Extreme Demon

Chapter 1085 Desperate World 1

Months of continuous observation and preparation.

Lu Sheng, together with the Amfretty father and daughter, once again took advantage of the empire to clean up the mess on the prison star and raided the imperial army.

This time his army of exterminators played a key role.

Dean, Hill, Balian, and the two generals who came to support were led by wrong intelligence and mistakenly divided their forces in several places. They were defeated by Lu Sheng and Amphrey.

Hill and Balian were seriously injured at the same time, and Dean was injured again and fell unconscious, and was sent back to the Imperial Central Medical Hospital.

The temporary friction between Blue Starlight and the Empire finally came to a halt.

Next is the confrontation between the Dragon Emperor and Kaphiredir.

Lu Sheng couldn't help in this regard. The only thing he could do was to work with Anfreidi to bring some of the powerful people that Blue Starlight could control, directly break away from the existing Blue Starlight, and be alone in another place. In the independent galaxy, a temporary organization was temporarily formed.

At this point, the whole situation has settled down. Lu Sheng also started his next plan.

Are you ready? Lu Sheng stood in the huge oval metal formation.

Intangible mental energy was like a tide, spreading outwards from his body. Provide huge power to the entire formation.

Ready, you can go at any time. But with all due respect, such a formation may have a way to get you to where you want to be, but what follows after that, we have no response to.

Even though he was controlled by the genocide, the third scientific research consultant of Blue Starlight's research department still expressed his opinions to Lu Sheng with a hint of worry and concern.

It doesn't matter, I have other preparations. Lu Sheng was dressed in black armor. The huge and heavy armor was like a personal mecha, covering his whole body tightly.

The situation in this world is temporarily stable. Now that Lu Ning has been found, he needs to find other relatives as soon as possible.

The contradiction between nothingness and existence is growing. Lu Sheng thought of the world of demons and the world at this time.

He could feel that nothingness was like cold, slippery slender things, slowly climbing up from his feet.

They seek to completely submerge every life.

So, he felt like he didn't have much time.

In the void there are void creatures that he has encountered before, and there are also powerful beings who seem to have individual intelligence and call themselves kings of the realm.

There are also many special forms that are completely unthinkable and unimaginable.

The power of nothingness is to make all order disappear.

Let's get started Lu Sheng came back to his senses, whether it was a void creature, a realm king, or an existence outside the Mother River. Their essence is actually not nothingness.

They are merely servants spawned from nothingness.

These existences can be created simply because destruction is the prerequisite for nothingness.

He suddenly realized this.

Well, good luck to you. That's the only prayer I can say for you.

The third seat who presided over the arrival of the formation said slowly and in a low voice.

Don't worry, I'll be back soon. Lu Sheng said with a smile.

His steely and strong body gradually faded, became transparent and disappeared in the armor.

Silent, as if he never existed in the armor in the first place.

The third seat looked worriedly at Lu Sheng who was slowly disappearing. Until there was only this huge set of armor left in the center of the formation.

Then, I can only wish you the best.



Lu Sheng slowly swam in the mother river.

The colorful river water flowed slowly beside him, containing some small debris whose outlines were unclear.

He raised his head and looked up from the water, and could see tiny floating objects on the river.

It was a sight he had never seen before.

There are actually floating objects in the mother river? Lu Sheng stretched out his hand, trying to catch these small things.

But even with his current level of strength, he cannot easily grab these things at once.


Strings of bubbles emerged from his mouth and nose and drifted toward the river.

Through the colorful river water, Lu Sheng could vaguely see the seemingly solid inner walls around the mother river. It seemed that there were huge dark shadows slowly sliding past. They seemed to be parasitic on the outside of these inner walls, like tree vines and tree pythons, constantly moving. Waiting carefully and observing.

I didn't notice these before, but now I've discovered them. It's really amazing. Maybe these are the existences beyond the Mother River mentioned by the so-called King of Kai.

Lu Sheng carefully looked at the shadow coming from outside the inner wall.

Perhaps to his perception, these shadows are in this form, but to other people's perception, this kind of thing may be something more terrifying.

He stopped thinking about this and found his relatives first.

He is not the kind of guy who is willing to sacrifice himself for a great cause. He is not noble or depraved. He just wants to find his relatives as much as possible.

Lu Sheng's relatives, as well as his relatives from the past on Earth.

Think about it this way, after hanging around for so long, I'm just moving forward passively.

Lu Sheng exhaled and watched as his breath turned into bubbles, floating straight up in the water.

He jumped forward and continued swimming.


A subtle black line slowly emerged above his head.

‘Boss? Boss? Can you hear it? ’ Ban Sai’s voice came from the black line and entered Lu Sheng’s ears.

Yes. Lu Sheng replied, I'm swimming right now. If anything happens, hurry up.

Have you found Lu Ning? Ban Sai asked.

Found him, but we can't bring him back for the time being. He needs to be strengthened for a while. Lu Sheng replied.

As for the rest, I have some clues about Mi Guangying and other people in the Lu family. Ban Sai said quickly.

Huh? Tell me. Lu Sheng's expression changed slightly, and he could vaguely hear a bad feeling in this kid's tone.

Ban Sai hesitated for a moment, but still started in a slow and sure tone.

I have calculated it thousands of times, and there is no doubt about the authenticity of this clue. However, if there was no other way, I would not have originally planned to pass it on to you.

It doesn't matter, just pass it over. Lu Sheng said calmly. With his current power, strength, and realm, he didn't need to worry too much or be taboo about anything.

I hope you will be careful. The voice slowly became quiet.

After a while, Lu Sheng felt pieces of information, pictures, sounds, and words quickly pouring into his mind from the black line.

He quickly let go of his self-protection mechanism and felt the continuous infusion of these memories.

But the key point of this information was not as simple as he initially thought.

Lu Sheng's swimming speed slowly slowed down. He carefully analyzed the information in his mind and tried to connect it with his previous experiences.

But it's a pity.

He has never been to the location shown in the information.

There must be an unknown traction, Bansai said with 100% certainty. Most of the measured worlds are very troublesome super-energy worlds. No matter how much energy we invest in these powerful worlds, it is difficult to analyze them.

It is impossible for your relatives to enter such a world just by relying on the power of the space-time vortex. Ban Sai said seriously.

Lu Sheng was silent for a moment.

You should investigate as soon as possible to find out what caused this result. Also, what's the situation over there?

Bansai knew what he meant by asking.

The Star Alliance and the Ancient Beasts have completely ceased war, and they have secretly formed an alliance. It is difficult for me to understand that two forces with such hatred would unite together for some reason.

In my opinion, this combination must be caused by greater external forces. I'm investigating quickly through the channels now.

As soon as possible, focus on the Root of Nothingness. I have a bad feeling. Lu Sheng paused. And I'll give you a coordinate. Get in touch with that place as soon as possible. He quickly sent the coordinates of the world where Jiu Ming Tang was located.

If a strong man from the super world comes to a lower world, his strength may not be greatly amplified, but it will never be greatly reduced.

After all, not all worlds have mechanisms to weaken energy. At most, it will be unable to be fully utilized due to incomplete rules.

Understood! When Ban Sai heard this, he knew that it was the boss who was setting up a huge force in a certain world.

He has interacted with many such powers, but because they all have something in common, they easily blend into each other when they come into contact.

The Weird Research Institute will float among these forces, being both independent and connected to all forces like an octopus.

I will now pass on the specific calculation direction to you. The location is a bit far away, and you may encounter more obstacles when entering. It is very likely to affect the signal connection. Then it will be all up to you. Ban Sai explained in advance.

Okay. Let's get started. Lu Sheng looked calm. Up to now, he had seen how much of the world he had seen.

Is there anything else worthy of moving him?




Tang En slowly woke up from his sleep.

The light yellow wooden door and dark red floor were dyed with a quiet and quiet luster in the sunset.

He rubbed his head, which was aching from sleep, sat up straight, and looked around.

He was still wearing a neat gray suit and white shirt, and his gray trousers were slightly wrinkled from sleeping.

At hand is a knot-like amulet, which is Ayun's birthday gift to him.

There is a faint aroma of broth floating in the air.

Tang En stood up and moved his right hand, which was numb due to long pressure.


He pushed the wooden door open, walked out with bare feet, and walked straight forward along the wooden corridor step by step along the lines of the floor.

Soon he reached the end of the corridor and stood at the kitchen door on the right side of the end.

Looking at my mother who is cooking inside.

Are you hungry? You'll be fine soon. His mother's back was turned to him, and her gentle voice came out, accompanied by the sound of bubbles in the soup. There was also the sound of chopping vegetables.

Several sounds are mixed together, giving people a sense of rhythmic silence.

Tang En had no expression on his face and quietly turned around and left the kitchen.

He followed the door opposite the kitchen and entered the living room. Take out a can of carbonated drink from the refrigerator, open it gently, then sit on the sofa and wait quietly.

As he drank the drink, he felt sleepy again without realizing it. He simply closed his eyes again and rested his mind.

Vaguely, Tang En felt someone entering the living room. The person seemed to be standing at the door and looking at him quietly.

No words said, no movement.

This made him feel a little nervous.

He quickly opened his eyes and saw two dishes and one soup on the coffee table in front of him.

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