Extreme Demon

Chapter 1078 Background 4

The moment Lu Ning saw that line of text, his pupils suddenly shrank. His whole body trembled slightly.

He stared at the phone for a long time, seemingly completely distracted.

elder brother?

elder brother??

Zhou Juan kept calling him but there was no response.

She came over and took a look at Lu Ning's phone. It was blank with nothing on it. Just a blank email sent in error.

Brother, what's wrong with you? She reached out and pushed Lu Ning.

It's nothing. Lu Ning finally came back to his senses and smiled reluctantly.

You don't look good? Zhou Xun asked worriedly, feeling that something had happened to his brother.

I just suddenly thought of something from the past. Lu Ning put away his phone. From his sister's behavior just now, he already knew that maybe only he could see this email.

Let's go out to play tomorrow, do you want to go? Let's go together and just stay with me, okay? Zhou Xun said a little coquettishly.

Lu Ning no longer wanted to go. But he didn't know what suddenly occurred to him. After being teased hard by Zhou Xun, he finally agreed and wanted to go out to play together.

It's just that compared to the absent-mindedness before, he seems to be much more serious now, as if he is hesitating and thinking about something difficult to decide.

Zhou Juan felt a little strange, but he didn't take it to heart. My brother has had the habit of showing off since he was a child, and would often say something inexplicably that others couldn't understand at all.

Why do I have a noble status and extraordinary talents? I am just a master. She has long been used to all kinds of blowing things.

Lu Ning took the mobile phone and quickly replied a few words, and the other party quickly responded again. But the content in it made him look even more ugly. It also seems to conjure up some bad possibilities.


Unconsciously, his free hand was clenched so tightly that his nails almost dug into his flesh.

Dad! Zhou Xun's delicate cry brought him out of his daze.

Lu Ning quickly stood up to greet him and looked at his adoptive father Zhou, who had just returned home from get off work.

Are you having fun these days? Your friend named Liu, I seem to be a pretty decent person. If Zhou Xun is willing, he can have some contact with him. But he must always pay attention to protecting himself.

Dad Zhou has always been a relatively open-minded personality.

Is he the one who thinks beautifully? Zhou Xun said arrogantly, I'm still young and I don't want to consider personal issues!

If you have good resources, you can reserve them first. Otherwise, if you want to look for them later, it won't be so easy to come across such a good spare tire, right?

Oh dad, what are you talking about? I don't want to cause these troubles so early.

The two father and daughter were chatting happily.

Lu Ning sat aside, calm on the surface, but his mind was flying to nowhere.

Until the next morning, when the two Liu Chenyun brothers were about to visit, Lu Ning was still in a dazed state.

Zhou Huan vaguely realized something was wrong. After breakfast, he opened the door and walked into his brother's bedroom.

Brother, are you okay?

Lu Ning was sitting on the bed with her back to him, holding a mobile phone in her hand. The light on the screen made his upper body pale.

The curtains in the bedroom were drawn tightly, not letting in any light from the outside. It seems dark and quiet.

It's okay. It's just that some things should come, and they will come. He murmured in a low voice.

Recalling the content of that text message, his heart felt like a knife stabbing him, making it difficult for him to make a decision.

Last night, he had used his own method to completely confirm the authenticity of the text message.

Then, it's really his turn to choose.

Zhou Xun. He suddenly called out in a low voice.

Huh? Zhou Huan looked at his brother in confusion, feeling that something was wrong with him today.

Do you love brother? Lu Ning suddenly asked.

Of course. What's wrong, brother? Who bullied you? I'll help you beat him up! Zhou Xuan has been in charge since he was in the third grade. Protecting his brother is a common thing.

It's okay. Lu Ning was silent for a moment. only.

He didn't say anything after all, but fell silent again.

Have you found anyone? Lu Sheng looked across the fence at the rushing river in the distance. The setting sun shone on the water like the most beautiful ruby ​​​​fragments.

Yes, we have started preliminary contact with the other party according to your wishes. A local cadre with Blue Starlight next to him replied in a low voice.

Although the power of Blue Starlight in the central star region of the empire is not strong, or even a little weak, that is only compared to other huge forces.

The blue starlight is weak, no matter how weak it is, it is not something that ordinary people can imagine.

The organizational power of the planet here is managed by a cadre named Fu Pola.

Fupolla is affiliated with another Cross Councilor. After the congressman learned that Lu Sheng had arrived in this galaxy, he generously allocated a lot of power to Lu Sheng as a temporary subordinate.

This was the way to treat guests. Lu Sheng appreciated it and sent the other party a letter of thanks.

Then he concentrated on sending people to find Lu Ning's specific whereabouts on this planet.

The coordinates are locked on a planet, and the natural range is much smaller. Plus the clue information found by the game company.

Soon, a young man named Zhou Ning came into Lu Sheng's field of vision.

It's just Zhou Ning's situation that makes him feel a little complicated.

What was his reaction? Lu Sheng asked again.

Very hesitant.

The subordinate's answer made Lu Sheng narrow his eyes slightly.


He said no more.

After waiting for a long time, Lu Sheng slowly issued an order like a whisper, which made his subordinates slightly stunned.

Go ahead. Let him decide everything by himself. Lu Sheng finally decided.

I understand, the cadre beside him slowly stepped back, silently got into the car and left quickly.



The road passed slowly back.

Zhou Huan, what do you want to do when you grow up? Really become a civil servant in the civil service? Lu Ning asked casually, seemingly seriously.

Maybe. Zhou Xun thought for a while and replied. She and Liu Ye were each holding a milk popsicle, slowly sticking out their tongues to suck on it. I almost finished eating, still holding the stick and sucking slowly.

What about you? Little Coconut? What kind of life do you want to live? Lu Ning suddenly turned his gaze and asked Liu Ye standing aside.

Liu Ye snorted coldly and looked away.

I just want to be with my family. Do you still need to answer this kind of question? When she thought about being touched by this person on her butt before, her face suddenly turned red and her cheeks felt a little hot.

Why did Brother Ning suddenly ask about this?? Liu Chenyun, who was driving beside him, looked at Lu Ning in surprise.

It's just some feelings. Lu Ning said lightly, Sometimes, the more you have, the happier you are. Are you right?

Liu Chenyun was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

What about you, Brother Ning? What are your thoughts in the future?

Lu Ning was sluggish, focusing on the scenery passing by at high speed outside the car. I was confused for a while.

Make money. The more money you have, the happier you will be. You can buy a lot of delicious, fun and delicious food. Liu Ye suggested.

If you don't want to do business, you can also become a civil servant? Stability also brings social status. Liu Chenyun suggested.

But when he saw that Lu Ning's expression didn't waver at all, he felt a little weird.

Money is meaningless to me. Lu Ning said lightly, I

Zhi! ! !

Suddenly the car suddenly braked.

The four people rushed forward at the same time, and the airbag quickly deployed, firmly blocking their foreheads to prevent them from hitting hard objects in the car.

On the road ahead, four small black aircraft parked at some point.

People were coming down one after another from above.

One of them was the handsome man Lu Ning had met in the coffee shop before.

The man held a cigarette in his hand and looked at Lu Ning indifferently. Then his eyes quickly moved from Lu Ning to Liu Chenyun's brother and sister.

I hope I didn't scare you. The Zhou family will stay, and you two can leave.

Liu Chenyun's face was ashen, and he could tell the identities of the people in front of him almost at a glance.

Gu Quandong! Are you crazy!!? I'm right here, come and touch me if you can?!

The man put out the cigarette butt with his fingers and pointed at Zhou Juan.

The eldest young master wants her. It's none of your business.

Ask Gu Heng to come over and talk to me! Liu Chenyun pushed open the car door and said angrily.

Last time, this woman slapped the eldest young master. This account needs to be settled. The man said calmly.

Zhou Xun's face turned pale. She already knew who sent these people.


Soon another aircraft landed slowly, the hatch opened, and a handsome man with blond hair and a slightly evil look in his eyebrows stepped out.

But there was something wrong with the way the man looked at Zhou Xun and Liu Ye, with a hint of lust and greed.

What's wrong? Liu Chenyun, if you don't want to leave, you can ask your sister to stay and play with me. The man smiled and slowly approached Liu Chenyun.

Gu Heng!! You are crazy! Liu Chenyun shouted sharply, Do you know what you are doing now??

Of course I know. The Liu family is indeed pretty good. It has some momentum. It's a bit troublesome to deal with. Then what? Gu Heng licked his lips.


He stepped closer and quickly punched Liu Chenyun in the abdomen with his right arm.

Liu Chenyun groaned, bowed his waist and took a few steps back, then started to retching and coughing.

inside the car.

Lu Ning was silent, his eyes still seemed to be distracted.

Zhou Huan looked pale on the side. She had never seen such a battle before.

Liu Chenyun was still being beaten. Liu Ye went up to help, but was blocked several times and was so frightened that he burst into tears.

Zhou Juan was shocked and frightened. He pulled Lu Ning and tried to get out of the car, but Lu Ning couldn't move at all. She took out her cell phone to make a call, but there was no signal at all.

Brother!! Zhou Xun's cry rang in Lu Ning's ears.

But he no longer had the mind to think about this at this time.


Suddenly he opened the car door and slowly got out of the car.

The Gu family's men surrounding him had been focusing on Liu Chenyun and the two girls. Didn't pay any attention to him.

It was just his sudden action of getting out of the car that immediately aroused the vigilance of several people around him.

Get back in the car!! A subordinate stepped forward and reached out to grab Lu Ning's clothes.

Giving up is courage.

Suddenly, a low and powerful voice continued to stir on this small road.

But I don't want to give up. Lu Ning lowered his head, his hair covering his eyes.

My Lord will not allow you to make such a choice. The voice replied.

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