Extreme Demon

Chapter 1079 Meeting 1

Lu Jing stood quietly in the middle of the road.

elder brother

There was a hint of worry in Zhou Xun's original panic expression.

She sensed that something was happening rapidly that she couldn't understand at all. And she couldn't understand it at all.

Hiss. A subtle whirlwind slowly blew into the field, spinning around Lu Ning.

The person who reached out to grab him suddenly trembled, and had a bad feeling in his heart, so he didn't dare to move again.

This guy!! Gu Heng also felt something was wrong and motioned to a subordinate next to him. The man quickly pulled out the pistol from his waist, raised it and aimed it at Lu Ning.

The muzzle of the gun was pointed directly at the past. Lu Ning also saw this scene, but he just glanced at it lightly and stopped paying attention. That look was like looking at the wild flowers and weeds on the roadside. There was no hatred or pity, just neglect. .

What's going on? Taking advantage of the gap, Liu Chenyun was quietly lifted up by Liu Ye who was on the ground.

Liu Chenyun held his sister's hand tightly and looked in the direction of Lu Ning. He vaguely felt that something extremely important was about to happen.

Obviously no matter how you look at Lu Ning, he is just an ordinary person with ordinary qualifications. what happened! ?

Liu Chenyun unconsciously held on to his sister and watched this scene nervously.

Liu Ye also held her brother's hand nervously, breathing slightly faster.

That guy who is pretending to be a ghost! Kill him!! Gu Heng felt something was wrong and shouted loudly.

Several of his men quickly pulled out their guns and aimed at Lu Ning.


A dark figure suddenly appeared beside Lu Ning. The figure's face was shrouded in the shadow of the hood, and only a little bit of the pale chin could be seen.

My lord will arrive here soon. If I see you

I need time. Lu Ning growled.

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

The Gu family's men finally couldn't bear the pressure, and there was a lot of gunfire.

Dozens of bullets densely marked out clear trajectories, flying straight towards Lu Ning. Every bullet here is the most advanced electromagnetic energy mixed with chemical energy, and is fired from a hybrid kinetic energy gun with superimposed bursts. It is much more powerful than ordinary police pistols.

Pathetic mortals.

The dark shadow's cloak unfolded, and the black cloak instantly turned into a ball of black, attracting all the bullets in an instant and forming a ball.

Fuck! Telepathy Master! Run!! Gu Heng's eyes widened when he saw this scene. His first reaction was not to be angry, but to run away!

He completely ignored the rest of his men who were still there, turned around and ran onto the aircraft.

He has been causing trouble for so many years, but he is still alive and well, not only because of his family background, but also because of his courage and decision-making at critical moments!

Bang bang bang bang! ! !

At this moment, the cloak suddenly spread out. The black ball above instantly shot out several black threads, which instantly penetrated all the aircraft present.

boom! !

The aircraft exploded continuously with extremely short intervals, and the sounds exploded almost simultaneously.

But the strange thing is that all the explosion fire fragments fly in the opposite direction of everyone.

It's like there is some special powerful force here, suppressing the direction of the explosion.

Answer me as soon as possible.

Leaving behind the last words, the man blurred for a moment and disappeared from where he was.

Lu Ning looked up suddenly, but could no longer see anyone.

The black cloak is gone. Just as he came, he disappeared without a trace.

He gritted his teeth and took out his mobile phone again, and the content of the text messages displayed on it was still vivid in his mind.

Why. If my father were really you, he would never force me to make such a choice. Lu Ning slowly held the phone.


Only then did Zhou Xun and Liu Ye's frightened screams sound.

Liu Chenyun reluctantly got up and looked around. The Gu family's men were penetrated by black threads the moment the man in black made a move, and they were too dead to die.

Even a member of a big family like him has never seen such a cruel and terrifying scene.

Such cruel scenes can only occur on the bloodiest battlefields.

The fire caused by the explosion burned not far away. After the man in black left, the scorching temperature suddenly hit him.

Liu Chenyun wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth with difficulty. He didn't expect Gu Heng from the Gu family to be so crazy that he would send people over to arrest them without caring about their identities.

Originally, if he had escaped safely from this matter, he would definitely have dealt a serious blow to Gu's family when he returned.

but now.

Liu Chenyun looked at the bloody corpses on the ground around him, and his body trembled instinctively.

It was not that he had never seen dead people before, but he had never seen so many dead people before.

Raising his head, Liu Chenyun's eyes fell on Zhou Ning not far away.

All this was because the Gu family provoked him.

His mind was in chaos for a while, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Lu Ning raised his head and glanced at Liu Chenyun with bloodshot eyes. Then he turned to look at Liu Ye, who was so frightened that he fainted, and Zhou Huan, who was trembling and unable to move.

Go back first. He said sadly. I will give you a good explanation when I get back.

In the Zhou family's living room.

Father Zhou went out for a wander again, and when Lu Ning and the other two came back, there was no one at home.

Without saying a word, Zhou Xun pulled Liu Ye to find a sofa and sit down. The two huddled together to keep each other warm.

Liu Chenyun found a single sofa and sat down alone, his brows furrowed. He could tell that the man came to see Zhou Ning, this was obvious.

But, if it is a good thing, then why is Zhou Ning always so hesitant? In other words, I guess this might be a bad thing.

But if it was a bad thing, why would the other party save them?

And, on the other hand, Liu Chenyun was already prepared to be questioned by the Gu family later.

Gu Heng is dead. Although he can only be considered as the successor candidate at the bottom of the Gu family's ranking, after all, he is the young master of the Gu family.

His life or death is related to the face of the Gu family. Then we have to consider how to deal with the aftermath.

For a while, several people were quiet, no one spoke, and the atmosphere in the house became more solemn.

Lu Ning was sitting on the sofa, playing with an ashtray in his hand. He felt that the atmosphere in the room was frighteningly silent.

Zhou Xun hugged Liu Ye gently and kept saying comforting words, but these words were not comforting herself.

Explain it, Brother Ning. Liu Chenyun said.

The ashtray in Lu Ning's hand suddenly stopped.

He straightened up and opened his mouth, but he didn't know where to start.

Tell me, what happened today? Liu Chenyun prompted.

Lu Ning was silent for a while. I carefully sorted out my thoughts.

Finally he spoke.

Someone is coming. Come to me. Lu Ning whispered with a calm face.

Suddenly, the eyes of Zhou Xun, Liu Chenyun, and Liu Ye were all focused on him.

Who?? Who did you provoke?

I simply can't imagine how many people would have to be killed by a telekinesis master with that kind of method to be as careless as that person...

Liu Chenyun took a deep breath and tried his best to suppress his voice from trembling.

He kept thinking on the way back, but no matter the telekinesis masters in his family or all the people he had seen in the outside world, they were far from the terrifying and cruel temperament of the man in black.

Lu Ning lowered his head and was silent for a moment.

It's my father. He came to see me.

Your father? ?

For a while, no one's thoughts changed.

Liu Chenyun and Zhou Yu were startled at the same time.

Isn’t Zhou Ning’s father Zhou’s father? ? Suddenly Zhou Xun thought of an incredible fact.

You are right, the person who came to see me is my real biological father. Lu Ning nodded.

Brother Zhou Yan suddenly opened his eyes wide, remembering that when he was a child, Zhou Ning would always say random things that seemed to be out of place. Now it seems.

Several people were silent for a while, digesting the sudden and heavy news.

A long time passed.

Then you now... Liu Chenyun couldn't figure it out. Isn't this a good thing? Shouldn't we be grateful and happy to have such a powerful biological father?

Lu Ning smiled bitterly.

You won't understand my biological father. He never allows others to disobey his words. He is too strong.

Brother Ning, what do you think? After calming down, Liu Chenyun finally showed the calmness of a young man from a big family and said quickly.

If you really want to recognize each other, then this is actually a good thing, and there is no conflict between Zhou Xun and your father, right?

Hearing this, Lu Ning fell silent.

Although Brother Ning, your biological father may be a very vicious person, he saved us after all. I don't think he is a bad person! Maybe you can try to get in touch with him. Liu Chenyun continued.

Zhou Huan, who was on the side, still had a shocked and complicated expression, and he had not yet recovered from the fact that Lu Ning was not his biological brother.

But he killed so many people...! Liu Ye hugged her knees and trembled.

These words immediately made Liu Chenyun frown.

In the Motu Empire, if you kill so many people, you will almost certainly be punished by law. The difference lies in the severity.

Don't worry, the police are meaningless to my dad. Lu Ning said with a bitter smile.

The police are only maintaining basic security. What I'm worried about are the city's emergency special forces, as well as the support of the nearby garrison, plus the several standing Neneng masters stationed there, Liu Chenyun quickly explained.

It's useless. Lu Ning shook his head slightly. They can't stop my dad.

Behind the garrison, there is an imperial power inspection agency. It is not an ordinary military organization! Liu Chenyun explained.

You don't understand my father's power Lu Ning smiled bitterly.

Liu Chenyun frowned, he didn't believe what Zhou Ning said. After all, people often conceptualize the impressions in their minds.

Regardless of this, the key now is Brother Ning's thoughts.

It might be a good thing to get to know your father. But I think your biological father is probably not an ordinary person of ordinary nature. If you still want to live a peaceful and stable life, you'd better think about it carefully.

His meaning is actually very obvious. Lu Ning's biological father is most likely a special organization with a very bad nature. If he recognizes him, he will probably be implicated by it.

If you don't want to, Brother Ning, I can help you contact the Planet United Front Work Department.

It's useless, you don't understand. People who have never met my father will not understand his power. Lu Ning shook his head and said helplessly.

No matter what, he saved us. Zhou Xun, who had been in a state of confusion, finally calmed down and squeezed out a sentence.

No matter what the purpose was, Brother Ning's biological father and the unknown uncle were the ones who saved us.

As soon as she said these words, Liu Chenyun suddenly stopped talking. Indeed, no matter how you look at it, Brother Zhou Ning's biological father should be on their side.

Indeed. Then, we can only hope that Brother Ning can recognize him smoothly. Liu Chenyun said slowly.

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