not enough. I have a special method that can help you grow faster and become stronger. Right now, all other people are not as strong as you. So, are you willing to help me perfect this special secret method? Lu Sheng looked on. Calmly.

My pleasure, teacher. Isla pressed her hands on her chest and replied in a low voice.

After this secret method, your body will grow and improve at a terrifying speed. This speed will be so fast that you can't even control your body. Because of the assistance of Bahan's flesh. Lu Sheng said calmly and lowly .

Teacher, please do it. I am not afraid of any danger or threat. Isla said seriously.

Lu Sheng nodded with satisfaction.

I knew you would answer like this. You are indeed my disciple. Of all the people, you are the one who makes me most satisfied.

Thank you, teacher. Isla nodded slightly.

Then, let's get started. Lu Sheng slowly stretched out his right palm. His palm was expanding and getting bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye. The blood vessels and veins kept bulging.

Isla knelt down on one knee in front of Lu Sheng in a solemn and pious gesture. Let Lu Sheng's palm gently brush the top of his head.


In a daze, an indescribable vibration and trembling came from Lu Sheng's palm.

Isla felt like a boatman struggling to hold on to his boat in the waves. The huge shaking and trembling caused him to involuntarily gather all the muscles in his body.

He could feel every muscle and every muscle fiber in his body constantly twisting, tightening, and then fighting against each other under this inexplicable trembling.

The huge consumption made him sweat profusely in just a few minutes.

Originally, this kind of profuse sweating was extremely damaging to one's vitality, but under Lu Sheng's control, Isla felt that even his body's immunity was being increased crazily by the rapidly flowing blood.

A large amount of excess fat is consumed, and the energy reserves are rapidly reduced under the fierce confrontation.

Isla is rapidly losing weight and drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Instead, the outlines of stronger muscles became thicker and larger.

Although his eyes were bulging due to dry skin, his eyes were brighter than ever.

Okay. That's enough. Lu Sheng slowly retracted his hand. Your body can only support it to this extent. This secret method is extremely taxing on the body. It can help you tap into your potential.

In fact, this so-called secret method is the self-limiting exercise method he used in the previous world. In a very short period of time, he combined the assassination boxing skills of this world to extremely quickly increase the metabolic rate and muscle production rate.

Thank you, teacher! Isla felt sober and powerful as never before. A force that was so powerful and strange that it kept pouring out of his body.

Go ahead and adapt to your current body. As a practitioner of Phantom Demon Fist, you need to stabilize your spirit. Otherwise, sensory interference will not only be effective on the enemy, but also on yourself. Lu Sheng warned.


Isla slowly stood up and looked down at his hands.

Bang! !

He suddenly punched forward, and the swift fist burst the air in an instant.

The air that had no time to be squeezed away was smashed away by the fast fist and huge force, making a dull air explosion sound.

This. This is me??! Isla looked at his hands in shock. That punch just now could actually produce a burst of energy, which is simply unbelievable.

He had only seen such an explosion of huge power in some strong pain-sensing monsters before.

And now, he himself has become one of them.

Don't worry about it. Lu Shenglian stood with his hands on his hands, his strong and tall body casting a faint shadow on Isla.

You should understand from the moment you enter the Ten Hearts Magic Gate. Power is never what we lack. What you need to be wary of is the heart that controls power.

Heart? Isla thought thoughtfully.

Teacher! Someone has something urgent to do with Isla. A guy covered in blood is about to die. He said he must see Isla!

On the edge of the school field, a Phantom Demon Fist disciple shouted quickly and somewhat incoherently.

This phenomenon is almost unimaginable in the Ten Hearts Illusion Demon Sect, especially the current Ten Hearts Illusion Demon Sect.

Cyril's Phantom Demon Fist disciples experienced a lot of brutal fighting during this period. The strong wind and waves have passed, but he is still speechless because of a serious injury.

It seems that you have many secrets. Lu Sheng said calmly. Go ahead and follow your own destiny. If one day, your will is not strong enough to support the path you want to take. Then, I allow you to come back here and hone your will here.

Teacher! Isla lowered his head deeply. His eyes were a little moist.

No one knows what kind of suffering he has been through in the past few years, no one believes in him, and no one really treats him with sincerity. Countless conspiracies, countless expectations, hypocrisy and fraud, trust and even love, all converge on one purpose.

That is to let him continue to move forward along the established path.

And only Lu Sheng, only Cyril, is here. Only then did he experience the warmest and most relaxing time in the past few years.

Go. Meet your guests. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Isla's physical potential made him a little stunned. In just a few minutes, the self-limiting exercise method and the effect of Bahan's flesh increased Isla's strength by nearly three times, and his speed was also slightly improved.

Physical fitness and resistance to toxins have also been improved to an exaggerated level.

Although it is not as comprehensive as his speed, strength and defense, it is still quite astonishing.

I hope you can stick to your heart. He watched Isla leave the school grounds far away, then turned and walked towards the other door.

It's time for him to continue to improve himself. During these days, his body's adaptation to the new realm is almost over.

It's time to take it a step further.

Isla walked into the living room quickly, and when he saw the man for the first time, he was also shocked.

Standing in the living room was a man covered in blood, with several huge wounds on his chest where his internal organs could be seen.

The man had brown hair and a big beard, with a calm expression. He held his left arm in his right hand, and his legs were covered with rotting black meat.

A piece of skull was missing from his forehead, revealing a gray-white brain that was beating continuously underneath.

There were many disciples of Phantom Demon Fist surrounding the living room, and everyone looked at this bearded man with surprise and uncertainty.

Everyone seemed extremely surprised that he was still alive.

Isla, we meet again. The bearded man faced Isla with a calm and sad smile.

You?! Isla recognized the other party's identity at a glance. Had!! How did you do this!!?

He took a few steps forward and was about to help the other person, but the bearded man stretched out his hand to block him.

I can't do it anymore. Isla, I should have died three hours and forty-two minutes ago. But the power of the Circular Heart has allowed me to barely make it this far. Listen, I don't have much time. Jasmine needs you! Big Beard said sternly.

No, I'll go find a doctor right away! Isla hurriedly wanted to turn around and leave, but was also stopped by the bearded man.

Jasmine! She's dying!?

!!? Isla paused. He didn't speak, but his expression became a little sinister.

Moli, even though she lied to you, do you know what kind of price she paid for you to leave safely? In the Blood Castle! the bearded man said sternly.

You need treatment now! Isla broke free from the obstruction of the bearded man and strode towards the door.

Isla. For the sake of us fighting side by side, save her. The bearded man retracted his hand and sighed.

Gradually, fine blood lines began to appear on his body, and a large number of lines spread and cracked on the surface of his skin, like climbing ice flowers or rapidly growing twigs.


With a muffled sound, Big Beard's whole body collapsed completely, turning into large pieces of blood that spattered and flowed on the flat stone floor of the living room.

Soon, this large amount of blood began to evaporate rapidly, turning into red smoke and slowly disappearing.

Isla's body trembled, but he turned around and looked at the fantastic scene in front of him.

Although both the other party and Jasmine had betrayed him, they were once his companions. But in the end, Big Beard's words still made him very concerned.

The Castle of Blood happens to be the location of the vampire that the teacher is also going to. Is it really him? Isla's heart was filled with emotions, but his face remained silent and expressionless.

A Phantom Demon Fist disciple walked into the living room slowly and looked at the clothes left by the bearded man on the ground.

Senior brother, the teacher allows you to move freely. If you need any help, you can go back to Cyril for help.

There was a hint of gratitude in Isla's eyes.

I understand! He walked to the bearded man's clothes, squatted down and picked up the short knife and medicine bottle inside.

I will avenge you, Hud.

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