Extreme Demon

Chapter 1086 Desperate World 2

Xiao En, the food is ready. It must be delicious. Mom has something to do and she has to go out for a while. She will be back soon. Mother's voice came from the entrance. He seemed to be bending down to put on his shoes.

Tang En calmly looked at the untouched dishes in front of him, two dishes and one soup.

Two salads and one broth.

There seemed to be some roots of unknown insects or things in the salad. They were all things he didn't recognize.

The soup contained some kind of pale meat from an unknown animal. It was cut into pieces and kept rolling in the white soup with the boiling heat.

Tang En silently picked up the bowl, scooped himself a bowl of soup, and started eating.

He didn't want to touch those strange-looking cold dishes, and although the broth on the side looked strange, at least it was cooked. Heating it at high temperature could give him a little peace of mind in his tense heart.

He quickly ended his dinner amidst the quiet clinking of bowls and chopsticks.

After eating, he slowly walked to the small balcony, changed into balcony-specific shoes, walked out, and started watering an unknown green plant placed on the balcony.

While watering, he looked out from the height of the balcony and looked out.

His family lives on the fourth floor.

This is an unlucky number, but since the big change six years ago, he will choose the number four no matter what he does.

In Tang En's belief, numbers were never invented by humans, but discovered by humans.

Their eternal existence may represent some kind of wonderful, indescribable influence and power.

While watering, he carefully removed four extremely tiny seeds from the potted plant.

Then he threw it out of the balcony.

He has maintained this habit for several years.

He knew that he was irrational and was simply repeating his belief in the number four. But there was nothing he could do.

He didn't know how long he could hold on to such a life, such horror.

Perhaps it won't be long before I completely become like those people. Tang En said to himself.

He had no one to talk to, no one to communicate with.

Looking out from the balcony, the entire community was empty, with no shadows in sight. It's like a ghost town in a movie.

There was no trace of my mother who had just left the house.

Everything was so weird, but he had already become accustomed to it.

How long can I hold on? he asked himself.

Putting down the kettle, he turned around and saw a person standing in front of the sofa in the living room.

The man was wearing a beige skirt and had his hair tied high in a bun. His back was turned to him, and he remained silent and silent.

He knew that person, it was his mother. It seems to be the mother who has just left home.

But he didn't make any move, he just walked past his mother silently.

There is no communication, only silence.

Walk out of the living room. He looked back as usual. The mother who was standing there just now disappeared without knowing when.

He lowered his head, his bloodshot eyes trembling slightly.

Go to sleep again, everything will be fine after you sleep. He hypnotized himself. Then he walked step by step towards his bedroom.

Before entering the bedroom, you need to pass by the corridor. There is a window on the side of the corridor that can look out to the street outside the community.

There is the fountain pool of the once bustling downtown.

When Tang En passed by, he looked up numbly and looked out the window. The city outside the window is quiet and lifeless, with no one around.

But he still watched carefully. This was a habit he had developed over the years. It was also the expectation and hope deep in his heart.

I have to go for a walk. He said to himself. If this continues, I will go crazy!

He walked into the bedroom, paused for a moment, then quickly sped up his movements, quickly took out his coat from the closet, put the hidden fruit knife into his pocket, and then put on the hood of the coat.

Tang En quickly walked out of the bedroom and when he passed the kitchen from the corridor, he saw his mother again.

She was sitting in the kitchen with her back to him and seemed to be looking at something.

No sound, no movement. Sitting like a sculpture.

Tang En didn't dare to look any further, so he quickly walked to the entrance, opened the door, and put on his shoes.

Behind him, the woman who seemed to be his mother slowly walked out of the kitchen step by step and stood in the living room staring at him quietly.

The other party didn't speak, but Tang En clearly felt that gaze and eyes burning on his back like a substance.

He moved faster, opened the door and walked out.


He closed the door with his backhand and breathed heavily. Looking at the empty stairwell that had accumulated a lot of dust, he felt a little more at peace.

Go to the bookstore! Bookstore! He said to himself in his heart, his heart beating violently. He seemed to have a premonition that something unexpected might happen today.

Entering the elevator, Tang En saw a young girl with long hair and hot pants standing inside.

The girl stood in the corner of the elevator with her back to him, motionless, her hand holding the pink phone hanging down, with subtle screen fluorescence flashing on it.

The hair covered the girl's face, preventing him from seeing any face.

Tang En froze and slowly exited the elevator. He watched the elevator door slowly close and then move down.

Soon, the elevator stopped on the first floor, and then the indicator light suddenly turned red, indicating that it was in maintenance mode and could not be used.

Tang En was silent, turned and walked towards the stairwell, and decided to go downstairs.

You can only go downstairs by stairs.


Suddenly a slight sound came from behind.

Tang En trembled all over.

He felt that the door to his home was slowly opening.

A figure in a beige skirt was standing at the door and slowly stepped out.

He could feel that the person who seemed to be his mother was staring at him with an incomprehensible look.

Staring at his back.

He heard faint footsteps.

'Mother' was walking towards him.

The distance is getting closer, getting closer.

run! !

A sudden thought came to his mind, and Tang En rushed down the stairwell without saying a word.

After running around several stairs and corners in a row, he could use the corner of his eye to see his mother following him leisurely.

She was obviously not fast, but she was always closing the distance with herself.

A feeling of horror that he couldn't describe suddenly came to his heart.

Can't get caught! Can't be touched! !

This idea came to him subconsciously. His body instinctively exploded with maximum strength and rushed towards the first floor.

But what frightened him was that his mother was behind him, getting closer and closer. He could feel her reaching out her hand and slowly grabbing his shoulder.

No matter how crazy he ran, he still couldn't avoid the slowly approaching hand.

He had a feeling that once he was touched by this hand, some extremely terrible consequences would happen!

No! !

no way! !

Tang En sprinted madly. After turning a corner, there is the stair exit on the first floor.

He saw light in his eyes.

But suddenly, he saw a hand from the right side of the exit.

A hand holding a pink mobile phone.

It's the one in the elevator! !

Tang En's newly rising feeling of joy instantly turned into despair. His body, which was sprinting with all its strength, could no longer stop at this time.

Bang! !

He slammed his whole body against the wooden door of the exit. Stumbling out of the exit.

Hey! A strange voice came into his ears.

Are you OK!?

Tang En raised his head, and with his hazy vision he could clearly see a burly young man standing to the side.

And that mobile phone, that pink mobile phone, is being held by this man.

Tang En's heart was high and he was almost on the verge of collapse. It was as if someone had thrown him up with great force and thrown him high into the sky. Then he drew a thrilling parabola and was finally narrowly caught by himself.

This roller coaster-like feeling made him couldn't help but raise his head and stare at the man in front of him carefully.

Are you human??? Tang En finally asked this question. The intense psychological stimulation finally made him unable to bear it. He rolled his eyes and fainted.

Of course I'm human. One hundred percent pure!

Lu Sheng gave a thumbs up, grinning and showing his white teeth.

He supported the haggard-looking young man.

You look bad.


A slight breeze blew from the stairwell, a bit cold.

Lu Sheng couldn't help but glance towards the stairs, but saw nothing.

This world is very strange.

When he found this world, there was only a very small hole at the entrance.

There was a trace of strange and desperate atmosphere in the small hole.

Lu Sheng couldn't explain why the breath could give people a specific feeling, but when he saw the small hole, the first thing he thought of was weirdness and despair.

An inexplicable impulse made him immediately choose to enter this world to investigate.

Anyway, that part of the world has to be investigated one by one.

There are three high-energy worlds in total, all of which are the areas where the fuzzy coordinates transmitted to him by Bansai are located.

According to what Ban Sai said, Mi Guangying and the rest of the Lu family may stay or leave clues in these three high-energy worlds.

However, just after he entered this world and got up from the ground, before he could figure out the specific identity of this body, he heard movement in the stairwell.

Then he saw a boy who was only seventeen or eighteen years old rushing out with a look of despair.

As for the mobile phone, it was just something he picked up from the elevator entrance.

This world. Holding the boy with one hand, Lu Sheng quickly sorted out the information in his mind.

Suddenly even he couldn't help but frown slightly.

It's strange here.

Compared with the previous world, the situation here is slightly different. Instead, countless rules are mixed together, and the density is as high as a ball of high-density thread that has been kneaded into a ball.

Moreover, the rules here do not exist in any form of energy.

There is also great oppression.

Lu Sheng could feel Wang Mu's body merging into the main body and turning into a base-point-like existence, hidden deep in the heart of this young body.

This body, which is completely of ordinary people's quality, is his barrier and cover in this world.

Lu Sheng was able to confirm that he could unleash all his physical strength anytime and anywhere, but an inexplicable sense of threat and terror vaguely reminded him that once he did so, it might bring extremely fatal dangers.


It's like deliberately luring outsiders in.

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